[Necavi]'s diary

1034081  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-06-06
Written: (5848 days ago)

Just a small intro, pay no heed! XD

Necavi wondered how it could be. She knew that the tear, while in itself was pretty to look at, had such a devastating meaning. So full of despair and sadness, it baffled her that a certain kind of flower, such a beautiful and inspiring creation, could be named after the symbol of grief. Necavi bit her lower lip as she spun the leafy green stem of a teardrop rose in between her fingers, her gaze concentrated on the soft petals that moved with every breath she took. Its grace, she was mesmerized by it. She took no notice to the hustle and bustle of the city streets around her as she shifted her position to sit on the curb of the road. Instead Necavi whispered softly, hoping the flower could somehow answer her question. She wondered how the epitome of innocence could end up in such a dirtied city where nature rarely showed its face.

758131  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-03-04
Written: (6674 days ago)

Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
*Tackle hug*
Tim says:
Heyas! How goes it?
Perfect Pretender says:
I just re-discovered my love for Harlequins and my love for Harle from Chrono Cross. O_<;
Tim says:
Lol, I've never played Chrono Cross
Perfect Pretender says:
Tim says:
I wanted to though
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Mai'Ghan's the name, heartbreakin's the game. One look and you're hooked, look twice and you're mine, and the third look is the one I give you as I step on your broken heart and walk away. Damn, you're the third one this week and it's only Monday...
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Had to
Tim says:
Tim says:
No worries
Tim says:
That was entertaning
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Harle is like, smecksay....
Tim says:
Lol, her crotch looks pointy o.o
Perfect Pretender says:
Its the suit.
Perfect Pretender says:
I swear.
Perfect Pretender says:
Tim says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Is it just me, or does she look like a cross between the Power Rangers, and Sailor Moon in this one?
Tim says:
Tim says:
You're so right
Tim says:
I just got back from this giant dance, Riley Dance Marathon, at my school, and some people were dressed almost similar
Tim says:
It was a lot of fun though, a bunch of my friends were there also
Perfect Pretender says:
Oooh, fun
Tim says:
lol, yeah
Tim says:
They had pingpong and airhockey and other stuff too
Tim says:
Had doubles going on with Arin and Ashley and Sarah in pingpong lol
Perfect Pretender says:
Hehe, nice.
Perfect Pretender says:
Oh dear Lord, I will never, EVER, look at Dark Serge, Lynx, or Harle the same way. Ever. Agayne.
Perfect Pretender says:
Thanks a lot, you pathetic cos-players.
Tim says:
Tim says:
I'm blind.
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Fat chiks should not cosplay.
Perfect Pretender says:
Tim says:
Tim says:
So true
Perfect Pretender says:
Especially as one of the Sailor Scouts... Or as any of my favourite characters...
Perfect Pretender says:
*Has nightmares*
Tim says:
Tim says:
No worries! I'll show up in your nightmare and turn it into a pleasent dream. ^^
Tim says:
Tim says:
That came out sounding wrnog
