[AstaldoiĆ¢]'s diary

114154  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2003-12-17
Written: (7754 days ago)

Okay, starting to wonder where a specific person has gone to.... Hasn't been online for ages; v. out of character. Is starting to worry... Wondering if person's by any chance been killed...? O___o Cannot think about anything else.... Worrying 24-7. Not good. Is realising that I'm a tad bit obsessive. Cannot in anyway contact person but by MSN, Elftown and e-mail. Need to calm down.... *gets a cup of tea*

92247  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2003-10-31
Written: (7801 days ago)

Yippee! It's Halloween and Samhain! *cheers* Pumpkin pies for you, ha! Pumpkin pies for me, ha! ^_^ Oh, I'm mad XD Anyway, just finished painting my sis and her friend's faces. Am alone for 5 full hours! Still haven't touched homework. V. bad. At least [Grenseal]'s online. Talking about random things with him.
Have to eat dinner soon. Not v. hungry. Is realising entries are written like Cassandra Claire's Very Secret Diaries ^_^ V. amusing. Also realising I don't have a life...

48193  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2003-07-20
Written: (7904 days ago)

Erm...One of my greatest fears for Elftown is that it will turn into a dating center. I mean, look at the way [foxylady] set up her house! And what about her poll? (DON'T LOOK AT IT, KIDS!) I mean, seriously! Elftown is supposed to be a community for the fantasy and sci-fi interested, not some common chatting board like the swedish Lunarstorm! This just makes me so MAD!

48003  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-07-19
Written: (7905 days ago)

I want a tablet, I want a tablet, I want a tablet, I want a tablet, even [Levoton] has one, why can't I have one, I want a tablet, I want a tablet, I want a tablet...

47354  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2003-07-16
Written: (7908 days ago)

*sighs* Gods, what a day! First of all, my mum forced me to help her with the major clean up today; took until 8 pm. Then we went to pick up three of my aunts from the airport, and they're gonna stay with us for a week! One of them's gonna sleep in my room, so I'm sleeping on the sofa! How sucky. She better not mess up my stuff...

8913  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-02-03
Written: (8071 days ago)
Next in thread: 8920

*dreamy look* ah...lord of the rings plushies...really kawai...

7557  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2003-01-23
Written: (8082 days ago)

Hmm...My art teacher wants me to draw myself in the future what I think we will be famous for one day... WHAT SHOULD I DRAW?!

7354  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2003-01-22
Written: (8083 days ago)

Yay! Art tomorrow! I wonder what we're gonna do...

7022  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2003-01-21
Written: (8084 days ago)
Next in thread: 7068

*sobs* Waahh! Elfwood's down! And I failed my music test! *sob sob sob* Ah well...*sniffs* all in all, it wasn't such a bad day...

 The logged in version 

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