Page name: Zatch Bell rpg [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-11-19 18:21:15
Last author: Ryo-Oni
Owner: Cat in the Hat
# of watchers: 6
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Start the Rpging

A little girl was walking down a lone dark road.she looked a little different than others depite the "gothic" look.she had a black book in her hands.

Alaina looked around. "Did I take a wrong turn somehwere?" She noticed the little girl. "Hello. Are you lost too?"

"Yea i guess so"replied the little girl."why are you here?"

"I'm looking for my home..." she noticed the book that the girl was holding. "Thats an interesting book. Do you mind if I read it sometime? I love to read."

"I doubt if you could, but if it would make you feel better you can try."she said.

Alaina looked her over. "Hmm...why dont you come home with me and then I can read it." "Why did she say I couldnt read it? Its just a book..." Alaina thought to herself.

"Really that would be very nice of you"she said"im Serenity"

"My name's Alaina." She took the girl's hand. "Come on."

Serenity took Alaina's hand"Thanks Alaina"

Alaina giggled. "Its,how do we...OH! I know this place." She walked her down to a bright,cheerful street. "My house is a couple blocks down this way." She pointed to her left,and walked down teh street to a red-bricked house with black roof. The opened the white gate that was attached to the white picket fence that was all around the house. A small garden in front sent an inviting fragrance through the air. "Come on in,Serenity." she opened the front door. 

"your house is beutiful Alaina"she replied in awe

Alaina giggled. "Alot of people's first reaction. Nobody's home yet." She locked the door after taking her shoes off,then turned to walk up the stairway taht was right in front of them. "My rooms upstairs." She led Serenity to a room that had a 'No Knock,No Entry' sign on it. She opened it to find a room taht was all purple,a wooden desk was littered with all sorts of papers,and it held a PC and printer. A few bookshelves were in one orner,holding all sorts of books on the shelves,and figures of just about anything on top! A large dresser's top was similar,and held a large jewerly box. Alaina collapsed on her half-made bed taht was filled with plushies. "Theres a few bean bag chairs by the TV. MAke youself at hom. She pointed to the third corner of the foom taht had a TV,Gamecube,and three bean bag chairs,one gren,one sky blue,and one purple. 

She looked around."do you have any food?"

"Look in the drawer under the TV. There should be some snack bars and chocolate and any toher kind of candy,I guess. Just done tell anyone,its my secret storage space." She sat up and winked at Serenity.

"Ok deal"she open the drawer and pulled a few candy bars out. and started eating."Thanks. when are you parents coming home."

Alaina paused. "I dont have a dad,but mom wont be nhome till later on...about six."

"oh. im sorry." she paused.

Alaina laughed. "Oh,its no biggy. I've always had Papa,my Grandfather." She sighed,and turned on the TV with her remote. "Ya watch TV?" She asked,shoving a chocolate bar in her mouth.

A little boy walks onto the street "Man is it cold out" he said.

Atop a light pole stood a small mamoto child. He looked barely over the age of eight, but he, of coarse, was much older. His hair was platinum blonde and his eyes were just as white. His black clothes and small wings is what set him apart though. He held a snow white book in his arms, he had no reader.

Sin sits in a corner and looks up at the mamoto atop the pole. She is thinking about her great opertunity to meet a mamoto. "A mamoto. How amazing." She mumbles to herself. Thinking about how she has been awaiting this moment for a long time. "Maybe a mamoto would come to me." She thought to herself.

"yea"said Serenity"huh?" she looked toward the windowits................a memoto

Alaina chewed on her bar of chocolate and looked at the book that Serenity was holding. "Huh...tahts odd...I cant read any of this. Wait..." She looked at one particular spot. ""

She looked over at Alaina"No not yet"

"Whaddya mean not yet? Its just a does kinda remind of a book taht a read about in a about something called...oh,what was it..momados or something like that...I cant remember...its an old legend in my family. Oh,well...Se...Seremu!"

