[Wuthering Heights]'s diary

684449  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-10-19
Written: (6800 days ago)

Here I am again as promised.
Day 5 of relationship with david and people have started to coton on, as if holding onto him wasn't a big enough sign lol.
Homework is very much getting to a diabolical state, oh, art, why do you hate me when I love you so? *sighs*
That's all to report I guess. see you tomorrow
Peace out xxx

683854  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-10-18
Written: (6801 days ago)

I have not written in her in ages I know but I set myself a challenge to write in a diary everyday for a month so here it is lol,of course I'm keeping a private one too but you can't read that one :p
I have been going out with David now for 4 days and it is really nice. :)
4 days until we set off for Wales on holiday, i'm glad my tendon healed in time because it's an adventure holiday and I'd be pretty bored on crutches lol.
On a less positive note my friends are at war and it is really upsetting. They are not on this site but for courtasy's sake they shall be called friend 1 and friend 2.
Friend 1 was going out with a boy and she loved him a lot. The boy did not feel the same way and broke up with her, two days later he was going out with friend 2 and now he and friend 2 are angaged. Even though friend 2 started going out with the boy after he broke up with friend 1, friend 1 is still pretty mad because she still loves him so whenever we go out as a group friend 2 always makes sure friend 1 knows she is with him now if you know what I mean.

588842  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-02
Written: (6939 days ago)

Work experience looms ever closer and still I have not visited it v.v
Maths/statistics coursework still not done *sighs*
Tom still the best person in the world ^.^
Relationshio with ashley still rollercoasterish
Life still chaotic
Prozac still digesting...

568056  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-05-03
Written: (6969 days ago)

Arty exam tomorrw Very bad news, Very nervous, Very homicidal :D

567012  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-05-02
Written: (6970 days ago)

Art exam coming up v soon. V bad, contemplating killing everyone in the class better than me.
Bank holiday= daytime telivision= v grumpy sam, contemplating killing myself, or at least trisha goddard.

567011  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-05-02
Written: (6970 days ago)

Art exam coming up v soon. V bad, contemplating killing everyone in the class better than me.
Bank holiday= daytime telivision= v grumpy sam, contemplating killing myself, or at least trisha goddard.

562836  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-04-27
Written: (6975 days ago)

Daytime television sucks. So does being ill, staying him enad having to watch daytime television. It makes the pain worse. v.v
But I have to go now, the leprechauns are coming to take me away and dad is giving me v. powerful painkillers given to me by the nice man withthe magical hearing necklace and white coat ^_^

561054  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-25
Written: (6977 days ago)

The sun is shining and everthing is happy in happy land ^_^
I hads the wierdest dream the other day, Tom alx and me were walking about school only dressed up as clavats and lilties and stuff from chrystal chronical when suddenly the roofs were filled with snipers and they all looked like alex! But then the head and our statistics teacher all came out and started eating all teh clones and miss jackson unzipped her head dr. who style and arnold schwarzaniggewr jumped out!
It was wierd

555888  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-19
Written: (6983 days ago)

Yesterday tom told me he is suicidal. I love him so much and it kills me that he is hurting like this but I know there is nothing i could do to help and I havernt really talked to him and he must hate me today but whenever I look at him I just want to cry.

549120  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-12
Written: (6990 days ago)

I am doing art coursework and i LOVE it ^_^ Just another three weeks to go ... *grumbles*

548279  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-11
Written: (6991 days ago)

Life is fab! Do you knw why? I will tell you...



Don't you just love what sugar does to you? mehehehe

545786  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-08
Written: (6994 days ago)

One week of school and I am already wishing it was summer lol

542544  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-05
Written: (6997 days ago)

School again and I am already piled under with homework v.v But I WILL DO IT ALL!!!!! *dramatic music and lightning bolt in background*

540552  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-04-03
Written: (6999 days ago)

School tomorrow ^_^ i know, I hear you say, oh, shool, yuck! But School is fun fun fun fun fun ^_^
And in a brak with all tradition I have done ALL my homework, I SWEAR!!! Well, maybe all of it ...lol
hasv eto pick up my art paper tomorrow, i am so dreading the exam but at least I will have four weeks to prepare, who am i kidding? it will be hell!!!!!

532095  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-03-25
Written: (7008 days ago)

Tom came over today. Dad was not best pleased, He asked me before hand what we would be doing, it took me all my self restraint not to yell ' having wild sex on the bathroom floor!' Though that is probably what he expected to hear.
I realised I only have one of each pair of socks I ever had which is upsetting because I only have one royal blue one with red, yellow, green and orange spots on it which kate'dont tell anyone but I THINK I'M PREGNANT' Boardman gave me for christmas v.v
On a lighter note I finally found what happened to my best friends 11th birthday present, and it still hasnt passed it expirey date ^_^

532093  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-03-25
Written: (7008 days ago)

All homework is done, all targets met, all pigs fed and ready to fly ^_^
Wohoo! Easter soon ^_^ That means 2 weeks free of school ^_^ Whee^_^
Daddy keeps on looking at me funny, it is not may fault that yorkshire has the highest underage sex rate in the uk! And just because I have aboyfriend does not mean I am part of that statistic!
Grandma is being wierd, I guess growing up in nazi germany has finally gotten the better of her.*sighs*
Mum is startingto scare me, she has 4 boyfriends and was talking to them all on msn at the same time. I think we need to talk.

504213  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-02-23
Written: (7038 days ago)

still is lol ^^

489847  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-02-07
Written: (7054 days ago)

Life is so wonderful. ^_^

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