[BrownEyed]'s diary

450830  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-12-20
Written: (7103 days ago)

anything to remove the pain. Anything??

444153  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-12-14
Written: (7109 days ago)

I'm tired. Luckily I'm not doing anything tonight. I'll go home and cook some really tasty food, lean back in momma's chair for a could of hours and get somethings done. I've got a chem. worksheet and a chem. end of the year research paper. I've also got a spanish book report to do... in spanish. That's pretty much it though. I'm glad I got this far. I just need to continue to push myself. I just have to remember to finish tough to keep going strong. I'm digging deep. looking for inspiration. Where the fuck in a muse when you need one?

440558  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-12-10
Written: (7113 days ago)

Now introducing Mrs. Van Daam from The Diary of Anne Frank... ME! And I'm also a leader on my High School Winter Guard, and a shift runner for Domino's. I have four really great male friends and that is not including the great friends I have that are in college. I am having alot of fun shopping for Christmas gifts even though I don't really like Christmas. I got Danny Grey Knights with inceneators, I got Matt the book The Things they Carried by Tim O'Brien. I got Josh the DVD The Last Samurai which was the last movie he and I watched together in theaters. I'm probably going to go out and get Toni the Evanesence new DVD or CD I'm not sure which is really out. Dale... well since he's on here I can't say. Mike.. who knows. That boy I think has just about everything he wants so he's going to be difficult to shop for. I'm getting Vonnie hair stuff. I'm getting Ben a book if I can find it. Christin will be difficult to shop for too but I just might pick her up a pretty necklace at Target or something. But I'm headed to the Mall right now. Wish me luck!

I'm not really as happy as I seem.

435599  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-12-06
Written: (7117 days ago)

MH4TCB: what u doing over break?
UnwantedbutHere: dale wanted to watch a movie together
MH4TCB: hm whats that mean?
UnwantedbutHere: probably sex
MH4TCB: u agreed turne dhim down or what?
UnwantedbutHere: i agreed to watch a movie
MH4TCB: wahtever works i guess
MH4TCB: u know wher eitll prolly go
UnwantedbutHere: shut up Mike, this isn't easy on either of us I don't think
MH4TCB: who is us?
UnwantedbutHere: Dale and I
MH4TCB: ah
UnwantedbutHere: It's tearing me apart, driving me insane
UnwantedbutHere: I can't walk down a hall way without thinking about him
UnwantedbutHere: and just when i've forgotten him, something happens and he comes back again
UnwantedbutHere: I don't want to forget him, I just don't want to miss him as much as I do
MH4TCB: as u told me to do with jill
MH4TCB: move on it wont work and u know it
UnwantedbutHere: I don't want him to be in love with me, because I'm trying so hard to stop being in love with him
UnwantedbutHere: but he keeps saying, "I'm in love with a girl who doesn't love me"
MH4TCB: im not so sure hes in love with u as he is with the sex
MH4TCB: btu who am i to judge?
UnwantedbutHere: He's apart of me mike, he's in my hair, I can still smell him on my skin, everytime I look at my eyes, that sadness in them is because of him. My heart is in tiny pieces and I don't know where to start picking them up again
UnwantedbutHere: i know this sounds corny and over rated, but sometimes I can't breathe, everything is like a movie in my head, and someone keeps hitting the pause button and rewinding to watch the same clip over again
MH4TCB: it hurts... i know... damn the pieces hurt
MH4TCB: and each tiem u return to the source hoping to get back what u had
MH4TCB: and only end up broken deeper than u were before
MH4TCB: desparte for what was... broken away, wanting to hide from all others
MH4TCB: needing to move but frightened
MH4TCB: trapped in the chalice of ur own creation
UnwantedbutHere: I....the scars tingle sometimes when I really hurt, when i really cry. Like with Mr. buck the other day, I was driving home crying and I flashed back to the day I cut myself, and I started screaming, right there in the car, all alone, I was screaming like some crazied psycho. Mike I've never ever been this weak before, never been this moved and hurt by what others thought or think. 
MH4TCB: we fall back to that which we know
MH4TCB: defenses of old returning
MH4TCB: anything to remove the pain

433325  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-12-03
Written: (7120 days ago)

I feel like I'm not good enough.

