Page name: Darkness Reigns [Logged in view] [RSS]
2014-10-12 17:10:20
Last author: The Black Goat
Owner: The Black Goat
# of watchers: 21
D20: 16
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Set in the year 2072 - In a world where technology rules with black magic as its mistress; the unholy combination of genetic experimentation and ancient sorcery has produced monsters, angels, demons, and demi-gods alike all through the twisted brilliance of the "Good Doctor" and his people. The local government has done its best to mitigate the damages done, to reign in these former humans, and at times, utilize them as weapons of war.

They call them the Specials, they were once humans who had been tricked or forcably taken, many at a very young age, and through gentic enhancements have been made anew in the image of mythological beings or given extraordinary abilities or powers that should not exsist in this era of technology. The members of the task force charged with recruiting and controlling these super humans have been nicknamed Handlers. These are regular humans with biotic implants and augmented abilities to allow them to keep up with their unique charges and maintain control of the Compound.

This RP will be centered at The Compound just south-east of Sin City and will feature random missions with player controlled outcomes done in stages. The first stage began in the abandoned Laboratory #218, which is currently being wrapped up.

Playable characters currently are the Specials, and they can enter the game in three ways: having already been recruited by the government and living at the Compound, in stasis in one of the abandoned laboratories, or currently wandering the streets of Las Vegas where they will be picked up by the task force. It may have been years or simply days since the doctor released them into the world.

JOIN US: DR Application

THE CREW: DR Characters




AND IT BEGINS: The Compound

Darkness Reigns: GM Page

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2013-04-15 [The Black Goat]: Please bear with me as I assemble the pieces, Character Sheets will be up shortly.

2013-04-17 [The Black Goat]: Character sheets are up!

2013-04-22 [The Black Goat]: The first couple characters are up!

2013-04-28 [Kbird]: sounds interesting.

2013-04-28 [The Black Goat]: I'm glad you think so, hopefully the first stage will keep you interested if you join ;)

2013-04-28 [Kbird]: I've never really played a rpg with stages.

2013-04-28 [The Black Goat]: Stages are just really special areas where missions take place, usualy scenes with a lot of importance, new charactes being introduced, major plot points, ect

2013-04-28 [Kbird]: Oh! I get it. I have "Scenes" in some of my rpgs...but they're usely for a character.

2013-04-28 [The Black Goat]: We encourage side rp's with other members as well, and there will be a page for plotting things in game.

2013-04-28 [Kbird]: cool.:)

2013-04-28 [The Black Goat]: An announcement: [Lirerial] is now the 2nd in command, I will be using her as my personal human shield if things go wrong ;)

also if you haven't put all the pages on you watch list please do, as well as the ones that will be added later

2013-04-28 [ancienteye]: This looks kind of cool. :)

2013-04-28 [The Black Goat]: Feel free to submit a character app, weve got an angel and demons vibe going currently for stage one, but it isnt a must ^^

2013-04-28 [The Black Goat]: We are off to a great start! I'll be putting up the new character sheets today, hopefully finish mine, and get a start on the maps for lab 218. If anyone is could with maps let me know lol

also, I feel like we should all get to know each other, if you've submitted a character why not step in and say hello aye?

hell, even if you're planning to speak up!

2013-04-28 [ancienteye]: Hiya! =^_^=

2013-04-28 [The Black Goat]: Welcome ancient, unless you have a name you better prefer

2013-04-28 [ancienteye]: Nah, most everyone who knows me on the internet calls me ancient. :P
Thank you! =^_^= I'm really looking forward to this RP!

2013-04-28 [Kbird]: Hehe Hi! ancient and I already know each other..and I've talked to Lirerial a bit..she actually invited me.^-^;

2013-04-29 [Lirerial]: I think I've talked to Ancient before and of course Kbird lol Welcome!

2013-04-29 [The Black Goat]: Welcome everyone ^^

2013-04-29 [Kbird]: thanks.:)

2013-05-06 [The Black Goat]: Well the bad news is I sprained/strained my foot, but the good news is I got to see soundgarden and I should now have time to get this up and running!

2013-05-06 [ancienteye]: I'm sorry about your foot. :/

2013-05-06 [Kbird]: Ouch! oww~ soundgarden sounds nice.

2013-05-06 [The Black Goat]: They were fantastic, but then my unit decided that even though rest and ice were recommended I still had to stay at work all day

2013-05-06 [Kbird]: that sucks

2013-05-07 [Lirerial]: Yeesh :( lol Nox, looks like we both had bad luck. My horse spooked over the weekend and threw me. I'm so sore my hubby stayed home from work today to watch the baby cause I couldn't move lol

2013-05-07 [Kbird]: yikes hope you two get better soon.

2013-05-07 [The Black Goat]: Aye pain is going around it seems -_- get better

2013-06-01 [The Black Goat]: And I'm back,sorry for the long wait I just arrived to my new duty station a few days ago

I've mapped the first stage, now I'm just building, describing, and connecting the pages

2013-06-01 [Lirerial]: Sounds great! Let me know if I can help with anything!

2013-06-01 [The Black Goat]: wellll its funny you should say that ;)

2013-07-07 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *rubs hands together* Let's do this bitch.

