[lacklustre]'s diary

988164  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-10-31
Written: (6176 days ago)

Failure is not an option nor is it acceptable when victory is certain.

959436  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-07-20
Written: (6279 days ago)

I'm getting really fuckin' sick of these new rules on each and every website I go to. Especially ones like ET, EP, etc. It's kind of annoying honestly. Trying to tell us how much we can have, what we can have, what we can do, with our own pages and wikis. That's some hardcore bullshit. If this place is about artists then let the artists express themselves you fuckin' cock sucking faggots. Honestly. You should probably not be overlord dick-heads here simply cause you cannot cope with or control your life outside of the internet. Cause well it's the internet, not the fuckin' real world. It's where we can expresss ourselves without so much a need for any sort of rules, so long as we don't encroach or violate someone elses electronic freedoms. Of course ya'll will get offended and butt hurt and you'll overreact like always and threaten, suspend or ban those who threaten you're all totalitarian dream of the interwebs. We do not come here to please you, we do not tell you how to run your godamn website, we do not tell you how you are to dictate what's acceptable and what's not. Keep to yourselves and we'll keep the goatse out of your forums, wikis and pages.

946852  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-06-09
Written: (6320 days ago)

I've been fighting an uphill battle with life lately. It seems with each foot of ground I gain, I lose friends. And would appear that it's becoming a lonely battle. Not many allies these days and a whole bunch of inconsiderate, incorrigible rabble blocking my path towards a brighter tomorrow.

I've stuck to my guns and tried to be as flexible as possible to dodge these bullets life has been spitting at me but it seems they're just so many and protection is in short supply.

I call for a rally and I get the shaft. People going about their own selfish way when the chips are down and the game is called.

People expecting something from me when they won't change their frequency. Just a whole bunch of fear when change comes a knocking. A whole bunch of cowards running when the tough gets going.

Claim I am the best yet you pass me up for inferiority.
Threaten me when I rock the boat too much but do you realize I am moby dick?

Stay out of conveniences flock away when the weather is a bit unfair.

Courageous Lion or cowardly Leo? We'll know when it gets a bit thick.

I'd like to pool resources and rally in for a big push but it's all petering out when I beacon. No one's heading the call and they'll be on the out and out soon enough when there's no wall to stop the salvo.

890317  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-12-23
Written: (6488 days ago)
880007  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-11-28
Written: (6512 days ago)
Next in thread: 880154

Where to start...

Well I never write this damn things not that anyone reads them I just find them frustrating when it didn't go throught cause ET didn't submit it.

Been angry lately over the course things to happen to me and my friends here. On the hunt of this one motherfucker who was responsible for my friends car accident. No success there. Go figure criminals(most of them anyways) are like cockroaches they only come out at night and scurry in dark filthy places that few dare to tread unless they're an exterminator.

Tried to write recently and nothing comes out how I plan it. No writer's block just the signs of burn out. Same goes for art. What's the fuckin' point if you don't got a muse or something to draw inspiration from in this world.

I'm down to a handful of friends. It's cool to see them not cool that the others to abandon have no reason as I wasn't being a douche, some sort of emo kid or loser. They have absolutely no legitimate reason what-so-ever. Cocksucking faggots. "Oh noes he's using homophobe speak111" Tough shit. I don't care about political correctness. Faggot is my way of getting across that I don't like mother fuckers.

I'm not Mohandas Ghandi and of course I got anger issues. How would you feel if someone stomped all over your ant mound. You'd want the motherfucker dead or gone. And hence as such the reason for me writing such a frivolous diary entry.

I love how there's like 8 people on my friendslist here on Et but they either don't have messenger, have an excuse to not be on it or just don't reply until it's convenient to sign off. Selfish. Selfish. Selfish. Sure there could something legit like an impending godzilla attack, a death in the family, non-severe illness or a need to want to sleep.

Man I wish I could hit the reset button and restart all of time but maintain the knowledge I have so when I have to go through this again I know how to not get fucked over. That'd be great. Sure things may not happen the but guess what they'll happen in my favor. Or at least I think they will. Who knows what mystical forces existing or otherwise might get pissed. Ah the joys of vengeful metaphysics.

Perhaps I should go before I get the title of emo. Whatever. Bye.

