[The Vampiric Goddess]'s diary

630539  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-07-23
Written: (6895 days ago)

hello to my lovers and friends! i just want to say i will not be going to jail! thank the goddess!

629086  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-07-21
Written: (6897 days ago)

just so you all know i may be in jail for a while cause i did something stupid at school! no it was not a gun or anykind of weapon. what happened i have told to a select few and i shall hope they dont tell what i have done! i am sorry to all my lovers and friends! i know now what i did was wrong and very stupid!


hopefully ill be on friday (tommorrow)

619221  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-07-09
Written: (6909 days ago)

hey my lovies im back for now.

542415  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-05
Written: (7004 days ago)

hey im trying to start a rpg for people who and into sex and kinky stuff want to help?

tell me through email here on eltown if any of you guys or girls want to help me with this... one major rule would be you guys cant be rude... unless your into that kinda thing.

well im sure to work out the rules later if someone helps me get it started.

532571  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-03-26
Written: (7014 days ago)

~sits here crying~ someone please help me i feel so alone! i need help. please! somebody tell me im loved.

530945  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-03-24
Written: (7016 days ago)

i get to see my bf and my bff in april

530031  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-23
Written: (7017 days ago)

hey lovies! just to let you all know my birthday is in july and im going to be 18! yay for me! hehe.

so if you guys want to give me any presents like cards or candy then cool also if anyone wants to burn music for me that would so rock, cause i have only one two friends that live close enough to come with me on my special day. and apparently my mom is doing something where boys are not allowed. hopefully i dont have to take my lil bro with me.

if you want my address tell me and i shall give it to you.

and kingofhearts you could draw me a really cool birthday picture.

*rereadrs entry* wow this looks really superfificial.... though im going to be doing a job over the summer and i can get stuff for you guys too.

526870  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-03-19
Written: (7021 days ago)

okie i have msn now so all of you guys tell me your screennames for msn!

525872  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-03-18
Written: (7022 days ago)

everyone please go here and check out my poerty under my sudoname.


511309  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-02
Written: (7038 days ago)

i have to take really terrible medicine and it makes me want to barf!!! *cries* im in so god damn much pain right now!

508800  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-02-28
Written: (7040 days ago)


505736  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-02-25
Written: (7043 days ago)

okie i got in to a fight yesterday!

this is how it went:
I'm sitting in science and we are talking about my hair and this blonde says "so has anyone called you blues clues yet?"

i said "no and you had better not or i start cracking on you!" so she didnt say anything and the class continued talking (we had just finished a test) and im talking and this girl named Mary-Ann (who is pregnant) starts bitching at me, she's been doing it for two weeks straight! and i never even did anything to make her bitch at me! she is crazy.

anyways i notice i have red ink on my neck and i ask to go clean it off. the teacher lets me go and when i come bback i stop a couple feet from Mary-ann's desk and i say "Mary-ann i got a question for you"

she say "What?!"

i say "do i ever say anything, make any comments or say a single thing about your face!!!!??" cause she has these hue black pimple things all over her face.

she jumps up really fast and grabs her bottle of water throws it at me and hits my leg and yells "YOU WANNA GO AT ME BITCH ILL FUCK YOU UP!!!!"

i say calmly "im not fighting a pregnant girl"


and i say "you and what army?" i pick up the water bottle and throw it away

she gets up and says "fuck this class" throws her book at the wall and storms out. the whole class starts laughing and talking about what just happened, the teacher calls some one down i leave the class with her and im telling her what happened and my milk bottle comes open and she and the hall gets soaked.

im not in trouble but i have to pay the cleaning bill.

502943  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-02-22
Written: (7046 days ago)

hey my new pic is up yayayay!

496553  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-02-15
Written: (7053 days ago)

okie this is boring........ i need someone to talk to.

492255  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-02-10
Written: (7058 days ago)

hallo! im at school again but im cybering this really hot chick and this really hot guy.

ummm i need someone to draw me a picure. of a halfling girl. she is vampire/elf/fairy. she has blue hair that goes down to the floor, lavender eyes, gosemer wings vampire fangs and she looks 21, light caramel skin and any kind of weapon you want to give her.

489730  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-02-07
Written: (7061 days ago)

i at school now and bored as hell. some one save me from this nightmare. i am being forced to make a resume! -dies- this sucks so im kinda shirkig my duties and playing here. so some one talk to me and maybe we can play.;)

 The logged in version 

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