I wish I had never let Dale talk me into another year of Spanish. I sit in the fucking class everyday, silent. I speak to no one, but I don't speak to many people anyway. All of my friends are pretty stupid. Well not stupid stupid, maybe just lazy. Or maybe they are stupid. I've never been stupid until here recently so excuse me if I don't recognize how stupid works.

I walk out of Spanish class feel alone, and dumb. I don't speak to anyone, and there isn't anyone in that class I particularly want to talk with. Channe'l and I are on opposite spectrums of the fucking rainbow. The only think I have in common with Jill is Mike, and only thing I have in common with Vanessa is Brianne. I don't want to try to like Kurt. He's too smart for is own good. He rubs it in people's faces, like Dale used to do, only unlike Dale, Kurt knows he does it, and he probably masturbates to it.

I walk out of Chem. class feeling pretty stupid sometimes too. I worry that I'll won't be able to make it in college. Sure I'm excited about going to college, and having my own place to stay, and doing lots of things I've always wanted to do, like fencing, but I'm still worried that I'm not smart enough. I don't think I'm very smart anymore.

I'm thinking of dropping out of Spanish half semester. But then again I want to stay in and finish it out. I've never quit anything I started academically. I've never dropped a class before. EVER. And I've been in Spanish all this time. Maybe I owe it to myself to finish this thing I started freshman year.

421453  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-11-22
Written: (7131 days ago)

Study hall is when I miss him the most. I section my desk closest to the front window in Mr. Bertsch's room, kinda of making myself a little island. A home with a great view. From that window I watch the world drag by, minute by minute, season slowly melting into season, falling alseep in the sunlight when it's shining, and counting the rain drops when it rains. I can't believe that I'm going to pick him up tomorrow. I don't know what possesed me to offer the ride but I did. So tomorrow I'll see him.

I wish I knew what I had said yes too. I have ideas but they all scare me. I haven't a clue what I've gotten myself into. 

But I miss him the most in study hall classroom, when I'm all alone, quiet and studying. I'll fall in between sleep and awake and he'll show up, offering his hand, his smile warming. He takes me in his arms, holds me against his chest. He'll lay me down, softly on his bed, his fingers splayed against my hips, my face snuggled against his chest, or his neck. I wake up to his fingers ghosting over my face, tracing every curve, as if trying to memorize it. His kisses can drown me in my dreams. I wake up, smiling but sad. I hate to go from my dream Dale, who is so much different than the Dale I know in real life. 

Yesterday Matt took up for me against his grandmother. They all left for work and they told me to hang around and wait for Josh or Danny to come home. Their grandmother comes over an hour or so later and tells me to leave. So I do, but I call back a half and hour later and Dan is home so I go back over. Then Josh shows up and Dan tells him about how Granny kicked me out. I asked them not to tell Matt, because I didn't want him to get upset, but Dan had already called Matt and told him. When Matt came home, he brought White Castle and apologized for his grandmother's behavior promising that things wouldn't be like that ever again. Matt had called his grandmother, the lady he pays rent to, and told her to call next time she's about to throw out one of his friends. Apparently, Granny thought that I was friends with only Josh. Wrong big time. I'm friend with Danny and Matt Josh and Toni.

Matt showed me his SKS Russian rifle. I learned how to shoot it, pull back the bolt, release the clip, pull bolt back and slide into place, slam the clip into the chamber, shoulder, aim, fire. Really nice. Its a beautiful rifle, deep cherry wood stock, silver bayonet. Beautiful but cold.

I also learned how to play Halo 2. The hardest part so far was when I got flanked while being battle engaged. And the one who was flanking me was camoflaged. Matt had to give me a hand on that one.

