Well Last week really turned out to be very Crapy the doc found somthing in my eye he said is was some kind of metal thread and on top of that they also found a good sized gouge in my eye. YEAH OW! so right now i have to where a patch on my eye to keep it closed. I think i turned my girlfriend off because she would not look at me. Hell i don't blame her. So now curently one eye short i have to now spend home because i can not get any work done. And now i'm really pissed off at my self for this now. Yeah yeah i know every one is telling me there was nothing i can do about it but...This is going to DESTROY MY GRADES, If worse comes to wose i guess i will have no other option but to go to Job core. Which i really don't want to because then i will be a long wayaways from my sweet heart AKA:Joanna So basicly i'm up pooper creak without a pattle.
Well where really getting snowed in here so that mean's YOU GOT IT NO SCHOOL! Music to my ears so i guess i'll spend the day on elf town and then a tad bit of runescape then some neopets then furcadia.
Well i today during web design class all i really did was stare at joanna. I think i did get on her nerves at times. And then she accused me of looking at her tits. Well why wouldn't i after all i am a guy. Lets see we had open lunch today that's when we get to have lunch where ever we want in the school me an Joanna cuttled a bit BUT MRS. NICKERSON Had to intruped and tell us that is was not approte for school. I just wanted to tell that stuck up bitch where to shove the rule book. I love Joanna and no pencel pushing freek is going to tell me otherwise!
Well day two on elf town i am starting to enjoy it. It's nothing that i would glue myself to 24/7. well anyways right now i'm waiting for joanna to come back from work.