Page name: Wolfgang Vaughn Wolframstine [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-05-14 01:07:22
Last author: Ravenclaw
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Username: [Ravenclaw]

Name: Wolfgang Vaughn Wolframstien or Vaughn

Gender: Male

Species: Man

Age: 257

Description: Standing 6" 2' with dark hair Vaughn looks as if he is a Man but his true species has never been revealed. He sports a medium completion with devilishly handsome features. He prefers to dress as a 19th century Southern gentlemen when conducting business. When casual he can be found in slacks a fedora and a black Lamasu skin jacket. He has the thick but proper accent of a Southern Gentleman.

Personality: Vaughn considers himself a bit of a ladies man and believes that women should be shown respect and be treated like the goddesses they are. He has a quick whit, an ability to solve all sorts of riddles and does not reveal too much about himself. He likes to remain mysterious and believes women prefer it. An adventurer by nature Vaughn doesn't stay in one place for very long.

History: Vaughn doesn't often discuss his origins but has revealed that he comes from the west. He has admitted to having a multitude of professions and has traveled the world over the years as an Adventurer. It's believed that he is a noble born or possibly raised by magi. He usually lets people believe what they want as long as it's not too slanderous.

Special Traits: Vaughn is a considerable expert in in dueling and casting small charms. He speaks several languages including Dwarfish and Fayish and is skilled in lock picking and security. However his passion lies in jewelry making. It↓ s more of a hobby but in his travels he is always searching for ornamentation and precious stones. He often uses charmed materials, creating beautiful pieces of jewelry that offer protection and safety to the wearer. His charms are strong and he used the rarest of materials to ensure consistency, longevity and power. He has been known to make pieces that expel a certain element such as fire and water to be controlled by the wearer. Most comon of his pieces are good luck charms. Despite the quality of his product he does not sell his works. Only those most special women who have crossed his path find themselves protected by his pieces.

Profession: Vaughn has admitted to having a multitude of professions, from being a Businessman to a Plantation Owner and Foreman. Currently he prefers the modest living of an Adventurer as he humbly puts it. In reality Vaughn offers his skills for trade. A Jack of all Trades he seldom is without work.

Inventory: Bull whip, broad sword, knives, bow and arrow, rapier, poisons, acids, a horse, amulets and jewelry of various powers and uses, socks, pick and chisel, spare clothes including fine suits, lock pick set and healing potions. All of these items are contained in a Cache. A finely-made and charmed skin bag that can never be filled or become heavy. He can be considered a pack rat, always purchasing or picking up items which might be useful for later.

Other: He traded a wind amulet for his Cache bag.

His horse, Methos and he have been together for ages and can be considered his closest friend. Methos is a muscular, black, 16 1/2 hand high Quarter Horse. As far as horses go Methos is as handsome as Vaughn. He is extremely obedient and often responds slightly when Vaughn talks to him. It took a while but Vaughn was able to train him to hide in his cash.

Because Vaughn makes magical jwelery he usualy has just about anything he would need where spells and magic attacks are concerned. However he also makes good luck charms. The quality of these adornments varies but "lucky" materials aren't often the most valuable or rare of metals and stones. However he makes them often and is always carrying a wide assortment. THis may be the reason he's been as prosperous as he has been in his travels. Luck has usualy been on his side, or in his cache.

For the true low down on Vaughn read his real background that he'll never discuss.
Wolfgang Vaughn Wolframstien's Histroy

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2008-05-11 [Pnelma Tirian]: CACHE. IT IS SPELLED CACHE, NOT CASH. CASH: Money in the form of bills or coins CACHE: A hidden storage space (for money or provisions or weapons) ENTIRELY DIFFERENT WORDS. STOP MIXING THEM UP.

2008-05-11 [Ravenclaw]: IM SORRY! I've never had any use for the word till now so it's not like I automatically know how to spell it

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