844121  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-08-25
Written: (6608 days ago)
Next in thread: 844640

Wow! I really hate getting scape goated for someone else's short comings. I really hate always being in fear of having everything fall on me as if I am supposed to save someone elses sinking ship. 

Don't get me wrong I like helping people, I like being active in anything provided I get compensation for my services. I hate serving someone who has it in their capabilities to reward me with money or food or drink but don't cause they don't think it. I surely hope they don't plan on going to sleep at night content with themselves. If they do then they can burn in hell for doing this to me. This coming from people who ask me if I am in school but really don't give a shit when I answer no and explain why.

I strongly dislike being hungry or thirsty almost all the fucking time. Christ I have to ration my food out so I don't starve to death before I get paid measily. I was thriving just 6 months ago, what happened? I know what happened I got fucked out of employment by Joshua Baines Hovis because he decided to tell the manager I wasn't needed cause he couldn't provide me transportation home but I was already getting steady transportation to and fro work from my friend. So fuck that shit I think I deserver a motherfucking apology.

Then around that same godamn time I got fucking blacklisted from Punk shows cause I played a show that I was booked for in my schedule from the last show. I got it confirmed with one of the people who was renting the place I was playing at and I showed up and played. Kicked ass cause my family was there and that was it. No more shows and when I try to talk to the organizer he flee's. I showed up at fucking subway and that cocksucker ran his piggy ass into the backroom. Fuck that shit. Quit hiding, quit talking shit about me and let me play shows you cock sucking fag.

I am tired. I am frustrated. I've been boxed into a corner by people who really don't give a shit and I ain't no fucking doormat. I'm polite and polite is about ready to start kicking some motherfucking ass. So recognize or start hiding.

780627  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-04-20
Written: (6735 days ago)

Well I fell asleep at my desk for like 4 hours. Out cold, face down on key board. Then I guess I hit some dream sleep and had a rash of horrible nightmares. really just flash backs and bad shit that I wish I could forget and never see. It's been taking its toll on me and missing more and more sleep leaves me more and more alienated to my friends and the world. I don't need sleep at night I need to get rid of the shit that makes my life a living hell when I sleep. I don't know where to begin because I've strayed away from the stuff that I know will scare me. Some of my nightmares may help with creativity but it's too much, it's too...intense. It's like someone somewhere flips a switch and things go to shit for me in a heart beat. I just want normal sleep, I just want things be great with no pain, misunderstanding, jealously or anger. I want things to be great for me and my friends. They know who they are and they are wonderful people. I'd be a miserable wreck if it weren't them. Thank you but I need to get my head straightened. I'd like to see professional help but I feel that will not address the problem without going somewhere that isn't relevant. Christ I don't even know what I am saying. I have to go, I can't even think straight.


712060  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-12-08
Written: (6868 days ago)

Hmmm. normally I wouldn't post something like this but damn. it hit me.

1. Somebody is very proud of you.
2. Somebody is thinking of you.
3. Somebody is caring about you.
4. Somebody misses you.
5. Somebody wants to talk to you.
6. Somebody wants to be with you.
7. Somebody hopes you aren't in trouble.
8. Somebody is thankful for the support you have provided.
9. Somebody wants to hold your hand.
10. Somebody hopes everything turns out all right.
11. Somebody wants you to be happy.
12. Somebody is celebrating your successes.
13. Somebody wants to give you a gift.
14. Somebody thinks that you are a gift.
15. Somebody hopes you're not too cold, or too hot
16. Somebody wants to hug you.
17. Somebody loves you.
18. Somebody admires your strength.
19. Somebody is thinking of you and smiling.
20. Somebody wants to be your shoulder to cry on.
21. Somebody wants to go out with you and have a lot of fun.
22. Somebody thinks the world of you.
23. Somebody wants to protect you.
24. Somebody would do anything for you.
25. Somebody wants to be forgiven by you.
26. Somebody is grateful for your forgiveness.
27. Somebody wants to laugh with you.
28. Somebody remembers you and wishes that you were there.
29. Somebody is praising God for you.
30. Somebody needs to know that your love for them is unconditional.
31. Somebody values your advice.
32. Somebody wants to tell you how much they care.
33. Somebody wants to share their dreams with you.
34. Somebody wants to hold you in their arms.
35. Somebody wants you to hold them in your arms.
36. Somebody treasures your spirit.
37. Somebody wishes they could stop time because of you.
38. Somebody praises God for your friendship and love.
39. Somebody can't wait to see you.
40. Somebody loves you for who you are.
41. Somebody loves the way you make them feel.
42. Somebody wants to be with you (forever and ever).
43. Somebody wants you to know they are there for you (always).
44. Somebody is glad that you're their friend.
45. Somebody wants to be your friend.
46. Somebody stayed up all night thinking about you.
47. Somebody is alive because of you.
48. Somebody is wishing that you noticed them.
49. Somebody wants to get to know you better.
50. Somebody wants to be near you.
51. Somebody misses your advice and guidance.
52. Somebody has faith in you.
53. Somebody trusts you...A lot.
54. Somebody needs your support.
55. Somebody needs you to have faith in them.
56. Somebody needs you to let them be your friend.
57.Somebody hears a song that reminds them of you.
58.Somebody will cry when they read this.

