首页>访谈>2012 Tilo wolff METALKAOZ专访

◆ Tilo Wolff Metalkaoz专访
版权归属: ©metalkaoz
原采访地址: Tilo Wolff专访
采访者: Dimitris
发表时间: 2012年11月10日
Translation 翻译 by Lü Sha
初次发布: Lacrimosa豆瓣小组

There seems to be a special relation between LACRIMOSA and metalheads so in the context of the release of "Revolution"where Mille Petrozza (KREATOR) and Stefan Schwarzmann (ACCEPT) appear as guests METAL KAOZ submitted a series of questions to the band's mastermind Tilo Wolff and received the following answers. Check 'em out!
前言:LACRIMOSA和金属党之间似乎有种微妙关系,"Revolution"专辑邀请了Kreator的Mille Petrozza和ACCEPT的Stefan Schwarzmann参与。METAL KAOZ向乐队主脑Tilo Wolff进行了如下采访。lacrimosa

Dimitris: Hi Tilo and thank you for taking some time to answer to METAL KAOZ questions. I'd like to congratulate you for
"Revolution" that I think was released in autumn, a most fitting season for LACRIMOSA. I was wondering: did you choose to release the new album this season on purpose or just happened?
Dimitris: Hi Tilo,感谢你抽空接受Metal Kaoz的采访。首先我想祝贺你秋季发行的新专辑"Revolution",这个季节非常适合LACRIMOSA。我想,你是专门选的这个季节发行专辑还是只是巧合?

Tilo Wolff: You are right, autumn is also my preferred season for the release of a LACRIMOSA album; in fact LACRIMOSA was born in autumn - I wrote my first song for it in November 1990! So if it is possible I try to release my albums in autumn.
Tilo Wolff:你说的不错,秋季是我认为最合适发行LACRIMOSA专辑的季节;事实上LACRIMOSA诞生于秋季-我在1990年11月创作了第一首歌!因此之后我每次都试着在秋季发行专辑。

Dimitris: So, how long did it take you to create "Revolution"? Is there a concept or main theme behind the album?
Dimitris: 你创作"Revolution"用了多长时间?专辑背后是否有某种概念或者主题?

Tilo Wolff: You know I always write music and lyrics just how I feel to do it and not with the focus on any forthcoming album. Then after some time when I feel that I've been expressing what was on my mind, I look at the songs and bind them together for an album and mostly together they tell a story - together they follow a concept which is not implied deliberately but is aconsequence from the fact that the songs were written in one period of time and therefore were born in one state of mind. Now the first song that I wrote in this period of time and that appears on "Revolution" is "This Is The Night" which I wrote back in 2009 in Bejing when we were still touring with the previous album "Sehnsucht".
Tilo Wolff: 你知道,我创作音乐和歌词通常是随心所欲,很少专注于下张专辑什么时候出。过了一段
时间,当我感觉到充分表达了自己所想,那么我就看看这些歌,把它们结合起来做成一张专辑,通常它们会讲述一个故事-所有的歌曲的概念都是统一的,这并非刻意为之,而是因为所有这些歌创作于同一个时间段,因此它们都来自我同一阶段的思维。我为"Revolution"所创作的第一首歌 "This is the Night"是早在2009年,当我们还在北京进行"Sehnsucht"巡演时创作的。

Dimitris: What about the album's cover artwork; who is the artist and what was your input in its making?
Dimitris: 那么封面作品呢;作者是谁,你对封面创作过程有何影响?

Tilo Wolff: Always after binding the album together, I try to visualize the music and make a sketch from it. This one I hand over to Stelios Diamantopoulos who is a great artist from Greece living in Switzerland and he makes the final drawing. We work like this since over 20 years now!
Tilo Wolff: 封面总是与专辑息息相关,我试着把音乐视觉化,并且画出一些草图。这张专辑中我把图交给Stelio Diamantopoulos处理,他是个了不起的艺术家,出生于希腊,现住在瑞士,他创作了最终的作品。我们一起这样合作已经超过20年!