"noooo!" all of a sudden Serenity(invisible) disappers!

Alaina dropped her book. "Serenity?! SERENITY!!" She paused,tense. "Where are you...?"

"still where i was right in front of you"

Alaina jumped. "What..the...? How on...I mean...what HAPPENED?"

"you just read the first spell.the legand about the memotos are true and you wee looking right at one."

Alaina's jaw dropped. "! I cant BELIEVE it! FINALLY,AN ADVENTURE worth going on! But wait! taht means.....we gotta train and fight! Haha! This is gonna be SO awesome! do I,uh,get you back to normal? Say the spell again?"


Alaina took hold of the book. "Seremu!!" The book glowed.

Serenity reappered"thats better"

Alaian clutched the book with big,shiny eyes. " cool...."

Outside, still on the light pole, Oriader looked down to the street below, not wanting to go back down. He was closer to the sky here. But he couldn't stay. He needed to find a reader. He held tight to the book and jumped, letting his wings glide him down.

Serenity sighs"yea now all we have to do is train

Alaina smiled. "DEALDEALDEALDEAL!!!!"

'Yea but first, im hitting the sack*yawns*"

"Ok. Mom'll be home soon...I had better stay up. Make yourself comfortable among my pillow-mounded bed." She gave Serenity a quirky smile.

Falls on to bed and easily drifts in to sleep

Oriander kept walking down the street watching the starlit sky. He then felt it. It was another mamoto!! No, he had to get away from here, he couldn't be caught, not yet, not without a reader. He took off running as fast as he could down the street untill he found an alleyway between two fences around two houses. He crouched down in the darkness and decided to wait the night out.

Alaina smiled,and pulled the covers around serenity. Soon after,her mom came home. She explained that she had helped a homeless little girl,and her mother said it was alright that she stay. Alaina then went back to her room and fell asleep beside Serenity.

(next morning)

Serenity wakes up first and starts to feel a Mamoto.A Mamoto.................. but im not ready yet! We barely have any spells learned yet.

Alaina sat up,and yawned. "Breakfast?"

"huh.........oh yea"

"Doughnuts?" Alaina smiled.


Alaina led Serenity down the hall intot eh kitchen. "Mom's not up yet. Orange juice?"

Oriander squinted and slowly opened his eyes. He almost yelled, but he had grown accustomed to waking up in strange places. He streached out, getting rid of the soreness from sleeping on the ground. Sitting up, he looked around, and then grabbed his stomach. It could have been heard growling five feet away. He had a big appetite and he hadn't eaten for days...he was starving, and there were no rivers, or lakes near to go fishing.

Sin follwed this strange mamoto down the alley way and stoped behind him. Watching his every movment. She then noticed that the mamoto seemed tired or hungry or soemthing. She wasn't really sure so she wanted to find out. Sin walked over and knealed down beside the mamoto. "Are... you okay? Want some food?" She handed the mamoto some bread and a water bottle"What's... your name?"

Alaina paused. "You know what,lets eat breakfast on the go."

Oriander jumped back in suprize, but after seeing the food she was giving him, he reconsidered. He inched closer and took the bread. Being a mamoto, he had a hefty appetite so he wolfed down the bread on the spot. After he finnished he wiped his mouth and looked up to the girl and smiled. She wasn't scared of him. "I'm Oriander." He said pointing to his chest. His grip tightened on his book, though. What if she was it?

Sin smiled. "Awesome. I'm Sin... nice to meet you Oriander." She looks down at the ground and then looks up again. "You seem hungry? Do you wanna go out to eat? If not it's okay." Sin looked back down at the ground. Thinking, this is really a mamoto. Interesting...

Oriander looked up at her with a long overdo smile. "Yes, please! I would love to go out to eat!" Oriander's stomach growled again even after eating the bread. He smiled sheepishly at Sin, the white book glowed slightly. "Thank you."

