[darkmageoflight]'s diary

563461  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-04-28
Written: (6975 days ago)

Today was good until the end. In my morning class, we did nothing, as usual. Just surfed the web for about 3 hours. It's all we ever do. In Auto Tech, we got our car running, and except for time penalties (I don't know about any of them yet), we finished second. After school, I waited around the house for about an hour, then picked Daniela up. Jane was a dumbass. He decided to jump on the back of Andy's car while we were driving off. Well, he fell and apparently messed his shoulder up (I say apparently, because I haven't seen it). Anyway, I spend from 4-6:30 with Daniela. I had to go to work then, so that sucked. Dave, the store manager was doing a crew trainer meeting, so he was there, and Toma sent me home to shave off my goatee (it was short, but dave still wouldn't have liked it). I didn't complain, because I got to come home and see my angel again. Too bad it was only for a few minutes. Anyway, I went on break just before 8, so Andy brought Daniela up. I enjoyed her company. She had to go before my break was over, so that sucked. I actually got a break from working the line (doing McDonalds shit). I closed down the lobby. That was cool. Unfortunately, Sara left at 10, so I had to go back then. That's when it started sucking. We kept getting order after order. We hardly had any time for pre-close. It took me and Amy (both of us, by ourselves, close in an hour or less) almost an hour and a half to close!! Toma was upset about that, because Dave doesn't consider the fact that the employee's are often to blame for things like that. He thinks that it's all the manager's fault. Also, I just read Daniela's diary, and she says that she was working on a surprise for me!! That's so sweet of her!! I can't wait to see what it is!! Well, I am dog tired (not sleepy, though), so I'm gonna get off here and relax or something. Later. I LOVE YOU DANIELA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

562482  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-04-27
Written: (6976 days ago)

Today was....different. in Computer Maintenance and Networking, the second years (us) actually had to do a worksheet!! We never do anything in that class. Also, it was kinda weird since it was my first day back after MAP week. At the preschool (I tutor there), a student drew me a picture. It was sweet. I still have no idea what it is, though. In Auto Tech, all of the teams had a race. We were all given a car, from which we had to remove the distributer, distributer cap, rotor, and all of the secondary wiring in the ignition system. After all the teams got done with that, we went to break. While we were there, Mr. Young (the instructer) cranked our engines, which changed the position of the engine, which means that we had to reinstall the whole thing, and time it. My team got it in 3 times, but twice, it backfired. We probably put it in on the wrong stroke of the otto cycle (automotive talk). The 3rd time, we ran out of time, so we had to leave everything where it was, besides our tools, and clean up. It's ok, because none of the other teams got it done yet either. One team's close, but they're having trouble timing it, so we might have a chance to get it first. Anyway, after school, I talked to Daniela for about half an hour, until I went to a fund raising dinner to send 5 people to national contests with SkillsUSA. It's a good cause. After that, there was an awards ceremony. Just before that, I had Andy call Daniela and she came up. She said that she was glad that she came up, and that she was proud of me. I recieved a certificate for being in NTHS (National Technical Honor Society). With that, I got a tassle and honor stoll for graduation. I feel very honored to be a part of that. Also, since I'm graduating this year, I recieved my passport, which is a book that holds a letter from the director of the tech center, my resume, and a bunch of certificates. I'm glad Daniela could come. Well, I'm gonna go now. Later. I LOVE YOU, DANIELA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

561629  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-26
Written: (6977 days ago)

Today was ok, until the end, but it got better. I had to go to some seat belt presentation, then give out things for people who wore their seat belts and papers with the seat belt law to people who weren't. Those people aren't quite as understanding as you would think. Oh well. We gave the things out, and threw the rest of the papers away when we ran out of sunglasses clips (that's what went to those who wore them). I ate lunch with Daniela, then went and had to sit through a presentation about STD's. They showed pictures. My god they were graphic!! Talk about fucking sick!!! Anyway, after that, I came home and listened to music. I fell asleep while I was, until about 4, when someone woke me up, just by saying that Daniela was here. She wasn't, but it worked. Before they said that, they called my name about 3 times, and that didn't work. Anyway, I woke up, and after about 2-3 minutes, someone knocked on the window. It was Daniela. She was walking around town with CJ (a girl at school). Me, Andy, and James went to the book store, while they went walking again. We got back, I talked to Daniela on the internet, while we played a round of Halo 2. I was talking to her on the internet, and I was 4 points away from winning. If you ask me, that's pretty damn good!! Anyway, after James left, I went and picked her up, brought her here, then me, her, and andy went to McDonalds (I don't know what his obsession with that place is). We came back, stayed for a while, then had to take her home. On the way back, I was told by my advisor (don't ask unless you want a LONG ASS story) that we have to back off in public, and slow down in general. I told her about that, but I forgot to tell her why (it's actually a good idea, considering what could happen). If you read her diary, she wrote that before I told her why we had to (we were starting to make girls jealous, which would piss off their boyfriends, which would make them hate us). I told her that, and she felt much better. Again, Daniela, I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you that. I forgot to tell her that, because I was just so pissed. After she got offline, and I got to thinking. I realized that all he was trying to do is help us out, and I got pissed at him. I felt really bad. I apologized and explained to him why I was sorry. I hope he understands. Well, my hands are starting to hurt, so I'm gonna end this. So later. I LOVE YOU, DANIELA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

