[Yeah I Smoke Crack]'s diary

725719  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-01-01
Written: (6732 days ago)

Happy New Years! Me & Jarred went to these two parties..it was lots of fun..got home around 3? i dont really remember..but yeah then today Jarred & Justin & Ralph came to get me around 12 to go to LandSharks, but we went to his house and just chilled there forever! they are so retarded, so we just messed around for awhile, then i went home at like 8:00. Sooo then me & Em chilled on the trampoline..good times..Hope everyone has a Great 2006

724307  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-12-31
Written: (6734 days ago)

Hope everyone had a Great Christmas! i did, i got to spend the day w/ Jarred, an ipod, lots of other good stuff, & i went to the Beach the 26th!! yeahhh it was so much fun..chilled with Matt & Chris, they are such cutties!! sooo yeah i'm glad to be home!

New Year? heck yea i'm ready, this year has been so much fun..no regrettables! haha nice word right? yeah this year has been wonderful & i'm starting the new year the same way! Me & Jarred are going to a party somewhere in Waco..not sure where though..so yeah hope everyone has a Safe time and nobody gets hurt drivin drunk n that bad stuff!

o yeah..and Jarred's bet- HE LOST, i am the best! hehe he's such a goober ((u2 Jarred, u2))  -Zoey

718304  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-12-20
Written: (6745 days ago)

wow Saturday night was so much fun..read in the xanga (www.Xanga.com/RCHSoccer908) if you really wanna know

Sunday was fun, went with 6 or 7 of my Reicher friends to see the lights in Belton! i loveee them

714407  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-12-13
Written: (6752 days ago)

yeah well ummm my grandma died sunday so my family is havin a hard time..but in a way we're happy, i knowww that sounds crazy and stupid! but okay she was in hospise (i know i spelled that wrong) for 2 months and we were expecting her to pass soon..so she got sick and passed peacefully, so for that much i'm glad..but yeah jarred & all my friends have been so great about it! i loveee you guys, i cant believe how lucky i am to have friends like this..it's great i love them! the funeral is tomorrow..and finals are wednesday, so yeah this week is gonna be sucky! but it's okay, i'll get through it!!

713376  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-12-11
Written: (6754 days ago)

school's almost out for christmas..yay..stupid finals suck! yeahhhh but this week's been fun!! soccer games always leave bruises..ankle hurts a lil..bloody knees.. pulled a muscle in my back, how stupid is that?! yeah, but i loveee my soccer girls!! and yesterday i went to my best bud's 16th bday, i loveeee Rebecca so freaking much..old soccer buddies.. and yeah today was great! went to the mall with jarred, but before that we went into this japanese place with his neice and they all fucking thought the kid was mine!!! ughhhh fuckers i dont have a kid..too bad i cant say it in japanese..ughhh thennn we hung out at the mall for 7 hours..loved it! haha saw tons of people, and jarred got some clothes..so yeah i'm bout to go to a party sooo i'll talk to you pplz later! yeah and jarred finally put up a picture!! [cccadet89] take a look! 

707866  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-12-01
Written: (6764 days ago)

..Reicher lost & our football season is officially over, next year i guess? yeah i dunno but we have our first soccer game on saturday at 12!!! im excited & yeah i'll play with a busted ankle..i dont really care it doesnt hurt till after the game and ill just deal with it then..but yeah school is good, little drama but nothing important..got finals coming up(thank god for starbucks) and yeah..life's kinda awesome! but reicher lost to connally in the bball game >fuck< but i did hear some great stories about john & nathan so it was worth going..and yeah, Jarred was there too lol, it'll be 3 months soon..that's too long but there's no reason to change it sooo yeah i'm good! i loveee my friends, they are so great..okay, well later i guess!  -ZoeBlow

702627  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-11-22
Written: (6773 days ago)

..Random Entry over the last week or so..
-Reicher Won ;) Going to State..again! lmao good memories from last year.. kinda sux now but it was a great day no matter what!
-Connally Lost
-Jarred came over Sat & Sun
-Went to a Basketball Game tonight, they lost
-i stole a snickers bar :0 lmao
-Figured out Hamburger Hill is 1 min away from my house, across the creek..who knew?
-Reicher vs Connally Girls Basketball Nov 28..we will kick connally's ASS..i jus dunno where the hell i'm gonna sit..
-almost 3 months..damnn that's too long
-Way behind in school, but yeah..life's pretty great otherwise!!
-Jarred's ear is pierced..i dint know that :)
-My phone is going to die very soon for good, then i'm getting a newwww one! yay for the spoiled white kid

well that's all, just wrote them as they came to me..o yeah and the state game in on December 3rd i think..everyone in waco better be there cuz yeah..it's gonna kick ass, jus like last year! wow it was sooo much fun but it's kinda sad now cuz stuff happened and everything got messed up..but yeah this year will be even better, with no regrets!