Sin smiled and took the mamoto's hand."C'mon Oriander!" Sin started running twards a diner. She stoped once they got there. "You know, i'm kind of hungry too." She looked down at Oriander. "Do you want to go to a diner?" She asked Oriander.

Oriander shrugged, he realy didn't know. All he knew was that he was hungry. "Sure." He smiled again and let her lead him to a diner.

"Sounds good to me..." Sin said. She walked in the diner and sat at a table and handed Oriander a menu. She starts to read it.

Oriander looked at it in a confused way. "I don't know what any of this is. Do they have any fish." His snowy eyes went over the menu. He saw something called a hamburger, but he wasn't sure of what that was. He looked up at her and as he did he saw other people staring at him in a weird way...he sunk lower in his seat.

Sin's eyes opened wide. "Oriander? how to even read?" She turned her head sideways. "They have a fish sandwhich. If you want that?" She raised one eyebrow.

Oriander looked down at the table and nodded his head for the fish sandwich. In a small grumble he said mainly to himself, "...i can read...." And he realy could back at his home. But this place's little symbols were confusing.

Sin smiles slightly, with a bit of a confused look on her face. "Okay, so the fish sandwhich it is then!" Sin called over the waiter by ringing a little bell in the middle of the round shaped table. "May I take you order?" The waiter said. "Yes, we would like one fish sandwhich and one strawberry milkshake with whip creame in the top!" She looked at the waiter. "Oh and Oriander, before the waiter leaves, would you like anytyhing to drink?" She asked.

"Water, please." He said lightly. He didn't look up at the waiter because Oriander knew that he would scare him off if he did. Alot of people ran away from him when they saw his eyes. He didn't know why, though. When the waiter took off to bring in thier order he looked up at Sin and smiled. She wouldn't run from him.

Sin smiled back at Oriander and then looked back down. She started to sway back and forth waiting for the waiter to come back with the food.

Oriander sat up in his seat and brought up his book. He set it on the table and pushed it towards Sin. He didn't know exactly why he thought she was it...but maybe. The book was as white as snow, but the strange symbols on the front were black as a crow's feather. He didn't say anything...only looked down and waited.

Sin looked at the book, then looked back at Oriander. "So, you really are a mamoto. think I could be a reader?" She asked Oriander, then looked back at the white book laying on the table.

He shrugged. "I...I'm not sure, but something inside tells me...." He looked up again, hope in his white eyes.

Sin looked into Oriander's white eyes. She then takes the book and starts to look at the book. "So...this is dark?" The waiter comes up behind them and lays the food and drinks on the table. "Enjoy your meal. If you shall need anything, ring the bell." The waiter said. Sin smiled slightly and gave the waiter a tip and the money to pay for the food. Then she looked back at Oriander and handed him the plate with the fish sandwhich on it. And shoved the water near him. "Enjoy." She said quietly. Then she starts to drink her milkshake and looks at the book some more.

Oriander smiled from ear to ear and started munching on the sandwich with glee. While eating, he mostly forgot about his main objective.

Sin takes her last sip of the milkshake. "Mmmmm... that was good." She laughed. "Wow... I haven't laughed in a long time. Guess, you're good luck or something? I don't know, I am just rambling on. heh..." She stared at the celing. "Hey Oriander, do you want to be friends?" Sin looked back at Oriander, then looked at the remains of the whip creame on the bottom of the milkshake glass.

"Friends?! W-with me?" Oriander looked a little shocked. No one wanted to be his friend. He eyed his book that was in her hands again then smiled a big grin. "Yes! I would love to be your friend.!" He had picked the right one! Maybe she could read his spells.

"That sounds great!" Sin smiled. She had never had a real friend before. She thought this would be a great opertunity to have a best friend for the first time. "Ok, we are a team now. Sounds good. So... now what do you want to do?"

"I-I don't know." He knew what he was sent here to do, but where should he begin? He also didn't know how Sin would react to it. "I...need to find other Mamotos."

