[spongemonkey]'s diary

524480  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-03-17
Written: (7048 days ago)

eeeeeeiiiiiii!!!!!!! my cheaks feel so soft!!!!! XD *joyfulness* and all I had to do was take SAND to my face!!!!!!!!!

erk. fucking skin diseases. -.-

I feel so happy!!! the joys of satying awake till 5:30 am then sleeping till two!!!! hurray for me and my screwed up sleeping pattens.
man, binges are fun. muffin binges, chocolate binges drinking binges. its all good!!!!!!! XD

wow. very hyper. much chocolate. and pepsi...and other such fattenign items. yum. lard.
*hack hack hack hack* arrrrrgggg!!!! I'm dying!!!!!

517671  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-09
Written: (7055 days ago)

owwwww... my arms hurt like hell, >.> stupid shalenee. I shall hurt her. but HOW? *thinkyness*

eep. for Hollys party, (workin out kinda like a play.) I was cast as the goth chick. Oo I'm not sure I can do that. I giggle and say 'spoon' WAY to much...heheh, spoon XD but any whoozles heres the thingy for me.

You will be playing the role of Brandi Grant.
information known about oyu.
This is Brandis first year at beverly hills ladys academy and she is shrouded in mystery. No one at school knows anything about her or her faimly. A rumor has started that her dad is a powerful criminal figure who is paying for her exorbitant tuition with his ill gotten gains. She is moody, quiet and distrusts all the other girls.

O__O whats even odder is that this isn't the worst. listen to the prop\costume suggestions.

Brandi is a goth so she is always dressed in black with dark mascara and eyeshadow, black lipstick and nail polish. She accessorises with spiked bracelets, chockers and any other really scary jewlery.

Oo yeeeeeessss....

I'm being forsed to do this creepy readers lunch tomorrow. that should be fairly boring. maybe I'll light something on fire....
509591  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-03-01
Written: (7064 days ago)

lmfao, I had a very interesting day. worthy of a journal entry. :)

first of, at about 7:00 am, I go out to the bus stop stand there chating with Leena-kun for a while then get on about 5 minutes later. I found out at once that nick had forgotten to take his hyper pills. All five of them. walked back to my usual spot with kassie and sat down to watch nick jumps up onto his seat screaming about unicorns and bashing his head into the wall, after a while we (me, Isaac, Liz and Kassie) discovered he was taking requests!!!! goodie!!! :D we got some pretty memorable ones, such as

be a cow!!!

   - Liz

be the bus driver!!

be a duck!!!!
    -isaac again

be a better duck!!!

I swear to god, it wasw athe funniest thing I have seen during my natural-born life. (though we all felt pretty bad for Isaac who had to admit blood-relation to that.)
later that day during lunch someone at our table near the courtyard, someone got those little grape-baby-tomatoe things (you know the ones) and I mean they got A LOT of them, infact, I think that might have been all they got. we had roughly three dozen. : ) so I got my hands on some and started juggling them, when suddenly it hit me. ping pong!!!!!!!!! so heres the best part. I took one of those itty bitty tomatoes and saved in in my binder until sixth period, (gym) iin which we had the lat day of our table tennis unit. so when I was serving and Byrum and the other team were'nt paying attention. I hit the tiny orage ball of into some crowd near the girls locker room, then opted to go look for it, I stoped into the locker room grabber the tomato and came back out. gave the little fruit to byrum and he did what he always does when we're losing, hit the ball as hard as he can into the windows above the risers. XD XD XD put 2 and 2 together. still not actually sure when it went splat-when he hit it or when it hit the window, but it was SO WORTH IT!!!!!!! funny as hell!!!!!!! only down sides to that one are the massive amounts of detention I've been promised and the fact that all the gym teachers hate me now. =^___________^= I regreat nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!

503499  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-02-23
Written: (7070 days ago)

erk, let me walk you through my day today.

p. 1- do the reading for "something wicked this way comes" for 2nd p. that I neglected doing last night

p. 2- make up questions for Mikalia, Grahm Molly and shaliu to answer on said book

p.3- walk around the room and bitch

lunch- sign out and sneak into Mrs. Aniouxs' class to work on FCS project

p. 4- cut hair for Mrs. Johnson and Ludka

p. 5- attempt to play Shaker and Lamet with Mo doing all my bowings for me

p. 6- play table tennis with Byrum. (I hate him so much. >.>)

p.7 SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!! :D (holy shit I'm getting a B+ in math!!!!!!!!! :O )

p. 8- shoot death glares at Mrs. Grove.

