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2006-02-28 01:28:21
Last author: Nere
Owner: Nere
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The Guild of Pagans

-put this image up in your house if you join!

-banner designed by [irulan] winner of The Guild of Pagans Badge and Banner Competition

Merry meet and welcome

This page is for pagans and wiccans to come together and discuss... well, whatever! This is an interactive community, so please take part in discussions, etc. We do want your input!

If you would like to join the Guild of Pagans, please go to Guild Members

and follow the instructions.

Also join our forum!<joinforum:1332:salem> (The Guild of Pagans) 

The Guild of Pagans Council Members Page.

For Information about Pagans:

Pagan FAQ
Pagan Dictionary

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Guild Book of Shadows

If you want to add spells, prayers, poems, rituals or pictures(not too big please!), do so here.

Pagan links


Memorable Quotes
Guild Book Reviews

Pagan Posts:

I just wanted to say Welcome to all members, new and old. Cheers - [Nere]


VOTE!!!!!!!!!! <poll:12446>


The Guild of Pagans Council page is up. - [Orestez]

An interesting online shop...check it out.(

[irulan] is the winner of The Guild of Pagans Badge and Banner Comp.

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[Shardae]: i see

[spongemonkey]: XD we shall smite the tall-ones!!!!!

[Nere]: bring it, short asses...XD

[Morbid Poet]: wow im not the only short one im 5'3

[FiSHr.]: *sighs*

[Morbid Poet]: how are you F(r)iend.

[FiSHr.]: pretty shite.....

[Morbid Poet]: whys that. tell me about it

[spongemonkey]: :\ need a hug?

[Lioness2]: I'm only 5' 4", yet i manage to beat up lots of 6' tall, 6' WIDE burly men on the battlefields every year...must be a talent....

[Delladreing]: *is only 5ft* hey and im one of the most feared people around ;)

[Morbid Poet]: im only 5'3 and very violent

[Delladreing]: lol its a lot of rage to e so compact dont you gree ;)

[Morbid Poet]: say what


[Morbid Poet]: im dancing with you

[Delladreing]: Ah! Shardae is the same height as me wOOt, im not that tiny afterall *dances*

[Fireblade K'Chona]: In my Irish class, I'm the tallest...all the other girls except my teacher are like 6 inches shorter than me, and the guy's two inches shorter...and I have to be the 'guy' in one of the four-hand reels, but my partner is eight inches shorter than I am, so I can't jump otherwise she falls over. -sigh-

[Shardae]: LOL!!

[Fireblade K'Chona]: It's hard to not jump on the four-hand reel, since you have to to move.

[Morbid Poet]: ya ya ya

[FiSHr.]: *yawn*

[~*Lonely Wanderer*~]: Hey there [FiSHr.] *yawn* first time talker on here

[Morbid Poet]: ya it sounds like it

[Pyro Mac]: *walks in*

[Skydancer]: Presently there are several magick books up for auction at the Elftown Auction Emporium

[Pyro Mac]: intresting...i didnt know that thre was an auction

[Firenze]: nor did i, [Skydancer] I am interested in one of the particular books up for auction but I can't message you as my school has filtered your house page and my PC at home is totally busted, so could you possibly message me.

[FiSHr.]: i am a conciler here so i suppose i should get more involved

[Delladreing]: might be an idea yes

[FiSHr.]: lol

[FiSHr.]: *huggles*

[Delladreing]: *hugs*

[Morbid Poet]: do i get a hug

[Lioness2]: No

[Morbid Poet]: fine be that way

[Lioness2]: *Grins* Just kidding...I don't hug, but i'm sure someone else will...