"Hmmmm, other Mamotos? Well, before we go on a search for other Mamotos, I want to get some rest and take a shower and stuff. Would you like to stay the night? I have an extra room, and a living room and stuff." Sin smiled. She then grabed Oriander's hand and threw down some money on the table, enough to pay for the meal and a tip. She then started running out of the door and stoped at a park and sat down while letting go of Oriander's hand. "So... would you? Would you like to stay the night?"

Oriander nodded. He had been sleeping on the streets for so long that he didn't remember what a soft bed felt like. He nodded his head. "Yes, I would love to stay the night." His grin came soaring back. So many good things were happening to him. "Thank you."

"No problem! It's great to have a friend. Well...let's go!" Sin smiled, then took Oriander's hand and ran to her house. "Well this is it..." Sin looked up at her two story house, standing ontop of a mountain. She then runs inside and sits Oriander on the couch. Oriander sinks into the butter like thing. Sin then runs in the kitchen and grabs pop corn and some drinks.

A mamodo (Scott-Omen) walks outside the house of Sin and Oriander a shadow black book in hand and knocks on thier door and waits for an answere and says "Maybe no one it home, it sure is cold outside"

Sin hears a knock on the door. She gives the dirnks to Oriander and sits the pop corn on the couch. "Hmmm I wonder." She says silently. She then runs over to the door rushing out of the room where Oriander sat. She opens the door to another mamoto. Her eyes open wide. "Are, you alone? Please, come in!" Sin shouts. "Please follow me to the living room and sit yourself down. I will get something to drink for you. Oh and the mamoto in there, is my friend. Please be kind. His name is Oriander. Oh and one more thing, make yourself at home." Sin smiles. Then she leads the new mamoto into the next room where Oriander sat. She bends down and puts a movie into the tv. Then she runs in the kitchen and gets some water for the new mamoto.

"Thanks for everything" Scott said "Bye the way the name is Scott"

"Nice to meet you Scott. Oh, and you're welcome!" Sin smiled. She then looked over at Oriander. "Hello Oriander! This is Scott! He's a mamoto too!" She then hands everyone their drink and sits my Oriander after she turns the movie on. "Would you like to sit down Scott?"

"Um sure" Scott said and started to remember his past in the mamodo world "Hey! I remember you now Oriander! You were pretty strong in the mamodo world!"

Sin's eyes opened wide. "So... you guys know each other? Interesting..."

"Not really. I really don't remeber much about you. I many just remembered that" Scott said drinking some more of his water.

Sin looked at Oriander.. "hmmmm"

Scott looked down upset and said "Man she already has a mamodo. Hmmm maybe it is possible for the reader to have two mamodos" Scott said hoping Sin or Oriander didn't hear him.

"Hmmmm? What did you say Scott? Did you say something?" Sin wondered.

"No i didn't say anything" Scott said looking down ushamed "I better leave and try to find a reader. You already have a mamodo so it doesen't matter" Scott then thought to himself "I can't believe i don't have a reader yet. This is so unfair!"

Sin looked at Scott. "Hmmmm, WAIT! Don't leave yet! Maybe I can be your reader too! I just need to check with the rules again and see if it's ok. Is that alright?" Sin smiled.

"Well sure that is fine with me but you know in the end me and Oriander will have to fight to see who will become the mamodo king you know that right?" Scott said "And also in a battle how could you read 2 books at the same time?"

Sin looked at Scott. "That's perfectly fine. I know that if one of you win in the end, we will all still be friends. Also, it would be an unfair fight if I used two mamotos. So, let's say there was an ice mamoto, and you were fire and Oriander were dark. We would use you. Say that you were both dark, and you were going against light, I don't think it would be unfair if I used two mamotos. Plus, I have two hands, one book in each hand shall do. So, what do you think Scott?"

"That sounds good but just so you know it is shadowfire not just fire it is more powerful and hotter then regular fire. Oh and once you say me spell i get razorsharp armor" Scott said.