Whitneys confuzzling me. with all these acusations of the posing I am doing (still not sure for what.) then this morning I walked up to Holly and she came up from behind and told me I was acting like a little bitch (then be happy, I have deemed you worthly of my bitchyness) and then during FCS this after noon she came up behind me and started joking and laughing and ofered to sign out of lunch again to help me with ma project. ¿____? so confused. and aparently I'm fighting with Lacey (or so says Janine) hrmm, I guess I'll ask her during spanish tomorrow. 

why I do belive I have started yet another comic- Mish of Nish, it is about a small green blob of something that goes around doing small green blob of something-ish things. I need a life. :)

502584  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-02-22
Written: (7071 days ago)

Lmao, So I was called a poser today. by none other than Whitney. (XD it made me want to laugh) I'm not angery (mildly annoyed) I just want to know what it is exactly that I'm posing as. Goth? punk? prep? smart ass? (oh wait, I'm not posing as that one; I really am.) aw well, I can't ask her anyways. (Ivy would lynch me) but oh well, if it helps her to call me a poser, I'll let her. : ) I'm not going to deny her her happieness.

499391  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-02-18
Written: (7074 days ago)

so I finally have the time to copy this out of Luans planner and into my ET acount.

Luan--------man whore
me----------The Ho
joe----------hot jewish guy
Sophie------kinky bitch
nikki--------sex offender

this is our list, we don't actualy remember why we made it but now everyone wants to be on it, these are just the ones that are for sure I'll add more to this later.

499383  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-02-18
Written: (7074 days ago)

man, I wish people would stop calling here. I hate the telamaphone. its so...pointless.

oh, now Lunas # won't come off my back. joy. --

493302  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-02-11
Written: (7081 days ago)

right, so I guess I'm going to a Green day concert with Grahm, Mo and a bunch of Amandas friends sometime in the spring up in Cedar Rapids. that will be fun. :) Erk. dance tonight ACT's tomorrow and ped mall with Mo on sunday. *snuffles* all I want to do is sleep!!! :..(

491885  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-02-10
Written: (7083 days ago)

I feel bruised. *__* its probably for all the fist fights with Mo, or when I tackled Shalanee today. I have been listening to unhealthy amounts of Thornley and got a lovely idea for a story when I misheard Mrs. Johnson yesterday during science. its going to be nice and passive-agressive twards the republicans. =^__^= wont that be fun? Valintines dance coming up on friday. I dun think I'll go, (I mean if Luan doesn't hog-tie me and drag me there *__*) aparrently the theam to it is going to be red. My, I bet it took them all night to come up with that one. but it gets better. They are going to have a jell-o eating contest and, yes- a hot dog eating contest. ???? Maybe I'm just old fashioned but what part of shoving as many hot dog into your mouth before twelve minutes is up is romantic? hm. whatever. Kali, Mo, Ivy Sophie and all those other smuzley people have been bothering me about gettting a boyfriend. maybe I'll kill them. ^__^ that will be sweet.

486341  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-02-02
Written: (7090 days ago)

arrrrrrggggg.....sleep *__* wow. Mrs. Hocking winked at me the other day. ???? is that legal? hmm. weird. got in an argument wiv sophie today over weather good evanessance was pop or not that ended in us having fun with a fantesy about dameon and Billy joe cage wretling naked (XD) Ivy and Shalu got in a fight today. now shalu craves human blood. and if mo says "kevin likes you" or "Grahm likes you" one more time I will tear her open beat her with her own stomach 'then hang her from the ceiling with her own entrails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<;;;;;;

486340  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-02-02
Written: (7090 days ago)

arrrrrrggggg.....sleep *__* wow. Mrs. Hocking winked at me the other day ???? is that legal? hmm. weird. got in an argument wiv sophie today over weather good evanessance was pop or not that ended in us having fun with a fantesy about dameon and Billy joe cage wretling naked (XD) Ivy and Shalu got in a fight today. now shalu craves human blood. and if mo says "kevin likes you" or "Grahm likes you" one more time I will tear her open beat her with her own stomach 'then hang her from the ceiling with her own entrails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<;;;;;;