Josh's 21st birthday was Friday. Dan got wasted for the first time, and he spent half of the night with this head in the trash can, praying to the plastic that his stomach would quite heaving. They tried to call me but I wasn't home, I was visting Domino's. And talking to Dale.

They asked me to bring him by the house. I don't know if he would even come and whether I would trust them to behave around him. But he might be good for him to see how I am when I'm not with him, to let him meet the guys so that he doesn't worry about me so much. They would protect me if anything were to happen. He doesn't have to worry about me. And Hell he might even like Dan. Everyone likes Dan. He could sit around with us, watch us play some Monster Hunter or some Halo, they might even bust out the Magic cards or the Space Marines Army. They wouldn't hurt him while I was there, at least not physically, but he might get upset when Josh Toni and myself start wrestling. I don't know. Josh is encouraging it, Matt condones it, Toni would tolerate it, and Dan could make him feel at home. I don't know

I don't think he would like me having a good time without him.

I don't think he would like me having a good time with them. 

I don't think he would even what to meet my friends, he never did before.

I don't know.


409947  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-11-11
Written: (7142 days ago)


409941  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-11-11
Written: (7142 days ago)

No one is going to take care of you.

I really should be doing my chemistry homework. Or my pre-calc or my spanish grammar. Its difficult though, and I know that I can do it. But somehow none of that seems relevant. I'm moody, and irritated and I have been all day long. Mrs. Salyers called me rude, and I bit my tongue to keep from saying that I'm not rude that I just have atittude which is what she wants when it comes to arguing which is what she was inciting all class period.
In the old days she would have been called a warmonger.

I'm tired. Maybe that's because of the weather. 

I know that I can't depend on anyone but myself. I lived by the coin for so long and now I have to go back to it. No one is going to take care of me. No one is going to learn this junk for me. No one can love me as much as I need to love myself. 

And right now I feel low.

I just want to scream. Or dance. Or fly. I'm not really sure which. I'll get to scream tonight. I can dance if I want too. And I'll fly away into the deepness of my dreams. But right now I can't do that. I have to focuse.

I just want to push him and the things he says out of my head. I can't afford to feel that way anymore. He can't consume me like he is, otherwise I'll never be able to redirect my attention to where it needs to be directed. I can't rely on any future he dreams of, because that's all it is to him. Dreams. 

Face reality and all of it's cruelties. And do it now! Life will be easier for you girl if you just realize that everything you are doing will have a purpose in college and in life. Don't listen to your body it cares nothing for your future. Don't listen to your heart, it will betry itself and you in the process. Don't listen to his words, you can't be sure they will be true tomorrow. Don't listen to his words, he cares nothing for his future, much less yours. Don't listen to his words, if they are just going to make you cry. Don't listen to anyone but the head that tells you the truth and what is right.

Fuck this life! It's not real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

409806  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-11-11
Written: (7142 days ago)

You're waiting for someone
To put you together
you're waiting for someone
to push you away
You never did nodice
That you still hide away
Angry at Angels who won't return

He is everything you want
He is everything you need
He is everything inside of you
That you wish you could be
He says all the right things
At exactly the right time
But he means nothing to you
And you don't know why

385322  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-10-20
Written: (7165 days ago)



Honestly it is. Sex is nothing. It's just two bodies (sometimes) mutually fulfilling one another's carnal urges. I could have sex with anyone. It's the fears of disease, and pregnacy that keep me from screwing any idiot I find attractive on the street. I have a very healthy sexual libido. And like I said sex would be nothing for me, if I could have sex.

But I can't. I've only been able to have sex with one person.

Something within me, makes love. There is a difference. There is something inside of me that yearns for the trust I once instilled in Dale to once again be instilled in another. But Dale was a special circumstance. I gave my virginity to save his life. I gave him my innocence to make him eat again. A noble cause to save someone's life, and I loved him.

Loved, is the correct form and tense of the verb.

Still there are times when I'm dying for someone to be as honest, as bestial, has he was. He had no shame in pressing himself against me, and he had no shame is telling me that he like my ass in those jeans. His used crass, vulgar language in my presence, and it riled me. 

