[champagnebommer 77]'s diary

693705  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-11-06
Written: (6783 days ago)

Yay, Amy's in a beauty pagent next Saturday! All I cna say is that I hope she manages to perfect her talent and that she finds a suitable dress. Then, from that point I hope that she does very well in her pagent. She's absolutely gorgeous!

689790  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-10-30
Written: (6790 days ago)

Today I asked out Amy, and she said yes. I was going to last night, but we were too caught up in casual conversation as I gave her a ride home, and it slipped my mind somehow. So I finally have a girlfriend again. We went to the Halloween Party at Treasure I-LAN together tonight and her friend Karae was there too. Amy was Malice in Wonderland and Karae was Little Red Riding Whore. I was just... Chris, the vocalist of the local metal band Plague. (haha, I know, so cheap of me :P !!)

It was pretty mediocre really, the whole Murder Mystery thing at I-LAN, since I was the murderer and the center of intrigue. But after the Murder Mystery was over a lot of us just hung out in the back room and most of the others were being total assholes to Amy and Karae. Zech, Karae's brother, was pissed off that she wouldn't let him know a little inside joke about one of her nicknames, and he in turn made her pissed off and she lunged at him futilely and landed on the floor at his feet where he pinned her down at punched her three times in the shoulder as hard as he could, though he denies that he hit her hard or that he was yelling at her. From my perspective he sure as hell was.

Amy and Karae just had a shitty day because of them, and I had a shitty day because of that too. The only good thing that happened is that now Amy and I are dating, which I am ecstatic about. Amy is awesome, and she deserves much more than any of my friends offer her, they're almost all assholes to her and Karae. It's just not right. I just wanted to tell them to shut the fuck up. I just wanted to beat the shit out of Zech. And Zech was pissed at me that I'm pissed at him. That's bullshit. Of course I'm pissed at Zech, he hates my girlfriend and he hates her best friend, who happens to be his sister. It's just fucked up. At least Carsten tried to appologize and at least he quit contributing his bullshit about Amy and Karae after he had a talk with her outside of the store.

I want to bash Zech. I hate Zech. Everyone hates Zech. No one gets in his face. Zech's a panzy. Zech's a coward. Zech's a fucking asshole with no morals or caring attributes. Zech... I'm going to say it to his face for once. I'm going to tell him the truth. And if need be, I'll fuck him up. Zech thinks he so awesome, thinks he so great, is an egotist. Zech is an asshole, a panzy, and has no chance against me if bad gets to worse.

The main points of this all: I'm going out with Amy, I hate Zech, and I hate almost all of my "friends" because they're such assholes.

678728  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-10-08
Written: (6811 days ago)

Last night was fun as hell! Zach was supposed to get $100-$200 of whisky and beer, but failed us all. 4 of us were goign to hang otu with them while they were drinking, and after about an hour we would put as much of it as possible in my backpack and leave. But what did happen?
Well, the four of us and some others, there were a total of seven, went to ShopKo and bought soem TP, then we stole three rolls from Pizza Hut, and tried two other restaurants, but theirs' were locked. But we did get free pop, by asking for water and filling the cups with pop instead.

So, there were seven of us in my LTD at the time, we hit up three houses of people we knew and we have enough TP for one more house still. After that we went to the Rooster and sang a bunch of karaoke! Woot! Got coffee for almost 2 hours at the Starlite truck stop. Picked up this chick that Carsten likes, hung out at the Ramkota Inn until we were told to leave, then snuck into John's hosue to find his dad wasn't there. So, we listened to music and hung out. When we were all tired, we slept in John's tree fort, lol. So me, John, Carsten, Matt, and Stacy were all there, but Stacy got the top of the fort, because she was the only girl :( She could have just laid on top of us, but whatever, it was John's suggestion that ruined it all, lol! She had been looking at old pictures of John and his brother and whatever other pictures they had in their house for the past 2 hours.

If I left out the explanations of what happened to the other people... too bad!