Tim says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Hehe, it sounded nice.
Perfect Pretender says:
This just made me go belimic,,,
Tim says:
Lol, is that a real person?
Perfect Pretender says:
I think so...
Tim says:
Tim says:
Gah, I'm tired.
Perfect Pretender says:
Tim says:
I think I'm gonna go to bed lol
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Tim says:
Tim says:
You don't want me to go?
Perfect Pretender says:
Non. You're... You're mine now. *Muahahaha*
Tim says:
Tim says:
But what use would I be if I'm too sleepy to do anything?
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
<..< I dont know
Tim says:
Unless you can have teaparties and play doctor with someone who's a sleep...
Tim says:
Tim says:
That's rhetorical.
Tim says:
So don't answer lol
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
So what, you wouldnt want me to?
Perfect Pretender says:
Tim says:
Well I'd like to at least be awake...
Perfect Pretender says:
.. Well hot damn.
Tim says:
Tim says:
You're too young to say that 
Tim says:
It makes you sound old
Tim says:
Like an old farmer man XP
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Tim says:
I don't like thinking of you as an old farmer man
Tim says:
Perfect Pretender says:
http://www.cutelucca.com/beast.jpg *Sigh* I fell in love with him... ^//^
Tim says:
Beauty and the Beast 
Perfect Pretender says:
Then They had to dash my hopes and tell me that beastiality is a sin.
Tim says:
Tim says:
What if he wore a human costume?
Perfect Pretender says:
Then I would feel as though I've been decieved, and I would run away crying only to go back into his puny-yet-muscly arms. ^^
Tim says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Oh... Nikki is my favourite out of all the Chrono Cross characters, though. *Orgasms*
Tim says:
Lol, well... if I remembered that girl's name from Legend of Dragoon I would say I like her better
Perfect Pretender says:
Someone prettier than HIM?! http://chrono.lunar-net.com/cc/cross/characters/nikki/art.jpg You're whack.
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
There is Pete Burns...
Tim says:
That guys scary looking
Perfect Pretender says:
Tim says:
Perfect Pretender says:
He's like, the sweetest character on the game, and he's really poetic. And Im being fuckin' serious. Like, whoa. Theres always a poem involved when something dramatic happens. O_o
Perfect Pretender says:
And its sweet. ^^
Tim says:
Perfect Pretender says:
And he's a rockstar.
Tim says:
He's wearing high heels, has red-tinted skin, his fly is unzipped, and he's got flamingo feathers across his shoulders, not too mention really long claw-like fingernails.
Tim says:
And there's a belt around his neck lol
Perfect Pretender says:
http://www.tuttomanga.com/marcoalbiero/18-animeemanga/Crono%20Cross/NIKKI.jpg Does he look scary now?
Tim says:
He looks even more scary!
Perfect Pretender says:
yeah, but his skin isnt red...
Tim says:
He looks so much like a woman I'd be tempted to make out with him, that's why he's so freaky.
Perfect Pretender says:
And he uses a pick ::Guitar:: as his weapon... =D
Tim says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Either way, he's beautiful, and Im in love with him! No one can keep us apart!
Tim says:
Tim says:
Tim says:
The glass seperating you from his pixels might ^^
Perfect Pretender says:
Tim says:

