[parrokeet]'s diary

842266  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-08-22
Written: (6506 days ago)

69 Questions to End the Summer

1. Do you like someone?[tehe, perhaps...]
2. Do you hate more then 3 people?[^^ nope]
3. How many houses have you lived in?[2]
4. What is your favorite candy bar?[ewwwww]
5. what are your favorite pair of shoes?[my dead leather skate shoes with evil kitty shoelaces]
6. Have you ever tripped someone?[oops]
7. What's your favorite color?[purple or deep shade of pink]
8. What was your favorite summer trip this year?[spokane]
9. Do you own a Britney Spears CD?[dear god NO]
10. Have you ever thrown up in public?[yeppers]
11. Name someone that's ALWAYS on your mind.[CARNI MAN!!!!!]
12. What is your favorite music genre?[I like everything...including techno!!!!]
13. What is your sign?[sagitarius]
14. What time were you born?[no idea]
15. Do you like beer?[EWWWWWW]
16. Have you ever made a prank call?[haha with aubrey once...that was really funny]
17. What is the most embarrassing CD you own?[PINK!!!!]
18. Are you sarcastic?[Sometimes]
19. What exactly are you doing right now?[listening to music, drawing and this thingy de bob]

20. How many watches do you own?
theyre all broken

21. Summer or Winter?

22. Spring or fall?

23. What is your favorite color to wear?
purple and pink and black!!!!

24. wtf?
^^ yay

25. What color is your cell phone?
black and silver!!!

26. Where's your second home?
dont have one really

27. Have you ever slapped someone?

28. Have you ever had a cavity?

29. How many lamps are in your bedroom?

30. How many video games do you own?
quite a few

31. First Pet you owned?
dog, sam

32. Have you ever had braces?
I do right now!

33. do looks matter?
in the outside world...I guess people cant really change their bodies...unless youre fat or anorexic

34. Do you use Chapstick?

36. American Eagle or Abercrombie?
american eagle

37. Are you too forgiving?

38. How many children do you want?
I dont think they would survive me...

39. Do you own something from Hot Topic?

40. What is your favorite breakfast?
thats nonexistant in my world

41. Do you own a gun?

42. What was the last thing you ate?
no idea

43. When was the last time you cried?
....that my little secret

44. What did you do 2 nights ago?
talked to carni man and bought him a pepsi, andrea and amanda spent the night

45. When was the last time you went to Olive Garden?
once upon a time when I was brainless

46. Have you ever called your teacher mom?
^^ eheh...yeah...and he was a male

48. What are your nicknames?
parro, parrokeet, lazarua, short stuff, xiao, xiao xiao, kitty litter box <- god I miss that for some reason

49. do you know anyone named BERTHA?
...No, I wish I did

50. Have you ever been to Kentucky?
nopers ^^

51. Do you own something from Banana Republic?
...whats that?

52. Are you thinking about somebody right now?
^^ yes and I dont even know the guy that well

53. Have you ever called someone Boo?

54. Do you smoke?

55. Do you own a diamond ring?
^^ yep yep

56. Are you happy with your life?
Not in the least bit

57. Do you dye your hair?
sometimes, purple, soon possibly pink

58. Does anyone like you?
*shrugs* thats up to the rest of the world to deside

59. Who are your best friends?
tako, ayla carni man

60. What were you doing May of 1994?
probably trying to kill the car again...

61. Do you own a Backstreet Boys CD?
nope thank god

62. McDonald's or Wendy's?
.< wendys if anything

63. Do you like yourself?

64. Are you closer to your mother or father?

65. Favorite feature(s) of the opposite sex?
porportion, feathery hair, and LONG LEGS!!!!AHAHAH!!!!!

66. Are you afraid of the dark?

67. Have you ever eaten paste?
erm, no

68. Do you have a webcam?

69. Have you ever stripped?

842091  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-08-21
Written: (6506 days ago)

