Feeling a little better today.
Unfortunately I woke up at 05:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. I guess it's time for breakfast and then a nap instead.
I suddenly got sick before going to bed last night. Now I've slept all day, but I'm still not feeling well. It feels like a desert with a sandstorm in my throat. I guess I'm OK otherwise so it isn't that bad. But it's highly annoying.
It's amazing to see how right-down stupid publishers are about file-sharing. It's time for them to realize that they sell books, not a story.
Anyhow, a fantasy and science fiction publisher got it right:
I hope that this stops being science fiction and more publishers start to get this. So far it seems like Baen is doing quite well so let's hope the money starts talking the language of freedom like it eventually does despite constant local setbacks.
This is so me!
But then I don't see why I should pay for music when active artists want to give it away for free to make me come to their concerts. And non-active ones I don't give a shit about and I'm more leaning towards paying to make anti-cultural anti-democrati
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Ehum, sorry about my last posting.
You can get a great "Windows 7": http://blogs.z
Three week Global media-boycott: [@fe51460545473]
The name is a little wrong: It's a boycott of:
* No purchases of CD's.
* No purchases of films.
* No purchases of computer games.
* No visits to movie theaters.
* No movie rentals.
So no boycott of watching movies, TV, reading newspapers or magazines, going to concerts, using Elftown or playing WoW.
Yay! Feels good to be able to go out and throw some rocks at people who are trying to steal my Internet! Hit them were it hurts!
Don't mess with these jellyfishes! Immortal, regenerating, morphing seriously bad-asses that you basically can cut into pieces and they will re-shape and they don't bother about starvation either:
You should go and watch News Feeds!
I've been trying to get something done all day and failed. I started closing a contest and read some other stuff on Elftown, but that's about everything.
What I was planning to do is to make it possible to set up a homepage on Elftown. I think it would be useful for a few Elftowners and give some good advertising back to Elftown. Eventually it will be possible to have your own domain, but I haven't decided on how yet.
Latvians are sick
Maybe [Nita] can get us some more fresh images?
Now go watch news feeds if you don't do it already!
Roland Emmerich will be making a movie of Asimov's Foundation stories. It can't we worse than the really really horrible, bad, boring, stupid and utter crap that 10,000_BC_(film) was.
Roland Emmerich is known for Stargate, Universal Soldier, Godzilla, The Day After Tomorrow and so on.
Got a new old camera now. It seems to be working OK, but I have some strange problems getting my computer to accept it though.
EU-debate: Extending copyright...
Some bandits are trying to steal your freedom, your money and they do it in a quite a stupid way that hurts everyone. The idea is to give the richest and dead artist more money and all active artists less access to materials to build on. So basically they steal your right to free material and then they make it harder for the ones who create material.
Make sure that MEPs who vote for this don't get any votes in the election between 4 and 7 June 2009!
How a book is made: (Or something...)