Page name: ROTS; Special Powers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-02-05 05:04:32
Last author: Thrice
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Rise of the Shadow: In The Beginning
Special Powers

Sorry to say, but some powers are special and can only be used by certain people and/or ranks.

Power of the Spider: This power can only be used by the Queen of evil and her heir. This gives her the ability to summon spiders, cast webs (which have freezing powers of their own), heal her body, have an aspect of a spider and be physically invincable.

The downside to this power, however, is even though she is physically invincable, her emotions are what can ultimately slaughter her being. Once she looses control of her emotions, her physical being declines till death.

History: No one knows exactly why only the Heirs of the Dark can use this power, and no one knows where or when it originated.

Viewing and Weather Control: This power can only be used by Volyn, as played by [Marche Runner], the Prince of Darkness. This power is actually an "illness", is strengthened everyday by Volyn himself, and has it's obvious good sides.

The downside to this power is loss of color pigment in hair and eyes, a worrysome attitude and random anger breakouts.

History of this power: This type of power was only seen once in history, in the line of the Light nobles. It was cast apon an heir, but it backfired, causing the man to actually die. This illness was cast apon Volyn when he was four years old, by a "Wise man" who swore himself to the Queen's reign. The child was ill with a nasty case of a throat sickness and the man promised his Queen that he would mearly bless the child for faster recovery. Since that time the wise man has been killed after the breakout of Volyn's power. It was later found that the man was actually a decendant of the Light King.

Complete Light: This power can only be used by the King of the Light and his heir. With this ability, they can summon control of a solid light, forming whatever weapon they see fit. They can so burn and give off the illusion that they are quite larger than normal body size.

Downsides to this power are that they cannot summon light in the dark or in heavy shadows, and they tend to burn themselves and start fires alot. They also can be extremely moody and act on impulse.

Minor Posession by Demon: This, well, not power but unfortunate mishap, can only be plagued on The Count, as played by [Barock]. This means he is literally a split personality between himself and a demon.

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2009-02-05 [Piplup]: sounds very cool shanny! love it!

2009-02-05 [Barock]: Wewp! I get a specialist power :D Go Auralis!

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