[DrunkOnShadowz]'s diary

1135881  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2011-05-22
Written: (4775 days ago)


The day that my life began
was a joyous and wondrous day to be sure.
Yet, tragic nonetheless...
For each newborn babe
taking it's first wobbly steps
down the winding path of life
is unknowingly destined for oblivion.
And I, of course, was no exception.

The day, she began as all days do, with a sunrise.
And oh, hers was truly a sight to behold.
Her rays of tenderness and love,
though wavering and uncertain at first,
soon illuminated the darkness of this world
and brought warmth and serenity to all they touched.
And as her light engulfed my slumbering form
my eyes where opened
and I began to exist.
The experience would one day leave me
with a truly bitter taste on my tongue, however,
for the love that was promised soon faded
as surly as the sun must set.
And I was left, cold and alone,
to slumber in the darkness once more.

Time became unknown to me,
and as I slept, I dreamt
and my dreams where all that sustained me.
I know not how long I remained in this state of living death,
but at some point I grew weary of my confinement
and reached out toward the light once more.
And even as the light blinded my eyes and seared my flesh,
I cried and begged and screamed for more.
And, in to her cruel and sadistic way,
she would have obliged me
had I not somehow found the will to resist.

Then, shrouding myself in a cloak of shadows,
I retreated into the soothing calm of the night
where I soon found him waiting...
and now I simply wait for he...

1134807  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2011-05-07
Written: (4790 days ago)
Next in thread: 1134810

Sooooooo... once again it seems I am upset. After joining the Dragon's Club I posted an image of a dragon on my house and the guards deleted it. I also discussed how I love Magic, the Gathering and then posted an image of the key card in my deck as a visual guide and the guards deleted it. I know it is in the rules that you are only supposed to have images that you or a friend drew but I don't draw I only write and still wish to have images in my profile because I think it makes it look nicer and quite frankly what the hell does it hurt if I have them there? I don't want to leave Elftown as I am very much enjoying every other aspect of my experience here but at the same time I refuse to be a part of something that attempts to censor and control it's members in such a manner.

1134768  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-05-06
Written: (4791 days ago)

The Secret Embrace

The darkness of the summer night envelopes us
and hides our nakedness from prying eyes.
Our child-like giggles
and the squish of our feet on the moist earth
are drowned out by the pitter-patter of God's tears
falling from the heavens to bathe us and cleanse us.
My fingers grow jealous of our performance
and so they too begin to dance
across the exposed skin of your neck, arms, and torso.
My mouth finds yours eagerly
and I can taste rain drops on your tongue.
Our bodies move with such liquidity
that, very soon, a passerby would see naught but the rain...

1134730  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-05-06
Written: (4791 days ago)

Dear God, I love South Park.

1134728  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-05-06
Written: (4792 days ago)

First of all, I want to apologize about my very first diary entry being an angry one but it just happens to be what's on my mind.

I attend Chippewa Valley Technical College and when I get done with my classes every day and try to ride the bus home I am almost always forced to stand (and was even denied access to the bus completely one time) while others are allowed to sit comfortably. This would normally not be a problem at all. I am not that petty. It's just that these other passengers are all students of a nearby university and they are all on the bus just because they don't want to walk up a nearby hill called University Hill. This angers me to no end because I actually live off campus and I actually need to use the bus whereas these people are simply lazy. In the time they sit around waiting for the bus they could have walked up the hill three times. This may sound like a silly thing to be upset about to those reading this but to someone who needs to use the bus to get home and can't because of lazy assholes it is very aggravating and bothersome. In conclusion, I am disgusted with how lazy people are nowadays and with how inconsiderate they can sometimes be. 

 The logged in version 

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