[Carrick]'s diary

491143  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-02-09
Written: (7052 days ago)

Listen vanessa I know Darby's om was scared for her daughter but did she ever once think about how her daughter needed her to understand. I know this is very closed minded of me but when Darby said to her mom I dont want to be christian she didnt have to freak out. She could have asked Darby to sit down and they both would have talked about it. I know calling her mom was a bit much I really think she desevered it but I could have done other things also. Instead of making darby go with us i could have stayed with her at the svhool. As for mistake # 2 yes we could have called her mom. But if we had called her mom then she would have show up at the library yelling and screaming. Abd yes i know what i did wrong and i now know how to handle it differently. We learn from our mistakes and i think thats all we've done so far is make mistakes. But now we can start the learning process and hopefully make it all better. And im sry if i offended you in some way over trying to help my friend and standing up to her mom. But really someone had to and i think darby did a great job and she knows now that she is strong enough to fight her own battles. So i guess you can talk to me if you want, and Im sorry if this broke our friendship cause its really a dumb reason to stop talking to me. If i see you in school ill wait for you to initiate the converstion and you might not. That's quite a talent you have for looking at both sides of a situation and i admire that but i had to fight for what i think is right. Even if others dont. So fare well and maybe Ill see you around.


490876  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-02-08
Written: (7052 days ago)
Next in thread: 491075

Why? Why me...how come we have to do it... well never win. theres no reason to fight.... we havent advanced at all we canr even manfest simple energy . We've already been told we cant win but still we try and for what? The other day my friend finally stood up to her dirty evil mom... we were there counciling her and her mom glares at us and says shut up! we stood our ground and she called the police on us... we stood up for what we believe in but still didnt win... the police didnt do anything but make her go home.... there musnt be a reason for living then if what you believe in doesnt happen....

479138  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-01-23
Written: (7068 days ago)

Howdy Yall,
   Im not sure if any one reads this stuff so Im posting the story on the main page now. Eventually itl be really long and then only the most recent parts will be shown. Kk Carrick loves you all... Toodles

478687  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-01-23
Written: (7069 days ago)

Sry everyone here is the checked version of chapter one. Stupid typos.

Into The Darkened Souls (Prologue)
   Standing atop the hill, the suns rays hitting my body for the first time in months, my eyes fill with tears as I look at the devastation left by the horrid "Chaos War". It had been two long years; two years of destruction, devastation and remorse. The war between the ultimate army of darkness- The Legions of Chaos- and the rest of earth had ended today by the blood on my hand and the power of my spells.
   Looking into the valley where the final battle took place I saw millions of casualties. Deaths for every race: Human, Elf, Dragon. The blood flowed like dark red rivers. Tears flowed even thicker than the Blood. My head hurt, my vision was blurring, the darkness was engulfing me and I was slipping into unconsciousness. The last thing my bright blue eyes saw as I fell backwards, were the outline of my friends rushing towards me. A small but brightly shining smile spread across my face.
                       Chapter 1
                      The Beginning
                    Two years earlier.
    I awoke that fateful morning to the sound of my beautiful wife playing her violin. It was a beautiful melody from our childhood called "Savior".I rose from my bed and walked out onto the balcony that looked over our garden. I spied her sitting on the fountain: Her deep green eyes, so peaceful and full, her beautiful auburn hair hanging at shoulder length. Her sensitive pointed ears poked though so you could just see the tips. Her wonderful smile that melted the hearts of many and the most beautiful Purple gown you had ever seen. She had grown the cotton herself and wove the entire thing. The violin was her grandfather's.
   She saw me and called, "Carrick, dear come down and we'll have breakfast."
   I nodded my reply and swiftly went back into the room to change into the outfit she had made for me. It was a pair of dark blue pants that was soft as silk but stronger than iron and light as air. A soft blue shirt of the same material and a darker blue flowing cloak. I stopped to look at myself in the mirror before departing. Standing at 5' 8' I was pretty tall for an elf. My hair was a natural silver and my eyes a deep brown. My ears were also very protruding, which was a common characteristic among us sea elves. My darling Lavitia was a forest elf.
   Upon reaching the courtyard I found lavitia still perched on the fountain. The sight brings me back to the night I asked her to be my queen right here in front of this very fountain. The full moon and the stars were a perfect background as she smiled and accepted my proposal. Our wedding rings were very special indeed. Lavitia has a magical connection with earth and fire. Mixing the together she produced a magical golden plant that she shaped to be rings for us. It is always moving and growing so it is never the same ring twice. Today hers has a little flower growing on the top which encased a deep red ruby. Mine was similar with a dark sapphire.
   When I got close I noticed there was breakfast on a silver tray next to a notice of some kind. Lavitia stopped playing and gave me a kiss and we sat down to eat. It was almost a feast, filled with pastries and nuts and berries. After eating our fill I reached over to the notice. I unwrapped the ribbon and slowly unrolled it as Lavitia rolled her eyes.
  "Nothing... It's just you always take those notices so seriously. I mean you haven't even opened it yet and you already have a solemn expression on your face."
   "I don't always take them so seriously... but your right maybe it's just another: All's Well."
   " Well aren't you going to read it?"
   "Yes, I was just absorbing the moment. I love it when you worry that I worry too much."
   My eyes moved across the page and I read the big, bold print. My eyes filled with tears and my jaw dropped. My heart skipped a beat and Lavitia noticing something was wrong, looked at me with hope in her eyes, hope that the news wasn't too bad.
   "My parents... they were murdered."