700317  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-11-17
Written: (6777 days ago)

the ren festival was awesome..got drunk..met some pplz, Connally won their football game so they play against gidding and they are going to Win! lol, yeah then reicher is playin in athens and im going! today was hilarious..i broke scott's dick but he kinda deserved it, lol, sorry scotty! and yeah saturday hopefully me jarred and nathan are going to see a movie (we're gonna hook nathan up! lmao it's gonna be fun) yeah maybe the mall too but i dunno..

soccer is goin great, i loveee it! and it's starting to get really cold!

697068  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-11-11
Written: (6783 days ago)

packing for the Renassience festival..yeah i know i spelled that really wrong, but o well..it's always so much fun and im sooo ready to go..yeah i'm a loserly but it's freaking awesome! haha yeah so this week was good, i was sick for like 2 days but no worries! i'll be back Sunday afternoon so if you wanna call my cell dont forget the 254..and my cell is stupid so it might not work at all..but yeah i'll have fun with my pplz anywho!  -Zoe

693131  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-11-05
Written: (6790 days ago)

just got back from homecoming game..we killed the team, it was a pointless game, boring to watch- but yeah the i had a great time!! yeah i was kinda bummed before the game, but once everybody went there i had lots of fun! i absolutely lovee my friends, they can make anything fun..i dunno why i was bummed at first, i just had one of those dreams & then stupid memories and ughhhh i just dint feel like being with friends..but ofcourse they made it great! and yay christina got queen, but i kinda wanted shauna to win..she seems really kool even though i dont know her much..so yeah, dance is tomorrow night!! yayyyy party timeeee & out to eat before the dance ofcourse!!

o yeah emily- thanks for listening, i know it gets annoying and i'm sorry but i loveeee you girl!

690104  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-10-30
Written: (6795 days ago)

-Homecoming Decorations w/ Laura, saw Scott ummm yeah that was akward..nice underwear..i busted out laughing

-Homecoming Hallway: okay, ours is good..nothing special and we wont win..but it's not as bad as last year!

-Bout to go to bush's with jarred

-Austin's Party last night was kinda fun..took awhile, but it got fun eventually..

689761  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-10-30
Written: (6796 days ago)

china vs connally..yeah connally won and it was the funnest game everrrr yeah..too many details but it'll prolly be in the xanga later!! ..nathan broke the bleacher..i cheated on jarred like a thousand time lmao..emily got laid by juju repeatdly..it was bush's guys (tanner's) birthday..ralph isnt 16, he's 12 i think..jarred & nathan compared their asses and ummm yeahhh it was kinda great..o yeah and today i almost got beat up by a red neck..i dint know they could hear so well! so yeah he was being an ass hole, so i was like 'yeah i could take him' justtt playinnn and he turned around..i was like fuckkkk...but yeah homecoming is this week, fun all around!!  one last thing..i accidently deleted some people from my relations..i dunno why, but i dint talk to them anyways so if you want a relation still just ask and i prolly will!

689141  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-10-28
Written: (6797 days ago)

...no game in austin for me! nobody is going, so i'm goin to the china vs connally game..we all know what that means- china spring guys..yeahhh buddy ((sry jarred but it's true)) so yeah, school got out at 12:30 why? i dont know, but i liked it! me & scotty went to subway..then i came home, now i'm freakin hyperrr 

if you're bored go to the football game, it's gonna be good!

688641  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-10-28
Written: (6798 days ago)

quick update...
-my back is still killing me from soccer the other day ((got my feet kicked out from behind and landed on my back..hard)) but the bruise is going away and it isnt swollen

-Went to Aggie Land for a volleyball game..best bus ride ever!!

-Game in Austin Friday ((2morrow)) dad's making me go..i'd rather go with jarred!

-Homecoming Week is gonna kick ASS..yeah i get into it!
..it's gonna be a busy week..

o yeah, and totally ignore the last part of my last entry- it's stupid & pointless to read.. 