[abandonedhouse7 7]: I'll give you a hug! *hugs*

[Delladreing]: *Hugs the entire room...even if they dont hug :p* and now im all outa hugs, im too stressed to be affectionate just now so no one else ask for one O_o"

[abandonedhouse7 7]: *hugs [Delladreing] just to annoy her* lol

[Delladreing]: *twitches* not a good idea lol im very explodable just now ^_-

[abandonedhouse7 7]: hehe explodable. Spontaneous combustion!! :P

[Delladreing]: lol ragebale conbustion :p

[abandonedhouse7 7]: lol ^_^

[FiSHr.]: explodable dela....not good

[abandonedhouse7 7]: Think of the mess! lol :P

[FiSHr.]: oooo.......bloooooood......*slaps self* SHUT UP DAVE

[abandonedhouse7 7]: LOL hehe

[FiSHr.]: hehehehehe.....*shuts up*

[abandonedhouse7 7]: lol dear o dear.

[FiSHr.]: any as im on the council and im a novice shaman.....well....yeah....i dont quite kno where im going with this but hey....its fun

[Morbid Poet]: ur crazy

[Delladreing]: you are only just notcing this? ^_-

[FiSHr.]: 'ere dela dont be mean.....*ish feeling explodable*

[Delladreing]: lol im not im being truthful :p

[FiSHr.]: ok.....

[SatansAngel]: you people do know pagan means worshipping mother earth?

[Fireblade K'Chona]:, yes. Got a problem with it?

[Delladreing]: id say wed b pretty bad pagans if we didnt know what our "terms" meant, and not always

[FiSHr.]: ......erm....yes

[Morbid Poet]: ya i knew that. there are a lot of people in my town who worship mother earth

[Delladreing]: sounds like a good town to be in then :)

[Shardae]: Oh wow this a really big moving wiki! ^.^ So how is everyone on this very blessed day?

[Delladreing]: extremely tired and at my wits end. you?

[Shardae]: I'm very good today. I just got ungrounded so I think I may take a trip to the Pagan store up the road in celebration. OoO yeah I should!!

[Delladreing]: yay good for you :)

[Shardae]: Yeah...I wanna do a luck spell, but I figure that that may just turn around and fuck me right up the ass!! lol! I need luck for Kolor Guard. Try outs are next week.

[Delladreing]: lol yea things are a bitch like that at times. im sure it will turn up for you if you really need it, its not always a good idea to use things like luck spells just incase they "turn around and fuck you right up the ass" lol

[Shardae]: yeah lol that's why I'm not trying..I don't even trust myself to do a spell right now anyway

[Delladreing]: why is that if you do not mind me asking?

[Shardae]: because I'm spiritually not balanced right now....there's stuff I need to settle in my life

[Delladreing]: ahh i see, somone wise enough to realize that then. its amzing how many people wonder why they shouldnt practise magic when they are drained or unbalanced, its actually quite scary O_O

[Morbid Poet]: ya i know about that one. i had a hard time at one point as well

[Shardae]: um..I tend to summon things like demons and bad spirits on accident when I'm unbalanced.

[Morbid Poet]: i did that one

[Shardae]: Yeah...well it's never good..afterward I stopped for along time and still haven't started messing with spells's been more than a year..

[Fireblade K'Chona]: I don't mess with spells unless I have to, as a rule. The last spell I did was a request to heal my friend's dog, who'd been hit by a car. He's fine now. But other than that, I've never really done anything, because I've never needed to.

[Shardae]: Yeah, I used to do them for fun, well I don't anymore.

[Fireblade K'Chona]: Well, I thought about trying spells a lot, but something told me I just shouldn't. So I didn't. Thank gods I listened while I was still partly a fluff-bunny. (slightly ashamed, but hey, it's how most people start, right?)

[Shardae]: Yeah..I probably won't for the next few years..I would love to become a Priestess of an actually coven

[Fireblade K'Chona]: Being a priestess would be all right, I guess, but I'm really fine as a solitary. I've got me, I've got faith, and that's enough for me.

[Shardae]: Well I would like to become a Priestess...

[Morbid Poet]: thats kewl

[Pyro Mac]: im new...

[Morbid Poet]: how are you

[Pyro Mac]: pretty good you?