596942  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-06-13
Written: (7046 days ago)

Well fucking hell guys. I never like rambling about my life unless I am talking to you face to face or over the phone. Yeah the phone kicks more ass than the IM for sure. So where is this ramble going to take me? I don't know but this is for sure, the Halo 2 tournament that I played in was fucking bogus. 4 teams tied for first and because of this foreign system of keeping tabs of games we got fucked out of any sort of prize. Then there was a second tournament and me and my friend raped on that. Nothing could touch us. So after juggernaughting through the second tournament me and my tourney partner have decided that we will never play in anymore bs tournaments. We were the best god damn people there and we still got fucked improperly by some kids who don't even know how to play the game properly. Yeah, of course I am venting I have every right to and now that I am done. I will move on to my next order of business which is what the fuck is going on with my friends. It seems like for awhile they will be around which is cool. Then the next day they fucking disappear without telling me anything. Not to say that I am obssessed over but godamn it sure is a nice thing to know where people went when they just vanish. SO yeah where the hell is anyone. If any of you guys reads this message then sound off please. Thanks guys. PEACEOUT!!!

587397  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-05-31
Written: (7058 days ago)
Next in thread: 587402

Son of a bitch!!! I don't know anymore folks. I just don't know, perhaps it is true I am going insane but who knows for sure but the fuckers at the state hospita. And I am for sure not going. I need to record a demo within two weeks but I don't have a full band and the TRMU seems to frown upon the idea of someone being themselves and doing thier own thing which makes me frown on the inside hardcore. I got to professional but at the same time I say fuck it. It doesn't matter and people can't seem to connect the fucking dots when it comes to understanding me. Not everyone but most everyone. Yes I am ranting, who the fuck cares though, I could sure go for some whiskey right now. Damn loosing my I.D. :( Aww fuckity fuck fuckity fucking fuckers fucks. just me trying to be poetic with the word fuck. That word is used too much why don't people use bitch, or bastard those are two pretty cool words of curse. I am sick of hearing shit. It is just an unappealing curseword that lacks finesse. Shit. My point has been proven. I got to fire a .22 rifle yesterday. I have shitty accuracy but at least I can graze the targets I shoot at which can be a good thing. I need to train more using one. That would be awesome fo shizzle. Guns rock, people who are cool getting feed up and killing themselves with them is not cool. And now there's more dots to connect oh well. See you later folks I grow bored of this rant. PEACEOUT!!!

561840  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-26
Written: (7094 days ago)

THis is something I rarely update. I don't know why, I probably should but I really don't see a point to it. For the most part my life seems to have been some sort of a joke that God or some higher being is pulling on me. Let me explain, I can meet new people but at the same time I find something new I lose something old. Then I apply for a job and even though I know how to work someone less skilled and less abled mentally gets the job. I play video games on the internet against people and going from Teh Pwnzers to the pwned. It seems my role in the world around me has switched positions. I don't know though, I was taught to embrace change but this kind of change is not something I am going to shift with this time. I DON'T like the way things are going so now I am going to go against the grain here. A way you can say this is standing in front of the tank. So if you anyone else reads this come stand in front of the tank with me and oppose this change for unfair things that we do not understand. We I think I am going to be a stereotypical rebel till I see otherwise to stop. PEACEOUT!!!

