Page name: ~Marauding Mayham [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-02-25 01:39:24
Last author: AnnMiuka
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~Marauding Mayham
This is the RPG for Marauding Mayham

This is the actual place for mischief and pranks

Lily walked out into the sunlit grassy field near the lake. She could just see the giant squid in it, swimming as though it was about to fall asleep.

Acrosre the lake young Severus Snape was deeply pondering a hex book.

Lily jumps back when the squid catches a fish. Standing up she walks up to a large tree and discards her robe and uniform to uncover a swimsuit. Coming out from behind the tree she waded into the cool lake water to swim with the giant squid.

Joan stepped outside, a smile on her face as she looked around. Her glance stopped when she spotted Snape and her grin broadened mischevously

James and Sirius walks out and spotted Snivillis instantly.

"So James what shall we do today"asked Sirius.

"I don't know.But I always wondered how Snivilllus would look in glow-in-the-dark hair." laughed James.

"Ha! That would be funny.Where is Remus, he is always good in changing colors in transfiguration."

"Ah... but seeing that it is day, wouldn't it be dreadfully weary to have to wait until nightfall for the results?" Joan asked, turning around to greet the two boys.

"That's true James,but his hair wold turn a pale green wouldn't it and we will meet him in the halls before bed."replied Sirius

James pondered this for a moment."Ha!I got it! we'll color his hair. Pink!"

"oo! and for the effect maybe some purple polka-dots?" Joan exclaimed eagerly.

"oh that's good. That's good"laughed James.

"Where's Remus and Peter they have to here this." said Sirius

Wolfy showed up and saw the three of them standing there. "Hey guys what's goin' on?" she asked starting to get excited because she over heard their conversation.

"We're gonna color Snivillus's hair pink"said James

"With purple polka-dots"said Sirius.

"Really? Can I help?" asked Wolfy.

"Sure"said Sirus"hey do u know where Peter and Remus are?"

"I saw them in the hall way but that was a while ago." said Wolfy. "Sorry Sirius...."

"hmmmm........... we need rumus to make the potion"

"Should we go look for him?"

"Sounds logical to me" replied James

"Ok I'll take the class rooms" said Wolfy

"We'll check the dorms"said Sirius

Wolfy headed off towards the stairs and waved to Sirius and James.

Sirius and James ran toward the dorms.

Wolfy returned to see if anyone found Remus."Hey guys I found Wormtail.....I just can't find Remus."

"k" they both said together

"Should we check out at the Shreiking Shack?"

they stoped right in there tracks"is it full moon yet?"asked Sirius

"um...........ya......I think it is..........but did he take his potion?"

"uh........................................................"said James

"Great.........who do we ask? Dumbledore?"

"i saw him take his potion"said Sirius

"Should we go there now?"


Wolfy, Sirius, and james left for the Shrieking Shack. When they arrived Lupin was sitting in the corner awaiting for the time to come. " Remus are you gonna be ok?" asked Wolfy.

Lily saw the student heading tward the shrieking shack and nearly keeled over. Suddenly, the water around her and under her pushed up with a force so demanding that she was thrown out onto the beach. Coughing from the inpact, she draggedly got up and went to get her robes, to see what the boys were up to.Maybe I should learn to be an animagus. she thought dangerously. She knoew the potion well, and went to the library to research animals.

Runs and gets Lily. "Come on.........we gotta go get Lupin.....hurry!!!" said Wolfy jumping up and down. She then turned into a wolf and ran off toward the Shrieking Shack.

"Why what's wrong?!" Lily ran at a dead run to keep up.Definitly something that can go fast.

"It's Remus....he's transforming....I mean......having problems...." Said Wolfy as she turned around and looked at Lily then turned back around and headed for the Shreiking Shack.

"He's transforming? I thought the full moon was next week? Yes, i figured it out, he's a werewolf. Why are we going into the shreiking Shack?"Lily inquired.

Wolfy stopped in her tracks and turned around and looked at Lily. "how'd you.....know?" Wolfy transformed into a human. "and i thought....." Wolfy loooked up into the sky. "oh.......I could've sworn.....never did Sirius and James go?" She tilted her head sideways.

"It was an estimated guess. And I don't know where those batbrains are. Now why again are we going into the shrieking shack?"Lily asked, kind of rudely.

"uh.......I dunno....looked pretty cool....I thought I should go it?.....i think.....but anyways...wait....where's Remus then??" said Wolfy rubbing the back of her head as she looked up at the sky.

"I thought Remus was transforming?" Lily looked to the sky and gasped in horror, as she saw it was a full moon. "He's either transforming or he's already transformed. That's not good."