There is something to be said for gentlemen though.

All the gentlemen in my life, Toni, Josh, Dan, and Mike, men who are either unsure of who they are, overly sure of who they are, or just have their minds set and their hearts decided. Men who would open doors, pull out chairs, and hold a girl all night. A man to protect a fair siren when her body was raked with inconsistancies and pain. Men who are happiest when she lifts her soul to the sky and once again takes her place, crying that she has to go, happy that she is allowed to be happy, and happier still to have known a girl. It is for these people that I do not abandon myself, and my loving ways.

People mistake flirtation for healing. Men will believe that no one wants them, and instead of using meaningless words that are useless on paper and even more uselessly thrown about, I use my skin. Touch is a powerful and underestimated sense. When one cannot see, and one refuses to register voice, and taste and sight no longer mean anything to them, touch can reach them. 

Hold me, hold me. I want to be touched, I want to be held. I want your softness, your warmth, the smell of your hair and the carress of your breathe. I want to be held, and made to feel once more human, and once more alive. Touch can do that. Love in the form of sex, can do that.  

368550  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-10-01
Written: (7183 days ago)
Next in thread: 368555

Father who art in heaven
Reverberating his name
Within the walls of my once safe haven
Slowly driving me insane

The slices come quicker
Tears are fast to fall
The blood trickle is slicker
I never was at all

Crimson angels of the black brigade
Swords drawn and pointed
I can feel my spirit slide and fade
The ground my blood annointed

I'm a happy person. I promise I am.

252513  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-06-12
Written: (7294 days ago)

Fly me into the stars
Into the sky
Weightless for a moment
For a moment I can fly

And then the wieght returns
I fall into my place
Hair shrouding my eyes
As I return back to my race

I'm no unicorn, no mythical creature
I am not an angel
I'm only beautiful
When my eyes blaze with anger

If a scream could be felt
Within these words of pain
Then the reader would understand
The sting of acid rain

I don't belong anywhere
I feel like that again
I feel like I'm left behind
And no one will be my friend

Continue on and do not question
The lost of justification
Within my juridiction
This is my pain, intense with conviction

Help me.

234951  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-05-26
Written: (7312 days ago)

I've been

205467  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-04-25
Written: (7342 days ago)

Frida Kahlo is probably one of the best movies I've seen in a long long time. I mean you don't get that kind of misery and intrigue anywhere very often. And the women on there, yum yum. Frida's sister Cristine, hot mama. Personally my favorite part had to be the one where Frida and Diego first made love. She told him she had a scar, he asked to see it, and he called her perfect. She was what God had made her to be and she was perfect in His eyes, and so she was perfect in Diego's eyes as well. I also liked the part where she was standing at the top of the pyrimids talking to the Russian communist and she tells him about how she's always been in pain, but that she is alright because at the end of the day we can take much more than we think we can. 

Dale likes the part where Frida catches Diego with Cristine and she say's "She's my fucking sister." Pretty funny stuff.

I also like the part where she was in Paris and she is writting a letter to Diego and it shows all of the people she's talked to and all the people she slept with, and all the things she's done, but in the letter it still ends that she loves him, that Paris is nothing without him.

That's REAL love I guess.

I woke up this morning in nothing but my underwear this morning, next to Dale who was completely naked. It felt nice. The first thing I saw this morning was him. The first things I heard this morning were him saying "You really pretty." It felt good to feel him next to me. Really next to me. I've woken up many times like this. And each time I can only thank god for letting me live at this time, thank you for bringing me where I am. Thank you for bringing him back to me.