512384  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-03-03
Written: (7147 days ago)
Next in thread: 512523

Today is going pretty cool so far. I will be working on Trash, Garbage and Refuse some more later on this evening and I am also working on a new song called Last Act Of Transgression.*correction song named changed to Tame. It is nearly done, I just have to work out some transitional issues then it will be a powerful weapon in my arsenal of self written songs! Hurray! For musical warfare!

508849  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-02-28
Written: (7151 days ago)

So Saturday as in a few weeks back Saturday. I went to go hang out with one of my friends that I haven't seen in a while. His name is not important how he was acting was. So I get home from bullshiting with one of my other friends around 10pm then I am get called by my "friend" and I am like, "Hells fuckin' yeah lets hang out!" Big mistake. So he comes, gets me we meet up with his girl friend and then go back to his place. Like a million people show up but one dude in particular got my attention. He was tall wearing all black (band shirt whore!!!), with painted finger nails with a chains wrapped around his wrist. And the entire time he was there he was trying to act like a tough little bitch at first he wasn't saying anything. Then he started talking and immediately my ASSHAT Radar was picking up ASSHAT vibes. He less uncool when he wasn't speaking. Moving so I am there till about 3:30am and the entire time he is trying to justify the liking of crappy music and flawed philosophy and the entire I am sauced and I am managing to piss the dude off everytime he opens his mouth because it is fun to make fun of stupid people especially if they are bigger than you (It keeps you on your toes if you happen to get into a fight). He got pissy and then he got violent then in one swift move he goes to punch me. Well I wasn't there that fat dude talking shit to him just disappeared, where'd he go? That's what he was thinking before I planted my size 11 steel toe boot in his balls. He dropped to the ground and for the rest of his evening he lay there in complete misery up until the point where his friends collected him like a drop jacket and took their punk asses on home. Now normally I try not to instigate but if I am drunk things change and if I am thinking it I say it(usually). Needless to say I am banned indefinitely from being at any of my friends rad shindigs (note:sarcasm, his shindigs aren't rad they suck and rarely there is anyone worth talking to at them unless you count making fun of crappy assholes who think their the shit.)

504696  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-02-24
Written: (7155 days ago)
Next in thread: 504782

So we came in third yesterday. We didn't win jack and shit even though we did better than the other 11 teams that were there. It is not that we weren't good it is that we didn't have enoguh experience for the massacre that happened in the semifinals. We had the lead for like 30 seconds then all of a sudden we were dying and then the game was over. I know that there will be a tournament next week and I know that I will do a better job first round, second round and third round and hppefully forth round. On another note I wrote part something to another short story series that I am calling Trash, Garbage and Refuse. It is about zombies and a garbage man. Give a look I think you guys will like it.

501623  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-02-20
Written: (7158 days ago)

Yeah so I have been gone all weekend over to my friend eric's to practice for a Cash Halo 2 tournament that happens to be Teams. Anyways I think we have it I just hope that eric will be on top of his game by tuesday so that we may win cash and kick ass bigtime. I found out that one of our team members is gonna be on another team and although that may not be a big thing but it is because he now knows are strategy and tactics and might get eric to throw the game if we play against them. I hope not but that is a very big liability to us which can really cripple on down the line. I have been getting better a learning spawn points and killing people when they try to spawn kill me. I just hope that we play a whole bunch of easy money games so that way we can eliminate the heavy hitters from the top and steam roll the oppostion from each tournament after that. Remember when it comes to desperation in winning thrown honor, glory and fairness away and always keep your resolve so that you keep a level head. Welp that is it for my rant today PEACEOUT!!!

499009  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-02-18
Written: (7161 days ago)

So today has gone good up until 15 minutes ago. My mom got pissed at me because I was on xbox live and CSI: Las Vegas was starting. So instead of saying could you please quit. She says, "Quit out! QUIT OUT NOW!!!" I being the relatively calm guy I am said, "Wait please this a ranked match and if I quit then I lose double points and my rank drops." She then said, "God DAMMIT! Don't make me UNPLUG the computer." She then proceeded to try and yank the controller out of my hands which in turn caused me to give away my position with the sniper rifle. That then got me and my entire team that I was backing up killed. She then threw it back at me and yelled more profanities. I told her to chill and pick the controller back up. I told her, "we are losing and it will be over in 45 seconds." I was right exactly 45 seconds later we were done for and the game was over. And I get hit over a fucking TV show. A TV SHOW!!! WTF!!! It isn't even that good of a TV show. I do not appreciate being threatened or hit and those two in combination with each other are more than grounds for an ass beating of epic proportions. I kept my cool though and finished the game. THen I went and did a few chores and got on my merry way. Now I set here fuming and bidding my time for the day that I can put her ass in a home. That will be punishment enough for the way I have been treated by her my entire life. Yeah I am a vengeful bastard but I happen to be a rather nice vengeful bastard at that.