Wolfy's eyes got big and her pupil's dialated. "ahh!" a big gust of wind surrounded her and she transformed into a wolf. She started to run for the Shrieking Shack.

Running after her, Lily tried to think of a spell to protect herself from him, desperately hoping he hadn't transformed yet. She pulled out her wand and followed Wolfy through a hole in the Shack's broken, borded up wall.

"Well this great.... which room is he in?" Wolfy looked at Lily and tilted her head sideways.

"You said he was transforming. You hang out with him. How'm I supposed to know?" Lily asked in a slightly panciked voice. SHe was really starting to wish she had gone to the library instead of trying to swim in the lake with the giant squid. She looked around. "Let's try that way," she said pointing to a nearby room.

"um......ok.." Wolfy followed her into the room and was yelling for Remus and her voice echoed.

Lily walked quietly, jumped when Wolfy yelled."You want him to attack us? If he's changed he's not going to respond to his birth name. Be careful." She poked her head into a room, and jerked back, pale as a ghost.

"what? is he changed or not?" Wolfy looked at her and had one ear in the air and on laying ot the side. "well......?"

Vixen carefuly slinked into the shrieking shack."Remus?"She said her voice echoing in the dead air of the old house.

Rolling her eyes at Wolfy, she walked forward and peek around the corner. Fresh tracks led upstairs"By the tracks, I'd say he's still human, but i'm not taking any chances." She walked over to her stairs and nearly had a heart attack. The moment she put her foot down on the first step, someone called for Remus, and the board creaked so loud she swore the school could hear it. Rounding on Wolfy, she knew immediately that it wasn't her. "Someone's in here, and they don't know he might be changed or not." she said worried. They put themselves at risk, but whoever this was was putting themselves in graver danger.

Vixen jumped slightly at the worried voice before recongnizing it as Lilly's and slowly creeping towards her,tail wagging."Hello Lilly,and Wolfy."She said nodding to them each in turn.

"Geese, Vixen! Give me a heart attack will-ll-ll y-y-ya!Th-th-th-ats n-n-not g-g-ood." Lily said, looking past Vixen to see a 7 foot tall monstrausity standing dangerously close."What do you do when you are in grave danger, and up against the most frighteningest thing you've ever seen, and you know you the only target?...Scream and run." With a shriek, a yelled stun spell, and a mad dash for the door, Lily found a very big dog looking at her. Behind him walks a deer like animal. She felt something brush past her hand, and see's a rat. With eyes the size of bats, she rolls up against the wall.

"Sorry,I didnt mean to.."She says grinning before realizing Lilly looks terrified."What?...."She says before slowly turning to see Remus towering over her in werewolf form.

Lily, frightened and scare(yes i know they're the same thing)crwals to her knees. Looking at Vixen, she wonders if she'll be safe in the same room with a werewolf while in animal form. Wolfy will probably be fine as alway. She on the other hand, is human. NOT safe. Turning, she spies a door."Good luck guys, but i'm outta here, just a bit too dangerous for me." With strength she rarely felt, she wrenched open the door, and ran with all her might. But in a tunnel, it wasn't very easy. Finally, the tunnel turned up, and Lily crawled up.....only to find she was at the base of the Womping Willow!

She's gonna get herself killed that way.Vixen thinks as she scurries down the tunnel and out the door before touching the knot in the tree which freezes it."There ya go."She whispers before disappearing back into the tree's tunnel.

"Will you be alright?" Lily calls, watching the tail fade into the darkness. No answer. Turning, she looks out and around.Strange times when a tree can be frozen by a wolf.(yes i know you're a fox) Lily stands, and in a half run, half walk, runs out of the way of the tree. Gasping, she see's its night, almost dawn.Where'd the day go? she asked herself. Shaking her head, she trots into the castle, hoping not to get caught. Turning a corner, who does she run into but professor McGonagal herself.

Wolfy stayed behind with the guys for about ten minutes and relizes that Lily was gone. "Why'd she leave?" Wolfy looked at Remus and then headed towards the school. Wolfy transformed onto a human and sees Lily getting in trouble by Professor McGonagal. She turned the other way to see Dumbledore. Wolfy let out a little weep and started to shake. Dumbledore told her to go to the common room. Wolfy left and headed for the common room.

Vixen walked out of the tree and noticed too late that Dumbledore stood over her.She tried playing like an innocent fox,hoping despretely he wouldnt realize it was her.

Dumbledore looked at her and smiled. "Get back to bed before you get your self into more trouble...." he said and headed for the school.

Vixen shakes my head and barks softly before heading back to the dormotories.

