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Notan Rappa (*Sigh*)

Member #106570 created: 2005-01-04 20:59:12Simple URL:   

Name: William Readman

Photo missing.


I am the creator (and proud member) of Amen the Hellsing fan club wiki

Elftown titles and orders
Street childAdventurer


I am now a member of Hellsing Fan Club

Yeah, I want to put up a picture of me, but it's gonna take awhile. *tear*

This Part is under construction.

Yeah. I'm redoing it. Like it or...something.

O.k. Notan Rappa (Abandon Abyss) is a demon reciently returned to this world from the Abyss, a dark world of dark purple flames that burn into a person's very soul.

I'm completely normal guy (except for the fact that I'm a little weird, but that is also completely normal). I'm a guy in high school, trying to find a girl who won't CHEAT on me! (Sorry, ranting). I procrastinate on my school work and get ok grades anyway (parents are going to make me quit my job if I don't get my grades up, and if I lose my job I can't buy Hellsing). I don't use my locker, and I used to like math until I took pre-calc. Pre-calc sucks.

Name: William / Will / Bill / Bilyum / Sir Bilyum / Sir Bilyum the Infaliable
Hair color: Dirty Blonde
Eye color: Blue or Green (depending on the light)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Languages: I speak English, and am in my third year of Spanish
Music: I'll listen to pretty much anything. I love music.

Wanna learn more, the stuffs at *~The Abyss~*
I'm still working on it, but it's not empty anymore!

Gender: male

Fantasy race personality: Dwarf
Elftownworldmap 37°13.812'N 99°22.530'W

Place of living: USA-Iowa

Town: Iowa City

Known languages

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests

alternativeclassicalfolk music
new agepunkrock

Other interests
animebookschasing the preferred sex
fantasyrole playingscifi

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: very thin

Height: 157

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