[lacklustre]'s diary

1065300  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-02-02
Written: (5715 days ago)

Stepping up to slay. Stepping down to make dead. Call the shots but take one in the head. Keep low. Aim High. Recoiling victory is only as accurate as sights of iron and zeroed scopes. Dead set. Bulls-eyed. Bronze drilling, spiraling through unabated. Bodies flying, corpses piling. Stink of shit. Sight of decay. Flies buzzing. Sanity coming to a brink. Shell shock. Shock and Awe. Post stress. Traumatic Shock. Medication, euthanization, incarceration, execution. Cowardice, Survivors guilt all just the same. The dead come and gone but when flash back come a roaring it's time for travel. The return is ever so welcome but the dementia that follows never brings you back home. War hero, war criminal veterans just the same. The difference is the one who's flag flies proudly at the end of the day. Blood watered soil, decay born crops. A national dream but never the way. Corporatized, baptized officially the organization way of today. A life for a profit, a family soon evicted and another youth for the grinder. "Keep'em blind while we rob'em and kick them ass forward packing." 

1062816  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-01-14
Written: (5734 days ago)

What ever happened to the days when people never gave up? Seriously? It's annoying to know that most of the people I call friends are defeatist. People that much rather throw each other to the wolves rather spend time with each other. Either that or give up when they know they've been bested but not beaten.

I mean honestly this applies to many things but the case in particularly is something trivial like a video game. ANd the main reason is because I beat this 'friends' kill death ratio and gross number of kills. Seriously, don't be a bitch especially in a game that is competitive. At some point you will be surpassed it's the truth of many games. Individual skill is only as good as you're willing to make it. And if you're bad a game then work hard put some elbow grease into it.

It's pathetic that I get annoyed at defeatist but honestly they ought to be bitch slapped. Since they wanna be bitches about the potential of losing then they hold no place in my presence. They forget that winning isn't everything and that failure can allow one to see success further down the road provided they keep their fuckin' eyes open.

common excuses from friends that play online games that I hear are, "I'm sick of shooters, that game sucks(Oh really but you've been bragging about how amazing it is), my live account expired(really well it's still gold when I select you on my friends list meaning that it's not expired, so quit lying you sack of shit.), I wanna play campaign on -insert difficulty here-(well it's coop and I can hang with the best of them on any difficulty), I wanna play -insert game title here-(well I can go to work and borrow a copy)" Come on, honestly when I want to grace you with my gaming presence then remember it's an honor. Not to say I am the best gamer but I am more than competent. It'd be like telling Elvis and Frank Sinatra to go fuck themselves when they showed up on your front door wanting to hang with you.

That being said, these people either know who they are or will know soon enough. So don't be a douche bag. Accept my party invite, join up and prepare to have fun!(And no it doesn't matter how good or bad you are, I just prefer the company of people that I think are cool.) Either that or get the fuck off of my friends list because you have no business wasting precious xbl friends list space.

1062448  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-01-11
Written: (5737 days ago)

I love it when people say, "I'm Crazy." They have no fuckin' idea of who's in their company. Either that or they're trying too hard. Crazy is unthinking. If you have to put deliberation behind something that you 'are' then you 'are not' and therefore a "poser" an imitator. A cheap Chinese knockoff. Learn this then learn to act without hesitation in one's actions. Learn to do and if you cannot learn then just speak about personal character to those in esteemed company. For it is unwise and makes you like an idiot. It is good to make first impressions but make sure they are good impressions.

1062389  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-01-11
Written: (5738 days ago)

hey man get yo ass unchained from all them drama folks and emo tards. Jump off the band wagon cause the band fuckin' sucks. Put the step to it and always keep them arms a swinging. Move along, never worry the who or where when you're not the one dragging the totem poll. Keep it clean, but without the mitts. Don't sugar coat the shit, let'em learn. You're not their slave nor are you their leader. You're a lone wolf in a pack of sheep. You know your place. Now keep it real.

1061158  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-01-01
Written: (5747 days ago)

Happy New Years.

After hearing all the gun fire and explosions last night, I thought I was just a shut in from the newborn zombie apocalypse. Insane dreams I had, about fast zombies that died to head shots but hid indoors during the day.

I remember it reminding me greatly of left 4 dead. It reminded me of the title screen where you hear gunfire all over the city but don't see the other survivors getting overrun by the hordes of the unliving. It was rather terrifying to have to hid in a place where there's power but your light can't be seen and you can't make any noise.

I remember in my dream that worked for a week and we rallied up with other survivors but that was our undoing. There's only so many people you can hide in an apartment with before it's more than difficult to keep quiet. Especially when you have children and people who're sick with regular diseases like a common cold.

Just one slip up, just one loud cough and you're swarmed. Hundreds from across the city swarming your location. And sure even if you've been working on an escape route for that particular eventuality not everyone can take it. Especially if you're trying to keep the horde trapped, so it can't follow immediately. In doing so you kill anyone too slow or otherwise incapable of escaping.

And that sort of decision can weigh on you heavily especially when you're an endangered species by way of zombie germ. That being said, somebody decided to crack a window. The smell of the food we were cooking hit the street and within ten minutes time they were on us. Clawing at the front door, the windows and the back door. And a few moments later they were inside.

The one thing I curse myself for is not scavenging enough ammo. But in REM sleep i.e. dreams, you don't always realize you're dreaming. You don't always have rational foresight to go to the local gun shop to get guns and shit. And as people're getting massacred, I'm cursing myself. As I'm fleeing along with some of the other people that had the fortune of being quick enough, I'm cursing myself. And as I'm just a moment too slow to get to the second safe house, I'm hating myself. Because now, I'm on the streets trying to defend myself from the very thing I was trying to escape from, the very thing that to me is more scarier than Godzilla and Ebola. Zombies.