498206  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-02-17
Written: (7162 days ago)

So it's 1:37 AM and my mind feels like liquid jello. I have class tomorrow but for some crazy ass reason I can't sleep. Today I was talking to Ghoulina about goths not that I hate them but I am moderately unhappy that none of them share the same traditions that their Ostro and Visagoth ancestors do. I mean it isn't that hard to go wait in the Black Forest with furs, leather clothes and swords and axes for the Romans. Grant that you might be like 1000 years to late it doesn't matter. Eventually history will repeat itself so they are bound to find Romans to kill and people to be Barbaric to and stuff.

497259  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-02-16
Written: (7163 days ago)

Yeah today I went to sleep at 5pm and woke up at around 1am. I am freaking tired as hell. Yesterday wasok considering that I spent most of it just sitting on my ass playing xbox live and drinking water. Man I have gotten freaking lazy. Oh well I will start kicking some ass soon enough.

495111  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-02-14
Written: (7165 days ago)

$1,951,470.00 yeah I am worth alot I guess. Anyways Yeah I figured I would take another stupid pointless because I have nothing better to do at the moment.

So far I am waiting until tomorrow then I get to see how shitty valentines day is for me. Let's that it won't be shitty for that will suck the balls big time.

Yeah lately I haven't been posting prfound thoughts as I have not had fuel to allow my passions to explode. It really doesn't matter I guess but at some point I am gonna get pissed then everyone will get to see my wrath upon idiots, jackasses and dick heads.

494763  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-02-13
Written: (7165 days ago)

Yeah I plan on doing other stories that are better organized but at the moment CoS will have to do. ANd for all those who endured, enjoyed and read my writing. Thank You.

On an off topic. I have had a pretty badass weekend and I kicked much ass in Halo 2. I do need to start practicing my bass more along with working out more than twice a week.

494761  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-02-13
Written: (7165 days ago)

Here is the last and final part 6. ENjoy. Although there isn't much character dialogue it still kicks ass.

Note this is a continuation of Part 4b and 5 in the Chronicles of Stupid.
Characters depicted here are all male.
Old Characters:Alvin(righteous betrayed tribal), Totz(scout with no inkling of survival skil), Ok(stupid tribal), Shanti (pitfighting sellout asshole traitor) Warning there may be harsh language.

So begins #6. The now reunited party stood their in shock and just stood there staring at Mongoose, the Deathclaw. Mongoose, the shadow of death. Mongoose, Lawrence's breadwinner in the Deathpits. Mongoose, the most feared by slave, slaver and spectator alike. And there it was charging from it's cage pissed off at the fact that it had been stirred from captivity by Charles. The creature loomed at least 12 feet tall and 6 feet wide. It's hide was a dark brown and scaled. It claws sharp as hell and capable of cutting through people like a hot knife through butter. It's teeth each a dagger in its mouth with a jaw capable of crushing a head like a child eating Captain Crunch.

The remaining Slavers knew what was coming and fled in every direction in hopes of escaping a massacre. The first dumbfuck slaver to make the mistake of running into the Deathclaw was snatched up like a ragdoll in the deathclaw massive left claw. The monster raised it's meal to it gargantuan maw. It bit down and pulled the poor dumb bastards head clean off of his shoulders. Which in turn left just some tendon and muscles where his head used to be located. All that was there then was blood spewing out of the new gap like lave from a volcano. The death claw swallowed the human head and threw the body aside like a children's plaything. And continued on in it's rampage for freedom. The next unfortunate sap was another slaver that was trying to sneak by the creature's right side unnoticed. Of course he failed his sneak check miserably. The Deathclaw took one swipe at the human and spilt the fucker in half across his gut. The body fell in half and intestines spilt everywhere like a pan of spaghetti simmered in blood sauce.