560785  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-25
Written: (6978 days ago)

Today kinda sucked. I woke up at 1:30pm, talked to Daniela on the internet, but she had to get offline at 2 (she can only stay on for an hour at a time). I had to go in at 3, so I listened to music until about 2:35, when I got ready for work. I was suprised when Daniela showed up at work with a gift. It was an M&M guy that you can put on the antena, hang from the rearview mirror, or sit on the dash. I hung it from my mirror on my break. I gave her a little stuffed animal, too. I'm glad that she came up to see me. Her mom took her out driving earlier, so she was sweet enough to drive up to see me (that was after she was up the first time). That suprised me. I'm glad she did it, though. It was sweet of her. After my break, I got an upset stomach, so Andrew let me go at 8 (I was scheduled to work until 11), so that was cool. Josh agreed to work the rest of the shift for me. I owe him. He needs his computer fixed, so I'm gonna do that for him. When I got off work, I stayed up there until about 10. I talked to Daniela on my t-zones (internet on my phone) until 9, then we talked on the phone until about 9:30. When I left, I got some gas and cigars, came home, and I'm listening to music now. I'm thinking about watching a movie, though. I'm not sure which one to watch. I'm thinking The Crow: City of Angels. That's a bad ass movie. Well, I'm gonna do that now, so later. I LOVE YOU, DANIELA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

update: I watched The Matrix

559936  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-04-24
Written: (6979 days ago)

Today was great!! I talked to Daniela when I woke up just after noon. She had to go to work at 2, so I missed her. I worked on my computer from then until about 5:30. I took a shower, got dressed up nice (by my standards), and went to pick her up at 6:45. After that, I took her to the theater to see "Amityville Horror". It was a good movie. We both had fun. After the movie, we went to McDonalds to get something to eat. We shared a 10 piece nugget together again. We didn't eat it there, though. We went to my house to pick her brother up, since he's spending the night, and then to her house, so he could get some clothes and to take Daniela home. We ate the nuggets there, but I had to leave after that. I just got home about half an hour ago. Well, I'd better go so I can do some shit or something. Later. I LOVE YOU DANIELA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

559228  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-04-23
Written: (6980 days ago)
Next in thread: 559348

Today wasn't bad at all. I had some mock interview at school, but it went really well. I think I would've got the job. Anyway, after that, I ate lunch with my angel, Daniela. It was WAY too short!!! I went home after that, then went and picked up my paycheck. It wasn't too bad, but I've made a lot more. Daniela went to work at 4, so I stayed up there until about 4:30, until I had to get ready myself. When I got back (we work at the same place), I found out that Andrew was working alongside Toma, so that was cool. I also got to work with my angel for almost 2 hours, but she got off work early. Toma let me take my break when she got off, so I spent it with her. Again, it was WAY too short!!! There seems to be a pattern with that. It pisses me off that I couldn't spend too much time with her!! I want to be with her all the time!! I know that I will be able to sometime. It's gonna suck when I go to college. Hopefully, I will be able to just go up there for the classes, and live down here, but I'm not sure. I might have to take more classes, either for prerequesites or A+ (a program that pays for college). I hope I can stay here. Anyway, after my break, she stayed up there until about 8 (when she has to be in). I don't know about her, but I know I enjoyed the time. I think she did too. We split the nuggets I got for us. That was fun (a lot funner than it sounds to all you single people that are reading this)!! It was good after I got off break. It went by a little slow, but business was slow. That means less work!! I got off work at midnight. When I got home, Daniela was online, but Andy told her that me and Toma went to the city to a strip club. Soon after he told her that, she got offline, before I had a chance to tell her otherwise. I felt broken, because I couldn't talk to her!! Andy did cheer me up with a little cigar run. I found out that they make honey flavored cigars, so I got some of them. They're not that bad, but I still like regular flavored and peach the best!! Well, I'm gonna go watch some TV or listen to music, or something like that. Later. I LOVE YOU DANIELA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

