[spongemonkey]'s diary

869398  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-10-31
Written: (6542 days ago)

Sleep? Sleep? Sleep.
*inches towards bed*

868853  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-10-29
Written: (6544 days ago)
Next in thread: 869104

Psssshhh. nevermind, bitches. :]

862619  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-10-12
Written: (6561 days ago)

'Cause I couldn't bear to part with it completely. :]


  My name is Bob~. I live in a trailer~. And I eat beans out of a can~. <twangtwang> Poor Bob. Bob should move to Bob. Where everyone runs naked through the streets and are happy~! <twangtwang> Now Bob lives in Bob~. He's fairly happy~. And now he understands~. So folks come down to Bob country and bring your gang or company, and we'll all have a wonderful ball~~~~! Bob country~

A little bit of Bob's History, by the lovely Eva.[Girl of the Canopy]

Once upon a time, a thrifty nifty time, there was a poor sad province in Canada who was poor and sad for the most woebegone of reasons.

Woe, woe, woe! Said the Province, How woebegone am I. I am so woebegone, because I do not have a name. I do not have a name because I am so very woebegone that no one will give me a name and they just look at me sadly and shake their happy little heads and whisper and walk away.

One day, someone over heard the province moaning and took pity on it. Real good pity. Soon there was a vote springing up, and you could read about in all the newspapers all over the country, and probably in another country,too, maybe.

There were several names being voted on.

One of them was Bob.

Bob was a good name. Not a good person name, because seriously, when have you ever met a real live hominid named Bob? No, it was a shitty person name, alright, but a real fine province name. So whaddayouknow, Bob was a very popular name, and everyone was very excited because the woebegone province was maybe going to be named Bob and not something stupid like Quebec or Ontario or anthing else kind of silly and long like that.

But then came bad tidings. Bad, baaaaaad tidings. Bob had not won. The province was not named Bob. The province had a name, now, but the province was still woebegone because

Woe, woe,woe, Said the province, how i long to have been named Bob....

And still you can hear this sad sad call,to this very day.

The End.
832257  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-07-30
Written: (6635 days ago)

Oh, Celtic music thats been going for the past six hours down the hall...you fucking suck.

824816  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-07-15
Written: (6650 days ago)


820381  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-07-07
Written: (6658 days ago)

New Thornley?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

783292  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-04-25
Written: (6731 days ago)
Next in thread: 787904, 790447, 795587, 798285

Hrmf. So yesterday SUCKED ASS. Today was pretty okay though. So I was just thinking about something that only Mo would understand, and how I kept talking about it to her about it, even though it didn't really concern her and I was mostly just unloadeding stuff on her because there was no one else who would know what I'm talking about, and then I felt pretty bad, because thats exactly what she was doing when she was going out with Matt, and then I started thining about him, and after several minutes of careful thought, I decided that he served no purpose in ANYTHING thats happened this year, and has really just fucked everyone up, so then I felt better and blocked Matt. =^-^=

781125  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-04-21
Written: (6735 days ago)
Next in thread: 782541

The world is real;
made of plastic
lies and laughter-
its fantastic!
you say I've changed,
but now I'm breathing
to the rhythm

I found that in my fuzzy green book and have no memory of writting it. S'neat though!! ^-^

780442  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-04-20
Written: (6736 days ago)
Next in thread: 780634

X3 X3 X3 <<<<333333

I got my math book back. <3

779266  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-04-17
Written: (6739 days ago)

*inhaaaaaaaaaaaaaale* fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!!!!!! EVERY book I needed for classes tomorrow has VANISHED!!!!!! I can be a little late with Mrs. Dane, Becuse Mr. T.A. man has control of the class right now, But Mr. BREMS?!?!?!?!?! fuckityfuckityfuckityFUCK!!!!!!!!!!! I'm already failing math as it is!!! and he's a frickin bitch when it comes to deadlines!!!!!! ;-; I think I'm gonna hijack Callies bookie. *fetal position*

778754  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-04-17
Written: (6739 days ago)

(my onnline friends, as they stand currently)



Its a James-sandwich!!!!

764247  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-03-17
Written: (6770 days ago)

So. Yeah.

I'm wearing Mrs. Danes vintage earrings. ^__^

 The logged in version 

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