Ok broke out of his daze and took notice of what was happening. He raised his 10mm pistol and lets loose into the beast. There was only one problem the JHP did nothing to the Deathclaw but piss it off and bring its undivided attention to human at the far end of the warehouse. It roared and began a charge at the hapless dumb fuck of a tribal. Ok knew what was going to happen and began a full sprint for anywhere but the Deathclaw.

Totz being the observe scout that he is noticed what was going on with Ok and his recently attracted care bear of death and did the only thing a fellow tribal would do...which is run away like a cowardly bitch that leaves his friends to die. He began to run but before he could actually get anywhere worthwhile or safe. Alvin took notice of the cowardly fuck raised his Remington 5 shot Twelve Gauge of Hell, Death and some Vengeance and fired. The slug from the shotgun tore into Totz's left calf muscle and shattered his knee and shin like an egg being cracked over a frying pan. The Deathclaw moved right past Totz ignoring him.

Ok was running as fast as he possibly could while taking pot shots at the Deathclaw that was quickly closing the gap between them. When he could run no further and his pistol was dry he collapsed to his knees on the floor of the Wa Mar and started crying. He then knew that he would die tired in unwanted arms. The Deathclaw grabbed the stupid tribal with his arms pinned to his side and began to squeeze the tribal. The sound of his bones crunching and his internal organs being turned into jello could be heard over his screaming (while there was still air in his lungs). The Death displayed the equivalent of a grin at humans pain as he was being turned into Texas Fresh Squeezed Human Meat Slush. ]

Alvin moved over to Totz and pressed one of his double barreled shotguns to now imobilized tribals head and said, "You left me for dead. When we fighting scorps. You die now!" to which Totz retorted, "Well you stupid tribe whore." Shanti watched Ok getting torn to bits and Totz take one for the home team. He mulled over the thought of helping Totz so that he could better serve him as distraction for the Deathclaw at a later date. He slipped his brass knuckles on and sucker punched Alvin with a wicked upper cut. Which in turn sent Alvin spilling onto the Wa Mar floor with a rather loud screech from his Metal Armor. In the time it took Alvin to stop skidding Shanti was there to land a cheap kick to Alvin rib where there was no protection from the metal armor. Alvin rolled over again but this time he got his wits about him and pulled his 10mm pistol from his leg holster. He fired into Shanti with two shot both hitting him in the stomach. Shanti, pit fighter extraordinaire then learned what pain truly was and it most definitely wasn't getting a busted jaw or some bruise ribs or a disjointed shoulder it was getting shot in the stomach. The metal from the two bullets burned inside of his intestines right underneath his stomach. He down to the floor and felt the entry holes blood was oozing out of the wound. He looked up in time to see Alvin pick his Double Barrled shotgun up and walk past him back to where Totz lay.

Alvin moved up to Totz. Totz looked back at Alvin as he raised his doubled barreled shotgun to his temple and fired. BOOM!!! Totz's head exploded splashing bits of buckshot, brains, blood and skull onto the ground and Alvin. Shanti saw this and began to crawl away. Alvin walked over to Shanti, pulled a grenade off of his bandolier. He got right in front of him looked down and said, "You help them you die too but you die later." And dropped the grenade right in front of Shanti. He took off running as fast as he could in the opposite direction of the Deathclaw that was chowing down on an Ok or what remained of him.

Shanti panicked at the grenade and managed to grab the grenade and clasp the striker lever. He wasn't sure how much time was left on the fuse but after a few seconds nothing. Perhaps in the Boxer's mind he was safe or maybe it wasn't that he was safe it was that he was delaying the detonation. The only other problem was that he was bleeding to death. So Shanti did the only thing possible he curled up into a fetal position and held the grenade up to his stomach. It was now a waiting a game between bleeding to death or becoming the next meal for the Deathclaw maybe with luck he would be able to take the Deathclaw with him. Nah...