[Shardae]: Hey how's everyone? *Hugs everyone*

[Morbid Poet]: im doing good

[Shardae]: good

[Morbid Poet]: i give hugs to everyone

[Shardae]: I love hugs.

[Morbid Poet]: wow me to

[Shardae]: yep

[Morbid Poet]: *gives[Shardae] Biggest hug*

[Shardae]: *returns with an even bigger hug*

[Morbid Poet]: thank you

[Shardae]: your welcome

[Morbid Poet]: any time

[Shardae]: *scratches*

[lady.crimson]: strange itch?

[Shardae]: yep

[Morbid Poet]: ya ok that was kinda weird

[pinefairy]: i second that comment

[Morbid Poet]: kewl thank you what is with all the itching

[Morbid Poet]: why

[wicked_morna]: hey guys!

[Fireblade K'Chona]: OK, I have a question for people-what do you know about aspecting?

[FiSHr.]: hmmmmm....

[Morbid Poet]: hmmmm.lets think

[sapphiresphinx]: I don't know much about it, isn't the same as creating a servitor?

[Morbid Poet]: i dont know but what does servitor mean again i dno't remember

[Delladreing]: hello everyone, hope you are all well :D can you all do me a big favour and do my poll. thanks <poll:49728> ^_^

[Morbid Poet]: im doing well what about you

[WolfBrethren]: *howls*

[Morbid Poet]: why you howlin

[WolfBrethren]: thats what i do. lol *wolf-ish grin*

[*~`Lady of Avalon`~*]: ohh who's afraid of the big bad wolf

[WolfBrethren]: not you or me

[FiSHr.]: not me

[Delladreing]: me either *scratches behind the wolfies ears* and they had better not bite. or i will bite back twice as hard :P

[FiSHr.]: :p

[WolfBrethren]: [Delladreing] you wish you could bite twcie as haard as me. O and thanks for the scratch, i need that.

[Delladreing]: oho but i can my dear XD. glad to be of help

[FiSHr.]: *morphs into a dog*

[WolfBrethren]: [FiSHr.] you better be a pittbull if you wish to fight me.

[FiSHr.]: black wolf

[WolfBrethren]: well y did you say dog there is a big differnce between the two you know.

[WolfBrethren]: hold on they dont have wolves in the U.K. deffantly not in england

[Delladreing]: they used to :)

[WolfBrethren]: yah, about 400 years ago

[WolfBrethren]: dont argue with an expert

[Delladreing]: *shrugs* your point being? maybe he is a very old wolf ;) a very very very old wolf. or maybe he is an imigrant wolf :)

[WolfBrethren]: its bad luck

[FiSHr.]: lol ok i give up *morphs into a kitten*

[WolfBrethren]: question being why to England?;)

[Delladreing]: hehe i love wolves, i wish they were still here...apart from in the wildlife thing. and the whole being eaten thing O_o hehe ;)

[WolfBrethren]: lol so "cute"

[FiSHr.]: O.o

[WolfBrethren]: funny you mention thet. a heathy wolf WILL NOT attack a human unless provoked

[Delladreing]: *nods* i know that. i was just trying to be funny but it always fails lol

[WolfBrethren]: i cant say to much though, im from wales originaly

[FiSHr.]: *attack a ball of fluff*

[WolfBrethren]: *therian23 pins kitten down with his two huge paws*

[FiSHr.]: ow

[WolfBrethren]: *therian23 lays down and relaxs*

[FiSHr.]: awww

[Random Acts of a Deadly Lover]: hey fellow pagans! whats up? nm here well yeah! now i found others!

[Delladreing]: Please remember about our current competition. Entries must be in soon as the Festival is fast appraoching. Please go have a look. Thanks

[Hallow's Eve]: hhhmmmm looks like fun

[Morbid Poet]: ya i know.

[lady.crimson]: has anyone entered the competition yet?

