[Dragonette4063]'s diary

569937  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-05-05
Written: (6966 days ago)

That dragon quiz thing.

So, I took the Inner Dragon quiz at http://dragonhame.com , and apparently I am a mithril dragon. Here's the description from the results page:

Mithril Dragon

In the war between good and evil, Mithril Dragons take the side of the noble and good.
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon walks a fine line between Law and Chaos.
As far as magical tendancies, magical spells come as naturally to the Mithril Dragon as breath from its body.
During combat situations, a true Mithril Dragon prefers to defeat opponents by the use of spells and other tactics.

Dragon Description:

Mithril Dragons build and dwell in castles of crystal, high in the mountainous regions. A Mithril Dragon is honest and gentle.

Mithril Dragons are armored with highly reflective scales. To see one in bright sunshine has the effect of looking at a multi-ton, 150 ft. long disco ball.

They tend to smile frequently but rarely laugh aloud. Mithrils dislike violence. A Mithril Dragon is very selective when choosing close friends, but is generally admired by all. A Mithril Dragon leads a very quiet and unobtrusive life. Never judgmental, the great Mithril Dragon's feelings run deep and true. Mithril Dragons mate for life.

This Dragon's favorite elements are: Mithril, Earth, and Courage

Personally, I think it's pretty much a spot-on match for what I'm like in real life. Online, I tend to be less inhibited, though I'm still very honest. Basically, who I am online is who I would be in real life if I wasn't afraid of being judged or ridiculed. Hmm, maybe I should take the quiz again and answer like my online self...

Okay, done. I'm a copper dragon. Here's the description:

Copper Dragon

In the war between good and evil, Copper Dragons take the side of the noble and good.
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon walks a fine line between Law and Chaos.
As far as magical tendancies, Magical spells come as natural to the Copper Dragon as breath from its body.
During combat situations, whether by spells or by claw, your inner dragon will do whatever it takes to get the job done.

Dragon Description:

Copper Dragons make their homes on wooded hillsides, preferably close to a spring or river. They are fond of the Irish and typically speak with a soft Irish accent.

At birth, the Copper Dragon's body is covered in semi-reflective copper scales. As the dragon matures into its young adult stages these scales become more polished and highly reflective.

As the dragon grows older and moves to the elder stages of life, its scales begin to tarnish and mature into a bright greenish brown color. Copper dragons spend little time among humans, but can be often found among the elves and other magical folk.

This Dragon's favorite elements are: Copper, Emeralds, and Laughter

Once again, a perfect match. This is more like the "real" me, when I'm on the internet or around people I trust. (Out among the general public, I tend to try to blend in and not look conspicuous or be seen as weird. Around my family and good friends, I act naturally because they already know I'm weird, and online there are plenty of fellow weirdoes and everyone else can go to heck if they don't like it.) That quiz thingy works pretty darn well.
569112  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-05-04
Written: (6967 days ago)

I return!

I'm back, after a long period of not being here. I do this every once in a while--get so involved in real-life things that I forget about all my online hangouts. I've even been neglecting all my favorite webcomics for several months...I feel guilty.

Anyway, the reason I'm back doing the internet thing is that IT'S SUMMER VACATION, BABY!! As of today, I am officially done with all things school-related until sometime around the end of August. WOOHOOOO!! FREEDOM!!

Hmm, looking down at my last diary entry, I realize that it has been a month and a half since I saw the Carnegie International, and I still have not gotten that call from the museum gift shop. I really wanted that book, dangit! I still do! Maybe I better come up with a good excuse to go to the museum again. Hey, the natural history museum is in the same building, and they're working on remodeling the dinosaur hall...Maybe I could convince the family to go with me and see it under construction? Ooh, that'd be cool. I haven't been there (the Museum of Natural History) in years...
527172  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-03-19
Written: (7013 days ago)

Artist spaz!

I am one of those artists who is really an artist, in more ways than just doing a lot of drawing. I like to just look at things for what they are, lines and shapes and colors and textures, without expecting any sort of information or message. I especially like to look at other people's art, which is why I went to the Carngie Museum of Art today even though I am still suffering from a sinus infection.