558367  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-22
Written: (6981 days ago)

Today was great!! I job shadowed at the Police Department today for school. When I got done there, I surprised Daniela with a picnic and a bracelet. She loved it!! I'm glad she did. I love to see her happy!! Then, I was going to take her to the battlefield to watch the sunset, but it started raining, and there was a tornado coming, so we went to my house. When we got there, me and Mike (one of my brothers) cast a spell that I wrote to get rid of it. We held it off for a while, but it was WAY too big for us to hold off (and we are VERY powerful, just ask anyone who has seen us use my magick). We tried to go to Walmart once, but the weather alert overrided the radio, and said that a tornado was heading toward Richmond (where Walmart is), so we turned back. We stayed at my house for a bit, when Vickie came up (She talks just like the bride from Kill Bill, including the head movements, and has an ass that takes up two spots on our couch!!) When she left to go home, it was pretty funny. The storm followed her!! LOL!! Anyway, when she left, the rain stopped, so we went back to Walmart, and made it this time. I bought Daniela a promise ring, and a balloon, that says "I Love You". All together today, I spent about $150 on her, but she's definately worth it!! She's worth much more!! No lie!! Anyway, while we were wandering about the store, Andy was getting pictures of the day developed. They look real good. Unfortunately, we had to take her home at 9, but it's good, because her normal curfew is 8. So that was great!! Thanks Mary!! Well, that's my day, so I'm gonna close. Later. I love you Daniela!!!!!

557470  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-04-21
Written: (6982 days ago)

Today was good. I went to the college I want to go to for a college day at school, so that was cool. But the highlight of my day was after that. I got to spend from right after school let out until 8 with Daniela!! If you can't tell, I love her so much!! At 8, she had to go home and I had to go to work. It wasn't too bad, because Dave was in a good mood, and that is always good, since he can be a real prick when he wants to be!! The bad part came when we closed. We didn't have everything done, so it took us 1 hour and 45 minutes to get out, which with a normal manager, it takes about an hour. With Dave, it usually takes just under an hour and a half. But the day was still concidered great, for obvious reasons!!

556561  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-04-20
Written: (6983 days ago)

Yea, ok, so I haven't been "writing" in this thing, but who cares?? I don't. I even said that I won't keep it updated. Anywho, things have changed. I broke up with Courtney because of unexplainable reasons. So now, she hates me, as she's said in her diary and her poems. I don't care, though. I recently realized how cold she is. Well, that was a long time ago. I've found Daniela (and she was right under my nose!!). I think she might be the one. She is so sweet and caring that it blows my mind. Also, she's beautiful. I don't care what anybody else says, she is, hands down, the most beautiful girl I've met, both in mind and body. It's just amazing. I don't know how I didn't see it in her before!! I have never loved anyone this much. Every second of every minute of every day, my mind is on her!! I've never felt this before. Plus, both my brothers and the gods (call me crazy, I know what I know) approve of her!! That's a new one! This is getting pretty long, but I just can't stop talking about her. It's ok, because I love her and love to talk about her. Daniela, if you're reading this, you know I love you, so much. I love you with every fiber of my soul, with every cell in my body, with every thought in my head!! I want to be with you all the time, holding you, kissing you, I don't care, as long as we're together!! If I learn to astral project (and remember it), I will teach you, so we can spend all the time in the world together. I look foward to it. Tomorrow's gonna suck at work. I have to close with the store manager, Dave! But I don't care. I don't go in until 8, so I will get to spend about 5 hours with my Daniela (My baby)!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, it's getting late, so I'm gonna end this, so I can go to bed or something. I love you Daniela!!

500967  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-02-19
Written: (7042 days ago)

This is my first entry. I'm not much of a writer, and I'm sure that I'm not going to keep this updated, but who knows. Today was alright. I got woken up early by my friends. I forgive them. They're crazy. They're the craziest people I know. I got off work early, which is cool, because I was supposed to close, which is a pain in the ass. So that was cool. Unfortunately, it was still midnight when I clocked out. Oh well. I'm a night person anyway. I think Courtney is staying at a friends house. I called and someone said that she woudn't be back tonight.  Well, I'm gonna sit back and relax. So later.

 The logged in version 

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