186658  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-04-05
Written: (7362 days ago)

I wonder if Mike is reading these things. I wonder if he dreams about me at night. I wonder. I wonder if he would have given me that flower if it had just been the two of us. Sometimes I want to talk to him, and sometimes I want to hang around with him. People that I talk to, tell me that I shouldn't let him touch me. They tell me that I should tell him that he shouldn't do things like that, because it makes him think that there is a chance. I don't want him to think that I'm leading him on by not stopping him. I don't want to lead him on if I am. Maybe I should go to mike and tell him that he shouldn't want me, the ways I think he wants me. But sometimes it feels so nice. Sometimes, like when he drove Dale out to see me, or when we went out to eat, or when he gave me the flower via Dale, it feels so nice. He touches me softly and gently. Softer than I though he could be, more gentle than I thought he was capable of knowing. He asked me if I wore perfume the other day, and sometimes I wonder if ever smells my hair and thinks that its pretty. These thoughts don't entertain my head all the time. Usually I'm busy with school or I'm busy with work, or i'm busy with Dale, but sometimes when I'm daydreaming, and listening to My Immortal and she says that she's "been alone all along" I can only imagine jumping off a building, flying through the sky with the sounds of a guitar and drum flying past me, falling to the ground, and having mike watch the entire thing. I wonder. Just for a few second I'm there, and it's like dancing all over again. 

I will let him watch me dance. Someday. But it will be hard to let him see me like that. I once read a story that said, "I only let my hair down for two things: to dance and to fuck. Unfortunately he had never seen me do either." That's how personal it is, that's how deep it will go. But maybe it's time someone saw me, honestly with no restraint and with no mask. Just me.

186652  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-04-05
Written: (7362 days ago)

Sorry about the other entry. I was just angry. I've been recently thrown out of my house. My life seems to be going in five hundred different directions. It's easier now though. At least I think it is. I don't worry about putting up with my mom's yelling, I only have to focuse on school. That and the Vonnie,a girl from work, is taking an intrest in my well being. She really thinks that I'm an amazing person. Nothing sexual by that either. I'm happier. Last night Dale and I were talking on the phone and he kept telling me how much he missed me. It was about one in the morning that I decided to come over and give him a surprize. I have the key to his house and his family considers me family. I like falling asleep next to him. I like not having to be alone anymore. I can sleep next to him whenever I very well please. He wants me around, but honestly I've been getting curious. Vonnie keeps telling me that you don't have to stay with the first person for the rest of your life. For a long time I believed this too. I never thought that I would stay with my first love for the rest of my life. I always knew that we would fall apart, because people change. You aren't the person you were when you were fifteen just like the person you were when you were fifteen isn't the person you were when you were five. I can feel myself changing. I can feel things dying all around me but I'm not scared anymore. I can feel my mother dying, falling away from me and my life. It upsets me, but I know I'm stronger for it. I can feel my uncle dying in front of me, but I choose to be with him and my grandmother and it hurts, but I'm stronger for it. I know that some of my friendships are dying because we are becoming different people. It doesn't make us not friends, but we aren't as close as we used to be. I can feel things changing, and I can almost feel myself changing, quickly, so quickly it seems like things aren't changing at all. I sometimes wonder what it would be like to have sex with someone else, someone other than Dale. I sometimes wonder what it would be like to be with someone else. Would I be happier than I am now? Would they treat me the same way Dale does? Would they treat me better? Am I worth more? Recently my phrase has been. Never Settle for Less than Your Best and Never Settle for Anything Less than You Deserve. Am I going against my own words? Can Dale change? I hope so. I don't want to leave him. I don't want him to leave me. I don't want to be alone again. I most certainly don't want to hurt him again. Not like I did the last time, not like Brittany did. But how much do I take? I love him and no one comes close to touching me like he does. But I know when I'm being treated wrong. The question is do I put up with it? 