Sin smiled. "That sounds good to me, and about your armour, don't hurt me with it okay? Be careful." Sin winked. Sin then thought to herself, "I wonder if I am even allowed to have two mamotos. Hmmmm."

Scott hands Sin his book "When it starts glowing a very dark dark black that is when you can do a spell"

Sin looks down at Scott. "Okay, I got it! Don't worry I won't let you down." Sin smiles.

"Ok" Scott said with a smile on his face.

Sin looked outside the window. It was still raining. "I love the rain." She sighs. "Well minus well watch the movie. How about it Scott?" Sin sits down on the couch and pats the couch to her left.

"I don't mind" Scott said "What would we watch?"

She puts in Kurumi Steel Angel in. Sin smiles.

"This is the first movie i have ever seen" Scott said

"Really? That's interesting. Hey, do you like the rain? Just wondering." Sin folded her legs.

"Kind of. I've spent most of my life wondering while i was in the human world" Scott said.

"That's pretty cool." Sin said. She then turned around and started waatching the movie. After that, she grabed her drink and took a sip, then put it down.

"Not really. I slept outside. with nothing but these clothes. It was bad when it rained" Scott said.

Sin looked at Scott. "Hmmmm. Take off your clothes in the bathroom, and I will wash and dry them. There is a black robe in there, so you can put that on until your clothes are ready. Is that okay?"

"You don't have to do that for me. I'll be ok" Scott said.

"I don't want you to be all wet. Plus, you'll catch a cold, and it's not healthy. So if I may?" Sin tilted her head to the side.

"Whatever" Scott said walking into the bathroom.

Sin takes Scott's clothes and throws them in the washer.

Scott gets cleaned off.

Sin wahses and drys his clothes and hands them to him. "Hey Scott, get your clothes on, we're going out! The rain may be getting hard and the clouds may be black, but we can manage... We need to start training. Am I wrong?" Sin said.

Scott puts his clothes back on "Your not wrong. we should and i'm ready when your ready"

Oriander jolted awake. He must have been out for a while. He touched the springy couch he had been asleep on. His silvery eyes were heavy with groginess and he just noticed he was olone. "Hello?" He softly spoke out.

Scott walked out into the living room where Oriander was sleaping. "So your finaly awake" Scott said.

Oriander's eyes jetted fully open. " me?" He jumpped off the couch.

"Yes. Don't you remember me Oriander?" Scott said "We knew eachother in the mamodo world"

Oriander squinted his pearly white eyes for a moment. "I...think I remember." Yes, it was definate now, he had seen this mamodo before, yet didn't know much about him. Oriander's boyish face became a little defensive. What if he wanted to fight, but he would have to have a reader first. "Do you have a reader?"

"Yeah. Partner. Sin agreeded to have two mamodos" he said.

"What?! Two?" Oriander thought for a moment, he didn't know that could be done. "What about the..." He had been about to say the mamoto games, but he decided against it. He would just have to learn to trust Scott and become his friend. He ruffled his small black wings for a moment then smiled. "Alright then...,partner."

"Good" Scott said back with a grin on his face

Oriander inspected Scott for a moment and then sat down on the edge of the coffee table. "So, what can you do? If we are going to be partners we need to share with each other our powers."

Sin just lood at Oriander. "Well, I'm happy that you guys are atleast talking. I know what will have to happen at the "end"... You too will have to fight against each other.
And maybe we can teach friendship to others... I dunno.
All I can say is that we can fight against any enemy.
As long as we get along, I have faith in our battles... I also have faith in you too silly heads to get along." Sin smiled then walked over infront of the tv and layed down infront of it and closed her eyes.

Oriander looked at her wide eyed. He hoped that no one would bring that subject up. He hated having to fight, and he would like much less to get to know someone and then fight them. He would just have to protect himself from creating a bond with Scott. He cut his eyes over to Scott to see what his reaction to what Sin had said would be.

