so there's this thing on my wrist.
and we call it a ganglion. and in order for it to shrink and go away, i must stop using my wrist so much.
which means i won't finish my doll for vicky :(
and what it is basically, is this sac of fluid from my joints or something
but it is so fun to poke!
and aside from just chilling with the knitting, i have to massage it gently and kiss it good night.
it's so disgusting to touch!
i can't wait to show my love nacho!
its gross
the end
my dog is so fucking vicious.
seriously, you look at my crazy white janis joplin chiuahuah and you think vicious!
it's terrifying to have a dog like that around!
for one thing, i need to get my head out of the past.
for another thing, my mom and mark are leaving to sacramento.
which translates to: Cecilia and Glen having a marshmellow popcorn party!
and we can watch harold and maude
and i'm missing my love nacho
and i'm missing my chocolate blondie
and i'm missing my pleurisy buddy
and i'm home alone
it's smoke time
then it's telephone time
to call my love nacho
to call uhhh prince charming
and first its marshmellow popcorn time
we looked like giants
but that was yesterday.
the world has moved on since then
lets stop
spinning that is
so once i was curious as to whether the chicken's eggs were baby chickens or future omelettes.
i pray it is the former because hatena that would be so cutie.
i could be like: HOLA IT IS CHICKENS
and they could be like: PEEP AND STUFF LIKE THE CANDY PEEPS
and i'd be like: yum candy peeps that's like super
and they'd be al: YES
and i'd say: WOAH
and then we'd eat peeps
and then
the story would be over.
trying to make some sense
two cabbies trying to explain the world
you're right
i'm right
he's right
yeah right.
Date: 2005-06-19 14:07
Subject: cheer me up today
Security: Public
if my flapjack doesn't find me
if he doesn't prove me right
if he doesn't make me know that i am decent and good
i'm afraid i will do something bad.
if he doesn't open my eyes and say look at how beautiful it all is
if he doesn't put his arms around me and kiss me on the neck
if he doesn't kiss my hand the way dracula would do
if he doesn't let me love him
if he decides to just give up
so too will i.
it's funny when you go on livejournal
and find things you wrote last year.
and the things you were concerned about
and the things you thought were important
and your worries and thoughts
and it's like wow
nothing really matters in the long run
truth is contingent
my head, it itches so.
i'm sick of the shit i'm sick of.
because i've been sick of it for so long.
and it's like those psychology books.
she just wants a baby because it's someone to talk to.
it's just an escape from her wretched family.
i have this cough, see.
a dry cough.
i have this friend who has arthiris in her chest
i have this friend who has drugs in her system
i have this friend whose cancer numbers have gone down greatly
i have this problem in my stomach that causes me nausea for no reason.
i have this pain in my stomach that grips the sides.
i have this friend inside of my head.
i have this enemey inside of my head.
but it's nothing like the movies.
and it's nothing like skittles but i wish i had skill. because, then i wouldn't need skittles would i?
and i could write a book on family problems so fast.
and i have had a Really Shitty time in my life, but i'm not a bitch and i don't complain (to other people) and i don't..,..
nothing i say is true. i'm just contradicting truth. what was it that wretched book said...? something about truth and opinion and how if you say something, you said it, and it doesn't matter if it's true or not anyway because truth is contingent. obviously, i mutter.
so fuck, i want mushrooms.
i will obtain moneys
and kj and i shall do mushrooms together, if he wants.
and i just feel like shit right now.
but i'd rather not get into that.
that's for livejournal.
san jose
i miss kj
long story
very tired
fuck hospitals
victorias getting out finally
she went in on monday
we came here wednesday night
she went into this "procedure"
because she has a uteran vascular malformation.
and the doctors don't actually seem to know what it is.
and they don't know what to do.
they went in the big artery in her leg with a cathavar or whatever the fuck, and the put dye in her leg to see her veins and to see if these artery things are intertwined, and they were, but they were worse than they thought they were. so they tried to block these blood vessals with particles so she won't bleed anymore. but it was unsucessful. so she's out of the hospital today until they get research done.
and vic said well i'm coming back on monday from placer county
and they said monday won't be enough time. and you shouldn't travel.
so she's staying at lucys.
so i'm staying at marinas.
and i only have one other thing to wear.
but i can get over that.
i spent the whole day next to my sister in the hospital.
