[Insanelife]'s diary

610345  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-06-28
Written: (6912 days ago)

Bored, getting ready to leave. You know, just getting all my shit around last minute, figured I'd take a break to get on the computer, lol. I FUCKING HATE PREPS, sorry, had to get that one out because last time I was at the beach there were a bunch of preps there, and if there is one thing preps hate more than anything, it's me and my friends, needless to say, I think we scare them a bit.

610047  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-06-28
Written: (6913 days ago)

Bored, going to the lake 2marrow with my friends and my g/f, yay, should be fun. Hahahahaha, I haven't had a smoke in 10 days, I think I am gonna die, lol. But I gotta quit. Listening to some German metal, Rammstein to be exact. Not sure about much right now, my life has become a little more confusing and a lot less depressing. Yay, I'm finally beating back that damned depression that i hate so, *beats depression with a stick* Hey, I can joke around and have some fun 2 you know, lol. Don't ask, last year I was very close to suicide, but that was last year after a bunch of bad shit happened all in a long, confusing chain. Oh well I gtg, be back later

608375  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-06-25
Written: (6915 days ago)

Just got back from my best friends house, I haven't had a smoke in 8 days, lol. I'm trying to quit so I guess thats a good thing. Anyway, I'm really bored at the moment and I am thinking about playing AA.

608199  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-06-25
Written: (6915 days ago)

bored, going to a freinds house soon, getting new pants, yay, lol. There are all black, of course. Anyway, I'll be back later.

607434  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-24
Written: (6916 days ago)

Told ya I'd be back, not to much else to say. Bored, still waiting for a friend to call, listening to the Verve Pipe and HIM. Thinking about actually getting up and going outside, who knows, maybe I won't melt, lol.

607247  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-24
Written: (6916 days ago)

bored, waiting for m a friend to call, listening to HIM and Static-X. Found an old AC/DC live tape, I am trying to install a game, but I don't have dos anymore for some reason, so I'm trying to figure that out. It's Friday, like it really matters. I'll be back later.

606954  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-24
Written: (6917 days ago)

It's like 1:20a.m. Finished watching a movie, After the Sunset, good movie. Like I said, it's late, I'm tired, and I'm going to bed, cya later.

605665  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-06-22
Written: (6918 days ago)

Still bored, going to a lake 2marrow, fun fun, then, maybve somewhere on saturday, maybe if I feel like riding in a trunk, lol.

603683  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-06-20
Written: (6920 days ago)

bored, going to go mow the lawn in a few minutes. It's fucking monday. Bored out of my mind. Gonna call a couple people today. Still listening to Static-X, I'll write more later when something actually happens

603312  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-06-20
Written: (6921 days ago)

rode like 14 miles today on my bike, still trying to get in shape. Bored, like always, added a few new poems to my wiki on the front page, if your not sure which one I'm talking about, well, there are 3 seperate pages, you figure out the rest, lol. Like I said, bored as all fuck and I have nothing to do, listening to Static-X. I kind of feel like shit at the moment, have the worst head-ache. Don't exactly know what I am doing right now.

602584  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-06-19
Written: (6922 days ago)

No more weirdness...for now. I actually have added a third page onto my wiki, though I won't say which one. You can find it in my house. Bored and a little annoyed. Listening to the Nine Inch Nails. It's after midnight now and I'm still waiting for my food, damn them. Arby's is open late, lol. I am hoping that I can get a job there, or at wendys. I don't want burgerking and KFC still won't hire me and as for pizza hut, I haven't checked yet, Ionia has to many fast food places, resulting in to many fat people like me, lol.
   (\ /)
  (")(") awww, look at the bunny I made, lol.
Yeah, I'm quite bored.
   (\ /)
  (^.^)  I have nothing to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now listening to Rage Against The Machine. I have to ride 28 miles in a bike-a-thon next month so I'm thinking about riding to portland for no good reason to get into shape, *wonders if he should call [Maromi] before he goes* not sure when I would though. I'm gonna go, talk to ya later.