well, fair week is done and over with, thank god. it was chaotic and I hate it, this was my last year in our 4-h group, Im sick and tired of being pushed around by the adults when its a child activity. I will misss the children in that group, they were really fun to work with, but Im sure Ill still see them if I get that job I wanted next year. I was and still am considering becoming a carni, I as usual dont give a damn of what people think of me, so if they think I do drugs, then boo whoo them. theyre wrong on all levels, even my best friends in the group think I do drugs now because of my migranes. I may be an artist but you DO NOT need to do drugs to be creative, stupid humans. anywhoo, everyone knows that when Im stressed out I find something to obsess over, normally a male, and I found one...the carni man, hes amazing. His body is perfectly porportinate and everything. He does chew tobacco, but thats the other amazing thing, his breathe smells minty and good, and his throat and voice are so smoothe *falls over*. but this made lucifur irrateted considering he was trying to set me up on a date again, he actually picked good people but as usual I hate being taken. I enjoy savoring my little crushes and obsessions, I wouldnt mind going on a date but eh. ^ ^ both ended up being taken anyways so it didnt matter at all! horray for me! this made me a little depressed at how stupid my mind is and everything, but its also for the guys sakes that I dont drive them insane. Im a long term dating girl, I hate those people who only date for enjoyment of being able to say they have a girlfriend or just for sex.I dont mind the thing about sex, that doesnt bother me, but isnt it supposed to be an action of love? and no this doesnt mean Im not a virgin, I am a virgin. Of course this mind setting eliminates a lot of guys, but I dont care. No one has ever actually understood why I like the guys I do, body wise. They never considered that perhaps if they think from an artists view? Lets take Carni Man, his body is perfectly porportionate, from head to shoulders to hips to knees to feet! and his arms arent a crazy width or length at all either, nor his legs! I love it when men have long legs...its a also a strange turn on in my mind when they strap like a gun holster or a walkie talkie to their thiegh. Like Loz or Wesker, I love it, or when men wear slightly tight but not to the point of seeing the curves of their legs. Carni man has good pants, cody doesnt, nor does scott and his overly baggy pant. Loz can pull off tight pants because hes wearing a long overcoat, overcoats rule. Back to making sense though, I visited the polar express area frequently, sometimes looking for children and occasionally sitting by the duck pond to draw. The duck pond guy ruled and gave me his lemonade near five in the afternoon. Its like the carni's understood what was wrong in my life and had sympothy, I felt loved there and with true friends. This is kinda what started my idea of working in this job, but I guess it would be the ultimate friend test to see who stays your friend and who leaves you. Everyone showed up on wednsday and that was chaotic, I did miss out on a date that lucifur was unaware of. He hates this guy, so I couldnt. I was accused of liking guys that I consider to be like a brother, and ironically these were all guys that I admire too. Well, what else happened. I cant think of anything else other than on the last day that Nick dissappeared, his brother sat in the sheep barn very tired, and the little kid Jake was doing an excellent job duck tapping the FFA booth. They will have one hell of a time undoing that job. Once again I will miss 4-H but Im moving onto FFA, I will be with fellow school students and scared half to death but I wont care. or they'll be scared to death hmm....anyways!!! I dreamt last night...or day ^^ theyre all mashed together. but I adored the dream and shall cherish it for forever, but fear it. the song "fear" from .hack was playing while I was dancing with, guess who!!! hahaha, Ill draw the outfits soon, but a quick description of it first
His:a long black coat with squared shoulders and buckles all the way down the front. he has long sleeves that droop down too, like lulu's from ffX!
Mine: A long simple-ish black dress

in little flashes it shows two scenes, one where we're dancing and the view, between the flashes of the other scene travels slowly up. dancing upon a pool of flower petals though o.O
the other flashes shows someone disturbing us in our dance, and shoots my male companion in the chest. another flash of regular dancing. and then, some scream, I quickly move and dodge a bullet, male companion goes to break his neck, success. another flash of dancing disturbed by a bullet shot noise. the male was shot again by nerve reflex in the other guy. sight of little blood drops slowly dropping, I dive to catch him. I just sit there holding his dead and cold body, petting his hair while humming a very creepy little tune. then you could see my hand reaching very slowly towards the gun. I smell it, with my free hand I look directly at where the camera would be and hold up a finger to my mouth as if to say "shhh"and commit suicide with a creepy but happy smile upon my face. the music switches to a music box, slow music box thats dying, like the one I have! but the view slowly travels upwards

842083  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-08-21
Written: (6506 days ago)

priest: welcome my dear friends, to my sweet darling home for once upon a time this is and was wanderland. I hope and pray for you all that you will not become lost in your own mind, then perhaps you could escape this hell land.

