[A Cherished Rose]'s diary

549272  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-12
Written: (7108 days ago)
Next in thread: 562035

well everyone i got a new diary today.. i am a mommy and i am happy and so is Dusty he cant wait till the baby is born. if its a girl its going to be named Macanna and if its a boy its Vincent cute huh well thats all i wanted to say and that what ever gose wrong we will go throuhg it together and that is what i told him and he was releaved. cuse latley wee have been having some difficulties talking about things. and then i brake down and cry cuse i am very emotional and its hard.but we get throuhg it every time and im happy i just hope he dont leave me for any reason

549270  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-12
Written: (7108 days ago)

well everyone i got a new diary today.. i am a mommy and i am happy and so is Dusty he cant wait till the baby is born. if its a girl its going to be named Macanna and if its a boy its Vincent cute huh well thats all i wanted to say and that what ever gose wrong we will go throuhg it together and that is what i told him and he was releaved. cuse latley wee have been having some difficulties talking about things. and then i brake down and cry cuse i am very emotional and its hard.but we get throuhg it every time and im happy i just hope he dont leave me for any reason

539709  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-04-03
Written: (7117 days ago)

hi everyone.. well i have never done this before ...i mean write on hear for a diary thing.. lol so i'll get to the point.
well me and my boyfriend have been datting for like 6 1/2 months and he asked me to marry him.. i was supprised cuse i had never had anyone ask me to marry them. i was shocked who wants to marry me.. lol aka"hypocondreact" hehe well not that bad but getting better.. but he asked me to marry him and i said i would have to think about it cause im afraid of commitment and i dont want to make the wrong dissision. and i have not told me parents yet..but if they read this then they already know.. and im scared. i gave him my answer about a week later and i said yes cuse i thouhgt about it really hard and i know how much he loves me, he talkes about our future all the time and tells me that his parents will soon become my parents too and yes i love his parents cuse they are really nice people and his mom is in the Hospital cuse she had or has cancer and i feel really bad for her and she told Dusty my boyfriend that she really loves the hell out of me and i feel loved buy that too. and his dad is warmming up to me too he yeld at me for the 1st time cuse i raised up Dustys phone bill and yes i deserved it too so we are all cool now.im 18 and i dont want to be anymore cuse im scared to live on my own.. keep a job , keep and appartment, bills, car, and a kid or two when that happens. im just scared and i want my family to be there for me when i need them and im going to need them reall soon when i have a break down from soo much strees .. and my best friend thinks we are growing apart .. but sweety were not i promise. you will always be ther for me and i will be ther for you. no matter what anyone seys.aka"DUSTY" i will always love you tasha.. yes we may have our lil difficalties but we can get through them and we always will. Nadia i will always love you too dont ever forget that you mean the world to me and i hope i never loose you. you are what gives me my stranths. and i appreshate that very much thank you for always beeing there for me and hopfully you wil carry it out throught the years. you all are proboly sick and tiered of hearing all this stuff by now so i'll stop

492965  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-02-11
Written: (7168 days ago)
Next in thread: 492968

im so in love with my man *Dusty* and i cant get anof of him... not many people like him .. but i cant get anof of him.. i think of the future alot

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