[One with no lips HaS no room to speaK]'s diary

116886  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2003-12-23
Written: (7491 days ago)

sadlittleamanda: dont you dare die on me
Dragonsknight87: im not
sadlittleamanda: good
Dragonsknight87: i cant
sadlittleamanda: thank the Goddess.
sadlittleamanda: cuz it might hurt to carve my heart out of my chest with a dull tanto.
Dragonsknight87: im a god rember
sadlittleamanda: oh yeah...
sadlittleamanda: that is handy
sadlittleamanda: though i am still parinoid.
sadlittleamanda: damn nightmares....they should have stopped by now...
Dragonsknight87: this body dies and i merge
sadlittleamanda: what happens if my body dies? do i merge?
Dragonsknight87: no
sadlittleamanda: or do i just die? like any other human
Dragonsknight87: you will be reincarnated
sadlittleamanda: joy
Dragonsknight87: if andaria dies your dead
Dragonsknight87: no cameing back
sadlittleamanda: i die just like any other human....
Dragonsknight87: no like a demon
sadlittleamanda: hmm. right
Dragonsknight87: your body here will fade
sadlittleamanda: if I die, my body shall rot and my spirit reincarnated just like any other fucking human on this wretched earth

112964  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-12-15
Written: (7499 days ago)
Next in thread: 116869

Andaria awoke to screams of pain and agony in a dank, dark prison cell. Her arms were chained to the slimy wall behind her and warm blood trickled down from where her shackles had cut into her. Her body was covered in lacerations and bruises from the countless beatings she had endured. Her eyes burned from lack of sleep and were dry as desert sand. Her stomach churned from lack of food, and she was quickly becoming dehydrated. The people in the surrounding cells were not doing much better, it seemed, and had been there for years, whereas she had been there only three months.
She could not remember what she had done to be put in that wretched place, and did not want to remember for that matter. She just wanted out. But Andaria was a very prideful person, and would never beg for mercy. She took her beatings and lashes with a smile on her face, not even wincing. She refused to give them a single taste of satisfaction from her pain. After an hour or two of whipping her, or raping her, the guards would take her back to her cell and shackle her to the wall. Sometimes they would give her a bite of bread or a bit of water before leaving. But usually they would merely spit on her.
Day after day Andaria went through this, waiting for her moment. She was sure it would come eventually. Until that day she would bide her time, patiently waiting for a slip in their security. Perhaps after a guard unlocked her shackles he would drop the keys, or maybe be distracted by some other prisoner's catcalls. Or perhaps a fight would break out and she would be able to flee. She hoped that her moment would come before her captors found out how to break her.
You see, Andaria had one weakness, and one weakness only: her emotions. She was a slave to her own emotions, she was ruled by them. She could never do the logical thing when her heart told her differently; she had to follow it. There was one thing, though, that if she was told was hurt or with another, would tear her soul to bloody shreds. That would break her heart in an instant. This hing ment so much to her, she would take on the Goddess herself to protect it.
That thing was in reality a person: a man by the name of Draco.
Draco was Andaria's lover; a half-demon, half-elf whom had a short fuse and a king of dragons. (INSERT PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION HERE) Draco was immensely strong, and there was a very slim chance of him ever being injured, but there was always that underlying fear that one day he would pick a fight with someone that was too strong, even for him... But most of all, Andaria was worried that he may find a woman that was more beautiful than her, kinder, stronger...a better lover than she. For Draco was her first, and more than likely her last.
Andaria herself was a half-demon, half-elf, with the most luxurious blonde hair you have ever seen which reached down to her ankles. She had large dark brown eyes with little gold flecks in them, and long jet black eyelashes. With lips the color of rubys, and pale skin she was a wonder to see. Her body was the perfect balance of muscle and fat, much looked upon with jelosy from other women. Though being in that prison so long had changed her, and that once beautiful pale skin was now covered in splotches of purple and black, along with fresh and old cuts.
Draco loved Andaria with all his being, and had asked her to marry him one day. She accepted without hesitation, making them happier than they ever before had been. Each would give their life to save the others, which makes you wonder, why had Draco not come to save her? She pondered this many times herself, and it was slowly breaking her. In fact, for the first time since she had been imprisoned, Andaria cried. In fact, because of cuts near her eyes, it seemed she cried blood.
The more she thought about it, the less she wanted him to save her. She wanted to prove that she could escape on her own. She wanted to prove that she was worthy of Draco. She wanted to prove that she was worthy of life. So Andaria begain to plot her escape. In one more month she would be allowed to go out into the sunlight an hour a day with the other prisoners to stretch and become stronger. She would find a way to get them on her side to make her escape. For at the moment, her will was not strong enough to get away. Her body and mind were not equiped to try to escape. She had to become stronger.