Alvin made his way to the exit or exits depending on how you look at it. He tried the doors they were locked. And since they were locked it would be safe to assume that Charles locked the doors either A.Electronically or B.From the outside. Alvin grabbed his last grenade and place it against the door with it's pin pulled and ran for cover. The grenade blew up with a loud KABOOM!!! And the doors were blown clean from their hinges. Alvin readied his Remington 5 shot and ran through the smoke and into freedom. Of course there was opposition trying to keep him in but unfortunately for the slavers that were loyal to Lawrence and now loyal to Charles they didn't expect anyone or anything to escape from @!Note this is a continuation of Part 4b and 5 in the Chronicles of Stupid.
Characters depicted here are all male.
Old Characters:Alvin(righteous betrayed tribal), Totz(scout with no inkling of survival skil), Ok(stupid tribal), Shanti (pitfighting sellout asshole traitor) Warning there may be harsh language.

So begins #6. The now reunited party stood their in shock and just stood there staring at Mongoose, the Deathclaw. Mongoose, the shadow of death. Mongoose, Lawrence's breadwinner in the Deathpits. Mongoose, the most feared by slave, slaver and spectator alike. And there it was charging from it's cage pissed off at the fact that it had been stirred from captivity by Charles. The creature loomed at least 12 feet tall and 6 feet wide. It's hide was a dark brown and scaled. It claws sharp as hell and capable of cutting through people like a hot knife through butter. It's teeth each a dagger in its mouth with a jaw capable of crushing a head like a child eating Captain Crunch.

The remaining Slavers knew what was coming and fled in every direction in hopes of escaping a massacre. The first dumbfuck slaver to make the mistake of running into the Deathclaw was snatched up like a ragdoll in the deathclaw massive left claw. The monster raised it's meal to it gargantuan maw. It bit down and pulled the poor dumb bastards head clean off of his shoulders. Which in turn left just some tendon and muscles where his head used to be located. All that was there then was blood spewing out of the new gap like lave from a volcano. The death claw swallowed the human head and threw the body aside like a children's plaything. And continued on in it's rampage for freedom. The next unfortunate sap was another slaver that was trying to sneak by the creature's right side unnoticed. Of course he failed his sneak check miserably. The Deathclaw took one swipe at the human and spilt the fucker in half across his gut. The body fell in half and intestines spilt everywhere like a pan of spaghetti simmered in blood sauce.

Ok broke out of his daze and took notice of what was happening. He raised his 10mm pistol and lets loose into the beast. There was only one problem the JHP did nothing to the Deathclaw but piss it off and bring its undivided attention to human at the far end of the warehouse. It roared and began a charge at the hapless dumb fuck of a tribal. Ok knew what was going to happen and began a full sprint for anywhere but the Deathclaw.

Totz being the observe scout that he is noticed what was going on with Ok and his recently attracted care bear of death and did the only thing a fellow tribal would do...which is run away like a cowardly bitch that leaves his friends to die. He began to run but before he could actually get anywhere worthwhile or safe. Alvin took notice of the cowardly fuck raised his Remington 5 shot Twelve Gauge of Hell, Death and some Vengeance and fired. The slug from the shotgun tore into Totz's left calf muscle and shattered his knee and shin like an egg being cracked over a frying pan. The Deathclaw moved right past Totz ignoring him.

Ok was running as fast as he possibly could while taking pot shots at the Deathclaw that was quickly closing the gap between them. When he could run no further and his pistol was dry he collapsed to his knees on the floor of the Wa Mar and started crying. He then knew that he would die tired in unwanted arms. The Deathclaw grabbed the stupid tribal with his arms pinned to his side and began to squeeze the tribal. The sound of his bones crunching and his internal organs being turned into jello could be heard over his screaming (while there was still air in his lungs). The Death displayed the equivalent of a grin at humans pain as he was being turned into Texas Fresh Squeezed Human Meat Slush. ]

Alvin moved over to Totz and pressed one of his double barreled shotguns to now imobilized tribals head and said, "You left me for dead. When we fighting scorps. You die now!" to which Totz retorted, "Well you stupid tribe whore." Shanti watched Ok getting torn to bits and Totz take one for the home team. He mulled over the thought of helping Totz so that he could better serve him as distraction for the Deathclaw at a later date. He slipped his brass knuckles on and sucker punched Alvin with a wicked upper cut. Which in turn sent Alvin spilling onto the Wa Mar floor with a rather loud screech from his Metal Armor. In the time it took Alvin to stop skidding Shanti was there to land a cheap kick to Alvin rib where there was no protection from the metal armor. Alvin rolled over again but this time he got his wits about him and pulled his 10mm pistol from his leg holster. He fired into Shanti with two shot both hitting him in the stomach. Shanti, pit fighter extraordinaire then learned what pain truly was and it most definitely wasn't getting a busted jaw or some bruise ribs or a disjointed shoulder it was getting shot in the stomach. The metal from the two bullets burned inside of his intestines right underneath his stomach. He down to the floor and felt the entry holes blood was oozing out of the wound. He looked up in time to see Alvin pick his Double Barrled shotgun up and walk past him back to where Totz lay.