A few miles away a sigle personile in a military out fit came in to town holding a mystrios book.

"I am sorry Oriander. I do not like to mention that myself. It is a battle. Like I said, we can problably change the ways of the mamotos and teach friendship, forgivness, and take away jealousy and greed. Most of the mamotos out there only to care about winning this great tournament and becoming king or whatever you want to call it. I know it's a battle to the end of one mamoto, and that it is hard, but I won't let that happen to my mamotos. Even if Scott were with another reader, you would have to battle things out in the end anyways with him. So there's no telling what we are going to do when we get there." Sin looked down at her knees and wraped her arms around them.

Oriander glaced at Scott who seemed to be in deep thought. He then walked over to Sin and placed his small hand on her shoulder. "I know we can figure a way through this." He smiled at her because he realy believed it, too.

Sin smiled and then stretched her arms out, yawned, and fell backwards onto the floor. O.O She blinked. "I'm pretty tired. What about you guys? I have extra bed-rooms if you would like to rest?"

Sin stood up and started to gape over everyone. "Ummmm, hello? Is anyone listening to me? I'm going to sleep. There are extra bed-rooms if you would like to go sleep somewhere comftorable." She yawns again and then starts walking twards her room. Sin then hits the wall and falls on her butt. "Ow. Dammit, why do I always do that?" She said to herself. She got back up and went into her room, jumped on her bed and fell asleep while snuggling her teddy bear.

Oriander watched her leave with a sad expression. Now he was left alone with Scott. He had a feeling that things might just get a little interesting.

Back to...
<-- zatch bell.

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2005-06-22 [Lady Alaina]: NO WAY! My friend would KILL ME! O.O HIEI is mine.. ^^

2005-06-28 [Slayer Chick]: mrow?

2005-07-01 [Lady Alaina]: Ok,you guys are getting awfully far without Cat in teh HAt and I...-_-;; It IS her RP,and she just doesnt get enough chances on teh net...

2005-07-20 [Slayer Chick]: sorry Alaina. It's an wer'e supposed to RP, aren't we?

2005-08-02 [Lady Alaina]: Maybe so,but it would be a NICE GESTURE to wait up for teh own frieken owner of the apge. Actually,she spent the night this past weekend,and put me in charge.

2005-08-04 [Slayer Chick]: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sorry Lady Alaina....

2005-08-10 [Lady Alaina]: Hehe,just Alaina,please. :D Well,where did they leave Cat in teh HAt and I off...?

2005-08-17 [Slayer Chick]: this is the last thing you said Alaina, "Alaina led Serenity down the hall intot eh kitchen. "Mom's not up yet. Orange juice?" " and ummm yeah....

2005-09-06 [Lynyrd Zeppelin]: wait whatever happened to Oriander?

2005-09-09 [Slayer Chick]: I don't know, I guess the actress that plays him hasn't been on in forever. what should we do???

2005-09-09 [Lynyrd Zeppelin]: I don't know

2005-09-21 [Slayer Chick]: Hmmmm should we play as Oriander until she gets back? And if she's not back in a 200-300 days, then we should have a talk with the owners??? Wow... everyone is bailing out on us...

2005-10-18 [Cat in the Hat]: im back(finnally)

2005-10-23 [Slayer Chick]: yay!!! *glomps cat in the hat*

2005-11-27 [Cyto]: so can I join at anytime?

2005-12-06 [Ryo-Oni]: sure thing...I guess, but its not my place to say.

2005-12-10 [Hatake Kakashi]: hello

2005-12-10 [Hatake Kakashi]: im [Cat in the Hat] but like always i forget my password

2005-12-28 [Slayer Chick]: lol niiice ><;;

2007-03-02 [Hiuko]: Can I start at this point since it seems your guys are finshed or close to finished?

2007-03-02 [Ryo-Oni]: Well, we haven't posted in months...or is it years? I would love for it to start up again.

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