[Pinkdonkey]'s diary

505009  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-02-24
Written: (7037 days ago)

Today started off quite nicely, I managed to get up without too many difficulties, did a tiny bit of cleaning up, had fun chating with friends or just lazing about while my mum went off shopping...and then she came back.
She had gone to Emmaus (a second-hand charity shop) where she always manages to get the most amazing things and so the thought of what she might bring back was lingering at the back of my mind. I had decided to ignore it and had pushed it far away in the deep dusty shelves of the "Ignore" section of my brain. But not thinking about did not change the facts : my mother came back with three ... sewing machines. Which brings the total of sewing machines in the house to 15... You might ask what's the point of having 15 of the bloody machines around when you only need one to sew ?? I ask myself the same.
The truth is, my mother collects them. Oh no, she doesn't go in for stamps, or coins, or even garden gnomes, but sewing machines and fabric and such other stuff. She has a whole room filled up from floor to ceiling with fabric, books on sewing, sewing machines, needles, threads and God know what. She even belongs to several sewing Internet groups. So you can see how I have been brought up ... and in 15 years I have not got used to it and I still feel pity - and horror - at this great decadence. So forgive me if I get slightly crazy when I hear the word "s*w*ng m*ch*ne" (even just writing it makes me wince). And at least you now know the origin of my slight strangeness ;o) 

504441  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-02-24
Written: (7038 days ago)

First day in Elftown ... got interrupted in the middle of reading the help file too install a firewire card...took about an hour and a half and I've had to reboot the computer about 8 times ... arghhhh !! So I guess I'll learn more about this site later on. I'm not new to Elfwood as I'm a great fan and browse through it as often as I can :) I'm not a writer or artist on Elfwood but I'm hoping to get a SciFi/Fantasy Gallery when I'll have the time to fill in the form ; I'm not such a great artist but can draw a bit and it's mainly to be more part of it as I go there very often :) Anyway it's 1am so I might be going to bed soon and I just noticed how long and boring my entry is ... I'll try and write something more interesting tomorrow ! (well further on today is more appropriate).

 The logged in version 

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