Wolfy was coming out of the great hall after playing a card game with the house elves. She was heading up to the dormitories and then saw Vixen. "hey, did you get caught to?" She said as she almost fell going up a step.

Vixen nods solemnly."Sadly yes."She said with obvious distaste."Obviously we're losing our touch."She said turning human with a soft scowl on her face.

Wolfy smiled. She looked out the window. "We might as well not even go to bed.....I am goin' back down to the hall." The sun was shinning through the window as Wolfy headed back down the stairs. "You commin' or not? Remus and them should be back soon....."

Vixen nods excitedly and follows wolfy down into the hall.

Wolfy sat down at the table and waited for the room to fill but noone was coming. "where is everyone?" she said tilting her head sideways looking at Vixen.

Vixen shrugs lightly."I dunno.."She said looking around the room,slightly dazed and confused.

Outside there was a loud explosion. "What the heck was that?" said Wolfy transforming to a Wolf and looking out the window.

"What happened!?"Vixen yelped in surprise as she turned into a white wolf and tried to push wolfy aside to see what was going on.

"I dunno know....there was an explosion and that was all I heard. Lets go outside..." Wolfy ran towards the great hall doors and made her way to the grounds. Students were coming down the stairs and heading for the great hall.

Vixen quikly followed cloes behind Wolfy.

Wolfy was standing on the bridge and looked around to see or smell if there was something burning. She quit and looked at Vixen. "What do you think that was? I don't smell anything..all I heard was something go boom! do you smell anything?"

"Maybe someone did a exploding spell??"Vixen said looking exhausted and clueless.

"aw man....I was starting to get excided....but o well...." Wolfy headed back towards the castle.

After getting a strict reprimand from the Professor, Lily walked upstairs shaking her head. She wondered how long it would take for her to make the animagi potion. Deciding to try it, she walked into the library. Since it was pretty early in the morning, the librarian was still in bed. Sneaking into the restricted section, she searched for the book of extremely dangerous potions. Tripping over something on the floor, she found the book, and trotted out and into the main library. The book of wild animals was out on a table. She grabbed it and walked out of the library and down to the kitchens to grab an early breakfast.
Lily suddenly heard a loud bang, and ran upstairs, still carrying the books and a roll in hand. Looking out over the land, she spotted Wolfy and Vixen out by the bridge.At least they made it out of there safe. I wish i could safely hang out with them, but that house gives me the willies. She looked for a sign of something wrong, and walked out to the lake to look around for a safe place to work. Finding a place safely inside a tree, but not too far inside, she sat down and read.

When Wolfy got to the doors she smelled something. She picked up Lily's scent and followed it to the tree she was in. "Having fun?" Said Wolfy as she suddenly popped her head in the tree.

Lily jumped. She hadn't heard Wolfy come near, but instead of showing surprise, she stuck her tongue out at Wolfy."If you must know, i'm working on a potion to become an animagus. But I'm still not sure what kind of animal I should become." She sighed. She had read about animals from ardvarks in Africa(?) to kangaroos in Australia. She was just about to start on jumping frogs."So what're you doing out here?" she asked waving her arm to mean the forest around them.

"I'm not nosey...well "if" you must know...I don't know.." said Wolfy looking at the book. "Just become a dog or something that is normal for Hogwarts cause people are gonna think they are seeing things..." she said with a lil smile.

"Maybe a calico cat, one with nice ears and maybe wings..."She said, refering to a catwing. Shaking herself out of the dream, she turned to Wolfy."I don't mind you butting in, your very helpful. C'mon, lets go get the things for the potion."Lily jumped out of the tree and walked a little ways, motioning for Wolfy to follow.

Wolfy ran up to her and smiled. " to the restricted section we go!!" she giggled and noticed that Dumbledore was watching them from the astronomy tower.

Vixen sat on the steps waiting for them,delicately cleaning her dainty paws,to the great "oos and awws" of a group of gryffindor girls nearby.

Wolfy transformed and walked over to Vixen. "show off..." she said as she walked by. Wolfy made a lil smirk and headed off to the library.

Vixen flicks an ear back and follows wolfy,nipping at her heels."Im not a show off!Its not my fault if everyone adores me."Smirks and turns human when no one is looking.

Wolfy kept jumping forward as Vixen nipped at her heels. Wolfy transformed back to and walked up to the library. "were you being serious?"

"About what?"Vixen says smiling down at Wolfy,playing dumb."The everybody adores me part,or the Im not a show off part?Or the biting your heels?"She says smiling innocently.

"never mind..." Wolfy heard someone walking down the hallway. "um..if we are to get into the restricted section we have to get passed who ever is walking towards us. What do we do? Lily can't transform yet and there is no where to hide." said Wolfy looking around panicing.