she was out. she was totally passed out.
and i was knitting, writing, watching the clock go from 9:30 to 9:45 to 10:30 to 10:45 to 11:00 and just waiting for the doctor to come and take her to surgury. and i stayed there until 2:50 before they came.
then we ate some togos and it was spectacular.
then we went back and she was out of surgury/proced
and i'm sick of hospitals.
and i actually wish i was at school.
i'm reading this book the realm of truth, and it's really awesome. by awesome i mean thought provoking which sounds kind of gay but i really like it so HUH!
yeah that was kind of a wrestler noise, there should be some gs in ther like huuahhhgghhh
and either i'm hallucinating, the scale at home is wrong, the scale at my aunts house is wrong, or i lost like 8 pounds.
i'm a whackass
but i'm done beatin myself up about it
because i'm not actually feeling so shitty anymore
because i read all these old diary notes
and i was fucking happy
for no reason at all
and i kept saying "i wish i had beer" or like "beery dreams" or "if i only had beer" and today it's like well hey, i was happy then without beer and now i Have beer! so fuck, i'll just drink a beer then everything will be like a party
with glen, my beautiful son with a missing tooth
and we can have a disco.
and it's a fuckin party up in herr.
and it's ilke mc donalds
da da da da da i'm lovin it BITCH
i am a horrible person.
but dear god i see it.
i see the happiness.
i see the sadness.
then i'm just confused.
and now i'm just confused.
and it's sad.
and then i'm in the middle of my civics class and i want to cry, if given half a chance i could start bawling.
but it doesn't affect anyone else that way, so then i'm looking around the room and i'm alone.
and i feel stupid
and i feel like they're stupid
which is a stuipd conclusion to come to
and i hear kj saying i think cecilia needs some new adjectives
and i half smile and half think shut up stupid
because i'm not stupid
obviously, if i'm looking to another person for the answer to a question important only to me
a philosopher is nothing
was nothing
never will be
hakuna matata
i just want okay.
but i have an itch inside
for beer
for taste
for love
for hate
for pain
for death
for murder
for sobs
for that hell that comes when i drink and vomit and i feel like my entire body hates me.
for the feeling i get when someone tells me the complete and bitter truth
for the feeling i get when i feel like shit, that shit feeling
for a cigarette
for something i can't find in books.
and i wish more than anything that i could shut up.
because obviously, cecilia, it's your fucking fault you're so understood. you hate when people know you. you hate when people seem to understand you. yet where do they get that shit except from the shit you do. you're not exactly written in a foreign language.
i just wish i were a fucking mystery
hidden in the back pages
i'm sick of being cecilia
i just...wish the world were a better place.
and i'm fucking starting to cry
so i say
obviously if i drink the 211s...the world will be a better place.
i'm so weak. so fucking weak
and pathetic
and i care.
okay fuck it i'm going to keep complaining, but this time about those fucking externalities.
so mark takes the car, right?
and my mom is raging, kicking up the stage, and i am telling her to calm down please because i can't you can't we can't do anything about it.
and then there's remo and victoria
and what are they doing right now?
and there's beer in the fridge.
211s, 4 of them.
and i'd drink them if not for the fact that mark paid for them with his pain his last paycheck
meaning he was sad because of stephanie
and we were at the pet store
right across the street from chevys
and he was watching her walk
but at least i know my mom has the cigarettes
little miss i quit smoking
little miss i'm so sweet and gentle and come here i'll give you a hug
then here i am at my fucking worst
and believe you me i hate my fucking worst
its the worst that would destroy a fucking field of daisies and stomp the fuck out of them and laugh and laugh and laugh.
and laugh.
and laugh
and cry
and choke on tears and vomit and smoke and beer.
and then i'd be like HEY HEY! HEY!!!!! and yell at some random stranger about something that you know he didn't do.
you KNOW he didn't do.
you know i didn't do.
but i'm back on the inside now
and no one needs to hear about that.
recently my mom's been watching british television every night around this time.
i mean, right now i could be watching the news or something, not that that would make me feel any better.
i'm awfully sore because of weight training
fucking at the library i was talking to mark about weight training
and the kid dustin goes "you do NOT need weight training"
and i was like whatever
but the whole time i wanted him to leave
but i couldn't just be like hey fucking guy get out of my face, because he wasn't annoying me too bad, just a little.
