[Just another heartache on my lips.]'s diary

778803  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-04-17
Written: (6903 days ago)

oo; Essay for H. English. Saving it here incase I need to change it. XD

Stephanie Solis
Block 1
April 17, 2006

A Tale of Two Cities

            In the novel, "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens, the author develops two different perspectives for not only the French working class, but also for the aristocrats during the first and second half of the novel. Charles Dickens uses the French Revolution to clearly express the different aspects of the two opposing classes. That being said, the novel offers many metaphors to clearly expose both of the different sides of each class. With the help of said metaphors, it allows the book to foreshadow how these two different social classes are going to react to the outbreak of Revolution among the streets of France. And because of this, the author clearly expresses, that even though these two classes start off quite differently, by the end of the novel they both appear to have gained more power, or to have lost all of what they once had.

       The French working class, in the first half of the novel, tend to be seen as hardworking people who are suffering under the hands of the aristocrats. And because of their suffering, the feelings of revenge are beginning to spill over. This assumption can easily be made with the spilling of wine on the streets. The wine brings out the primitive nature of the working class; their subtle thirst for blood and revenge becoming more apparent to the reader. The spilling of wine represents the blood of the aristocrats, and the actions of the peasants show how much their oppression, by the hands of the aristocrats, have left them lusting over revenge, to allow their most primitive side to get the best of them and drown the aristocrats in their own blood. Yet, these actions do not occur until the second half of the novel, thus continuing to leave the French working class timid and fearful of the aristocracy. Though, that is not so in the second half of the novel. Revolts flood through the streets of France, all lead by the French working class. These rebellions against the aristocrats are filled with the thirst of noble blood. The French working class goes from being timid and fearful of the aristocracy, to ruthless and vengeful towards them. 

    The French aristocracy, on the other hand, are portrayed as to only be concerned with their own well being, along with being quite harsh and unjust during the first half of the novel. An example of this can be seen when the Monseigneur, in chapter seven of the second book, is enjoying his chocolate, which is being served by four of his men. Monseigneur seems to have a ridiculous state of mind by thinking that if his chocolate were dared served by only two of the four men, he might as well die. This little statement goes to show that many of the aristocrats tended to be quite used to their way of life, always getting what they wanted, if not more. Yet, after the death of the Marquis, and the burning down of his home, the second half of the novel offered another sort of metaphor: the stone figure caught between a storm of flames. Such a metaphor can only express that the end of the aristocrats will not just stop in the world of the living, but continue a life of torture and suffering in the deepest pits of hell. The ruthless behavior of some, not all, of the aristocrats greatly differs by the time the second half of the novel is put into play. The aristocrats are no longer living a comfortable lifestyle, but suffering in jails, being killed, and tortured, all by the people they once oppressed.

     “A tale of two cities” by Charles Dickens shows an example as to how two completely different people, in this case social classes, switch their roles in society, for better or for worse. The French working class, first timid, fearful, off into the shadows change rapidly during the revolution. They become strong, ruthless, cunning, yet very bloodthirsty. Yet, the aristocrats are no longer cunning, powerful, and haughty, they have traded places with the lower-class men and women. That being said, Charles Dickens perspective on the French Revolution and the two classes caught between it all, intentionally or not, are a bit varied. At times he’s on the side of the working class, but all it takes is a blink of an eye, and he somehow appears to be on the side of the aristocracy. But, with the use of metaphors, it is clear that he has no side, but is merely showing the consequences for the two social classes during French Revolution in his own perspective.
778329  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-04-16
Written: (6903 days ago)

First orgasm, bitches. <3

This song makes me giggle. :D

First Orgasm by the Dreseden Dolls.

it is a thursday
I get up early
it is a challenge
i'm usually lazy

I make some coffee
I eat some rice chex
and then I sit down
to check my inbox

I only read a word or two
I stare across the street and see the churches and the blue

the first orgasm of the morning
is cold and hard as hell
there won't be any second coming
as far as I can tell

I arch my back cause
i'm very close now
it's very cold here
by the window

there are some school kids
yelling and running
I barely notice
that I am cumming

the first orgasm of the morning
is like a fire drill
it's nice to have a little warning
but not enjoyable

I am too busy to have friends
a lover would just complicate my plans
so I will never look for love again
I'm taking matters into my own hands

I think I could last at least a week without someone to hold me
I think I could last at least a week without someone to hold me
won't you hold me?