181747  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-03-31
Written: (7368 days ago)

I'm nothing more than a common whore. A girl who gets passed from one place to another. I know I'm damaged. The Shadow told me so. "I don't deal in damaged goods." Maybe he was right. Maybe I am just damaged goods. Harmed package. No one wants me around. And it seems recently that no one understands me. It's hard being alone, having no one to turn around to and say, "hey help me." Who would have thought a common whore could have pride, or honor, or justice. Women like me cannot truly be loved. We know only the love of a fleeting instant, nothing long lasting. But I cannot speak for all the sluts of the world. I can only speak for myself. I love him, and I'll go on being loyal to him until the pain pushes him aside. When he is done loving me, when he is ready to move on, I'll smile and step aside. And I'll walk away with my head high. Girl like myself know no marriage, no tranquility, no stability. Whores yes, but I'm ready to believe that it is possible for women to be suductive, sensual, crass, and bold, while still being seen as beautiful, intelligent, thoughtful, and understanding. I'm writing to my Shadow, to my Angel, and to anyone else who might be listening. If you think that a female can't bring the world to a screeching halt then you've never known true beauty. If you think that whore are nothing but white trash with loose morals then think again. I maybe a whore, I may ask men to hold me, to comfort me in my time of need or when I'm feeling sad, but all of you are looking at me from one perspective. I'm intelligent, and kind. Thoughtful and understanding. I posses many qualities that men find attractive, (and women for that matter too) but I don't go around screwing every guy that I see, nor do I screw every guy I flirt with. Men are my closest of confidants, my truest of friends, and some of the strongest family I know. Kiss my ass. 

173579  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-03-21
Written: (7378 days ago)

No one understands. NO ONE! I'm so alone. NO ONE wants me anymore. He told me he wanted to see me. I didn't know if I would be able to come over. But I did. Here I am. He doesn't even know I'm here. He's asleep. He's probably hearing me type but he isn't hearing me cry. I tried to leave. But I have no where to go. I don't have anyone to want me anymore. I should go home, I'll probably get into trouble for being out this late. Because I wanted to see him, because I thought he wanted to see me, I'm going to get into trouble. I'm going to get yelled at. It just hurts to be ignored time after time. But he doesn't understand. He doesn't understand this because it isn't logical, it doesn't follow a nice set little pattern like math does or like men do. "Oh why Oh why" he questions "Do all women have to be illogical."
t's a character fault to him. Something that doesn't make since and because of that should be erased. I tried to kiss him and all he simply did was groan complainatively. He rolled and went back to sleep. It hurts to be ignored. After everything I've done, everything I've defied, all the rules I broke, and all the people I've hurt just to be with him. He hasn't given up anything. Does he even love me at all? Is that why he can't say those words to me? The one person I really truly love probably doesn't love me back. God this hurts so much. This is why I'm dying, why I'm hurting. I don't think Dale loves me. He just wants some body to tell him that they love him, to kiss him awake and make sure that he doesn't feel alone. Someone to tell him that they love him. Maybe I'm just feeling mad and depressed right now. I don't know. But honestly this is how I feel right now. Alone and unwanted. 

171856  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-03-19
Written: (7380 days ago)
Next in thread: 171946