and i don't want to be mean when he was just looking for a bit of conversation
i mean
pathetic conversation with a random person at the library
but still
then there's the lights going on on all areas of the house
and my mom's all flipping out
which means the house will be clean tomorrow
and every time i get over my problems or any kind of problem, some SHIT happens and i'm back at square one. not even like take 6 steps back, more like oh you're back at start bitch magiclike!
which is like the hand of god, invisable
and she goes "i can't believe he did that, the little shit."
and i'm concentrating only on the fact that she's taking off her jacket
that jacket, to me, means only Marlboro.
i'm a waste
a drug addict
an alkie
or at the very least the beginnings of one
the begining when i'm just a stupid kid forcing problems onto myself like a fucking self centered BITCH
and worse yet, i know i shouldn't be talking so much shit to myself Right Now
but i'm doing it
and why
i don't know
i feel like i deserve everything bad in the world
i feel like i deserve some random library kid to bore me to death with titles of sex books.
i feel like i deserve to sit and listen to mrs babcock
i feel like i deserve everything crap in the world
so now that i'm feeling like this, at least i'm not thinking i'm too good for school!
so i'll just blow my fucking head off
god damn the way the mind works is extraordinary
extrordinarily stupid
fuck humans
fuck existance
fuck the fact that i'm actually horribly consistent
consistent in my rages
and my loves
and my hates
and my greats
and there it is, the bitch that dwells inside me, right?
i cant wait to fucking get out of this
i can't wait for my happiness to come back
i've been pissed for a few days
it's pissing me off.
i can't wait
i want to go to the monteray bay aquarium
i want remo and victoria to return home
i don't want victoria to die
i don't even know whether that's a possibility
i dont' know whether i should drink a beer...
i don't want to keep writing but if i stop nothing good can come of it.
i'm not just going to go upstairs and read and do homework.
i'm going to drink, smoke, scream, cry and feel sad that kj isn't going to call even though i hecka want him to
but it doesn't matter because his call wouldn't do anything for me.
same as all those fucking books in the library didn't do anything for me.
same as in n out didn't do anything for me.
same as seeing shannon didn't do anything for me
same as the beer won't do anything for me
same as birth didn't do anything for me
same as school aint doing shit
same as fucking grammar never meant a thing
same as life didn't mean a thing
and i'm going so-silly-a, don't you know? can't you look around and see the beauty.
can't you lay down in the middle of school and watch a bird fly from one tree to another and call it Love.
can't you see a dust fluff float through your english and call it beauty?
can't you see fucking anything?
and call it truth.
and call it metaphysical.
(just don't call me late for dinner)
but its so hard to keep two minds at once
at once
that's the only hard part
its like if i were only
i would be only
but if i am only
then i am fucking
times 2
and i'm just
i'm sorry for the bother.
other than that i'm feeling great.
boo hoo
i'm a terrible person
some kid at the library was talking to me for no apparant reason
i feel like killing mrs babcock
but i'm conflicted because i'm supposedly a nice person
gemini bitch ms wicked witch of the west and fucking glenda the good witch
which witch is the worst witch
and i'm just so fucking lost
and pissed
and i do declare
that i will be driven insane by the only person who can drive me so, Cecilia Rose Anne Berry.
FUCKING cecilia rosanne berry.
i'm fucking in love with kj
in fact i won't even call him kenneth anymore even though i think it's awfully cute
and every day is every day me yawning me crying me going
and it's not because the work is too hard
it's not because the teachers are mean
it's not because the kids talk shit
it's not because i dont fit in
it's because there is absolutely nothing to do.
and it is so boring
and there is no such thing as challenge
and in fact, i feel stupid for wanting to be challenged
when majority rule is stupididty for all i just feel kind of left out
and mrs babcock goes oh i won't make you learn that, and i read the paragraph and it says something meaningful.
something that goes like "we must all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang seperately" -benjamin franklin
"people who are in the majority at any given moment often don't understand why they shouldn't be allowed to have their way. the simple answer is that by respecing the rights of others, they are protecting their own rights in the long run, because tomorrow or next year, or ten years from now, they may be in the endangered minority"
"the kings ministers were poorly informed and stubborn. They pushed ahead with the policies, despite the resentment they stirred in America. Within a few years, the coloniests were forced to a fateful choice; to submit or revolt"
and if those bastards had half a brain they'd listen and understand and CONNECT IT WITH THE NOW.
but they fake snore and go GAWD HOW BORING
and that lousy bitch of a teacher listens to them, skips everything of any importance, and gives us shit, type bull, to regurgitate later in the year.