Dimitris: You had Mille and Stefan as guests in "Revolution"; first of all, how did you work with the two of them, and second did they record all the guitars and drums, respectively for the entire album?
Dimitris: 你邀请了Mille和Stefan作为"Revolution"的客座乐手,首先,你是怎么跟他们两人合作的,其次,

Tilo Wolff: It was pretty funny how this started. Mille was visiting me at my house and I played him the song "Revolution". And right after the song ended, he asked me if this would be the final version or if I would like him to play the guitars once more. Of course we gave it a try and the result was just brilliant, so I asked Mille if he'd like to play also some other songs as well which he fortunately did. After this I remembered that two years ago on a festival in Poland I met Stefan Schwarzmann and we agreed that time to do something together one day. So I called him up and right away he was into it and we had a great time recording those songs!
Tilo Wolff: 开头很有趣。Mille来我家拜访,我为他演奏了"Revolution"这首歌。歌刚一结束,他就问这是
否是最终版本,问我是否愿意让他再参与演奏吉他部分。当然我们试了试,结果太棒了,因此我问Mille是否愿意也参与演奏其他几首歌,很幸运他答应了。在这之后我记起2年前我在波兰一个音乐节上遇到Stefan Schwarzmann,我们当时商量说某天一起创作。因此我给他打电话,他马上就很感兴趣,然后我们在一起非常愉快地进行录音!

Dimitris: I think that the use of 'live' guitars gave the album a heavier sound; so, was this in your intentions when you asked Mille to participate in the new album?
Dimitris: 我想"现场"吉他的使用让这张专辑听起来很重,那么,当你让Mille参与时,有这么打算吗?

Tilo Wolff: Well, we always record our albums with 'live' guitars but the straightness of Mille's way to play fits just perfectly into this album!
Tilo Wolff: 我们之前也经常用现场吉他录制专辑,但Mille直爽的演奏风格与这张专辑非常贴切!

Dimitris: Will you make a video clip for a song from "Revolution"? Are there any candidates for this? Maybe for "Irgendein Arsch Ist Immer Unterwegs" featured in the short clip posted in the band's official site?
Dimitris: 你为会"Revolution"里的歌录视频吗?有哪些待选曲目?也许你会像"Irgendein Arsch ist immer

Tilo Wolff: Yes, we recorded our show in Berlin, Germany and as we speak we are cutting a video clip out of it for the title song "Revolution"! This is about to be seen on our website and youtube channel within these days.
Tilo Wolff: 是的,我们在德国柏林录制了演出,正如我们说的,我们正在为同名曲目"Revolution"剪视频!

Dimitris: It seems to be a special connection between LACRIMOSA and the Metal fans; why do you think there is such a 'relationship'? After all, LACRIMOSA is not a Heavy Metal band, right?
Dimitris: LACRIMOSA和金属歌迷之间的联系似乎很微妙;你认为为何会有这种"关系"?LACRIMOSA毕竟

Tilo Wolff: Maybe because I was always into Metal and this influence is to be heard in my compositions and productions on our albums, even though we don't fit into the common Metal clichés
Tilo Wolff: 也许是因为我自己也喜欢金属,因此虽然我们与通常意义上陈词滥调的金属乐格格不入,但这种影响始终存在于我的作曲和专辑创作中。

Dimitris: Is there any chance to get LACRIMOSA live in the US? I think you have never played live here before. US is a strange market and on top of everything, a US tour is really demanding due to the between shows traveling and the high expenses.
Dimitris: LACRIMOSA是否有机会到美国来巡演呢?我想你从未在这里演出过。美国是个奇怪的市场,但首先,因为旅行费用和高消费的原因,在美国举办巡演要求非常高。

Tilo Wolff: Since we have done many tours through Latin America, China and Russia, we are familiar with traveling long distances, but right, we never played in the US so far. If there will be a chance one day, of course we will do it!
Tilo Wolff: 我们已经在拉美,中国和俄罗斯举行过多次巡演,因此对长途巡演很熟悉,不过没错,我们

Dimitris: What are your touring plans for "Revolution"? You have only announced live dates in Germany; so what about the rest of Europe?
Dimitris: 你的"Revolution"巡演计划如何?你只公布了德国的巡演日程,欧洲其他地区呢?