841671  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-08-21
Written: (6507 days ago)

alright, lets organize what I just said in the last diary entry...
age: around 30-40, I say hes 30
occupation: works with the polar express as the gate keeper...that sounds creepy
hair colour: strawberry blonde ^^ YAY!!!shaved sides and a braided rat tail in the back...though it was unbraided on the last day was, for some reason or another in my head, fluffy sexy like...
eyes: dark blue, his pupils are large because of thyroid problems...hes a sickly man evidently
cons: chews tobacco, and is a carnival worker( thats bad to the rest of the world)
pros: he can keep really really good smelling breathe and a smooth throat even though he CHEWS!!!!gives me candy and understands my problems...I love his voice, its very smooth and soothes my mind...
tattos: a star-ish thing, and a tiger
wears: his carni man clothings and a really good smelling sweater, necklace with a star and a sword, theyre in dog tag form...SUN GLASSES!!!with them he almost looks exactly like wesker almost
food habits: hates food like me ^^ but drinks pepsi and water

841231  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-08-20
Written: (6507 days ago)

even through fair week is over, my migranes continue...oh well...^^ but the CARNY MAN!!!!!!I absolutely love how he looks...and no this isnt some perverted sense, from a strange artists perspective, his body was amazing to draw then there was his HAIR!!!!HA!!!!!!feathery HAIR!!!!!!this probably makes no sense to those who dont know me personally or were there to see him...I still want his sunglasses...you would all have to see him in person, the best I have is sucky little cell phone piccys, and ironically the only one that turned out good was the one where I was pretending to talk on the phone and turned sideways, he was giving me the strangest look. his voice is very smooth and relaxes me every time I hear it, hes AMAZING!!!lol he drinks pepsi a lot and glares at the others when they walk even near it...the pictures arent showing!!!!!!GAH!!!!!!!

838282  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-08-14
Written: (6514 days ago)

random inspiration moment caused by a fever migrane o.O

demons inside,
come forthe with a rathe
emotions colide
so many a path

fit for only a king,
the cure is pain
let emotions sting
tears, they do stain

my head, hurts so
the devil himself haunts,
making want to let go,
like my life is just a taunt.

body blessed,
pain is a sensation.
my mind just messed,
like a contamination.


can the sweet sins suffice?
could you take away my misery,
take my feelings no matter how nice.
and complete me with sweet blissary.

this feeling drives me far from sane,
looking into the mirror
my true feelings I can not sistain.
steal me away from this glore.

save me oh sweet heavenly being,
your smile brings me back,
bring me back to my feeling.
the devil has stolen me, I lack.

the mirror presents my appearence not,
all I can see is you, your sweet smile.
I beg of you, please save me, my blood shall clot.
my body is cut in so many places, in a complex style.

I will never understand why,
why did you deny me the first time?
all I did, and could do, was cry
such weeping was no the worst pain, but the crime.

I listened to the chimes, my head hurts so,
but yet you do not help!
I can never stop until this pain shall go.
I hope and pray that this will prove that I am no whelp.

just to look, the colour soothes my mind,
I presented the sacrifice to you each day in hopes.
you do not approve of my selfish ways,no such thing as kind
I will never understand why you hate me for my stoops.

here I lay, my body broken. I can no longer help it,
I must stop these crimes and horific plans,
I give up all my hopes and dreams of you, my heart is lit,
you decieved me, and had me join strange clans.

the devil stole my heart, then played and toyed,
I no longer own my own soul, but I shall create another!
My mind you shall never touch, nor destroy.
these defiances, proved my death though, my breathe you did smother...

837583  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-08-12
Written: (6515 days ago)

IM HOME!!! lol lovely little hom with the fishies....my chick was extremely happy to see me (I mean a chicken for those who have perverted minds and CANT GET IT THROUGH THEIR THICK SKULLS THAT IM STRAIGHT!!!) she would quit climbing on me and talking...but anywhoo...Im home and theres more work to be done house work wise ^^ and friend relationships wise -.o...why cant people tweak with their OWN lives? if youre gonna mess with mine, you could at least give me cookies or e-mail me every now and then ^^ BUT!!!!!![Xiaos-magical-trip-recorings-to-a-land-unknown]shall come soon!!!!

