[Kelsey♥]'s diary

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Written about Wednesday 2005-06-15
Written: (7053 days ago)

yeah that lass entry is old.... ANYWAYS...new subject..different person:i never knew ppl could have so much hate in them. especially to ppl they once cared so much for. Sometimes i wish ppl could be more forgiving and understand that everyone makes mistakes and I'm really sorry. i lost the best friend i could ever have . people talked about him, and i juss sat there and listened. i didnt try to stop them. does that make me a horrible friend? i didnt stop them because i know the real him. the whole reason i was friends with him. why i love him. what makes him, him. And other ppl who don't see that side of him, talk about him. I don't believe what theysay tho cuz its all bullshit. all lies. they shouldn't deserve to be his friend if they talk about him. I have never spoken a single word to anyone about him in a mean, way. And i want you to know i'm really sorry i screwed up. juss remember how much fun we had over lass summer. I remember right when i got home from school on the last day of 6th grade i called him and he sed he flunked. lolol he didnt tho. it really scared me. I know the truth tho. The truth is ..he's a realllyyy great person. A really great friend and im sorry i ever did anything to hurt him in any way. I'm sorry i left him out of anything. the truth is, i ALWAYS thought of him first for everything. the truth is i miss him.

 The logged in version 

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