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2007-03-06 [Linn Scarlett]: Does it matter XD Everybody spells it phoenix/pheoni
so reaaly :P
2007-03-06 [Linderel]: It matters because the correct spelling is 'phoenix'.
2007-03-06 [Linn Scarlett]: Says who? I've several books on mythic beasts all claiming the oposite of eachother...
2007-03-06 [Linderel]: Says the dictionary. I believe the dictionary. :P
2007-03-06 [Linn Scarlett]: It wasn't my mistake XD
Which reminds me *tugs xido's sleeve* why is my other favorite being, ze Erlking, not present?
2007-03-07 [xido]: PHEONIX is my bad. Sorry. Change it to Phoenix Description, since Phoenix is an Xmen-fanfic wiki about the character, Phoenix (or Jean Grey, who had a similarly misspellable last name = grey/gray).
As for she-who-tugs-o
To Angel, there is a calling for Sci-Fi Fiction beasties. What say you to that idea?
2007-03-07 [Linderel]: 'Gray' and 'grey' are actually both correct. It's the British/US thing again.
Of course, you were probably talking about the character name, which should be one or the other. But I couldn't help myself. xD
2007-03-08 [xido]: Helpful page: http://www.wiz
btw, Linn, what is an 'Erlking' anyways?
2007-03-08 [xido]: Anyone who wants to help on the dragon page is asked to comment on draco_tp, the template page for Dracology and the Draconic Clan in preparation for a future ECM session on Dragons. ;)
2007-03-09 [Linn Scarlett]: it's a nordic/germani
2007-03-10 [xido]: Very cool. I like it. ;)
2007-03-10 [Angel Dreamer]: On sci-fi creatures: I think as long as they're actual creatures and not, say, intelligent computer programs, then it's all good. On erlkings: I've heard of them, and no fits or rages of death will come from this direction on the addition.
2007-03-24 [Linn Scarlett]: *nod* great, because I adore them and the poem Goethe wrote about one *fiddles around and pricks a date in her agenda to make a page about em*
2007-03-28 [Linderel]: Has anyone noticed that the 'back to top'-things don't work?
2007-03-29 [windowframe]: ...Works for me. O.o
2007-03-29 [Linderel]: *blink* Now that's odd.
2007-04-06 [Linn Scarlett]: Works for me too Lind
2007-04-07 [Linderel]: Yeah, apparently it's my browser thinking that it's not a valid link and ignoring it.
2007-04-07 [Veltzeh]: Now the only question is about whether specific sci-fi species created by some companies are allowed... but seeing as at least "drow" and "hobbits" are here, I'd suppose so.
2007-04-08 [Veltzeh]: Also, should the name of the wikipage that leads to a descriptive page be singular or plural (should it be "cyborg" or "cyborgs")?
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