Tom came over today. Dad was not best pleased, He asked me before hand what we would be doing, it took me all my self restraint not to yell ' having wild sex on the bathroom floor!' Though that is probably what he expected to hear.
I realised I only have one of each pair of socks I ever had which is upsetting because I only have one royal blue one with red, yellow, green and orange spots on it which kate'dont tell anyone but I THINK I'M PREGNANT' Boardman gave me for christmas v.v
On a lighter note I finally found what happened to my best friends 11th birthday present, and it still hasnt passed it expirey date ^_^
All homework is done, all targets met, all pigs fed and ready to fly ^_^
Wohoo! Easter soon ^_^ That means 2 weeks free of school ^_^ Whee^_^
Daddy keeps on looking at me funny, it is not may fault that yorkshire has the highest underage sex rate in the uk! And just because I have aboyfriend does not mean I am part of that statistic!
Grandma is being wierd, I guess growing up in nazi germany has finally gotten the better of her.*sighs*
Mum is startingto scare me, she has 4 boyfriends and was talking to them all on msn at the same time. I think we need to talk.
still is lol ^^
Life is so wonderful. ^_^