The plan is somewhat simple.
Find clothes.
Pick up Dad.
Nothing to freak out about, Adriane.
My paper is due on Tuesday and I'm not going to be able to work on it until Saturday. omgomg. I'm going to die.
Somewhat happy news? 17 days til I can stalk all of you on Facebook again.
Also 17 days til I'm ... 20.
I think I just remembered why I hate staying up til 4 and then waking up at 7:30.
It sucks.
I'm having a really tough time right now.
I'm pretty sure I'll earn my stalker badge after this.
Have you ever asked yourself, "How cool is Barack Obama?"
Your answer. http://vorpalb
"Our last is Quentin Tarantino for Inglourious Basterds. The film was my favorite of the year but I still think that Kathryn Bigelow should beat him. Still, amazing work from him. Had you taken his script and had it directed by anyone else, the movie would completely fall apart. QT is so perfect at conveying his esoteric vision in a way that’s completely palpable for audiences but never losing any of his integrity. I mean, a David Bowie song at the beginning of the final chapter? Inspired, but a David Bowie song from a long forgotten horror remake? Epically inspired."
I am sad.
Ridiculously deep song lyrics of the moment:
"Peace, Love and Understanding" - Elvis Costello
CB in Spanish? Really?
I mean, are you kidding me?
You seriously better be kidding.
Well, I guess I'll have to fix that.
Do not deserve a CB. How is it possible that I get a 99% on the midterm and have a CB overall?
Oh.... wait. Heh. Perhaps I should start doing the homework. O_o
Seriously, guys. Worth every penny. I am updating this entry from my new iPod touch. I am slowly becoming an Apple fangirl. :)
I spent... a lot of money today. Something like $500. God.
Looking into BnL tickets for Zach and I and Paramore tickets for Nicole (cousin, not friend, not to say she's not a friend... just clarification) and I. Well, more for Nicole and have me be the "chaperone." God, I'm old.
Fuck. ^_^
-_- I just hit my mother's car.
I thought I was fine. Seriously, I was so happy. Hahaha, must have been distracted.
Do you know what's amazing? Scheduled messaging.
Every month on the 28th I receive:
"Remember, Adriane:
Life is amazing."
After yesterday, seriously, this could not have come at a better time. =)
I think, all in all, it's going to be a good day. Going to a "friend's" house tonight to play some WoW and just spend time together, since we don't work together anymore. It will be very nice to have a girl around, I think. She's a little ... well, mean, really. But she's all I've got. =P
Okay. I just spent eight minutes of my life watching this JumpRoping video. It was... amazing. I seriously seriously recommend watching it! I don't even know what it is, otherwise I'd give you a better description! Just amazing!!
And so begins Spring Break! I will not leave my bed for more than five minutes, separated by at least four hours of bedness each. I tell you, it's amazing. Tomorrow I will clean my room and do laundry (ugh, laundry), but not today!!
Atlas is taking up the entire bottom half of my bed. I'll kick him and he'll get down. Then he'll jump back up and only take up a little corner. Over time he'll spread out to take up half of the bed again. Rinse, repeat.
I think I'm slowly turning into one of those depressed people who spends all day in their bed. Well, I don't mind. As long as I wash the sheets once a week, it's fine. Depressed I may be, but, damn it, I'm comfy. =)
I have to do my FAFSA before March 3rd. So do probably all of you, so I suggest doing it. Gahhhh I don't want to. Maybe if I have a kid before then they'll give me more money. Bonuses: Bigger boobs, an excuse to have brightly colored toys all over. Minuses: Child, worse mood swings, people trying to tell me how to raise said child when advice is not asked for.
Well, we'll see. I've heard it's difficult to get impregnated and give birth within five days, anyway.
I might go out in public today. Depends on if I want to shave Chewbacca out from my armpits or not. Besides, what is there do out in public? Not warm enough to walk the mutt. No money to spend at Kohls. Although, maxing out my credit limit would be fun. XD No. Dead Adriane.
Cannot get this out of my head.
Durmiendo Con la Luna - Elefante
Sleeping With the Moon.
Terribly sad. =(
And because I like to dance,
Mentirosa - Elefante
Pardon poor quality.
Perhaps the wind will stop howling before I leave the library.
Perhaps I will win the lottery without even entering.
Angry Adriane is Angry!!!!!!!!!
You make me weak.
I wanna die.