Vixen turns into her fox form and slips behind a statue and presses a delicate paw to a red brick that is very out of place amoung the black walls of the corridor,and part of the wall opens into a secret passage."Get in."She whispers cooly before slipping in herself.

Wolfy grabbed Lily's sleeve and pulled her in the passage. Wolfy transformed and sniffed the air.

"So what if someone's coming? It's not like they're Dumbledore and can read minds." Sighing, Lily follows into the passage, and watches as the wall seems to close to outsiders, letting them see who was coming. Definitely a calico cat wing, she thought. Smart, wise, and blending in with surroundings able would help her through her later years at Hogwarts. Turning to Wolfy, she is stuck with sudden curiosity how they knew how to act like proper animals when the person appeared.

Wolfy looked at Lily. "what? is there something on my face?"

Vixen makes soft squeeky barks of joy as she plays with a moth ball,chasing it back and forth around the passage.

"your so childish..." said Wolfy looking at her and rolling her eyes.

Joan wandered through the corridors without a light, attempting to be as unnoticable as possible so that no one saw what she was trying to do. If anyone did notice the girl, they wouldn't see anything too strange other than her quick rapid scribbling in her small notebook without looking at what she was writing and a cat with the same color eyes as her own wandering around her feet.

Lily rolled her eye's at the two other girls. Peeking out, she saw a girl walk past, then stepped out. Motioning to them, she moved out into the corridor, and started for the library."They're gone, c'mon."She said. Making sure they were following, she continued around the corner.

Vixen walks past wolfy and out into the corridor,grinning over her shoulder at her."Your just jealous!"She says teasingly,before turning human and walk beside Lilly.

"O.kay, what book exactly are we looking for again? Because I think I have it already. Which means we just need to raid the,"she lowered her voice,"the potions stock room." Lily paused in her step, then continued, looking at the books she held, and nodding.

Wolfy made a smirk. She followed them and was sniffing the ground. "Cat! I smell a cat!!" she said in a bit of a yell then put her hands over her mouth.

Joan looked around in search of the noise. "Hello? Is anyone there?" She called out curiously.

Wolfy's ears perked up and she ran down the hall. She saw the girl standing there and looked at her with her head sideways.

"Hello?" Joan repeated, not being able to see anybody without her light. Deciding to light her wand in order to indulge her curiosity, she lite it and her eyes widened. "Why hello there." She said cheerfully, picking up Fiery and propping him on his favorite spot on her shoulder just in case.

Wolfy watched her with causion. She stepped forward into the light.

Joan grinned. "How do you do? I'm Joan." She waved warmly, her smile sincere

Wolfy looked at her with a puzzled look. She transformed into a human and looked at her. "um....hi?" she said looking at the cat.

Joan's eyes widened and a smile spread across her face. "You-you're an animagi?! How is that possible? That type of magic is incredibly advanced? How'd you do it?" In her excitement, Joan began to question this strange girl wondering how she'd managed a feat that Joan herself had just begun to study during her classes instead of actually paying attention to the course at hand.

"Wait...first of all my name is Wolfy. I am a wolf...not an animagi. I am a student.. you?" she said looking at her.

"My name is Joan. Pleased to meet you." Joan replied politely. She was fascinated by this girl. "If you're a wolf, then how can you change into a human? Is it magic or some sort of natural ability?"

"oh it is just a lil something I learned to do my self. So what are you doing? I smelled your cat and knew it wasn't Ms. Norris." she looked at the cat again.

"Oh Fiery? Yea, he's a whole species to himself." Joan petted Fiery admiringly from her shoulder as he purred. "We go way back. Well... I guess you might as well be in on it... I'm actually drawing myself a map of sorts. You see, I tend to have this need to be aware of my surroundings... just in case I need to take a shortcut or avoid people and such." She smiled, showing her drawing so far. "I'm pretty much finished with the actual school layout but I've been searching for various passageways throughout the school regularly since first year... and this basically is one of those times."

Wolfy looked at the map and looked back at Joan. "wow you drew that? That is so cool.." Wolfy's head then lifted up quickly and she turned her head towards the doorway. She transformed again and went to see who it was.

Vixen trotted out of the dark shadows,eyes glinting mischeviously as she stared at the map.

"I had help," Joan replied, referring to both Fiery and a quartet of boys she was familiar with.

Vixen smiled and turned human."Do you know Remus?Sirius?Oh and lets not forget handsome Potter and tag-along Petigrew?"She said mischeviously.Who could this girl be?And why would Remus,Sirius,and James show her their secret passage ways!?It was an outrage!

