[spongemonkey]'s diary

472330  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-01-16
Written: (7110 days ago)


469301  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-01-11
Written: (7115 days ago)
Next in thread: 469527, 470434, 470435

Mrs. cook: we're going to talk about meth today and meth labs.
kanoe:is there a lot of meth in Iowa?
Mrs. cook: yes, actually Iowa is considered the meth capital of the world!!
koch: yeah, they never suspect us..
me: yup *mocking Iowan voice* 'cus we're the corn farming hicks of the midwest!!!!
koch: darn tootin!!!!

^^;; random little conversation during 2nd period yesterday.

458105  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-12-28
Written: (7129 days ago)

okay, last....friday, I think I went to a Christmas party at mo's house with all the usual people (i.e. Ivy, Jacky, Ashlee, Merdith Lily, Mikaila) it was a secret santa party, so after having half a jug of pop and dancing on the table we starting giving gifts so I get one from Ivy, and it was like this big pack of blue, smelly stuff called I.D. it was pretty bad, so I managed to sell most of the body sprays and lotions off onto sophie and Jante but I'm stuck with this candle and it has made my room smell like old lady -.-;; thank you Ivy. and Merry Christmas.

437697  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-12-08
Written: (7149 days ago)

>.< I really want to drop spanish, but Robin, Whitney and Jacky want me to go to spain with them in our junior year, so I guess I'm not ('sucks. Mrs. Ashman is the satanic Bitch from Hell) I dunno if Lacey is mad at me or not (if your reading this, Lacey. Please Throw me a bone or something 'cus I'm not gettin it) nya.

435474  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-12-06
Written: (7151 days ago)

All last week it was either raining or snowing. then on friday it was really warm. So after school Mo desided it would be a good idea to try and teach me to break dance on the school lawn. T.T on my coat...my WHITE coat. so she did a few moves. and we (me, bo nikki Q noel whitney ashlee and jacky) stood around watching, then she like dragged me down into the mud and step by step got me backwards on my face with my arms pinned and my ass in the air. and then bo felt it needed for him to sit on me. so I threw mud at him and kicked him in the balls. =^_^= I thought you should know.

415517  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-11-17
Written: (7170 days ago)
Next in thread: 439951

10 things to do before I die

(NOTE: *= done)

1. get an A on a math test

2. *find that pair of pants...

3. befriend a little person

4.find a cure for the common salesman not involing a shot gun

5.find the perfect shower temperture

6. marry a little person

7. eat a soy bean

8. light Mr. Reeve on fire

9.*swallow a pickle whole

10. bunji jump with an angry badger straped to my head into a pint of rabid chipmunks covered in delicious sweet potatos.

388094  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-10-23
Written: (7195 days ago)

teehee!! I went to a book signing tonight with some friends XD arent you so jelious? it was fun, we sorta stood there for an hour listening to Tamioria Priece, then we went and hung around in the little cafe next door,
I tried this like, european lemonade thing with luan and Eva
it was weird!!! it was very sweet at the bottom and sour at the top. the night was beautiful!! very warm for this time of year. It seems like Iowa City is more alive after the sun goes down then when its still light out. but what can you expect in a collage town!!! ^____^

360380  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-09-23
Written: (7225 days ago)

me: *walks in to room* whatcha whatichin?
amanda: beinstien bears.
me: GAH!! how dare you?
amanda: shut up.
me:I'm going to kill myself now!!
amanda: okay.
me: *picks blanket up off ground and makes a noose*
amanda: *not caring*
me: *climbs out over stairs and ties blanket-nouse to railing* I'm gonna jump!!
amanda: right-o
me: dont you care?
amanda: not really
me: why?!
amanda: shut UP!!! I'm watching the bearstien bears!!
me: *points to t.v.* YOU MURDERING ASSHOLE BEARS!!!!!!!!!
amanda: they arent murdering assholes, they're the the bearstien bears
me: YES THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
amanda: *walks over an hits my head with remote* SHUT UP!!!!!!!! THEY'RE TEACHING FAIMLY VALUES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
me: *muttering* not well enough if I tried to kill myself while watching it...

257184  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-06-16
Written: (7324 days ago)


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