Thankfully I remember blurs and woke up. Thankfully it was just a dream.

1056110  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-11-24
Written: (5786 days ago)
Next in thread: 1056179

Capitalists are inherently cowards. They'll not fight tooth and nail for each other to survive. They say things like, "dog eat dog" and "fend for yourself" but it's just a macho way of saying, "I'm too cowardly to defend you from losing your lively hood. I'm going to just watch as you're destroyed and pick over your carcass when scavengers move in on you." That's what it means to be capitalist in this society. They say freemarket but it should be a monopoly. The little dog is just picking over what the beasts can't eat. And right now globally the beasts are going into hibernation. They pillage and fought enough to sit comfortably until the rest of us have started killing each other. Then they'll step out once more and give us the means to kill each other with brand names stamped on their guns.

Sorry, folks, pardon my negativity but I'm venting.

1054869  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-11-13
Written: (5796 days ago)

They are everything I hate.

They are the very thing I despise.

Looking so tough and tough as nails - they're so brittle, they're so false.

Talking a good fight and a battle won - they'd be slaughtered in a stand up.

Wanting to be in the underground, the underworld of the alternative,

Bring a knife, it's time to drain the underbelly.

They claim to be strong but in their demise it'll show only frailness.

Admit to nothing and gain recognition. Brag about everything then lose face.

Their kind is a bunch of metrosexually-scened-do-nothings with ambivalence for stupidity.

They travel in flocks, where's a wolf their kind needs to be thinned.

I'm no wolf, I don't know where I stand. But I think I've tripped the mind.

Somewhere deep down inside I think I've become the thing I hate.

Passions aside I despise the allies I'm forced to stand beside.

1053668  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-11-05
Written: (5804 days ago)
Next in thread: 1053778, 1055300

It was bound to happen eventually don't be mad or afraid that a black man won. He's just a color. So what. I'm a color. I happen to be a shade of white. Flesh tone is still flesh tone. That is final. People especially a good chunk of ignorant racist people will never see that and won't acknowledge the fact that times have changed. Racism is a novelty thing and it seems to be exclusive to the trailer trash demographic. But if that's the case then I suppose I am a homosexual because I supported the democratic party this time. Usually I am fairly conservative though lately others in my boat are resulting to witch hunts and other superstitious bullshit so I am jumping ship.

I got called a nigger for voting for Obama. If I am a nigger so what? Nigger is a pejorative that degrades dark skinned people. Derogatory language is just that derogatory. Meaning to speak down to another living being or inanimate object in a deriding or degrading fashion. So if I am in favor of change or at least the idea that it can happen and get us out of the shit I'll stay a nigger. Then again this color thing'll be going out the window we got the sunrise to look forward to on the sunrise of tomorrow.

I've had to deal with some many damn idiots lately that're just plain afraid of Obama because of the color of the skin and the fact that his donors choose to remain anonymous. They don't know, they believe what they hear from morons on talk radio and conservative political shows. I'm glad he made it into office. Obama and Cobra Joemmander I mean er Biden will get the ball rolling. And whoever takes their places will have to wait another term to stop it get things done.

1052811  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-10-30
Written: (5810 days ago)

I feel like I can't breath right now. Damn sinus pains.

1052573  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-10-29
Written: (5812 days ago)

My mom's boss is a stupid stupid bitch to come to our house and tell her she cannot work for her anymore because she is selling antiques. I outta make her reconsider her choice. I want to so very badly for coming into our house and doing that to us especially with the economy the way it is right now. Christ I am furious.

1051738  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-10-23
Written: (5817 days ago)

I have a very bad feelings of things to come and it won't matter how much I love. This perhaps is a losing battle but if I must fall then I want fall brilliantly.

1049600  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-10-11
Written: (5829 days ago)

I realized that my family loves to waste my time. They say they want me to come visit yet when I am free they push me away and keep me in the dark.

1048803  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-10-07
Written: (5834 days ago)

I realized my fever is part of an old injury that I've agitated. My insides hurt and I don't need to bleed right now....

1048057  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-10-02
Written: (5838 days ago)

Instinct is a primordial precognitive response to past stimuli. Instinct allows for millisecond reactions to otherwise dangerous situations allowing for survival and perseverance as an person, animal and species.

1045477  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-09-14
Written: (5856 days ago)

In order to learn you must first learn to get over yourself and ignore your ego. Humility is the step to self-improvement and gains richer than those in this material plane of existence.

1036429  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-07-12
Written: (5921 days ago)

I am hanging on to the fiery light of hope and yet it feels like it's trying to shake me loose.

1032626  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-05-30
Written: (5963 days ago)

even in the throes of bitter oppression

they still have free will to choose through fear what type of man they'll be

although free men may die

their choice was theirs and theirs alone to make

you think they wanted to be underneath someones boot

hell no!

their only destiny is the outcome of a situation

whether it be success or failure

those bold enough to stand tall even when confined or with the wind at their back are those who will shape our world

whether it be in the history books or remembered through the bloody sands time

they are those who lived, cried, endured and died

and for that we should be grateful of their blood that watered our freedoms whether it be for our country or theirs

now granted that some of us may be fettered, we're still free in the actions we take

and although we maybe beat down, you can never subjugate a liberator

1032527  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-05-30
Written: (5964 days ago)
Next in thread: 1033332

In war, all the best reflexes and training in the world will not save you if you fail to coordinate with your brothers in arms. In that lack of thought you will damn yourself, your countrymen, and those you love dear.

 The logged in version 

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