"umm... yes?" Joan replied slightly amused. In particular, she didn't like the boys but she did respect their abilities as mischief makers.

Vixen smiled slyly."Who are you to them?Perhaps Sirius' new affection?Or someone who studies enchanted runes with Remus?Or perhaps another admirer of James?Or another tag along like Petigrew?"She said,circling Joan slowly.Eager to find out who she was.

Wolfy jumped and saw Vixen. "What do you think your doing?" she said so that only Vixen could understand. "Where is Lily at? Is she still in the library?"

"No,she is trying to sneak ingredients out of the potion teacher's cupboard."Vixen said in a bored voice.

"You mean Slughorn? Hope she don't get cought.. but anyways..why did you follow me..jelous I might make a new friend and not you??" she said with smirk and started to laugh. She then turned into a human.

"No!But this girl knows padfoot!"Vixen snarled.Her temper was running short.

"aww...a lil crush on him?" she said egging her on.

"Never!"Vixen snapped,turning into her fox form.It was rather impressive how something so small could look so fierce.

"Ya right.." she smirked and started to laugh again.

Vixen looked slyly at her."I dont like Sirius,sure he is handsome and sly,but he is nothing compared to your crush..."She said smirking.

Joan looked incredibly amused. "For the record, I consider myself a rival of sorts. Rarely do we join forces in the cause of mischief... and it would be never if I didn't respect their expertise on the subject."

"uhuh..." said Wolfy looking at her with one eyebrow raised.

"yes?" Joan replied with a mischevous grin.

"You like James Potter,Wolfy!"Vixen cackled maliciously.

Joan laughed at this. "Just my luck, I go out to plot and run into a member of the Potter fanclub. Please tell me that you guys haven't started making plushies yet!"

Wolfy looked at Vixen her blue and yellow eyes looking at her. " but someone that is close to him though." she said with a smirk. she looked at Joan. " plushies.."

Joan looked relieved. "Thank God... I saw a Black plushie the other day attached to a key chain on a girl's bag.... it was scarring..." She looked distant for a moment, as if relieving the horrifying experience.

Vixen looked curiously at Wolfy than her eyes widened."OH MY GOSH!YOU LIKE SIRIUS OR REMUS!?(duh)WHICH ONE IS IT!?!?TELL ME,TELL ME,TELL ME!!!!!!!!!"She pratically screams,bouncing excitedly around Wolfy.

"no....." She said looking at her. And smiled.

"It'd just be sick if you liked Peter-and I mean, just plain gross- so... safe to assume it's Remus then?" Joan said, having no trouble saying the first names of those two.

Vixen's eye twitches."Oh my god...It is Peter isnt it!??"She said looking shocked and disgusted.

Wolfy looked at Vixen. "sick-o....." She then looked at Joan and smiled at her and shook her head.

Vixen tackled wolfy and pinned her to the ground."TELL ME WHO IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!"She said nearly going crazy with the anticapation.

Joan stared at Vixen, surprised and rather amused at this strange girl... maybe a little afraid as well. "You'd better tell her before she hurts herself" Joan told Vixen with a smirk. "... or you."

Wolfy pushed Vixen off of her. "I'll give you one hint...He gets sick once a month..." She looked at Vixen and smiled.

"You dork!I said Remus!YOU COULD OF JUST SAID YES REMUS!"Vixen meeped,punching Wolfy's arm.

Wolfy stood just stood there and looked at Vixen. "What would be the point of ruining the fun of guessing?" She smiled and walked over to Vixen and flicked her ear.

Vixen shook her head."Your soo dorky sometimes."She sighed before turning to walk to the library.

"Not as dorky as you..." Said Wolfy whispering to herself and followed Vixen to the library.

Joan smiled and shooked her head as they left. "Sometimes I wonder..." She muttered to herself before turning off her wand and letting Fiery down from her shoulder. "Back to work, shall we?" She asked the cat courteously before continuing with their work.

Wolfy transformed and left Vixen with out her knowing and headed down to the grounds and into the woods hoping noone would see her. Remus was walking towards the library and accidentally ran into Vixen. "sorry..." he said and looked at her.

"Its okay...."Vixen said slowly,thinking of how to ask Remus out for Wolfy."Umm do you like Wolfy?"She whispered softly in his ear.

He looked at her kinda wierd. "Why do you ask?" he said taking a few steps back from her.

"Because she likes you.."Vixen whispered slowly,staring awkwardly at the floor.

His face turned red and he looked at her. "How did you find out....I mean how do you know?"

Vixen smiled hopefully at him."Because she told me,do you like her?"She said,looking at him with an increasing look of expectance.