674875  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-10-02
Written: (6818 days ago)

So, we took my Ford to go and eat Chinese food. Then I noted that it was idling really rough, so my dad suggested that we taking it out a ways, and when we turned around there was a hissing noise. Nothing of concern though, I think it was just the belts now that I think of it. Over 20 miles per hour and it would go away. On our way back we stopped out at a junkyard we knew of that had another LTD so we could get a replacement hubcap, and we paid for it, but then our car wouldn't start. So, we have an electircal problem, probably that of the starter. And tomorrow we aim to get the car back home with the new hubcap we paid for and possibly fix the problem.

672780  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-09-28
Written: (6822 days ago)

So, my friend Jordan Huettl joined the Army a while back. He's since completed his training and now has an office job, has a bigger belly than Paul (Paul's got a good sixed belly), and has huge arms, from what I hear, bigger than mine or Mitch's.

Jordan, he's a very commendable guy, and one of the few we would have never expected to join the military, it's just not like him, he's too punk. But he did it. And y'know, that might give me the nerve to join the Marine Corps. I always used to beat jordan in arm-wrestling afterall, so I may as well make myself better somehow :P

Just a thought...

666521  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-09-16
Written: (6833 days ago)
Next in thread: 668853

Some girl, in her Jeep Grand Cherokee, almost drove into me, in my dad's Chevy (Toyota) Nova.

See, she was stopped at the end of the lane to go straight immediately out of our school parking lot. The speed limit here is 30 miles per hour and I had gotten up to 25 miles per hour. I had to bring Nick home, so I flipped on my blinker, checked my mirror, and headed for the turn lane. Shortly thereafter, this girl starts maneuvering her Jeep to go into the turn lane and I had very little time to think. So what do I do? I slammed on the fucking brakes and moved as far left as I could without entering the oncoming lane. So, I'm alive though, my car ended up stopped dead even with her's; the front bumper of her Jeep somewhere between 2 and 4 inches away from my front passenger side fender.

And then when we had all stopped completely and it was safe and stuff, though just barely, I peeled out, just to piss her off, or something, really it was just to piss her off, so who cares about the "something" part.

656839  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-08-30
Written: (6850 days ago)

God Fucking Damnit! A car that's worth $1,000 as a shell with all it's trimmings just bundled up and tossed inside, for sale at a price of $2,600. A car with a maximum book value of $25,000 that is very good looking, powerful, and fuel efficient. This is one of those opportunities that you will never come by again, and I am beign forced to pass it up, just because my mom is a fucking bitch and seems like she doesn't even care about selling any of our other vehicles anymore. My mom always used to want to sell, how do you say: EVERY GOD DAMNED VEHICLE WE OWN EXCEPT HER TWO AND THE TRUCK!! Now she's not even willing to sell MY Ford, the Nova, and the Eagle, three cars which would be able to sell at a fair price, except possibly my Ford, since it's so bad on gas.

The 1966 Plymouth Barracuda is the kind of car that my mom has wanted me to have, small(er), fuel efficient, and just plain awesome in every possible way. Now she won't take any motion for me to have a car other than the Ford. So I may aswell drive NOTHING but the Ford from now on. No more driving the Nova when I'm low on gas, FUCK NO! I'm driving my Ford, and I don't give a damn. C'mon, seriously, the car my fucking dreams, for a mere $2,600!!!

This sucks

Life Sucks

I want to die

I'm more important than you.

651659  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-08-23
Written: (6858 days ago)

Car show in town on the 27th, Saturday. We'll have one, two, or three of our cars out there, so it'll be good.

The 1960 Austin-Healey is going for sure, because it's just that cool.

Our 1946 Dodge Club Coupe might go if we bleed the brakes some time, but that's doubtful.

My 1977 Ford LTD will go as long as it isn't in the garage after the last coat of paint and I feel like driving it out.