It's so cold here. It's almost empty. I feel forgotten, and unwanted. I'm lost again. I'm going to close my eyes and I'm going to shut the door. I'm going to lock it. The door is locked, the lights are out. My eyes are closed. I breathe in deeply and I can feel the scum in the back of my mouth rise and scratch the back of my throat. It's not quiet. My mother is talking loudly on the phone. Always loudly. She's never quiet. She needs to hear something to keep her from going insane. To make sure that she is still alive. I danced today, for the first time in a long time. I truly danced. I turned on the loudest music I own, the cruelest music I own, music that once was the fuel to the fire of all my fears and anger and hate and lust and love and sex. I closed my eyes and pulled down my hair and lost myself to the indescribable joy of feeling alive. I felt everything like i had never had feelings before. I gripped my hair and imagined that it was Dale. I imagined what it would be like for people to see me like this. Wild and abandoned. Fearless. Damn!!! Nothing kills me like people walking in on me when I'm composing. Or when I'm just writing. Lights on, cheap smelling male perfume, and a dumb bright red clad little boy of 19 goes clumsily around the room. And he leaves. Door is locked. Lights are shut off. Eyes are closed. Breathing. Going back. Going back. Back Back. I'm never strong in real life. I only have strength when i dance. All my pain and every scrape of my rage, melds together perfectly in my body. It's spiritual to the point where you no longer question whether or not god exists. It's speaking to you. You throw your head back and imagine. You slam yourself against the walls of your bedroom and imagine love and lust. You scrape your nails against your thighs and you don't want to believe that the moan is escaping from your own lips. I imagined that Mike was watching me, stunned, uncertain, and finally seeing me for what I am. I imagined Dale dancing with me. I remembered holding Dale. I remember when Matt was gentle, so gentle it made me cry. And suddenly without warning it wasn't gentle anymore. I slammed my back against the wall not in pleasure but in pain. Brutally remembering something I should have never forgotten. I fought off invisible hands. I didn't cry. I can't cry for that anymore. The festering pain doesn't go away though. Reopened to save someone, it just keeps bleeding and I don't know how to make it stop. My throat burned, my side throbbed, my body was broken, and drenched in sweat. But I didn't stop. Suddenly Matt's hands were gone. They touched me so tentively, softly. They were mind, traveling across my stomach, caressing my arm. They were my fingertips tracing endless patterns around my lips, my eyes, tracing my collar bone, pausing at a dip in my neck, causing me to gasp. I laid down on the floor and whispered for someone to save me. My body cried for someone, my mind screamed it. But no one came. No one heard. No one could save me. No one came for me. I was left behind, my burning body broken and begging. God help me, I didn't have the strength to move, I wished someone would just save me. No one saved me. 

46061  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-07-12
Written: (7630 days ago)

I've never forgotten you
I've never forgotten anyone
I always remember.

I remember that last day on the beach
I remember.
I remember what you said to me
I remember the look in your eyes

But, in remembering you
I've forgotten myself

44372  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-07-05
Written: (7637 days ago)

God I hate the fourth of july weekend. I don't like my famlily. They're all a bunch of morons. They all come over to my house, get drunk, and in one situation, while their kid is watching. I got into a fight with my older cousin who was trying to take his kid home and the mother of his child, who was also drunk, was egging him to leave her child alone. I get between the child and my cousin and tell my cousin that I will take his 11 year old son and his friend home. He gets mad at me because I touched him to keep him away from his son. He gets mad at me, and god help me, I think the guy was going to punch me. I have never been more angry at two people in my entire life time. They have a perfectly healthy son. He is 11 years old, he doesn't have any deformities, he doesn't have any handicapps, he can be annoying, but for the most part he is a perfectly able bodied young boy. And here he is being raised by a grown BOY and a grown GIRL. GIVE ME A GOD DAMN BREAK. I have seen 15 16 year olds with babies and they are better parents to their kids than these two losers are.

A couple of days ago I picked up a hitch hiker. The guy was a 32 year old african american who had come to Indiana as a door to door sales man. He had just gotten out of prison for drug charges after being in there for two years. I gave him my email address. I hope I hear from Alfred soon.

I also had to flash my boobs to my manager. I lost a bet playing a game of high card and had to flash him my boobs. Oh well it's not a big deal to me anymore. I'm not one of those people that when they are dared to do something and they don't do it because it requires a little big of indeciency. That's bullshit. Besides it's not like the man hasn't seen boobs elseware

I'm also getting a tattoo. It's going to be two hundred dollars and is going to take two hours. I'm getting an incription that says "I've lived my life with regret. But I'll never regret having fallen in love." It's going to have a henna type/ indian type band around it and is going to be located on my left shoulder blade. Too cool huh. and my think my mom is going to pay for half.

My brother, his girlfriend, and her brother broke into my house. They stole seven hundred dollars from my step father, coins from my mother, jewelry from my mother, and clothing from me. She came around the next day at my father's house wearin gmy clothes! What a totally bitch! She says she is pregnant with my brother's baby but from what I've heard she has been sleeping with like three other people! She's ugly and I'm not just talking about physical ugly here. She is ugly through and through.

 The logged in version 

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