Tilo Wolff: So far we have played with "Revolution" in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Poland and the Czech Republic. In January we will be in Spain, followed by Russia in March. After that we are planning to play in Asia and in Latin America again, but we have no fixed dates yet.
Tilo Wolff: 目前为止我们已经在德国,瑞士,奥地利,波兰和捷克举行了"Revolution"巡演。一月份我们

Dimitris: There is an awesome dark atmosphere on the album, so my question is how you can get in such mood and sing, while isolated in a recording booth?
Dimitris: 专辑中有种令人生畏的黑暗氛围,我的意思是,你被隔离在单个录音棚里时,怎么能找到这种感觉来演唱?

Tilo Wolff: I recorded my vocals all by myself in my own studio which gave me the possibility to let loose completely. No one is there to spy on me...
Tilo Wolff: 我在自己的工作室自己录音,因此我能完全放松。在那儿没人能偷窥我...

Dimitris: Are there any differences between "Revolution" and any other LACRIMOSA album based on your perspective? What did you do differently in this album that you've never done it before?
Dimitris: 在你看来,"Revolution"和其他LACRIMOSA专辑是否有区别?你在这张专辑中做了哪些之前从未

Tilo Wolff: The recordings were more intimate and since I recorded many parts in my own studio without anyone around talking into it, I had the chance to concentrate on the expression of each and every note and could really dig deep into the songs!
Tilo Wolff: 录音更为私密,因为我在自己的录音室录制了许多部分,没人在我旁边唠叨,这样我就有

Dimitris: Are there any projects in your working schedule? Do you have any update about SNAKESKIN?
Dimitris: 你现在是否有什么工作计划?你的SNAKESKIN有什么进展吗?

Tilo Wolff: Now doing the video then organizing the next shows and if I find time in between I will write new songs for SNAKESKIN because I really feel like I need to do it. I only hope I find the time!
Tilo Wolff: 现在我在为视频和接下来的巡演工作,如果忙里偷闲,我会为SNAKESKIN写一些新歌,因为
Dimitris: 你曾在"Endorama"专辑中与KREATOR合作过,在不久的将来是否打算与其他的金属乐合作?

Tilo Wolff: There is nothing planned with a Metal band so far, but I will do something with an electronic band from Switzerland soon. Anyway, if the right band comes with the right idea I won't say no. I love music and if I am touched by the music of a band, there is nothing better to do than joining their music!
Tilo Wolff: 目前为止我没有与金属乐队合作的计划,不过我很快会与瑞士的一个电子乐队合作。无论

Dimitris: LACRIMOSA has already passed the two decades mark; are there any thoughts to celebrate this occasion with a special release or even a live show?
Dimitris: LACRIMOSA已经度过了20周年,你是否有想法发行特别专辑或者现场来庆祝这个周年?

Tilo Wolff: There are plans but nothing is sure yet...
Tilo Wolff: 有计划,不过没定...

Dimitris: During the last decades many music related biographies came out, so have you ever thought of writing something about this long journey with LACRIMOSA?
Dimitris: 在过去十年中有许多音乐家都出了自传,你是否想过写些东西,来讲述LACRIMOSA漫长的音乐之旅?

Tilo Wolff: Yes, many times but then I always discover that if I spend the time writing a book, I don't find the time writing music. So I always come back writing music instead of a book. Writing a book is like looking backwards, writing music is the view into the future. I go for the future!
Tilo Wolff: 是的,我想过许多次,但是我总是发行如果我花时间写书,就没时间创作音乐了。因此我

Dimitris: Tilo, these were my questions! Feel free to add anything I forgot to ask. Hope to see you live onstage soon!
Dimitris: Tilo, 这些就是我的问题!如果我忘了问什么你记得加上。希望很快在台上见你!

Tilo Wolff: Thank you, Dimitris for this conversation and thanks to our audience in the US who is patiently supporting us!
Tilo Wolff: Dimitris,感谢你的采访,感谢在美国耐心支持我们的听众!