Page name: crew manual [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-10-12 13:37:35
Last author: kians mummy
Owner: kians mummy
# of watchers: 32
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A wiki created by [kians mummy]



This wiki was created by [kians mummy] to be a neutral ground for discussion between the crew of Elftown and regular Elftowners. Some members of the community have recently aired concerns regarding how Elftown is being run and the purpose of this wiki page is to provide a safe environment where Elftowners can communicate with the crew. They can post questions, share their experiences and help make Elftown a better place. This is not a place to bully or harass other members.

The page was not created to offend anyone, we just want the crew to know our concerns. Thank you.


We wish to enhance communication between members of the crew and regular members, and to improve the community as a whole by making the process of giving feedback run more smoothly.


A united Elftown where members feel that they can approach the crew about their concerns.


What We Expect From the Crew

1. When talking to members of Elftown
Always be respectful, it goes a long way.

2. When responding to problems a member may have
<img:stuff/egchar_tgif_bullet_diamondgemblue01.gif> If a member breaks the Uploading Art Rules, do not be too hasty in banning them. Be reasonable with people and they might not do it again.
<img:stuff/egchar_tgif_bullet_diamondgemblue01.gif> If a member asks questions about how to run a wiki or use the pseudo HTML, remember there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.
<img:stuff/egchar_tgif_bullet_diamondgemblue01.gif> Try to refrain from using sarcasm.

3. When making Elftown a safe place to be
<img:stuff/egchar_tgif_bullet_diamondgemblue01.gif> Harassment of other members should result in a 1 year ban.
<img:stuff/egchar_tgif_bullet_diamondgemblue01.gif> Do not continue giving second chances to people who bring misery to others for their own enjoyment.

4. When doing your regular work
<img:stuff/egchar_tgif_bullet_diamondgemblue01.gif> Remember the golden rule, one should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself.


Administrator & True Founder

[kians mummy] - Manager

General Staff

- Design/Maintainer


this page is no longer for random chat, if you want that then go to bored???, please refrain from harassing the staff of this wikipage, or other members who participate in the comment section, also please refrain from using any large text or wiki links

[djxmonster] : banned perminantly

support the guards
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2011-05-17 [kians mummy]: that looks brilliant

2011-05-17 [djxmonster]: wow

2011-05-17 [kians mummy]: was that sarcastic

2011-05-17 [kians mummy]: your comments have been deleted this is not a wiki for random chat, please leave if you have nothing helpful to say

2011-05-17 [Mystin]: Why're you guys hating on her for standing up for what she believes. Some people are like a leech, the minute they get a little bit of power they use to drown people they don't like and the favoritism has got to stop. It's like on YouTube when the major players get a million viewers while the rest get thrown away and have talent also. How many times are we going to step on the feet of people on here trying to get featured because we favor someone else based on his or her badges? We just want the politics on this site to cease fire.

2011-05-17 [kians mummy]: [Mystin] thanks, i do stand up for what i beleive, and i am also standing up for elftowners, as the crew are unfair on alot of them and do not look out for them, thats what they should do

2011-05-17 [Mystin]: I didn't mean to go off on a rant lol

2011-05-17 [kians mummy]: its good that you did

2011-05-17 [Kaimee]: What do you think I am doing wrong as crew, and what could I be doing better? It would be interesting to know :)

2011-05-17 [Mystin]: This wiki isn't to every crew member, we support those who go above and beyond to keep elftown great! It's a wiki for those who have a power trip and act like they're better than others.

2011-05-17 [kians mummy]: [Kaimee], you do not do anything wrong, you are one of the good crew members, you do not abuse your power

2011-05-17 [Mystin]: Maybe you should kinda re-write the intro to this wiki so it's not misleading.

2011-05-17 [kians mummy]: you have my permission to do as you wish

2011-05-17 [djxmonster]: Way to delete all the comments you don't like :P Maybe you should get a manual yourself

2011-05-17 [kians mummy]: i delete comments what are nothing but insulting towards me and not useful xD

2011-05-17 [djxmonster]: ok :) Good luck sammie! XD

2011-05-17 [kians mummy]: thanks

2011-05-17 [Kaimee]: Oh come now, I have my mis-communications with general elftowners same as all the other crew, I'm sure there are instances I could improve on :)

2011-05-17 [kians mummy]: well i have never heard one complaint about you, as your a nice person

2011-05-17 [Thunder Cid]: Okay so I see bullets so I'm assuming that they are the lessons. Now it looks like you need the actual lessons fleshed out. Example: How to talk to elftown members appropriately. Give example conversations like way to not talk and then show the correct way :)

2011-05-17 [Mystin]: I was going to change the description, but I kinda want us to start a conversation with the community. I don't think we should be ostracized for speaking how we feel.

2011-05-17 [Thunder Cid]: Explain that a little more for me please.