624225  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-15
Written: (6896 days ago)

1977 Ford LTD Standard Sedan
With optional 351M(400CID) V8
Automatic Transmission
Had A/C stock, since removed
Heat is good
Power steering
Power brakes
Champagne Gold, amateur paint job, unfinished.
Interior has tiny holes here and there, going to be redone.
Steering wheel is blemished slightly.
A tiny rust hole goes into the trunk from driver real wheel.
Trunk latch has insignificant surface rust.
Chrome is mostly off and going to be redone.
Vinyl roof is partly peeled off, going to be redone.
Oil leak near back of block, common problem with Clevelands, no mechanical significance known, since we know for a fact it doesn't leak or burn oil.
All weather stripping is going to be redone.

620386  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-07-11
Written: (6901 days ago)

Went to the Rapid City/Hill City area for the weekend. Left on Friday and just got back at about 8:30 Sunday night. We missed the first day of the Rapid City Rod Run on Friday, didn't get there until late, but we were in the parade and the drive on Saturday, after just getting the Austin Healey working well enough on Thursday night.
The brakes still hadn't been working well, my dad had to pump them up a little so they'd work, but with some use they've lately gotten a bit more pressure built up, which is good.
At the Rod Run, I got really really sunburned, it hurts like hell, and probably will still be burned until Thursday morning. But I had a lot of fun, we got to see tons of beautiful cars, took some pictures, saw the hills, slid around a few corners, and chatted with some wonderfully cool car people. I think I'll have to rod my 1977 LTD illegally over the next two years, that way I can bring it out there, have the biggest rod of the bunch, lol!
Anyway, the rod run was fun. And it was fun to go out to Rapid even if we didn't get to visit my cousin, we didn't have anytime to go see him, visitation hours didn't work out for us. But when my dad and I got back from the rod run on Saturday night we found out that Uncle Fred had a stroke! So he was in the hospital. So we checked in on him Sunday morning before church.
Haha, Cameron told Aunt Janet to tell me that I could look through his stuff and find some stuff to take as my own. None of his clothes would have fit me though, since he likes his clothes really loose, and I like my clothes tighter. I wouldn't have felt right taking any of his stuff anyway, even though he had said I could.

601756  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-06-18
Written: (6924 days ago)

Okay, so I just got back from my show at the Red Rooster, June 17th, with Orphan. Orphan was awesome, they chose to play before us. Their set was only about 30 minutes, but good, and our set was about an hour. Pretty much everyone there enjoyed our music, we had many congratulations afterward. I gave James Orphan Brady's phone number and my e-mail address so they can contact us in some form when they get up to Aberdeen again, or when they make plans to.
I look forward to playing more shows with Orphan, and probably get another one or two local bands to be in that, like CBI or Jeremy's latest band.

Well, anyway, that's all there was today, us performing at the show. I fucked up a bit, but if people did notice, they didn't care. Yay, we are still loved!

600846  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-17
Written: (6925 days ago)

Okay, I am officially sore as Hell. I was on my feet too much today. Passed Drivers' Education, knew I would. Played the show at Jeremy's, didn't do our best, but the small audience loved us anyway.

Heather, I love you, I'll be on tomorrow morning, 'kay? <3

588241  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-02
Written: (6940 days ago)

I already have a poem in one book, a good one, but not my best, by far not my best. Now I'm going to have a slightly better, but still not my best, poem published in a book, spoken aloud on a CD, and on a plaque. Pretty cool, btu no prize mney from it. Seriously, one of 200 in a book, one of 33 on a CD, why the fuck don't they just give a couple hundred dollars! That's what I need, money, not recognition! Lol, who cares, it's not about money, it's about writing. It's not about being known, it's about sharing experiences.