"I might..or I might not. And if I did why would I tell you and not her?" he said starting joke around and irritating Vixen.

"Because!Im like one of her best friends,and I can set you two up!"Vixen snarled rather irritatedly,punching him hard in the arm.

"ow!!" he said rubbing his arm. "I do..but you better not say anything!" he said looking at her.

Vixen stuttered idioticaly."Why,Why,Why NOT!?"She said in outrage.

"Cause..I have my resons.." he said "well have you seen her around? I needed to talk to her."

Lily pelted out of the store room, her arms full of bottles and boxes. Passing Wolfy and a strange girl, she slowed.
"Hi, I'm Lily. Welcome to Hogwarts."Hearing a clang, she whipped around, and looked behind her.
"Wolfy, you might want to run. I used your name as an alias. Sorry I can't stay and get to know you better. Like you cat by the way. If you want to join us in a good run and hide chase through the halls, feel free to follow. See ya!" With that, she pelted down the hall and up the stairs, nearing the Gryffindor common room. If she could just make it up the girl's stairs, she'd be in the clear.
"Frog spawn!" she yelled at the portrait breathlessly. The Fat Lady flipped open, and let her climb through. To the great surprise of many Gryffindors in the common room, she brushed and banged her way to the girl's dorm. Pulling up the loose stone in the wall, she put the bottles in, and replaced the brick. Beneath her, she heard the banging of Slughorn trying to get to her. Using her wit, she pulled off her shirt, knowing that if any girls were undressed in the dorm, no men could get into the room.

Wolfy looked around and heard footsteps and ran. She snapped her fingers and landed in the girls dorm. She was panting heavily. She then saw Lily. "You owe me.." she said looking at her.

"Yeah, sorry about that. How 'bout I get you and Remus together for the Winter Formal coming up soon. Three weeks, what do you say? Will that fill the debt?" Lily inquired, half blushing, and pulling her shirt back on. She noticed how Wolfy blushed when he was around, and took a guess.

Wolfy's eyes got big. "How'd you find out?!?!? Did Vixen tell you?" She makes a fist. "um..I don't know. I'll think about it. But what did you use my name for? And what did you do?" Wolfy's face lite up. "We left Joan...what if she gets caught?" She transformed and ran down the hall making Slughorn chase her.

Joan had merely continued her process down the hall when she ran into something... somethings?

"ow!" Exclaimed the darkness in front of her.

James put his hand over Sirius's mouth, glaring at him from underneath the invisibility cloak. Had the girl noticed?

It was too late, a sly grin appeared on Joan's face. "Well, well, well... what do we have here." She reached out to where she'd heard the noise.

Wolfy came running down the hall and tripped over Sirius and James. "You two!" She stood up and transformed into a human. "Better hid if ya know what's good for ya..Fat boy is coming down the hall now..." She said refering to Slughorn.

Sirius had an expression of uttermost terror. "noooo!" He moaned dramatically from his new spot on the ground.

Joan looked flustered. Where did all these people come from?, was the look she gave Fiery, who jumped ontop of her shoulder in response.

James grinned. "I've an idea." He picked up the now innocent cloak from the ground and motioned for them to follow him.

Sirius cheered up immediately. "Come on ladies." He said with his famous charm, indicating that they should follow James behind the tapestry.

"I still don't trust you guys.." Remus came around the corner. "Moony!" yelled Wolfy as she saw him. He smiled and wondered what they were doin.

"Who don't you trust, Moony-dearest?" Sirius asked with a mischevious grin.

James peaked out from behind the tapestry. "Yes, who don't you trust."

Joan looked confused. "umm.. hi." She said with a slight wave, weren't we in a hurry just now? Fiery didn't respond. Joan doubted that he knew either.

"You two will pay later..let's get out of here. Then Wolfy transformed. Her ears perked up. "Someones comin! Go..worry about this later! Move!" Dumbledore's voice could be heard around the corner.

James didn't seem worried at all. "Well come on then." He calmly entered the passage behind the tapestry stopping a little ways in.

Joan practically dashed behind James and nearly ran into him. "Bah! Why'd you stop!"

"Shhhhh!" James just grinned, though it went unnoticable in the dark.

Sirius followed the two, stopping just behind Joan, so close that he was touching her.

Joan promptly pushed Sirius away and sat against the wall, as far from him as possible.

Wolfy and Remus ran the other way and made and attempt to get past Dumbledore. Wolfy transformed into her human form and snapped her fingers. She grabbed Remus's hand and they disappeared.

"Seems it's just the three of us." Sirius said with a grin, closing the entrance behind them.