[Delladreing]: *snorts* no. i have all but given up hope

[abandonedhouse7 7]: I can't draw or do anything arty. If I could do something acceptable, and if I had the time, I would, but I can't. *cringes* Sorry. :S

[Delladreing]: lol its fine

[Morbid Poet]: i had do anything real arty either

[Ghanima]: Lol it is worth a try, with no one entering, winning is not going to be hard.. at thie rate anyway.

[Morbid Poet]: oh the contest

[Ghanima]: ... =P

[Morbid Poet]: so how is everyone on this fine beautiful day


Blessed Beltane to All

[Morbid Poet]: thank you and same to you

[hottie gizmo]: does any one here own a book of shadows?

[Kit Azhure]: what do you mean own?

[Dasner]: No, wish I did, but I use all sorts of paper I can get my hands on for my weird stories. ^_^;

[Morbid Poet]: oh ok. ya i do the same thing. i just find paper and write

[Firenze]: Yeah I do, why?

[Dasner]: It's very difficult for me to make a Book of Shadows without thinking of a story and writing it down IN the Book of Shadows. ^_^;

[Morbid Poet]: ya that is very true

[Firenze]: I concentrate on one thing at a time. But I ask Gods and Goddesses to help me write mine and to give me guidance and I also ask my spirit guardian to help as well.

[hottie gizmo]: have one that they might have contrubuted to or have one that they have spells in thats what i MEAN!!

[Fireblade K'Chona]: Anyone have a way to contact spirit guides? (since no one knows about aspecting?) I'd like to at least know who mine is, so I can call them when I need to!

[Erutan]: The only way I know how to contact them is by meditating, and seeing who comes to you.

[WolfBrethren]: You dont contact a spirit guide, it contacts you!!!

[Fireblade K'Chona]: I suppose you have a point, WolfBrethren. As for yours, Erutan, is there any specific thing I'm supposed to do? I meditate fairly often, but nothing's showed up.

[WolfBrethren]: It could be the way your meditating you know.

[Erutan]: ask for them to make an appearance, that or think of the animals that you seem to be most attracted or afraid of, they might just be your totom animals or guides. In meditation go to a forest and walk through it... then the animals that show themselves to you most often... 3 or more times... will be your guides... though you should always ask them after you have made it out the other end of the forest.

[Fireblade K'Chona]: All right, I'll try that. Thanks. ^_^

[Erutan]: you are welcome

[Morbid Poet]: that is really good. i might try that as well

[Titchy-Witch]: i've sorta done that. But i've seen 2 i think. I'm kinda confused

[Morbid Poet]: im sorry

[spongemonkey]: eh, the only animals I see around here are rodents. so, I dunno, I just read up on various animals and went with what I felt best with.

[Morbid Poet]: that sounds like a good plan

[Erutan]: lol... That is a really good plan but you have to understand that I was talking about going into your minds, meditating, to find your spirit guides or animal totoms/guides, and you do not have to go through a forest, you could go swimming in the ocean in your meditation. What I was doing is giving you an example of what I am most connected to, which is the forest. In your meditations go to a place that you are most comfortable, and call out to the animals and ask for them to make an appearence to you. Ask that your guides come forth to you.

[Morbid Poet]: Thank you

[Our Lady of Sorrow]: hola que pasa?

[Morbid Poet]: ah bein y tu

[Fireblade K'Chona]: Is anyone else around here empathic? (I know you are, Del.)

[Our Lady of Sorrow]: me i dislike it a LOT

[Morbid Poet]: nope

[Fireblade K'Chona]: I have it. It's been acting up slightly. We were dissecting frogs in Bio and someone got nauseous. I'm not squeamish and the smell doesn't bother me, but I got nauseous too. -sigh-

[razorskiss666]: me. rather annoying, too, because i have little to no control over it.

[Delladreing]: its a bit of a problem when that happens yes *bad memories*

[Fireblade K'Chona]: I especially seem to pick up on physical pain. Example: My mom had a headache, as soon as I got in the car I got one too in exactly the same place. My friend sprained her ankle, and I felt it as soon as she got close. -sigh-

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