2011-05-17 [Mystin]: Well in my seven years on Elftown, I have never been chosen for a poem of the day or to be featured and it's solely based on the favoritism from the council to the members who have the most badges or their friends. It's not an opinion, the facts speak for themselves. It's not so much about the badges though, it's bout how if anyone says anything is wrong with this site, they get banned & I think that's wrong. Elftown will call us an asshole when they ban us, how is that professional in the least?

2011-05-17 [Chimes]: Just as a note on favouritism: Today I featured the story of someone I have never spoken to. :)

2011-05-17 [Mystin]: I never said every member of the council was bad. This wiki is not to offend or upset anyone. It's for us to express that we are unhappy with how some of the crew treats us, not all. I'm happy you did the right thing. Now, try to get some of the rest of the crew to do the right thing also.

2011-05-17 [Chimes]: While you're on the subject of featuring, I would greatly appreciate it if more people would nominate a story - we really need the nominations. It would also give you a chance to see lesser known Elftowner's have their work featured. :)

2011-05-17 [Mystin]: Thank you for trying to help, it's quite refreshing.

2011-05-17 [hanhepi]: Well, Features are chosen on the Quality of the Submission, not based on how many times the Author has be Featured, or how many friends on the crew they have. I've never been featured either, and nor has my poetry. So, simply because we (me and you) weren't chosen doesn't mean it's anything against us (me and you) personally. A good solid 80% of the crew likes me, and a whole lot of my friends list is crew/former crew, so that simply can't be why I've never been chosen for any Features.

2011-05-17 [Thunder Cid]: You and I have both been here for a while now (I'm in my 6th year) and have seen the very same things. However can you say the same at present? Most of the old crew are retired and gone now and those who are still here have a begun changing ET administration policies for the better. Can you make the same argument now knowing that there has been an almost brand new crew put in place in 2 years time? Most of us have been on the progressive side of revamping ET for the better.

Now I can't speak for anyone else other than myself here, but the fact that you have not been featured is based on a lot more than favoritism (at least from what I know). Remember that if your work is not featured, than don't sweat it. Continue doing your amazing work without the thoughts of being featured in your mind. I for one love seeing new works on here and will frequently give praise when I see it. If you feel like your work may need some editing, I implore you to find me and I will try my damnedest to help you.

We as a collective are not bad people (observation), but I do know we have standards on on art, poetry, stories, etc... I for one am a huge prude when it comes to photography and manipulations. Also remember that it does not hurt to ask the bosses of your particular discipline if there are any reasons that your work is not being featured. It's a bold move for sure, but perhaps there is a specific reason and it could be beneficial for you as a means of perfecting your craft. 

2011-05-17 [Nioniel]: Keep in mind, too, that features only happen a few times a month (aside from the Daily Poem) or even less often, depending on which feature it is. There are thousands of members on this site, and so it makes sense that not everyone's work will be featured as soon as it is created. [Chimes] makes a great point; if you'd like to see your works or your friends' works featured, why not nominate them? The Feature Bosses are always looking for new things to feature, and we love to bring attention to amazing artists who aren't well-known on the site yet. :)

2011-05-17 [Mystin]: I think and I'm sure the community does also find it very frustrating to see the same member featured over and over. I think it's not fair that I have to create wikis to store my work because it's not good enough. I graduated with honors for some of the english literature I have done so I know it's good. Recently, submitted to the poetry and I was told it was prose poetry and wouldn't be accepted. I tried to have it featured a month ago and haven't heard anything. I go on empty promises and it's just very unfair to myself and [kians mummy]

2011-05-17 [Thunder Cid]: What are some of the wiki's with your work?

2011-05-17 [Mystin]: I post some of my work on the forgotten and I had a private wiki with my work on it.

2011-05-17 [Chimes]: Most features have really long feature queues, so it's a long wait to have things featured. You just have to be patient. I remember the prose poem thing and you were told that it wouldn't work on mainstreet (because of the layout, not because of the quality of the poem).

2011-05-17 [Mystin]: I bet a lot of you have no idea who I am which kind of upsets me considering I have had some of the most successful wikis on this website.

2011-05-17 [Chimes]: You forget, there are a lot of members with an equal amount of successful wikis - we can't know everyone, sadly. :(

2011-05-17 [Thunder Cid]: Define wiki success please.

2011-05-17 [Mystin]: Wiki success is not based on the watchers but based on the conversation you create between members. My forgotten wiki saved young teens from committing suicide and I pride myself on that being my most successful wiki because of that.

2011-05-17 [Linderel]: I explained that we could not accept prose poetry for practical reasons. The issue is comparable with having a 50-line limit. Some pieces just would not present well on Main Street. You're more than welcome to submit something else. As for not being featured... of course we cannot feature you if you don't give us anything to feature. You removed your submission and said you would not try again. That makes it impossible for me to put any poem of yours on Main Street.

There are people who get featured more often than others. The reason behind that is that they submit more and are good poets to boot. However, we do try to keep a balance between new and old patrons. Sometimes that is challenging, but we try. Additionally, no poet can be featured twice within two months. That's in our rulebook.

We try our best to run the feature fairly, but we can only work with what we are given. :)

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