THE POINT is that it's awful.
i think its awful.
and i also feel like i have no right to my opinion since it's obviously not respected or even (partially) understood.
and so i decide it would do me good to stand up and punch her in the face. or at least bring a lemon merangie pie to school and smoosh it in her nasty little face.
but i'm trying very hard to recall the words of gandhi: "nonviolence is the highest law"
and it can become my mantra
like the girl who kept calling herself a hot tamale in order to get over the guy breaking up with her.
nonviolence is the highest law
and love.
true love.
loving those who love you is easy
and loving those you love is easy
but loving the ones you hate
and loving the ones you distrust
is true love TRUE love and without that what is a person named cecilia berry but another shittalker in the library talking to random people going "i bet you don't even know who the greatful dead is"
and what would that get me?
so you get your Phd, how happy you will be when you get a job at wendys and are honored with employee of the month.
i'm just a fucking file cabinet
and i'm hating it.
because i'm in a world of balloons and they don't even compliment my color.
and i could scream obscenities.
or i could just ignore the fact that i feel like shit, get over it and do my work
and be all that i can be
in the army
i'm totally going to knit a rabbit.
just you wait.
and for the moment, i'm feeling so bored.
and we can gaze at eachother from each end of the bed.
with our legs crossed speaking of useless things.
I can speak with hands as well as you.
Then we can giggle as if we were three again.
I feel something coming in my stomach but then i remember its just the butterflies nesting inside.
I feel as if I could open my mouth and pull them from within my throat.
I would keep them in my hand and blow them at you.
but if they were dead that would be by very very disgusting.
fucking carla
is insane
that is why i want some fucking pills!!!
the past 4 months
i fucking hate myself...
i hate everything...
i havent wrote in so long...
but heres my fucking update...
in july i moved in with remo...
i left san jose to be with me love...
everything was great...
in august we went to canada....
i didnt know but i guess i got pregnant there...
2 days before my birthday i found out..
it was a big surprise but i think it was a good one...
remo was drunk when we found out...
but when he heard he was really happy...
i guess i was too...
as time went on i got more and more excited...
i was just past 3 months...i figured i was on the safe side...
but when we went in for our first ultrasound the doc didnt see my babies heartbeat...
it was determined that i had a molar pregnancy...
and since then ive had 2 surgeries and now im taking chemo therapy to get rid of the rest of the cancer that is in my uterus...
im do fucking depressed...
theres not a day that i dont think about killing myself...
i thought i would get a kitty to help my depression... it did for a while ...
but then me and remo had to live in our car for a while so i let my friend hold on to my kitty until we had a stable home.
then when we did he got too attached to the kitty to want to give her back...
so i was forced to get another kitty...
but its a stupid bitch ass kitty that i hate
i just want a baby now...
ever since this shit has happened its pretty much all i think about everyday...
i should still be pregnant right now.
me and remo should be getting ready for our little one to be coming...
but were not...
were both just sitting here hurting too much inside and we dont really talk about it...
were just two depressed people who have been fighting alot more because of the fact that were unhappy.
i love him so much and i know that he loves me..
i want to get married and he does too...
but we have no money.
and for that matter if we have to money to get married than how can we have a baby?
we can do it. i know we can.
i dont think i will stop hurting until i have what i want.
i wish remo would tell me how he feels about this whole thing.
but he thinks he has to be strong for me.
but he doesnt realise that thats the worst thing he could do..
i need to know that im not going through this alone.
i know were pretty young and too young to have a baby...
but when i was pregnant i knew that i would be the best mom.
and i knew remo would be a great dad.
i just wish i could be that happy again.
i used to go to church all the time and pray for lots of stuff.
and now i cant step foot in a church..
i dont think god is real..
i dont think i ever believed in god.
but i knew that it helped me to pray.
but for something like this.
praying is a bunch of bullshit.
because im not a bad person..
im a good person...
so why the fuck did this happen to me?
i feel like i cant live another day.
i have to go to the hospital atleast 2 times a week.