584901  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-05-28
Written: (6945 days ago)
Next in thread: 585044

Okay, so today was pretty cool. This morning I woke up at 8:30, and did...something, I can't remember what, I think I just checked all my web comics and communities. At noon I went over the Brady's to practice. We ran through a set, clocked it at about 45 minutes.
Then I went home and had to mow. After that was dinner. After that was back to Brady's at 6:00...to find out I was early. I guess we were supposed to get there at 6:30, so he brought me to his grandmother's where he ate and we watched TV. Then back to his place to load up all the band's gear; to unload it all at the Red Rooster Coffee House.
Ths show was interesting. The Calliper Brake Incident, a screamo band, absolutely sucked. The Paul Pierson Project had talent, but Paul can't sing, something I've known for a long time. The Ram-Ones had talent, but you just can't remake The Ramones and actually sing and tune your instruments, it just doesn't come together well, so they pretty much sucked.
Fourth in line was Plague, us. We got up there and fucking rocked the Hell out of everybody. With me on vocals, Brady on lead guitar, Justin on rhythm guitar, Ryan on bass guitar, and Gabe on drums. Our heavy metal riffs and loudening vocals, with a tinge of melody lit the mosher on fire. There was moshing, headbanging, you name it, we had it, minus goats. Paul and Carsten even ran up and tore my shirt off of me after I threw my jacket in to the mosh.
So yeah, we were the highlight of the day, by far the most well-received set there. And Gabe, though he tried with all of his might, failed to break any drum sticks, and in the end, his autographed sticks were auctioned off for $22.75.

And just for kicks I'll even tell about how after the show I was marvelled at. Well, kind of drooled over. Like, this one gal in teh audience, after our set was done with, she came up to me at told me that she absolutely loves my nipples, and asked to touch one. So I let her, and it was funny. Everyone was congratulating us on our good work.

Then Dan, that owns the Red Rooster wants us to play shows there if we get the chance and all. That's cool. Jeremy wants to record us... for free! His usual is $10 per hour, but he loves us so much, we'd be an exception. Last, but not least, there is a show on the 2nd, next week Thursday, and supposedly it's like the two biggest metal bands to ever come to Aberdeen, one of them just got off of a huge tour of Europe, and we might have ourselves a spot with them.

580710  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-05-23
Written: (6950 days ago)

I have decided, a couple days ago, to grow out my sideburns..as mutton chops! Not seriously though, just to try it out for the sake of hillarity, and you have to admit, mutton chops are pretty funnY!
Plus I found a new 4th favorite band. Jeremy Burckhard. You can find him on purevolume. http://www.purevolume.com/jeremyburckhard

Heather, everything will be all right, you just need to trust that things will get better. Just a new chance to start again. We all make mistakes, I make mistakes too, but I disregard my errs as transitions against my normality. When I make an error I ignore it, realizing that it was not my proper self making the decision.
Heather, I love you, no matter what you've done that you're convinced was so stupid. <3

579800  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-05-22
Written: (6951 days ago)

At the time of writing this: 12:40, I just recently got back from a friend's place. There were about 25 or 30 people that went out there, in the country, to have a bon fire, talk, eat, and just in general have fun as a mob of friends.
It was Matias's graduation party and a total blast. The only bad parts were that we had no marshmallows, and we didn't play glo-stick tag, even though Dave had the glo-sticks in the back of his El Camino. Ohwell, it was a beautiful cloudless night, so it would have been awfully bright, difficult to hide.
Yeah, so I talked a lot with Tiffany, a lot with Little John, and plenty with Paul. Actually, tonight was the only night I have ever felt uncomfortable around Paul, but it's all cool, it's not like I was very uncomfortable, just tickled a little when he sat behind me in my chair and rubbed my nipples and abs.. that was actually kind of freaky.
So yeah, just one huge conversation blast. Even Megan Marske was out there. She lives right avross the street from me. I didn't even know she knew Matias, but I guess she does. Oh, and they had DDR in the basement. I didn't bother to play though, I would have just done horrible and lost interest anyway. And it was a lot more fun to watch Zech do well at it while Tiffany was stumbling about :) LOL

Well, that was my night :P

556471  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-04-20
Written: (6983 days ago)

Today was kind of odd. I woke up at about 5:18 and couldn't get back to sleep, damned birds. So I got up and prepared for school at 5:49, about 40 minutes earlier than normal.
At school then, I had tons of energy, until I was done with my weight training class, that tired me out a bunch. But before that. This morning Kat and I were conversing, in a group of my friends, and we hugged as friends. (No worries, Heather, I would never cheat on you, and she herself has a boyfriend. Kat and I are just really good friends)
Then at lunch, Emi was waiting in line with me (Always wait to get food until the rush is over) and so we talked a little bit. The first time I've spoken with her at all since Novermber 12. Emi's cool, lol, and she's going to prom with some dude, while her boyfriend Dave is going to prom with some other chick. Lol, it's funny!