2013-07-07 [ancienteye]: Whoot!

2013-07-07 [The Black Goat]: Everyone, meet Cat, she will be my co-GM

2013-07-07 [ancienteye]: Cool. :P Nice to meet you, Cat.

2013-07-07 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *waves* ^_^

2013-07-07 [The Black Goat]: hopefully with her help I can get the ball rolling

2013-07-07 [ancienteye]: Here's hoping~

2013-07-23 [Kbird]: Ehhh hi cat ........everytime I see your name I apolgize for what happened on princess dove......TT-TT

2013-07-26 [Lirerial]: When is this starting up?

2013-07-26 [The Black Goat]: stilnot sure yet, ststill working on it =P

2013-07-26 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Hi, [Kbird]. :P Don't worry about it, it was apparently doomed from the start anyways.

And yeah, we're still working on it. We're both really busy IRL at the moment (I'm working 12+ hours a day currently, and won't have another day off until Sunday) and haven't had a whole lot of time to work on the pages. But we'll get to it, and you'll all be alerted when we're ready to start. :)

2013-08-16 [The Black Goat]: Alright, will be working on this today as I have a day off from work. I can't guarantee that it will be finished, but hopefully I'll be able to finish off the first stage so it will be ready to play and get a start on the Compound, which will serve as home base. My goal is to eventually have this world branch out to many different places to allow varied play.

2013-08-16 [Lirerial]: Awesome. :-)

2013-08-16 [Kbird]: Sweetness! =D

2013-08-16 [Sheamus Finn]: cool

2013-08-16 [The Black Goat]: Rules have been updated, take a look when you can and comment so I know you've read up.

Also if you haven't done so already, please put all the pages listed on this main page under watch.

2013-08-16 [The Black Goat]: DR Logo Take a look and tell me what you thing =)

2013-08-16 [Kbird]: AWSOME!!!

2013-08-16 [ancienteye]: I'm probably not going to be online this weekend.

2013-08-16 [Kbird]: aww how come?

2013-08-16 [ancienteye]: My ban is still in effect and online classes haven't started.

2013-08-16 [The Black Goat]: ban?

2013-08-16 [Kbird]: oh. okay, but you'll be back on Monday right?

2013-08-16 [ancienteye]: My mom says I wasted too much time on the computer this summer. On the weekdays she watches Judge Judy and I'm not a fan of court shows, so that hour is my "designated computer time". This all started a day or two before Kbird returned.

2013-08-16 [Kbird]: :'( now I'm depressed

2013-08-16 [ancienteye]: Sorry.

2013-08-16 [Kbird]: you can't help it

2013-09-04 [The Black Goat]: Hey, who here is under the age of 18?

2013-09-04 [ancienteye]: I'm nineteen, but I'm pretty sure Kbird's about 15...

2013-09-04 [Sheamus Finn]: 35

2013-09-04 [Lirerial]: I'm 21 :-)

2013-09-04 [Kbird]: I'm 15 almost 16 but if its blood and Gore I can handle it~

2013-09-04 [The Black Goat]: not what I'm worried about, I'm going to have to make alterations for the rules since I originally intended this RP to be 18 and up only to allow players freedom to do as they pleased when it came to adult situations rather than limiting them to PG13

I didn't think to check ages when I was accepting new players, a kind of big oversight on my part.

2013-09-04 [Lirerial]: Awwww so no porn? ;)

2013-09-04 [Sheamus Finn]: In my experience sometimes the younger people can teach the elders..<img:stuff/aj/189493/1378334372.jpg>

2013-09-04 [ancienteye]: Probably true, but there are legal issues involved, so no matter where you stand on whether or not it's a moral issue, it's not a wise thing.

2013-09-04 [Sheamus Finn]: Very true PG13 it is...

2013-09-05 [The Black Goat]: the erotic stuff will be allowed in certain areas behind locked doors (passwords) and characters belonging to minors will be housed in the same block, which will be closely monitered by the GM's

2013-09-05 [ancienteye]: Ok?

2013-09-05 [Kbird]: okay...sorry for the trouble.

2013-09-05 [Sheamus Finn]: So, easy way to say what the adults are doing behind closed doors the young'uns can only guess...(works for me)

2013-09-05 [Lirerial]: XD sounds good

2013-12-03 [The Black Goat]: I am working on the pages for lab 218 to get us started, once those are finished we'll start, hopefully by the time stage one is complete we'll have the compound finished as well (I'm working on mapping it currently)

Who is still with us and who's character sheets aren't up yet?

2013-12-03 [Lirerial]: I'm still here and waiting!!

2013-12-03 [The Black Goat]: I'd hope so lol I'd be sorely set back if I lost my second in command!

Additionally, if you know someone who might be interested in this type of RP please share it with them

2013-12-03 [Lirerial]: I will :) I can't do much at the moment. I'm stuck on my,phone. Again :p Maybe we can get this rp on the news???

2013-12-03 [Kbird]: I'm still here.

TT~TT I've told everyone I know that might be interested.

2013-12-03 [The Black Goat]: Not until its started I believe, don't want to be showing off an unfinished product ^^'

2013-12-03 [The Black Goat]: Good K, so I have your character sheet?

And Lire, are you still planning on playing a handler?

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