James smirked. "Figures... wish them the best." He had an idea as to what was going on with Moony.

Joan, on the other hand, looked horrifyed at the prospect of being with the two boys alone. "Oh God..." She muttered, holding Fiery close. After a moment she asked, "Have they passed us yet?" Referring to their Headmaster.

There was a small cracking noise infront of James. Wolfy and Remus appeared in front of him. "boo...." said Wolfy sitting down

Joan looked incredibly relieved.

Sirius grinned. "Oh come on, we're not so bad as all that."

"James isn't." Joan replied with a smirk. "You are."

James began to laugh loudly at his friend.

Sirius glared at James. "shhhh!" He told him before turning his attention to Moony and Wolfy. "Nice of you two to join us."

She gave him a look. Wolfy stood up. She walked over to the door and put her ear on it. "They are walking by now." she said and she turned around. She slapped Sirius in the face. "Quit starin..perv.." she said as she walked back to Remus. He let out a lil laugh.

James snorted. "Put in your place by two girls, Padfoot. I think you might be losing your touch."

Sirius smirked. "Naw, two heartless wenches won't put me down, though I can see Joansie here succumbing to my charms already."

"Don't call me that or I'll make sure that both your cheeks match."

Wolfy looked at Sirius. She made the door open behind him and made him fly out hitting his head on the wall. She started to laugh then she heard Slughorn. "Quick grab my arm..Sirius keep your hands to your self." She snapped her fingers and they disappeared into the Gryffindor Common Room.

"Ouch..." Sirius muttered. "What did I ever do to deserve this..?" He asked no one in particular, rubbing his head.

James smirked but quickly threw the invisibility cloak out to Sirius in an attempt to save his poor best friend. "He means well." James said simply to Joan with a shrug.

Sirius took the cloak and quickly put it on, afterwards staying at still as possible as not to get caught.

Wolfy walked over to the couch and layed down. She noticed something was at the window. Little red eyes were staring at her. She kept staring at them. Her eyes turned red and she stood up and looked at the others.

Remus looked up at her. "Wolfy? What's wrong?" he said being the only one who noticed her get up. He looked at Joan and James. "um..we gotta get out of here." he said sounding paniced. He grabbed Joan by her sleeve and pulled her away from the others and made her look at Wolfy.

Joan looked confused, but since Remus was freaking, she figured it was a good idea to do as he said. "Yea, let's go."

Joames looked as well and his eyes widened. "Oh shit!"

Wolfy transformed and headed after them. She landed in front of James and she threw him into the wall.

Remus stopped and ran to help James.

James winced, grateful that he didn't break anything. He put out a hand telling Remus to stay where he was as he struggled to get back up, using the wall as assistance. He took out his wand.

Joan didn't waste a moment to think. "Immobulus!" She cried out, pointing her wand at Wolfy.

Wolfy froze in her place just before she could kill James.

Remus ran to James and helped him up. "What caused her to do that?" he said looking at Wolfy.

Vixen comes out of the girls dorm room and looks at them all."Ok,may I kindly ask WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED!?"She said almost yelling in surprise.

Remus looked at her. "I have no clue." he said and let out a lil "ha" hoarsly.

James shook his head slightly as he straightened. "Well... we'd better take our dear Wolfie here to the infermary."

Joan breathed a sigh of relief. "Yes..." She said slowly, lost in thought.

Meanwhile, Sirius, now feeling just a little cocky from his escape from detection, took off James' clock and began to wander the hall with it stuff partially in his pocket.

Remus looked at Sirius as he took off the cloak.

Sirius grinned, seeing everyone there. "Well well, what're the chances of this?" He opened his mouth to say more when he noticed Wolfy and his eyebrow shot up. "What happened? Is she alright?"

"Yea. We're taking her to the infermary." James stated wearily.

"You don't have to come along." Joan put in quickly, obviously hinting at something.

Remus rolled his eyes at Sirius. "Shall we?" he said walking over to Wolfy.

"Alright!" Sirius smiled, following them.

5 minutes before
"Wait up!" Lily called after Wolfy. She ran passed Slughorn, following Wolfy through the portrait hole. Soon, she lost her friend in the maze of twists and turns, then heard Slughorn panting and running behind her, and took a few short cuts off the main path back to Joan.Damn it! He's still folowing me! She continued her trek through the hallways, eventually leading herself back to the Griffindor common room in a huff, just as Wolfy changed from normal to her demonic form of a werewolf. Knowing she would kill anyone close, Lily put a protection buble around her, just as Joan froze her. Deciding it was safe, she pulled the bubble down, just as the others reached for her.
"Hey guys."was all she could say. Seeing a few strange looks, was relieved when someone who knew her pelted down the stairs. She looked at Vixen, and with a single look, told her what happened. Then, thinking about it, she ran to the window. Full moon-almost. She glanced at Remus.
"Um, Remus, want to come with me. With another look out the window, she saw the clouds pass across the moon, and, with a split-second descision, grabbed Remus by the wrist, and sprinted out of the common room, half dragging Remus with her.