Heather, I love you <3

553293  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-04-16
Written: (6986 days ago)

Well, I finally have a relatively free weekend. I'll probably go to a movie later today, maybe hang out with friends today and tomorrow, and I'll try to be here, on ElfTown for a couple hours between today and tomorrow.
I'll do my math homework like, tomorrow right after church and I'll finish reading the Crucible between tonight and tomorrow night. Maybe I'll have to resort to reading a bit of it in Stupid Study tomorrow too, I dunno yet, haven't started, lol!

So, yeah, that's it I guess. Had to break away from reality yesterday, so I went down to Treasure I-LAN ( www.treasurei-lan.com ) to get some Dungeons and Dragons in. It was fun, a new game by Matias, and my character is probably the most mentally fucked of all of us, having a dislike of orcs and a distrust of men in general, and being kind of timid around new people. I played it well.
Zech's character is in league with demons and devils, and he "talked" us in to going along with the babau and the glabrezu to get some damned scepter from the theives' guild of Atrede.
In the past, that very guild had booted me out of their city for killing an influential member, who had "taken advantage of" my character in pretty much every possible way, while teaching her the life of thievery.
So, back to the story. I wanted nothing to do with Atrede, but I got in with no qualms. Something will likely come up though, once the guild finds out about me being back. The babau had followed Zech's character for a while, he was off doing something, and this gave the rest of us, the innocent ones, a respite. We wanted to go to the temple of Heironeus to gain protection, and so we decided to run for it. Thanks to a hound archon we knew that we were far enough out of the babau's grasp to make it to the temple.
So anyway, we ran for it, got there, and the babau was so pissed that it kind of struck down Zech, since he tried to refuse a command it gave him, to stay where he was. He was at -9 too, he would have been dead in just 6 more seconds! My character pleaded that he be left out there, for she had a disliking of him, claiming he was an evil man with bad intentions. After I was done pleading, at least I convinced them to not let him inside, but the clerics were honorbound to heal him at least.

Right, I wrote that as I remembered it, left out plenty of cool things, but who cares, it's a good unorganized summary of the 5 hour session.

545935  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-08
Written: (6994 days ago)

A couple days ago I discovered why I see Emily with Dave a lot. They're dating! Yep :)
And Cole thinks it's absolutley hillarious that Kat had a crush on me! Of course, I do too, but he didn't know that I had already known that, so he just told me that on like, Wednesday. Cole's a funny guy, but I think he's gay, since he acts like it 300% of the time, but hey, whatever.
Mandi, Kat, and I and about 80 other students from Aberdeen went to Waubay on Tuesday for National History Day. None of us won, but we talked a bit. I think Mandi thinks I'm hott, but hey, whatever.
Heather, I love you. I want to love you forever.

Just a random side-note: Paul has a poultergeist in his basement, it's cool to go over there and the basement door starts to shake violently on it's own :D

540927  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-04
Written: (6999 days ago)

Wo0tzors! So, I think I got most of my homework done so far. Bah, who cares anyway!? So, we were washing our cars today, washed three of them so far, and I got to drive our 1988 Chevy Nova(Made by Toyota). That way I could learn how to drive a manual transmission. Did a good job at it, but I did spin the tires a little bit on teh way home, and Leslie(Josh, the drummer of The Dead) was at the same corner as me when I did it. He just smiled and waved :)
Had fun though, and now I feel acomplished, since my brother can't drive a manual :p

 The logged in version 

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