to get poked each time.
i fucking hate it.
i dont ever want to step foot in a hospital again. but i know that i have to.
everytime i go..i want to cry.
i just want things to go back to normal and i want to be preparing to have a baby.
thats all i want.
god, i don't know what to do when it's real like this.
when this is what is going on.
and i just want my sister to be happy.
my brother to be happy.
my family to be happy.
and i almost feel guilty for even having a good time.
i miss the easy times.
i wish our easy times were sychronized.
i wish i were....asleep
i don't want to write simone a sonnet
so i guess i'll just go to sleep
and wake up extra early, like 3 or 4
to write her a sonnet
i'm thinking about kj.
he's golden.
and his eyes are blue.
and his words are honest.
and his soul is shining like...somethi
and when i see him smile i am smiling.
and when i see him happy i am happy.
and when i see him unhappy i'd do anything to make him happy...
i forgot i'm supposed to be thinking about victoria.
since i'm jesus and all, i might as well make her wishes come true.
i've thought about it before,
i'd totally be a serrogate mother if they wanted me to.
doubt they would, but the offer is on the table.
i feel bad because i Know that i am going to have a baby one day on accident, and it'll be completely healthy except for the fact that i'll abort it.
and i'll just feel like shit because the ones i love that truly want a baby won't be able to have one.
yet if they do, we will love that kid so much.
i imagine it to be a girl.
madison mckenzie.
and victoria was supposed to be due around May.
and i just feel like crap for her.
and for myself too, because i'd be lying if i said i never wanted them to have a kid.
i wanted to have a little vico crying and screaming so i could occasionally make bottles and walk around with a baby on my shoulder, maybe get over my fear of little humans. and it sucks that that won't happen.
at least not until...
i don't know.
it's sleep time.
man oh man
i feel...good.
i just wrote a shitload of rambles in the brambles about kenneth james.
i had a dream about ro last night
i do declare, i wonder how her date-thing with the grandmas went.
and uh...
i watched the lion king this morning
and i learned some japanese
and i decided not to go swimming after all
and i'm quite content.
because this guy is...
okay i'm gonna do the line from the movie
and you complete me!
so we're watching south park
which rocks
but i'm going
ohhhhhhhhhhhh i want some coricidin!!!!!
and i call carla and SHE's fucked up on coricidin
and i go NOT FAIR
and i have to make remo draw me a picture of lito
i'm thinking...
ixnay on the upidstay ecisionday otay opstay okingsmay.
and also, i've come to a brilliant conclusion
on light beer:
here it is::::::
light beer tastes like nothing.
it tastes very much like nothing.
and you tell yourself i want my carbs dammit!
but then, you find that since it doesn't taste like anything, you must drink it quickly
then you're drunk
rambling incoherently on elftown.
okay so
i'm stuck in library aiding for like 2 hours. and there's nothing for me to do because i'm in the career center. so i'm reading all these facts on alcohol, tobacco and drug use. and i decide that i will not tell ryan in the interview thingie about the cough medicine because then our small school will know about it, and you know i still want to do that shit.
then again, i do want people to know that that shit fucks you up
but i'd like to get fucked up, more importantly. like asap.
which means that when i get home instead of going to sleep i will probably take some nyquil.
ridiculous, right?
so earlier me and kj are walking around, and he takes my santa hat, and my hairs are sticking out all over the place off my head, right? and we walk up to the fuckin door and i see our reflection and it's like the best thing ever since ever.
which is marvelous.
and by the way, i decided to "quit smoking". today, january 18, 2006. i can't smoke again for at least a few weeks because i've been smoking every day, several times a day, since fuckin....too long. so basically i'm going to stop smoking and i'm going to be horribly bitchy but i'm going to have to deal with it or else deal with nasty teeth.
and cecilia berry can't handle nasty teeth.
i'm thinking about....looki
and why not look up on drugs!?
i love drugs.
i so love the contradiction hate the contradiction can't stand the contradiction want to take the coricidin and call it macaroni contradiction. that's cecilia berry who stuck her thumb in a pie and pulled out a plum and i think i'm dumb! hey hey hey hey hey! talk about a hole in one! so come on down and buy our car. the best thing since sliced bread! it works! I-T works! institute of my ass. all i know is that the muffin man was never my best friend. and fuck being awake.