835068  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-08-06
Written: (6522 days ago)

Im off to montana for about 4 days -.o Ill be back thursday, I may be able to get on later during that, but Ill most likely only get to checking my e-mails, all friends of mine go ahead and send me some at lazarua@verizon.net ^^ bye bye for now, Ill try to have a good time

834750  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-08-05
Written: (6523 days ago)
Next in thread: 834993

there she lays,
all dressed in black.
she was wed by the bay,
but words she did lack.

her soon to be husband,
had looked upon her with a smile
and there they would stand.
Just to wait a while.

all dressed in white,
looking upon a ring,
like the other, but not quite.
oh, what fate it would bring.

the man down upon one knee,
her small body a-quiver,
her small face full of glee,
oh quite a shiver.

back to the high school days,
her grades fail due to love pure,
her loving parents in dismays,
for love, there is no cure.

834622  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-08-05
Written: (6523 days ago)

I love my music boxes....my favorite one is dying though *so sad* I want one like in RE code veronica though, the one where you put in the disc, like a record player but designed like a music box with the little prongs and everthing....those are the coolest...my trip to town was scary though....I suddenly had the urge to draw a half nude person sleeping in her death....then I went to the dentist...they had this stuffty "mustang" with HUMAN teeth...that wasnt the worst though...then there was the fish with "cute" murderous eyes..I went to the "prize" room for sitting still for more than 5 minutes and earned this strange pencil topper that is a blue elephant...with VERY CREEPY EYES...on our way out I finished the drawing and moved onto Sir Michi Vious's casual wear outfit drawing and spotted this very intent old old lady driving her van. she was bent over her steering wheel and going about 25 in a 50 mph zone...every time someone got in front of her she would honk at them, shake her fist, and say very rude words to them...I have to record every trip Im sorry, but strange and interesting things happen when I do

833305  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-08-02
Written: (6526 days ago)
Next in thread: 833306

alright people >.< since it seems so very entertaining to you that when I tell you whats wrong and you say "oh no, that cant be it." I have choice words for you!!!!CHEESE MUFFIN GNARL STEAKS!!!!!! since when is it humanly possible for someone I barely know to tell me exactly what I feel and why? theres only a few people who can do that...if you REALLY REALLY wanna help, find a male thats seemingly perfect to me with flaws, and for the females turn into males and love me passionatly!!!!HA!!!!!!you cant, can you? then WHY KEEP ASKING THE SAME QUESTION OVER AND OVER?!

832842  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-08-01
Written: (6527 days ago)
Next in thread: 832909, 833007

alrights peoples....I think Ive found the problem to hooking the playstaion up online!!haha!!!so if Im right, thisll be the beggining point of me getting on even less. thing is the computer evidently cant be on when I reset the router because then it immediatly goes "OOO!!!!!!compy, lets make that the more logical of all!!!HAHAHAHHA!!!" but I will still get on every once in a while. if youre on my messenger list, and you cant live with me being gone for so long (-.-) then go ahead and give me messages on here. until next time my friends!!wish me luck!!!!

831181  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-07-28
Written: (6531 days ago)
Next in thread: 831529

[new character!!!!]
Enter Sir Michi Vious!!!
the school project poem was what started it all...put his name together and take out the sir, what do you get? hes a character I would never abandon
anywhoo the poem:
[Sir Michi Vious,]
A man of the age 29,
With long dirty blonde hair,
His foxy blue eyes
Glare down his long beak nose.
Wearing elaborate suits,
Blue trimmed with gold.
Dances slyly with girls,
In dangerous irksome ways.
Sir Michi Vious,
Lives in the attic…
Of a mansion.
Be wary of his perilous
Dances on cliffs…
I have given him a cult revolver and a rifle he seems to have constantly misplaced when he really need it, but trips on it when not needed...he is quite the ladys man, but mainly fancies Falconys adopted daughter, Siera, yes spelt with only one "r". please excuse me lucifur for using the colour blue!!! its just a nice colour...but he always makes people pay for even the smallest of things, and plans to use the money to make a "carrot farm" to help wench the thirst problem of all birds world wide! this is horribly ironic since he is always accidently shooting Falcony's birds in a attempt to shoot Falcony making a loud noise.