Perfect Pretender says:
Ooooh, he would make a great cosplayer for Nikki...
Perfect Pretender says:
Tim says:
Ugh, stop sending me pictures lol
Tim says:
Perfect Pretender says:
But you do admit--- He is hott...
Tim says:
If he was a woman.
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Shes pretty
Tim says:
See, now why can't you send any links like those? 
Tim says:
She's Julie form a videogame called FAKK 2 that came out mainly in the HEAVY METAL magazines.
Tim says:
Well, it was advertised mainly in those
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
She looks old and gross
Perfect Pretender says:
Like, tried to stay young, but is obviously 40 years old
Tim says:
Lol, I think that's one based off of an actress who did some modeling as her or something
Tim says:
But yeah, I'd have to agree with you
Tim says:
Like a bad whore from the 80's
Perfect Pretender says:
Tim says:
Tim says:
You know who else is hot and from a video game?
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Tim says:
Tifa Lockheart-- err, I mean you!
Perfect Pretender says:
*Laughs* Yeah, Tifa's pretty.
Tim says:
Except like she always has ginorgantic boobs in every picture
Perfect Pretender says:
though Aeris had a 'innocent' sexy-ness to her look.
Tim says:
I didn't really like Aeris that much, I don't know why :/
Tim says:
She was cool, but I liked Tifa better awlays
Tim says:
Maybe it's because she's a brunette
Perfect Pretender says:
Aeris is a brunette...
Tim says:
But her hair is a lot lighter
Perfect Pretender says:
Tim says:
And it looks weird with her outfit of red and pink
Perfect Pretender says:
But come on, wouldnt you love to pop her cherry?
Tim says:
Tim says:
Perfect Pretender says:
C'mon. Admit it
Perfect Pretender says:
http://www.greenoblivion.com/tifa-ff7-2.jpg And is that really so sexy?
Tim says:
If there were no other worthy candidates, maybe lol.
Tim says:
I'm afraid to look >.>
Perfect Pretender says:
Tim says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Oh, and me mum and da were married when I was born.
Perfect Pretender says:
So tough luck
Tim says:
Tim says:
Hey, I don't have to be right
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
That scene made me cry
Perfect Pretender says:
It still does.
Perfect Pretender says:
Tim says:
: [
Tim says:
Lol, I just noticed her red and pink outfit and it ruined the moment
Tim says:
I just can't get over it
Tim says:
There's something about it
Perfect Pretender says:
Helloooooo, shes supposed to be the picture of innocence and strength, hope, faith, and all that jazz.
Tim says:
Wouldn't that be like light blue and white and like light pink or something?
Perfect Pretender says:
Does innocence really have a colour?
Tim says:
But then your point would be null
Perfect Pretender says:
Non, you judgemental bastard
Tim says:
Tim says:
I'm saying her outfit is a turn off
Perfect Pretender says:
Then picture her naked.
Perfect Pretender says:
Tim says:
Lol, that works better
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
How mean.
Perfect Pretender says:
Tim says:
Tim says:
That looks so funny though
Perfect Pretender says:
And why is it that every costume looks so fuckin' FAKE?! I mean, why cant they just get normal material and make the fuckin' clothing?!
Tim says:
Lol, yeah
Tim says:
It's like a conspiracy
Tim says:
Perfect Pretender says:
I've always wanted to cosplay, but then after seeing Them, I was like, no fuckin' way in HELL.
Tim says:
Tim says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Tim says:
That game is hilarious
Tim says:
Her name is funny though, Etna
Tim says:
I like this picture better
Perfect Pretender says:
Whats the game called?
Tim says:
Disgae: Hour of Darkness
Tim says:
It's like a... stratagy RPG/comedy lol
Perfect Pretender says:
Oooh, I like.
Tim says:
It's really pretty good.
Tim says:
I need to get back to playing it sometime
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
She looks all wise and stuff in this one...
Tim says:
Owl-like even you might say. o.o
Tim says:
Tim says:
I am now going to bed
Perfect Pretender says:
Tim says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Tim says:
I guess it's just karma, what'd you do wrong?
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
I'll service you sexually!
Tim says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Ever spill vodka in the Holy Water?
Tim says:
Not working, but a valiant effort anyways 
Tim says:
You almost got me to stay
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
<..< Its me nude. =p
Tim says:
Tim says:
I'm so not falling for that
Perfect Pretender says:
But still.
Perfect Pretender says:
Look at it
Tim says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Its sweet
Perfect Pretender says:
And pretty
Perfect Pretender says:
And not pink
Tim says:
I actually can't open Mozilla or Internet Explorer for some odd reason o.o
Tim says:
It's not letting me, and I'm telling the truth
Tim says:
Even when I click on the link
Perfect Pretender says:
Thats gay
Tim says:
Guess you'll have to send it to me next time
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Tim says:
Perfect Pretender says:
I admit defeat
Tim says:
It keeps you coming back. And me.
Tim says:
So goodnight, so long, sleep tight
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Im going to go cut now.
Perfect Pretender says:
Tim says:
Perfect Pretender says:
*Laughs* Just kidding. ^^ I need to get on WoW in a minute anyway, I promised my brothers I would be on at ten.
Tim says:
Tim says:
What time is it at your place?
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Tim says:
10:30 here
Tim says:
I win
Perfect Pretender says:
Perfect Pretender says:
Im younger than you
Perfect Pretender says:
Tim says:
How many years?
Tim says:
I'm older, more knowledgable in the ways of the world, more experienced, all veteran-like
Tim says:
Tim says:


Probably one of the most entertaining conversations I've had the pleasure of having.

499803  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-02-18
Written: (7052 days ago)

Woot! Im confuzzled!
... Not sure if thats a good thing... O.o;;;
I tried using Adobe Illistrator today. Im a really good artist (not to brag) but... damn, it confuses me... >.< HOW THE HELL DO I ERASE?!?!?!?! And color... and stuff...

498075  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-02-17
Written: (7054 days ago)

Bum bum bum buuuuuuuh...
ALLLLLLIIIEE! Lookie, I found ElfTown! ...
It was an accident, though...

 The logged in version 

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