Why I dragged myself (or rather, why my family dragged me, though I was still quite willing) out of my house is because today was the last day of the Carnegie International, a humongous art exhibit featuring the works of contemporary artists from all around the world. Much of it was installation art--that is, things that the artists actually had to come and assemble inside the museum. (Some works were arranged on the walls or floor in specific ways integral to the work. Some involved the construction of entirely new walls to support or enclose them. One guy built several small rooms, including a flimsy wooden loft area, and filled them with weird stuff, including an old leather sofa that had been sawn in half, an ancient rusty motorcycle (in between the halves of the sofa), some old bits of electronics, what I can only describe as a giant sock spider, and, in a little glass case near the entrance, what he claimed to be the fingernail clippings of Bertolt Brecht.) I should have gone to see it earlier, I know, but I and my family members took turns being busy, sick, or just plain lazy until this weekend.

Well, I saw good art and bad art and really weird art, but I didn't really fall in love with any of it until I got to the room containing stuff by Lee Bonticou. She makes these amazing, intricate, beautiful abstract hanging sculptures out of wire and mesh and ceramic, big hovering things that look like insects or futuristic space stations or scale models of galaxies, organic and mechanical features seamlessly blended together. And her drawings (graphite and colored pencil, mostly) are similar in nature, a bit like what you'd get if you crossed Juan Miro and H. R. Giger, abstract but spatial and textural and intricately detailed. I am now officially a huge fan of this artist. I wanted to spend hours in that room just staring and internalizing everything, but the rest of my family (my sis, my mom and my dad were all with me) wanted to keep moving, and my sinus infection wanted a big boxful of Kleenex. I tried to find something relevant to Lee Bonticou's art in the museum gift shop--a book, some postcards, anything to stare at that might evoke the same feeling of awe and wonder I had looking at the exhibit--but there was nothing there. Currently, anyway. Apparently they had a book on Lee Bonticou for sale there at one point, but the book went out of print. Then the lady behind the counter piqued my interest by mentioning that there would be a second printing of this book in about a month, and that the gift shop was already taking names of customers interested in obtaining a copy. And just when she had me sold, she added that this book would cost around 50 dollars (U.S., of course). This was enough to turn my mother and father off of the idea, but me? No. There is no stopping an artist once she's been inspired. I put my name on that list, gosh darn it. I will, however, look at the book carefully before I actually buy it. For 50 bucks, though, I'm betting it's exactly what I'm looking for--a full-color, hardcover, coffee-table type book, all high-quality pictures and very few words.

I will be drooling and quivering in anticipation until then, especially since it is next to impossible to find anything online about Lee Bonticou. Apparently, after she caught the art community's attention way back in the 70's, she decided to withdraw from the public art scene completely and has only recently reemerged into the limelight--she does not have an online gallery, and there are very few pictures of her work to be found on the interent. Arrgh! I need my Bonticou fix!!
524642  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-03-17
Written: (7016 days ago)

I are photographer!

I entered two photos in the ET Photograph Competition! They are on page 4. That is all!

Update (March 27): Okay, they got moved to page 5. But they're still there! Ha!
524422  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-16
Written: (7016 days ago)

Diagnosis: Too Much TV

So I went to the doctor today, and after waiting about half an hour to see her (the waiting room was PACKED--flu and allergy season, don'tcha know), I told her what was wrong (sinus infection and mysteriously swollen fingers). Then we got into a conversation that sounded a lot like an episode of House:

Doctor: "Hmm, have you been sick any other times in the past couple weeks?"

Me: "Actually, yeah, a week or so ago I thought I had the flu, but it went away in a few days."

Doctor: "Did you have any sort of a rash when you thought you had the flu?"

Me (confused by strange question): "...Uh...Oh, yeah, actually I did. There weren't any bumps or anything, just some red splotches on my chest and stomach that didn't itch or anything. They went away a few hours after I noticed them. What does that mean?"

