Page name: Pictures of Michelle [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-12-20 18:21:08
Last author: TheVmprSlyr
Owner: TheVmprSlyr
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~*~Pictures of the FUGLIEST FREAK in the WORLD!!! -CACKLES INSANELY~*~


Okay, read now!
1. Don't message me with anything about my looks. Comments go down there in the Comment Box, thing...
2. I don't cyber. That privilage is for my lovers. ^.~
3. No, I didn't hit myself with a hammer, I really look like that.
4. Yes, my house is that colorful. My mother goes crazy with the painting.
5. No, none of those rooms are mine. Mine is this pinkish thing... X_x
6. I just may be emo.
7. I'm not that pale; it's the lighting.
8. My hair isn't really like that. It takes a lot to tame my hair.
9. Yeah, my face was always, naturally like that.
10. I have contacts! Wooo!
11. Yes my shirt says, "Strange and Happy". ^_^=


I've been feeling like I've been locked in a tower. So high up that the air is getting thinner. It's being bitter to my lungs, clinging like ice does on the morning of the first winter day. I make myself pretty every morning, trying my hardest to make sure that there isn't a flaw on my skin. But that's impossible, I can't erase who I am and how I look. Even if my princes cannot examine every single curve and smooth features of my skin, I must make myself look presentable... maybe not for them... but for myself.

Sometimes, there are men down my tower, asking me to let my hair down. But I had clipped my wings and my hair all the same. There was nothing that I could do to let them up. I was concealed forever to be alone. So sooner or later, the men got bored of waiting. They were annoyed that I wouldn't come down, stopping their balads and poems for me.

So there I watched, leaning over my balcony to watch lovers pass me by. With their giggles and kisses scaring my heart, I watched as if frozen. The ice around my lungs crept into my heart, filling the deep spaces of darkness within me.

And, of course, I take a bit from my poisoned apple, sleeping away the rest of my days. I lay in my velvet bed, waiting for my prince to come through the thorns that grow around my heart.

There is no evil witch... No evil source. No dragon slay, but my own. And yet when I yearned to be my own independence, I was helplessly trying to grasp the hero of my tale.

But I am no princess, and no royalty lies with in me. I am but the girl who reads the stories she is told... I am the fool that lingers on the darkness that consumes me. I long for the moment I am saved. My Prince on the Black Horse, where are thou now? Free me from the thorns, free me from death and loneliness...

I wait for you, my love. I have no note of your face, but I know your heart. Find me, so that we may both be free of the horrors of the world. But like I said, I'm but a child, yearning for love... The child that sings...

"Someday... my Prince will come... Someday my Prince will come..."

-Alteration of certain songs.-

There may not
Be another way to her heart
But you want to find a new way in
You shiver when you hear her name
You think about her but it's not the same
You won't be satisfied until you’re under her skin

Immobilized by the thought of her
Paralyzed by the sight of her
Hypnotized by the words she say
They aren’t true but you believe them anyway

So go to bed because it's getting late
There's no more time for you to waste
Remember how her body tastes
You feel your heart begin to race

Where she is seems to be
As far as an eternity
Somehow you know she will understand
And with a tear in your eye
She gives you the sweetest goodbye
That you ever did receive

Pushing forward and arching back
She brings you closer to heart attack
Dream away everyday
Try so hard to disregard
The rhythm of the rain that drops
And coincides with the beating of your heart

You'll never leave her behind
Or treat her unkind
You know she understands
And with a tear in your eye
She gives you the sweetest goodbye

Guess Who's Back?

<img:> [ in the eye of the beholder. =P]

<img:> [You know you want me... XP -Blinks innocently.-]

<img:> [<3 Southern Accent, built body... That walk that makes you seem so languid and on prowl? Walk this way, baby... and I'll make sure to save horses more often. XD XP]

<img:> [You want a kiss?] I ate the whole thing. =O My favorite aphrodisiac. <3 Thanks Coryn! It was a present from her. ^-^ She knew I loved chocolate. People say I'm hard to shop for. >< How's that? Just give me a kiss and I'll be just dandy. =P <3333

<img:> [P. Duddles RETURNS!!!]

<img:> [Is anyone noticing that I'm mellowing out the pictures. *GASP* I'm not always the slutty sexy type. I have a cute side too! ;-; >>]

<img:> [Shattering Mask.] Drogen took this RIGHT at the moment when he told me something. He thought it was great so he made me put it up here. <3

Chelle Fans

More pictures? Go here...
-x-More of Your Asian Whore-x- LMAO. XD

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2005-12-11 [Kinyo_Samaria]: *sets the Caranquare person on fire.*

2005-12-12 [TheVmprSlyr]: O_O Cory!

2005-12-13 [Konobi]: Ehehe. Michelle.. you truly are a sweetheart. Thanks so much for drawing that picture for me. You're much too kind... I will repay you back, I promise. =^^

2005-12-13 [TheVmprSlyr]: Aaaw, no problem! No need to pay back. I felt sorry for not making the first one, and I also had a strike of inspiration... So I tried that. o.o

2005-12-13 [Konobi]: Still, I need to draw you a picture. You deserve it, for all the times I've been a real asshole.

2005-12-15 [Kinyo_Samaria]: *pat pats Kono* No need to be so hard on yourself =) *sets Caranquare person on fire again.*

2005-12-15 [TheVmprSlyr]: o.o;; -.-;

2005-12-16 [Dark Erk]: O.O; *puts the [Daemeon Arkenyon Zane] person out with water.*

2005-12-17 [Kinyo_Samaria]: *sets on fire yet again* he give me bad vibes :P

2005-12-17 [Daemeon Arkenyon Zane]: *rises from the ashes, managing a hurt look* the phoenix rises....and you know, it just happens to be ok. I forgive you, Kinyo....

2005-12-18 [Kinyo_Samaria]: Wtf are you?

2005-12-18 [TheVmprSlyr]: -Clings to Dae's arm.- A good person.

2005-12-19 [Kinyo_Samaria]: The Dae from chat?

2005-12-19 [TheVmprSlyr]: No.

2005-12-20 [Dark Erk]: *leans against the wall*

2005-12-21 [Kinyo_Samaria]: What the fuck ever...

2005-12-22 [TheVmprSlyr]: Cory?....

2005-12-25 [Konobi]: ...Tis the Season. Silly people. *Hands out candy to everyone.*

2005-12-25 [TheVmprSlyr]: -Almost squeals with delight.- Matt! ^-^ -Takes the candy.- Bweeeee. o.o

2005-12-26 [Konobi]: Hehe. I did the cutest picture! I drew Cala, Kono's official son in another roleplay, in Santa clothing! Unfortunatly, you won't get to see the picture untill Jan 5. Cala's supposed to be this real bad-ass. It's so cute to see him all -.- in cut e Santa clothing!

2005-12-27 [TheVmprSlyr]: o.o =P

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