484915  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-02-01
Written: (7092 days ago)

Arrrrggggg... everyones been acting strange lately >.> full moon I swear to god. Whitney and Ivy've been fighting like angry badgers for the last week. then somehow I was pulled into it n' Whitney was pissed at me for a while...then she wasnt, Grahms been asking me out...a lot. and I really dont know if I am going out with him or not anymore O_o Goddamn Luan and her "slightly" altered messages.speaking of, Spencers' just found out he has a bad heart and now Luan wants me n her to do energy healing on him during lunch...yeessss... and Mo is DRIVING ME F**CKIN CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can bearly even talk to her anymore!!!! so desprite for attention. it makes me kinda sad. Laceys the only one who's been acting close to normal. Congragulations honey :) be happy. be very happy.

474712  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-01-18
Written: (7106 days ago)

I need to go waste money at ragstock XD mebe go buy that lovely ubber slut tank, or that pin cushion shirt (teehee!!! I love it!!) and mebe a nice pair of knee socks I can mutilate. hmmmmm....

arrrrgggg... I have to take my SAT's this weekend. --;; three hours of my saturday gone. I wouldn't take them, but now tweety's takin them and I'll be DAMNED if I'm gonna be beat by some prick who calls himself tweety bird!!!!!

472330  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-01-16
Written: (7108 days ago)


469301  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-01-11
Written: (7112 days ago)
Next in thread: 469527, 470434, 470435

Mrs. cook: we're going to talk about meth today and meth labs.
kanoe:is there a lot of meth in Iowa?
Mrs. cook: yes, actually Iowa is considered the meth capital of the world!!
koch: yeah, they never suspect us..
me: yup *mocking Iowan voice* 'cus we're the corn farming hicks of the midwest!!!!
koch: darn tootin!!!!

^^;; random little conversation during 2nd period yesterday.

458105  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-12-28
Written: (7126 days ago)

okay, last....friday, I think I went to a Christmas party at mo's house with all the usual people (i.e. Ivy, Jacky, Ashlee, Merdith Lily, Mikaila) it was a secret santa party, so after having half a jug of pop and dancing on the table we starting giving gifts so I get one from Ivy, and it was like this big pack of blue, smelly stuff called I.D. it was pretty bad, so I managed to sell most of the body sprays and lotions off onto sophie and Jante but I'm stuck with this candle and it has made my room smell like old lady -.-;; thank you Ivy. and Merry Christmas.

437697  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-12-08
Written: (7147 days ago)

>.< I really want to drop spanish, but Robin, Whitney and Jacky want me to go to spain with them in our junior year, so I guess I'm not ('sucks. Mrs. Ashman is the satanic Bitch from Hell) I dunno if Lacey is mad at me or not (if your reading this, Lacey. Please Throw me a bone or something 'cus I'm not gettin it) nya.

435474  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-12-06
Written: (7149 days ago)

All last week it was either raining or snowing. then on friday it was really warm. So after school Mo desided it would be a good idea to try and teach me to break dance on the school lawn. T.T on my coat...my WHITE coat. so she did a few moves. and we (me, bo nikki Q noel whitney ashlee and jacky) stood around watching, then she like dragged me down into the mud and step by step got me backwards on my face with my arms pinned and my ass in the air. and then bo felt it needed for him to sit on me. so I threw mud at him and kicked him in the balls. =^_^= I thought you should know.

415517  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-11-17
Written: (7168 days ago)
Next in thread: 439951

10 things to do before I die

(NOTE: *= done)

1. get an A on a math test

2. *find that pair of pants...

3. befriend a little person

4.find a cure for the common salesman not involing a shot gun

5.find the perfect shower temperture

6. marry a little person

7. eat a soy bean

8. light Mr. Reeve on fire

9.*swallow a pickle whole

10. bunji jump with an angry badger straped to my head into a pint of rabid chipmunks covered in delicious sweet potatos.

 The logged in version 

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