778323  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-04-16
Written: (6904 days ago)

Baby, you're just another heartache on my lips. ♥

778123  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-04-15
Written: (6904 days ago)

Couldn't sleep last night. >.<
Think I only got two hours of sleep. oo;
Besides being nosy and listening to the neighbors argue...
I couldn't sleep. >.<
I was too afraid of laying in bed just thinking. @.@
I'm so pathetic. xD
Now I'm off to see The Wild.
Bye, biatches.
And Stacy, if you see this, I'm sorry about the cafe thing! >.<
Maybe we can go to the one in Maywood next time. <3

777926  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-04-15
Written: (6904 days ago)

Love, I think I'm falling again.
He's always on my mind.
His voice is uber nice.
He's such a hopeless romantic.
He adores children.
Love, I think I'm falling again.
He's almost done with high school.
He isn't a stranger to sex.
He makes me laugh all the time.
Love, you're scaring me.

777821  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-04-14
Written: (6905 days ago)

DAN IS BACK! ;-; God, I missed him so much.
He's so sweet and glam. <3
But, I think I'm falling for him. *whimpers*</3

777817  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-04-14
Written: (6905 days ago)

Changed my name. :D
Fear teh Stephachu. X3
777374  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-04-14
Written: (6906 days ago)

Dan is back from Europe! <3
Now I just have to wait for my Shelby X3
777303  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-04-13
Written: (6906 days ago)

Now I know why I feel like screaming, crying, and cutting.
I haven't taken my Prozac for FIVE DAYS.
Like, ohmygawd.
No wonder I feel so fucked up.
Ah well. Too late now.
Wonder how much I can take. :D
777297  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-04-13
Written: (6906 days ago)

My song. <3

Ugly by The Exies

Are you ugly?
A liar like me?
A user, a lost soul?
Someone you don't know
Money it's no cure
A Sickness so pure
Are you like me?
Are you ugly?

We are dirt, we are alone
You know we are far from sober!
We are fake, we are afraid
You know it's far from over
We are dirt we are alone
You know we are far from sober!
Look closer, are you like me?
Are you ugly?

Turn a blind eye
Why do I deny?
Medicate me
So I die Happy
A strain of cancer
Chokes the answers
Are you like me?
A liar like me?

We are dirt, we are alone
You know we are far from sober!
We are fake, we are afraid
You know it's far from over
We are dirt we are alone
You know we are far from sober!
Look closer, are you like me?
Are you ugly?

I don't care, you don't care
I'm bitter, you're angry.
You don't care, I don't care
You love you, just like me
I blame you, you blame me
I'm bitter, you're angry.
You don't care, I don't care
You love you, like me

We are dirt, we are alone
You know we are far from sober!
We are fake, we are afraid
You know it's far from over
We are dirt we are alone
You know we are far from sober!
Look closer, are you like me?
Are you ugly?

Are you Ugly?

Are you Ugly?

Are you Ugly?

Are you Ugly?
777198  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-04-13
Written: (6906 days ago)


Chyeah, bitches. Resistance Fest at my nino's Cafe. Can't wait! Get to see more of my Youth Action buddies again. <3
777160  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-04-13
Written: (6906 days ago)

I wanna love
I want a fire
To feel the burn
My desires
I wanna man by my side
Not a boy who runs and hides
Are you gonna fight for me?
Die for me?
Live and breathe for me?
Do you care for me?
'Cause if you don't then just LEAVE!

Walk Away by Kelly Clarkson.
776994  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-04-13
Written: (6906 days ago)

Haa. ♥ What a whore.

I'll play the submissive slut tonight, baby. ♥

776381  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-04-12
Written: (6908 days ago)

It's the way that he made me fall in love...