600702  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-17
Written: (6924 days ago)

Hey, you ever heard that band that I can't think of, remember, they have that song I can't remember. Anyway, Life is good at the moment, been having fun, going to fox fest tomarrow, I will probably have a new pic up of myself tomarrow if I get a new one, I hope I can. Now, pardon me while I burst into flames, ok, all done. Still bored as all F--- right now. It F---ing sucks. Sorry, i wanted to edit myself today, I'm feeling a bit wierd, don't worry, I'll be alright............eventually.

598717  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-06-15
Written: (6926 days ago)

had a good day, finally, lol. Everything in my life is going right now. I did fuck up on one thing today, I won't say what though. Hey, anyone who reads this, go out and rent Team America: World Police, that movie is so fucked up it's hilarious. Also, download a song called Pink Dinosaur, it's the most retarted song in the world but it's cool at the same time, you have to hear it to believe it. Bored bored bored, thats what I am right now. Nothing to do, I think I am going to go to bed, *falls over*

596512  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-06-12
Written: (6928 days ago)

party was fun, I know because I am feeling a little pain now, so I know it was fun. We had a little organized wrestling, but I got kicked in the gut, punched in the juggular, fun fun, lol. But I did get a few good kicks in and a few good takedowns. Wrestling is fun. Got my schedual for the fair, working from 3:30p.m. to 10:00p.m. everyday for ten days, thats six and a half hours everyday for a total of 65 hours, and I'm actaually working with the same two people that I know all 10 days, should be fun. Gonna try not to do some of the stupid things I did last year, not gonna name any of them, lets just say I've learned my lesson. Thats about it.

595655  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-06-11
Written: (6929 days ago)

Going to my friends b-day party today at six, should be fun, I'll get to see my g/f there. I don't really have that much to say. School is out for the summer, freedom, lol. Only one more year. I am working at my local fair parking cars in the back lot which is close to my house. I have got the same lot for four years now, it's great, and I'm working with people I know, so it should be fun. Well, I'll be back later.

594780  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-10
Written: (6930 days ago)

bored, I am on my school computer, this is the last day for me before the summer starts, only a few more hours, I'm gonna miss school though, cause now I'm not sure what I'm gonna do during the day. I am hoping to be able to spend more time with my g/f, but I have to find more ways over, I might be seeing her at my friends b-day party. Finally quit smoking, don't know what I'm gonna do with my free time now, lol. Have to find a healthier habit. I kinda got my punching bag set up and some new weight equipment, so I am working out more now. I have dropped a few pounds and put on some more muscle, I am hoping to lose all my fat and put on a lot more muscle before the summer is over. I am going to call my g/f after school today, I am kind of nervous about that because of something that I gave her, but no worries, cause I'm gonna call anyway. Well, I think thats about it.

594379  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-09
Written: (6931 days ago)

well, that was great. Went our my first date with my g/f yesterday, she looked absolutly beautiful, she showed my around her hometown, it was cool, ummmm... not alot else to say, I'll ttyl

592915  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-06-08
Written: (6933 days ago)

Bored, only one more day. Listening to the Murderdolls, awsome band. Have to give a presentaion at my school tomarrow for my final, that should be fun. Went to go and see my friend mike, really, this has been a boring day

592191  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-06-07
Written: (6934 days ago)

It's monday, damn, only 2 more days. Sorry, I bought the International Superhits by Greenday, it's awsome, it's an older best of CD. Finals are wednesday, fun fun fun, lol. Actually, I am doing to full report on Japan, Anime included, so it's fun. Well, what more can I say, life is great, and how couldn't it be with such a wonderful girl in my otherwise sucky life. I gtg, cya'll(this is my made up word) later.

590776  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-06-05
Written: (6936 days ago)

can't wait for wednesday, really I can't, lol. It's my g/f's and my first date, unless you count walking through an open field every wednesday a date, then we have had many, lol. Hey, I value our time together, lol. I know, I say lol to much, lol.

589894  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-03
Written: (6937 days ago)

bored, don't exactly know what I am doing. I am thinking about calling my friend Mike. Maybe get some smokes, I am trying to quit, it's harder than most people think, my suggestion, never start smoking. Listening to Slipknot. Got some chrome nail polish, wearing that and black, thinking about geting a new pic up. Probably going to try and call my g/f if I can.

 The logged in version 

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