Doctor: "I think you might be suffering from some complications caused by strep."

Yes, apparently the flu-thing I had last week was strep throat without the sore throat part. I did not know this was possible (my mom now theorizes that it was because I have no tonsils), so naturally I though I had some little 48-hour bug and didn't tell my doctor. Apparently, an untreated strep-throat infection can cause weird side effects, including my swollen fingers. So my doctor put me on antibiotics for the sinus infection, though they will help the strep thing too if that's what it really is. She also did one of those nasty gaggy throat-swab tests, which in a few days will tell if I actually have strep or not. And just in case she was wrong, she made me get a blood test to make sure the finger thing wasn't something more serious.

So now I have a head full of snot, my fingers are all fat and sore, AND my arm hurts. Oh well. At least I'm probably on the road to recovery.

On the "I have no tonsils" thing: I had them removed when I was six, after they stopped working right and caused me to become chronically infected with--guess what?--strep throat. (It's a nasty (but not fatal) bacterial disease whose most famous symptom is a really wicked sore throat. "Strep" is short for the type of bacteria that cause it, which I'm guessing is either streptococcus or streptobacillus. I'll have to look it up.)
523402  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-16
Written: (7017 days ago)

Diagnosis: Hypochondriasis

Okay, not really. I actually have something that could be serious. For one, I feel like crap because I have a cold that skipped the "cold" stage altogether and instantly became a sinus infection--which for me is not unusual, just annoying and icky. My real worry is that some of my fingertips hurt and have started to swell up (unrelated to the sinus infection, obviously). I know I didn't injure them--how could I have, when it's a few random fingers on each hand? I have no idea what could possibly be causing it--well, okay, it might be poor circulation or some sort of vitamin deficiency (lord knows I have terrible nutritional habits). What really sucks about it is that my left pinky is all swollen and hurts like heck to touch, so since I'm left-handed, I can't write, draw, or paint. What really really sucks is that my spring break just started today. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning, so hopefully they'll figure out what's wrong with my hands and give me some means to fix it. (The sinus infection doesn't matter. I get them all the time, and they usually go away on their own.) Luckily I can still type okay.

This sucks.

...Wait a minute, did I just say "lord knows" somewhere in there? Huh. Religious expressions are so ingrained into this culture that even I use them, and I don't believe in God/gods. (Well, I don't deny the possibility that he/she/they could exist, but until someone shows me convincing scientific proof, I'm inclined to believe otherwise.)
517762  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-03-10
Written: (7023 days ago)

Woohoo! Finally finished that collage project thingamabobber! Not gonna post another picture of it yet, because all that glue made it dry all benty-like, and I want to let it be sat on by something heavy for a few days to flatten it out again. But it's cool.

515726  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-03-08
Written: (7025 days ago)

Ze flu thing is be gone! Apparently it wasn't actually the flu, because it only lasted about 2 days. Now I can play with my tablet, yay!

...Though this whole Elftown thing is so darn addicting...Not to mention the fact that I have a VERY time-consuming project that I have to finish by Thursday for my Basic Design 2 class. Hmm, methinks I'll post a picture of the work in progress. Gimme a minute while I go take one and upload it somewhere.

...Okay, here is a terrible photo of the thing:


It's a collage in complimentary colors. Basically, it's a bunch of tiny magazine bits stuck on a piece of 11x14" bristol board with a curious mixture of 1/3 water and 2/3 Elmer's glue. The design is based on a microscopic picture of the shell of a foraminifera (tiny little single-celled organism that makes a shell out of silica). I need to cover all the blank (white) space with more magazine shreds. This requires next to no thought but takes a very, very long time.

513952  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-03-05
Written: (7027 days ago)

I joined Elftown yesterday, yay! This is officially my first diary entry thingy.

So. Thursday was the long-awaited arrival of my brand new Wacom tablet. Friday was the not-awaited arrival of influenza (at least, I think that's what it is). Life's funny like that.

 The logged in version 

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