Page name: Elftown Academy [Logged in view] [RSS]
2014-10-12 16:56:36
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Welcome to the Academy!

By [Elegy - gone], for the ET Academy Drawing Contest

The Elftown Academy is a place where ordinary Elftowners volunteered to teach and instruct other Elftowners on certain subjects that can be found in regular schools. Although classes have ended, the classrooms and their materials are still here! Enjoy browsing through lessons made by other Elftowners about Biology, History, Math, and many other subjects.



Click here for the full list of classes: ETA Classes


Managed by the Professors of Tutorials and Lessons.

Joining us

New classes will not be added here, but rather at Tutorials and Lessons.
View the requirements at Tutorials and Lessons Submissions.


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To discuss comments, corrections, suggestions, or questions.


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2003-03-04 [akhirah]: couldnt u add the teachers and wat they do here give them an example of wat we do?

2003-03-04 [sdad]: hello there

2003-03-04 [sdad]: can i bee an artist too :))))????

2003-03-05 [Mirime]: Hi! This looks interesting!

2003-03-22 [Clarimonda]: This doesn't cost anything, right?

2003-03-23 [Sheona]: This costs nothing

2003-03-30 [Lynnaelia]: It's all for the good of the people ^-^

2003-04-14 [Red kira]: What happen to my class unicorn and dragon riding

2003-05-24 [Tigers and Trees]: You guys ought to have a class where you can just sleep... >:)

2003-05-24 [Mirime]: what, there isn't one already? ^_~

2003-05-25 [Jimbaliah]: Hello! Can I advertise my wiki page here? It is really cool! It has a weekly word search, a coffee shop, a garden, and even a debate room! Please!!!!

2003-05-26 [Augury]: Excuse my brother's incessant plugging. He's addicted.

2003-05-26 [Sierra Mattea]: I would like the job of psychology/sociology professor

2003-05-28 [Augury]: A shrink... *runs away scared*

2003-06-16 [Shiraya]: *evil cackling and insane laughter* *Shifty eyes* Forgive me... I had to. Anyways... So what is this exactly? I kinda get it but I fail to grasp the details and the point to all this.

2003-06-17 [memories Lost]: I'd like to become one of the teachers of languages. The language is either Italian or French, either is fine for me, maybe both...I dun care.  I am Italian, so I know the language, and I'm taking French in school, so I know French too....Pls send me a msg at this name and we can talk about it.

2003-06-17 [Augury]: Shrink... eeeee....

2003-06-25 [J077]: lol

2003-06-27 [Sierra Mattea]: wow.. comments don't much move around on this one.. it's okies.. they don't at the art store either, lol.. business is dead, lol

2003-07-31 [hellwhore]: Hey, hey everybody! *waves*

2003-07-31 [freeverse]: dont run out of toilet paper.......rightttttttttt

2003-07-31 [darkscribe]: ???????

2003-08-14 [HeetheN]: ..........

2003-08-14 [darkscribe]: I repeat... "??????"

2003-08-19 [Jimbaliah]: God Day to you all! Ummm... how do I enroll for classes here?

2003-08-20 [Chibi]: Add your name to the class

2003-08-23 [Satan_Impact]: I'm smart. That's why my friend picks on me to do her homework fer her.(Mina?GRRR..) so I pick art and religion(maybe mythology.)

2003-09-12 [Tetiana]: hey look! an academy!  *off to explore* I always get lost in these. . .

2003-09-18 [Silversong]: lol...You're not the only one [Tetiana] Mayhap we shall see eachother in this maze of classrooms!!  Smiles all!!   ~Silversong~

2003-09-21 [Satan_Impact]: umm.....

2003-09-22 [Silversong]: huh?

2003-10-01 [Irion]: hi, I'm new here

2003-10-01 [Irion]: can somebody help me? =)

2003-10-01 [Sheona]: what do you need help with?

2003-10-17 [Lewis of Llynn]: hello, I'd like to join a class. What should I do?

2003-10-18 [Sheona]: Click on the link to the class page. Near the bottom is an option of edit the page. Click on this then add your name to the list of pupils. You're then a member of the class!

2003-12-23 [boogie]: are there any plumbers here? I need new restrooms

2004-01-05 [Davorah]: RANDOM ACT OF ADVERTISEMENT: Weekly Funny Stuffs! GO NOW!!!

2004-01-23 [Efeu]: I would like to teach latin if this is possible....what must i do?

2004-01-23 [Davorah]: You shouldn't have messed with the HTML of the page...someones gonna kick your ass for it....

2004-01-23 [May-lea]: I fixed the page.

2004-01-23 [Davorah]: yay!

2004-01-29 [ooies]: Hey okay I'm new and I was wondering if there was a page to look at past art...while your learning and how u add ur name to the class?

2004-01-29 [May-lea]: to add your name in the class, edit the page and ad your name among the students

2004-01-31 [Suck-Boy]: I want to learn to control enter minds and maybe control thoughts, that would be a cool trick.

2004-01-31 [Isilando]: I wanna learn how to make people not lame

2004-01-31 [ButterflyFairy]: It's something that can't be learned....Poeple will always be lame.;)

2004-02-02 [The UnBlissed]: what do you do here?

2004-02-03 [White_scare]: where do i view other peoples art

2004-02-04 [Black Blur]: OK! Since [darkscribe] is away for so much time and I was willing to become a teacher in the Fencing and Martial Studies I decided to become the professor. I've already contacted the Headmaster [willy]. If anyone does not like the idea please contact me.

2004-02-26 [Aashild]: Can someone please teach me to control water?

2004-03-09 [Chel.]: Check out my Fashion Art Contest although it's over you can vote for your fave at....<poll:15689>

2004-03-19 [Zippo]: can some1 help me i want to learn how to draw manga cause like its cool shit

2004-04-13 [Anonymous]: Many badges have been given to the Academy and the people who contributed to it along all this time. Thank Elftown.

2004-04-13 [teptep]: I am curious I cook alot infact I used to work in a deli, is there somewhere in this that I can be master of cook studies?

2004-04-13 [teptep]: cooking: everyone likes to eat.

2004-04-14 [THE LORD OF CHAOS!! FEED ME COOKIES!!!!!]: I like to cook I'd take those classes if they make some

2004-04-14 [teptep]: well if I can get him to alow this study I can teach you how to make a mean deli sandwitch and some easyer ways to make fried foods without eggs and some other recipies I know.

2004-04-14 [THE LORD OF CHAOS!! FEED ME COOKIES!!!!!]: kool kool so would you post the recipes up on the part of the wiki that they would give you ooo ya before I for get hey head master guy can I teach a pholosify class seeings how you dont have one becuase as I'm told by most people i talk to here in elftown that I should be a pholosifer

2004-04-14 [teptep]: oops sorry headmaster I opened pandora's box, as for the receipes there not so much receipes then advice on cooking, simple things some people don't know how to do, for example some eat a steak and say mmmm but how would you spice it up make it better.

2004-04-14 [THE LORD OF CHAOS!! FEED ME COOKIES!!!!!]: to combine some barbequ sauce and steak suace to gether

2004-04-14 [teptep]: no thats not it.

2004-04-14 [Veltzeh]: Uhh... I don't know how many times I've said it, but I don't want to be the biology professor anymore. I don't have time to actually do anything... Can someone remove me or do I have to remove myself? And who will take the badge off my house?

2004-04-15 [will turner neko]: hi

2004-04-16 [Hikaru Hitachiin]: hullo

2004-04-16 [Anonymous]: Velthez: Badges was given because you sometime taught something ;) Not as an obligation for you to teach more if you dont have time :)

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