Remus looked at her. "Wait! What are you doing? I feel..." Remus started to fill a lil sick and held his hands close to his mouth so he wouldn't throw up. And he followed Lily. He was hoping to make it to the shack in time.

Sirius gave James a questioning look.

James nodded his head in response and followed Remus and Lily out the common room. "Lily darling, we'll take it from here." James smiled charmingly at Lily.

"Yes Lilikins." Sirius continued where James left off. "We'll take care of our fellow Marauder, you can go back to..." He thought for a moment, what did Lily do for fun?

"Studying?" James offered with a hopeful smile.

Wolfy stayed frozen for a few more moments then broke out. A light surrounded her. She changed back to normal and was lying unconcious on the floor.

"Go, but becareful."she said too concerned to yell at James for his flirtatious manner in a crisis situation. Turning, she walked back into the common room, and saw Wolfy, human, on the floor. Lily droped to her knees, and checked Wolfy to make sure she was ok. She heard the two boys transform, and leave with Remus. C'mon Wolfy, let's get you to the hospital wing. she thought, heaving her up to her feet, and piggy backing her light form out of the common room. At the portrait hole she turned to face the common room.
"Go back to what you were doing you peeping pigeons!" she yelled at the watching students, and looking around she spotted Vixen. Gesturing, she called Vixen to follow her out to the hospital wing.

Vixen followed close behind Lily.

Making sure she was following, Lily half-trotted to the stairs down. Hoisting Wolfy a little higher, she started the dangerous climb down the stairs, wishing Wolfy were awake to keep her from falling end over end on the stairs. Shaking the thought oway, she kept walking.

Vixen jogged easily down the stairs."Need any help Lilly?"She said smirking slightly.

"Just make sure I don't fall, and she doesn't drop. K?" Lily asked breathlessly, slightly off her kind stage.

"I'll help to, if you want." Joan piped in from nearby.

"Thanks, please do." Lily replied. Finally they got to the second floor landing. With a groan, she pulled Wolfy higher on her back. With help from her friends, she got her friend into the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomfrey rushed over in a huff of black and white nurse robes.

Username (or number or email):


2006-02-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok

2006-02-20 [Kyromanic]: ... what the hell?

2006-02-20 [Siraku The Demon Wolf]: ahh

2006-02-21 [AnnMiuka]: @_@ who's wolfy, and is she dead or just unconcious?

2006-02-21 [Kyromanic]: for the record... the boys wouldn't transform until they're long outdoors and by the Whomping Willow...

2006-02-21 [Kyromanic]: ... I dunno if you all are aware of this little nuisance called powerplaying... I don't want to be mean or anything but... sometimes I'd like a chance to respond...

2006-02-25 [AnnMiuka]: well, you're never on so power playing has taken over the maruaders roles! If you want to change your role, then start after, like showing what happens when poor Remus changes! get to it then.

2006-02-25 [AnnMiuka]: anyways, your' joan, and no one plays the marauders since they all changed, and left the home of Meyham! stick to your role, or let powerplaying continue, since noone else wants to change them, anyway, we're all basically part of the Marauders!

2006-03-21 [AnnMiuka]: Sry, wasn't very nice then, i was in a bad mood.

2006-03-22 [~Crimson Angel~]: huh?

2006-03-27 [AnnMiuka]: nvr mnd. Who's going to be madame Pomfrey?/Who's going to type next?

2006-04-02 [Siraku The Demon Wolf]: yo! hos!

2006-04-10 [AnnMiuka]: wtf?

2006-04-12 [~Crimson Angel~]: huh??

2006-04-13 [Siraku The Demon Wolf]: in my school..ho...means...homie...don't ask!! so don't b biotchin that i am callin u the actual word..i'm not...

2006-04-13 [orchidflame]: ok thats just messed up.I realy dont understand why people talk like that(no offense Siraku or anyone else who does!)Im just saying*shakes head and shrugs*

2006-04-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok cool

2006-04-16 [Siraku The Demon Wolf]: yay..i think..anywayz...i am bored

2006-04-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok cool.

2006-04-29 [AnnMiuka]: talking like that confuses me, but oh well, lets find out what happens to wolfy

2006-04-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok

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