478569  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-01-23
Written: (7069 days ago)

Hello, every one. This is Carrick i dohjnt know if any one iss actually reading this but if you do sign my guest book. Last time i said i would start a story so this is the begining of chapter one. Or the prologue.
          Into The Darkened Soul
   Standing atop the hill, the suns rays hitting my body for the first time in months, my eyes fill with tears as I look at the devastation left by the horrid "Chaos War". It had been two long years; two years of destruction, devastation and remorse. The war between the ultimate army of darkness- The Legions of Chaos- and the rest of earth had ended today by the blood on my hand and the power of my spells.
   Looking into the valley where the final battle took place I saw millions of casualties. Deaths for every race: Human, Elf, Dragon. The blood flowed like dark red rivers. Tears flowed even thicker than the Blood. My head hurt, my vision was blurring, the darkness was engulfing me and I was slipping into unconsionsness. The last thing my bright blue eyes saw as I fell backwards, were the outlins of my friends rushing towards me. A small but brightly shining smile spread across my face.
               Chapter 1
              The Begining
            Two years earlier.
    I awoke that fateful morning to the sound of my beatiful wife playing her violin. It was a beatiful melody from our childhood called "Savior".I rose from my bed and walked out onto the balcony that looked over our garden. I spied her sitting on the fountain: Her deep green eyes, so peacefull and full, her beautiful auburn hair hanging at shoulder length. Her sensitive pointed ears poked though so you could just see the tips. Her wonderful smile that melted the hearts of many and the most beautiful Purple gown you had ever seen. She had grown the cotton herself and weaved the entire thing. The violin was her grandfather's.
   She saw me and called, "Carrick, dear come down and we'll have breakfast."
   I nodded my reply and swiftly went back into ther room to change into the oputfit she had made for me. It was a pair of dark blue pants that was soft as silk but stroonger than iron and light as air. A soft blue shirt of the same material and a darker blue flowing cloak. I stopped to look at myself in the mirror before departing. Standing at 5' 8' I was pretty tall for an elf. My hair was a natural silver and my eyes a deep brown. My ears were also very protruding, which was a common characteristic among us sea elves. My darling Lavitia was a forest elf.
   Apon reaching the courtyard I found lavitia still perched on the fountain. The sight brings me back to the night I asked her to be m,y queen right here in front of this very fountain. The full moon and the stars were a perfect backround as she smiled and accepted my proposal. Our wedding rings were very special indeed. Lavitia has a magical connetion with earth and fire. Mixing the together she produced a magical golden plant that she shaped to be rings for us. It is always moving and growing so it is never the same ring twice. Today hers has a liitle flower growing on the top which encased a deep red ruby. Mine was similar with a dark sapphire.
   When I got close I noticed there was breakfast on a silveer tray next to a notice of some kind. Lavitia stopped playing and gave me a kiss and we sat down to eat. It was almost a feast, filled with pastries and nuts and berries. After eating our fill I reached over to the notice. I unwrapped the ribbon and slowly unrolled it as Lavitia rooled her eyes.
  "Nothing... It's just you always take those notices so seriously. I mean you haven't even opened it yet and you already have a solem expression on your face."
   "I don't always take them so seriously... but your right maybe it's just another: All's Well."
   " Well aren't you going to read it?"
   "Yes, I was just absorbing the moment. I love it when you worry that I worry too much."
   My eyes moved across the page and I read the big, bold print. My eyes filled with tears and my jaw dropped. My heart skipped a beat and Lavitia noticing something was wrong, looked at me with hope in her eyes, hope that the news wasn't too bad.
   "My parents... they were murdered."

476544  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-01-20
Written: (7072 days ago)

Today was good. It is my second day on Elftown and I will soon have pics. I wrote a poem and would like to share it but itll be o nthe mainpage. YESTERDAYWASASNOWDAY. YESH. Not much else. Semester exam week. Mleh. All honors classes(nerd). Well gtg
        With Love Carrick.
Ill start a story on here too

 The logged in version 

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