112037  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-12-13
Written: (7501 days ago)

I need talk to Wayne.....

111940  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2003-12-12
Written: (7501 days ago)

I NEED HELP!! and wayne....*grin*

106746  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2003-11-30
Written: (7513 days ago)

i've lost a frind because i have to be a fucking bitch when im in a bad mood........i'm sorry.......i hope i am not to much of a pain.

106370  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-11-29
Written: (7514 days ago)


105378  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2003-11-27
Written: (7517 days ago)

I havent gotten to talk to Wayne today. His number hasnt been blocked by the evil mother unit yet so he could call or at least get online.... i wish he would....

105039  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2003-11-26
Written: (7518 days ago)

I love having friends who can drive and know where both I, and [Amazon Goddesses], live. its wonderful. thanks so much, Brandon. and I love you with all my heart and soul Wayne. (be afraid, be very afraid)
B-T-W, Shannon [Chynadoll], what crawled up your ass and died? be nice! I only asked a simple favor! Hell, TAYLOR [EmteeSoul77] did it for me!! She didnt bitch about calling him!!

blessed be!

102376  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2003-11-19
Written: (7524 days ago)

I have a demon counter-part called Andaria!!!! I wish that was my real name........

101791  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2003-11-18
Written: (7526 days ago)

I drank WAY too much last night. I have never thrown up after drinking b-4 (and i drink straight vodka & triple-sec) but I did last night. While I was on the phone with Wayne. Oh well..... The funny thing is, he had also been drinking.
I don't desearve him. He is too good for me. I won't let ANYONE take him from me. We'll prove them all wrong. Damnit. I love you, Baby.
Last night I found out that one of my friends has herpies. That poor girl. May the Goddess save her.

101107  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-11-17
Written: (7527 days ago)

Wayne told me he loves me this morning at 2. i love him too

i'm sorry Wayne. today's been a bad day. they'll disappear soon. i heal quikly.

100417  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-11-15
Written: (7529 days ago)
Next in thread: 100802

Wayne is SO sweet! He is always telling me how beautiful I am, and how lucky he is to have me....(not that I believe that) And he knows the meaning of no! Isn't that cool?! And he is a wiccan, too. We practice together sometimes.... He's a water sign to my fire. Rather funny that he's a pyro. And he's a poet, too. Though he's not crazy sappy overtly mushy poet like Richie.... But yeah.

Blessed be!!

98081  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-11-10
Written: (7533 days ago)

I told a friend of mine, Wayne to be exact, about Drew. It was at my locker after 3rd block. He was kneeling down beside me, cuz I have a bottom locker. He said he could help me forget him. I got up and walked away laughing. He followed me and said, "Come on, Amanda, give me a shot! whats the worst that can happen?" So....*blush*....i think you can guess what happened.

97535  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2003-11-09
Written: (7534 days ago)

i almost got a hot pink scarf, but didnt have enough money, and i saw the same type at wal mart for 1/2 the price but they didnt have pink so i didnt get one....now i think red will be fine but my mum (the evil bitch) wont drive me.

96529  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-11-08
Written: (7536 days ago)

Damnit damnit damnit damnit damnit damnit. oh, by the way, damnit


96531  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2003-09-18
Written: (7536 days ago)

Damn you, Kayla. Trying to steal Patrick. I wont have it. I know Patrick likes you more than me, but there is no way in HADES you are taking him from me.

 The logged in version 

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