Now who can this loser be, hm? :3

Pretty Girl by Sugarcult.

pretty girl is suffering while he confesses everything.
pretty soon she'll figure out what his intentions were about.

and that's what you get for falling again;
you can never get him out of your head.
and that's what you get for falling again;
you can never get him out of your head.

it's the way that he makes you feel.
it's the way that he kisses you.
it's the way that he makes you fall in love.

she's beautiful as usual with bruises on her ego and
the killer instinct tells her to be aware of evil men.

and that's what you get for falling again;
you can never get him out of your head.
and that's what you get for falling again;
you can never get him out of your head.

it's the way that he makes you feel.
it's the way that he kisses you.
it's the way that he makes you fall in love.

it's the way that he makes you feel.
it's the way that he kisses you.
it's the way that he makes you fall in love.

pretty girl... pretty girl...

pretty girl is suffering while he confesses everything.
pretty soon she'll figure out: you can never get him out of your head.

it's the way that he makes you cry.
it's the way that he's in your mind.

it's the way that he makes you fall in love.
it's the way that he makes you feel.
it's the way that he kisses you.
it's the way that he makes you fall in love...
775706  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-04-10
Written: (6909 days ago)

To my Shelby:

Ohmygawd. I'm gonna miss you so much.
And as I promised, I'm gonna write a very long entry just for you.
Before we both leave. ;-;
*kisses your tummy*>> << w00t. Babeh!
What if you have twins? XD
Anywho. I lurve you.
Mucho muchly much. <33
And I'll wait for that letter,
So I can write a long arse one back to you.
With a special something.
Perfume? Kissie kisses? Maybe that and more.
XD I just lost myself. Typical. >>;;
Anyways, have fun at the trip!
And take pics!
Tons and tons of 'em!
So I can see them, of course. >> <<
One of these days we are so gonna go on a trip of our own.
Teh funny funness. X3 <3
And yush. I belong to no one else.
*coughsebilstalkerguycoughs* x-x
...we should go on a cruise. o.o
Yeah, we'd probably end up running up and down the halls, annoying everyone else, but eh! xD
o-o I'm getting off topic again. Sowwy. TT.TT
Well, as I've stated before, I L.O.V.E you.
Always and forever.
But why end it here?
*having too much fun*
We should start on that story once you come back!
...if we have time.;-;
Oh, yeah. Story about forbidden love between lesbians. xD
FUUUUUUN! >>;;; *giggles innocently*
You ish my smexy wife. o.o
Soon to be mother of our children. xD
o.o...we need to buy baby clothes soon!
...And I can still smell your perfume on the letters.
Pretty, pretty smell. X3
And bracelet. o.o Ohmygawd. Soon to be keychain, right? >>;
X3 Anyways, smoochies for you!!!!!!~ <3
*kisses-molests-snuggles* X3
Love you, Shelby. Very much and forever. <3


775691  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-04-10
Written: (6909 days ago)

Shelby! >> <<
I love you way more.
More than fishies, rainbows, glitter, and...
Likeohmygawd. <3
You ish my one and only.
Oh, yeah. Lesbianess? >>;;
So ha. I win.
If you try to counter this,
I'll counter you. Again, and again. XD
Or until I get lazy and snug-molest-poke you. *snickers*>>;
Anyways, kisses and such. <3
...To my Shelby, of course.
Stupid biatches. >>;
She's mine! <33

P.S. I'm gonna miss you! ;-; </3

775520  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-04-10
Written: (6909 days ago)

Passed the game...
Ohmygawd. Riku is so smexy.
Game is full of surprises, like grrr. @.@
But when it ended, some battle report appeared and wouldn't go away for like ten minutes, so me and my brother got annoyed and restarted the PS2, and NOTHING WAS SAVED! *falls to the floor sobbing hysterically*Noooooooooo!
...Oh. And cliffhanger again. o.o
*prays for a KH3* >>;

775499  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-04-10
Written: (6909 days ago)
775099  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-04-09
Written: (6910 days ago)

Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic...
Worthless piece of shit.
teenage angst!
Don't you just ADORE it?!
You know I don't. :3
Heh, I'm so tired. </3

774602  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-04-09
Written: (6910 days ago)

Giving up on so many things.
Haa. I love it oh so much.
Fuck you and your lies. <3
:3 Pathetic excuse for a human.
Go fuck a knife or something.
I hate you. ^^

774304  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-04-08
Written: (6911 days ago)

Family drama. Again.
Lucky you can't hear my mom slamming every door she can.*sighs*
Swear, these are the times when I just want to crawl off and die.
Or run away.
Whichever comes first, ya know?
*sighs*I feel like crying...
And I'm more suicidal than ever!
 The logged in version 

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