Page name: Mourncrow RP [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2008-05-07 01:26:51
Last author: Pnelma Tirian
Owner: Pnelma Tirian
# of watchers: 4
Fans: 0
D20: 19
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Based on the webcomic series, Asylum Laboratories( by [Pnelma Tirian]

Mourncrow is an evil city, through and through. Ruled by a cold-hearted necromancer who is indifferent to its plights, the city is overrun by vampires, zombies, werewolves, brothels, and sinister characters trying to make an honest living. Magic courses through the veins of the city, keeping its citizens superstitious and wary of technology of any kind. Under the city streets the sewer sleeps, filled with the horrors of the Underground, and ruled by creatures great and small. One can make it far in Mourncrow, if one is not afraid to slit a few throats to make their dreams come true.

Same rules as usual, folks. Don't be an idiot.

-[Pnelma Tirian]

Mourncrow Characters
City of Mourncrow

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2008-05-07 [Ravenclaw]: i'll have a character posted tomorrow... or the next day. Chel, call me. I have questions. I don't want to ask Pnel and make a character baised on what I know she would like,

2008-05-12 [Chel.]: When will this start?

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