character ties:
Falcony: he visits her shop frequently to buy guns and bullets...which he never does because he's convinced he's poor, he fancies her daughter
Xiao:has a crush on him, and is always broken hearted when he starts flirting with girls in front of her...
Siera:the shy girl ignores everyone, but Michi loves everything about her from her clear brown eyes to her dirty blonde hair to her perfect clear complection
Princess Sheena: She wants him for her 15 husband

eye colour:brown
hair:dirty blonde
skin:pale with a slight tan
weapon: N/A

Character ties:
Falcony: her adopted daughter, her father died in building fire set by Princess Sheena's hench men for not marrying her
Xiao:best friends and sworn sisters
Michi Vious:he loves her, and she doesnt even realize hes there
Princess Sheena: constantly she is almost murdered by Sheena for having a finer complection than her

831178  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-07-28
Written: (6531 days ago)

lonely nights locked away in a computer room, all alone and only me, the music, my lovely pencil, and my magic nib quill. drawing endlessly listening to lucifur's complaints of how Germany's baby lotion is much better priced than in America, Tako-sons wonderful story times, Alexia talking about her cosmetic items, k'doxi and his many question, and then the other people...these conversations seem completely normal to me, and others think theyre strange...YOU TRY BEING CUT OFF OF HUMAN CONTACT FOR OVER TWO MONTHS...spending the night at tako's only makes me want to run over there again...I crave human contact O.o anything and everything can be a drug, mine
2:sugar...as in the powdery stuff...its a hobby and a passtime at the mall to steal them without being knowtist
3: ANY type of tea
5:FRUIT!!!!!(this is the secret to my hyperness...its the natural fructose that makes me hyper)
6:hmmm.....salt used to be...its disgusting now.....
7:little candies with rum inside!!!1cooked mind you

831164  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-07-28
Written: (6531 days ago)
Next in thread: 831516

Quote from Tako-son: "The world isn't ready for your handwriting Xiao...."

831073  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-07-28
Written: (6531 days ago)

[because I feel like it, story time!!!]
   She stared at the pear hanging from the tree blessed with the kiss of the morning dew. "Xiao, what are you doing? I don't recall ever reading that khajids eat fruit." Xiao twirled in her new pink victorian dress. "Terribably [yes, to be purnounced like that!] sorry Master Princess Sheena!" She returned to folding the clothings before her.
   "Stupid freak girl! How dare you! First you defy me by not being able to wear make-up, then you fold the clothings wrong! It's left to right, now up to down!" All the while Sheena never looked up from the mirror adoring her sky blue hair.

829891  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-07-25
Written: (6533 days ago)

O.o wow!!!I remembered who the "real" fourth husband is/was!!!!KING ALBERT!!!....somehow remembering this set me into some weird frenzy of putting strange braids and twirls into my hair with cheap little beads...blue,pink,and purple!!!theres four strands that are complete beads, one mainly consisting of pink, another blue, and the other two are mainly purple....perhaps Ill put a piccy up eventually after I find a way to hide my face

829121  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-07-24
Written: (6535 days ago)
Next in thread: 829251, 830241

O.o wow!!!I actually managed to read all of my "new messages" finally....some of them were 2 months old, there is such a thing as too many friends!!!^^ my apologies to everyone though. I get about 24 a day if I do reply -.- fairly annoying, but its mainly my fault because I do multiple messages a lot if I forget to say something.

Husband Number 5: Loz

[who are the old ones?!?!]
well my willy hearted friends who are probably staring over a tea cup horribly confused at this erm, strange attribute of me appearing online all of a sudden. In order of 5 marriage (Im a little greedy whore-ish girl)
1:Zhou Yu
2:Albert Wesker
3:Walter Sullivan
5:Captain Hook!!!
7:Trixie's brother!!!!!!!!!!

 The logged in version 

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