685682  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-10-22
Written: (6804 days ago)

hey, i'm starting to update more often! yeah just thought i'd throw that out there..but anyway i have a headache!! ack, it's like the ones i used to get..not cool..but today was awesome! school was fun, athletics was even fun (shocking i know) but yeah then after school jarred came over and we watched some movies and hung out, so yeah that's always fun!

why is it that one name can almost ruin my whole day? doesnt even have to be the same person, just his name..it's not like i was ever really important to him & we dont even talk anymore..but the whole situation still bothers me..a lot..it's sooo stupid but i can't let it go, i've tried my best!! and i say that i hate him now, and i guess i have to cuz i cant feel anything else for him.. it's pointless for me to think about it, or even type it really but i figured this might help a lil but yeah, was wrong about that one..okay well this was a pointless entry but it's not like you read them anyways! ha, untill next time..   -Lego

683534  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-10-17
Written: (6808 days ago)

conally homecoming was frickin awesome..absolutely loved it, even though i dint feel too good..yeah jarred almost got arrested..lmao they left one guy on the roof! ahhh that's a good one..

then this weekend was awesome too..saw a movie with my lovers haha yeah i luv them..but jarred couldnt come cuz he's a dumby lol, and good news for everyone- volleyball is over..and soccer starts 2morrow!!!!!! as you can see, i'm really excited! soo yeah we should have a better team than last year..wow i'm excited..okay so does anybody really read this? hmm i think not but it's better than doing homework..

681825  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-10-14
Written: (6812 days ago)

okay, so it's been a few weeks and i dont feel like doing my homework..so i'll update again- past few weeks have been great! i have my car, and i absolutely love it..school is okay, connally homecoming is tonight! so it's party time man & last night reicher football team won like 73-0 and then we had the dance!! wow that was great..i'm so tired though! so yeah i just got back from bush's and that was kewl..met jarred up there, then he had to go back to school, so daniel came up and we talked for like 2 hours and i cant believe how long it's been since i talked to him! omg i used to talk to him like everyday..but he hasnt changed so i dint miss much, lol, he said i have changed a lot since last year..have i? hmm well anyway i gotta go get ready for the last volleyball game of the year!! yeshhh it's finally over and soccer starts on monday!! i live for this kinda stuff..lol  -love you guys-

666760  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-09-16
Written: (6839 days ago)

hey..2 Days Till My Birthday!! shyea..that means 3 days till i get my liscence (the dps is closed on sundays) so yeah i know i dont update this much, as if you read it anyways!! but so yeah umm i was looking at my last entry and im proud to say i havent talked to levi in like 3 weeks..and now i'm going out with Jarred, luv ya!! dukka dukka bitch!! lmao, so yeah he's a sweety and school isnt bad, at all actually..i dont mind it much, lots of homework but i never do it anyways! but sooo yeah volleyball is okay i guess..gotta tourny in dallas next weekend, so that'll be fun! o yeah and westfest was fucking awesome even though it caused some major f'n drama..i had fun! lol, yeah so i just got back from the connally vs uhh somebody game..connally won by like 2 points but yeah dint really watch the game..AT ALL! ack, okay so somebody's calling me so i gotta go! love you guys!

-Zoey-EZ-Zaney-Lego-ZoeBlow-Mexican-Sunny and w/e you crazy fuckers call me! lol, love you!

653049  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-08-25
Written: (6862 days ago)

hey, yeah it's been awhile and i cant update on everything that's been going on..just know that in 25 fucking days i get my drivers liscence!!!! that will be awesome..so umm yeah, the whole thing with Levi has been goin down for like a month now and i dont give a damn nemore..so goin to the movies with some guys on Saturday i think? yeah maybe friday after the game..i dunno forsure. 

School started..i would absolutely hate it if i dint have the best friends in the world..they make it bearable! no big drama shit yet..just lots of homework! so yeah..i still hate volleyball but am playing it anyway, and soccer doesnt start soon enough!! well i gotta atleast try to study for a stupid test tomorrow..crazy catholics..  -Zoe-

616607  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-07-06
Written: (6912 days ago)

hey..random entry because im kinda bored..sooo yeah camp was the best..ever, yea ima loserly who goes to camp and has fun..not my fault i enjoyed myself..i think i found em a guy too!! haha cept for that he's my BABY, he's 19, and he lives in Dallas..but those details are fixable..yeahhh so i miss Cory!! gawd it doesnt help to talk on the phone either..damnitttt o well, i'll live!! haha, i'll get some awesome pictures of us soon! yes, i know i've been saying that..but its w/e im still working on it..but yea so the 4th of July was awesome..chilled at the river, then today blew shit up with emily and lots of other random guys..fun fun fun..until next time i get bored!!   -Zoey-

608460  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-06-26
Written: (6922 days ago)

well its been a lil while & im bored..so yeah, the concert was awesome! luved it, gotta new car..yes im spoiled i know..the cats name is Shelby (dont ask why, cuz i dunno) hmmmm what else? o yea well today i was forced to go to the zoo..it was actually fun cuz some of my friends were there.. leaving for camp 2morrow with Mark, John Keith, Aver, Scott, Britian, Lindsay, & Sarah..more might be coming, idk for sure..soooo yea, the mall was fun a few days ago..we ended up staying till prolly 6, then went to em's grandma's & chilld with Brandon ((i dint flirt Em! he is all friggin urs, lol)) but so yea thats all! 

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