Alvin moved up to Totz. Totz looked back at Alvin as he raised his doubled barreled shotgun to his temple and fired. BOOM!!! Totz's head exploded splashing bits of buckshot, brains, blood and skull onto the ground and Alvin. Shanti saw this and began to crawl away. Alvin walked over to Shanti, pulled a grenade off of his bandolier. He got right in front of him looked down and said, "You help them you die too but you die later." And dropped the grenade right in front of Shanti. He took off running as fast as he could in the opposite direction of the Deathclaw that was chowing down on an Ok or what remained of him.

Shanti panicked at the grenade and managed to grab the grenade and clasp the striker lever. He wasn't sure how much time was left on the fuse but after a few seconds nothing. Perhaps in the Boxer's mind he was safe or maybe it wasn't that he was safe it was that he was delaying the detonation. The only other problem was that he was bleeding to death. So Shanti did the only thing possible he curled up into a fetal position and held the grenade up to his stomach. It was now a waiting a game between bleeding to death or becoming the next meal for the Deathclaw maybe with luck he would be able to take the Deathclaw with him. Nah...

Alvin made his way to the exit or exits depending on how you look at it. He tried the doors they were locked. And since they were locked it would be safe to assume that Charles locked the doors either A.Electronically or B.From the outside. Alvin grabbed his last grenade and place it against the door with it's pin pulled and ran for cover. The grenade blew up with a loud KABOOM!!! And the doors were blown clean from their hinges. Alvin readied his Remington 5 shot and ran through the smoke and into freedom. Unfortunately for the slavers waiting to ambush anyone who escaped from Wa Mar they were surprised when a half-crazed tribal of vengeance stormed them with a twelve gauge shotgun. In fact they never got a shot off. The first slaver was hit clean in the jaw which in turn was ripped off like someone picking fruit from a tree. Alvin shot another Slaver in the balls and dropped him to the ground. Another Slaver charged him with a ripper only for Alvin to dodge and shoot the dumb motherfucker in the back. Alvin was home free. In the streets that the townspeople were fighting the Slavers that were trying to leave with what was at some point theirs. He was making his way very cautiously to the edge of town so that he might leave with his life.

Later on back inside of Wa Mar. As Shanti lay there dying yelled, "GOD DAMMIT! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT MOTHER *cough* FUCKER SHOT ME! AND NOW I AM GOING TO DIE HERE! *cough* FUCK! *cough* DAMN WELL MAYBE." His yelling attracted someone actually more or less something. And it towered above him grinning but yet it seemed uninterested of him as he was almost dead and not warm prey. Shanti then yelled, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU STARING AT *cough* YOU DUMB MOTHERFUCKER *cough*!? WHY DON'T YOU KILL ME!? *cough*" He rolled over and let go of the grenade expecting it to go boom. There was only one problem...it was a dud. The Mongoose turned around looked at the odd shaped round object and after picking it up in his hand and sniffing it. Decided that it wasn't food and threw over it's shoulder like a piece of trash. It flew the length of the store and hit the far wall and was only then that the grenade exploded with a loud BOOM that it went off. The Deathclaw ventured off to the exit that Alvin made and left Wa Mar behind for good. Shanti on the other hand died due to a lack of blood, dehydration and starvation two and a half days later.

Alvin on the other hand made it out of Waco and back to his tribe where he told his tribe of his brave adventures. He then ventured back to Waco only to find almost the entire town dead and a horde of goods just ripe for the taking. He loaded a brahmin cart up full of what he could salvage and went back to his tribe where he became chieftain and organized his people for a great move north. There was only one slight problem there was not enough water or food for the journey and the winds of the Great Waste were too much for his people to handle and they perished in the radioactive wastelands. As for Alvin he survived to be a jackass some other day.

 The logged in version 

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