[Nazarath.93]'s diary

952445  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-06-27
Written: (6218 days ago)

I have IMVU now. Please add me
My name is LordNazarath.
add me...
and talk to me...
or else.

952444  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-06-27
Written: (6218 days ago)
Next in thread: 952452

Todays scary fact

"nothing in the world is scarier than Vincent Price"

951267  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-06-23
Written: (6221 days ago)
Next in thread: 951287

Epic and date movie are the stupidest movies ever made...

950922  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-22
Written: (6222 days ago)
Next in thread: 951286

Todays scary fact:

"97 pound women with tits so large they should be in a walker usually have no problem killing thousands of Zombies."

950820  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-22
Written: (6222 days ago)

I think satanism needs to be a little more esoteric. To many mall goths now use the whole "Well its not satan worship" line to their parents in a fit of teen angst. It almost makes me ashamed to dress the way I do, and actually be a satanist because of all the damned mall goth/ emo people. But I am proud to honestly say that:
-The way I dress is part of my personal aesthetic
-Whenever my parents bring it up in a cride way I just say "Ok go ahead and think that"
-Ive never used the satanism line to anger anyone, because everyone in my family doesnt know. (Proving that my religion is not just a cause for teen rebellion)
-And I cant remember the last time I was depressed or sad...I get frustrated alot, but thats because my computer sucks.
-And I never go into Hot topic...I have before to buy boots, but thats it.

yup im the lord and master...now give me peanut butter!

950790  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-22
Written: (6223 days ago)
Next in thread: 950799, 950888

yesterday was my last day of school ^^ feels great to be free!
Anyways, I told people I would dress up like a girl, and I did! Yes I went to school in a corset, skirt, fishnets, and stripper heels. I also tweezed my eyebrows and dyed my hair all black.
This one dude was checking me out because I was walking holding hands with [Erishkigal], he didnt know I was a guy...oh how funny.
Anyways that was the most uncomfortable experience of my life...never doing that again! the eyebrows, heels and corset all hurt like hell, and I kept sitting like a guy ><

anyways afterward I went home (second I did I changed, that was the greatest feeling on earth) then around 7 me and 8 friends went to the olive garden and spent $183.00. Yup that was a great day...^^

*just for the record the heels I wore were about 6 inches tall.

950583  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-06-21
Written: (6223 days ago)
Next in thread: 950685

Todays Scare fact:

"Normally jumping out of a three story building would kill you, but if your being followed by a serial killer, then youll be fine"

950446  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-06-21
Written: (6223 days ago)
Next in thread: 950581

Starting today!
Everytime im on im going to put up a random fear fact ^^ todays is:

"It takes superhuman assassin Skills to be a stalker-killer, because no matter how slow a killer walks, they are always really close, or right behind the door in front of you."

This random fact stating was brought on by watching Mr. Sardonicus...that was a good movie.

949481  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-06-18
Written: (6226 days ago)
Next in thread: 949858

I noticed everyone seems to be bi these days...Is homosexuality becoming a fad? or have people just realized that everyone is a little gay on the inside? Hell I meet skater looking guys who look like the kind of people to throw stuff at gay people admitting that they are bi...even a couple gay people I know are admitting to liking the opposite sex a bit.
Oh well...BI PRIDE!!!!!!!

948459  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-15
Written: (6230 days ago)

Hehe what do you think its about?

Cold Is the hand
Wrapped in bone
Here there be travellers
To far from home
one, two, three, four, five, six
one, two, three, four, five, six
one, two, three, four, five, six
Pale is the face
From road to ruin
fast little steps
without a trace
one, two, three, four, five, six
one, two, three, four, five, six
one, two, three, four, five, six
Cannot understand
What need be said
When hope has failed
and sun has set
one, two, three, four, five, six
one, two, three, four, five, six
one, two, three, four, five, six
By the stillness of the aching bones
Down and lost with the suns
something wicked this way comes
one, two, three, four, five, six
one, two, three, four, five, six
one, two, three, four, five, six
Ive counted to six
All three times
Ive said the words
And stated the rhymes
one, two, three, four, five, six
one, two, three, four, five, six
one, two, three, four, five, six

947496  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-06-12
Written: (6233 days ago)
Next in thread: 947586


18 whole pages on disproving the bible right here for your enjoyment folks!

the bible: A two-thousand year psychodrama

please read, tell me what you think ^^

947165  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-06-10
Written: (6234 days ago)
Next in thread: 947180

"Fear us, oh great liar in heaven! We the blasphemers, it its us who shall rend your head from thy shoulders! And prod your corpse thrice for each lie ye hath placed upon us! And ten thousand times for each of our honored bretheren who hath died falsly in your name!"

Hehe I wrote that for a ritual ^^ I thought its the best part.

946139  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-06-06
Written: (6238 days ago)
Next in thread: 946311

Just a note

the bible: a two-thousand year psychodrama is still not finished. I will have a password up until its finished. Check back with my diary often.

945538  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-06-05
Written: (6240 days ago)
Next in thread: 945667, 946026
945129  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-06-03
Written: (6241 days ago)
Next in thread: 945143
944741  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-06-02
Written: (6242 days ago)
Next in thread: 944771

Last weekend was great, I kept putting it off to write about it in my diary, but I shall now. I spent all weekend at my friend spencers (playing Elder Scrolls IV oblivion ^^ it so rocks!) Then on sunday Eric, Sam, [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata], and some chick [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata] knows, [Erishkigal] and her sister all came up and we went into the woods and found this perfect spot with an altar looking tree stump, lined it with candles and turned it into an altar (with [Erishkigal]'s sister acting as an altar woman) then I gave all of them a baptism ^^ yup I baptised 7 people satanically and now I feel like a real priest.
Its funny, for some reason I thought the ceremony would just be some short, stupid thing that wouldnt look authentic at all. Because every time my old "coven" from my wiccan days cast magic, it never felt real...just like some stupid teen thing. Even more so when I used to go to church, every prayer just some empty thinking to myself, hell I felt like I was trying to take to an imaginary friend.
But with this ceremony I didnt try to feel some otherworldy force, I felt pure human power through every one of us, and it felt free and invigorating. ^^
I was supposed to give a marriage to Eric and Sam, but they showed up to late and we had to cancel. So im doing that today probably, and some time soon Im holding a black mass (le messe noir). The great thing about all these ceremonies is, its not just three teens trying to cast magic, its about 9 to 15 humans actually manipulating force ^^

944032  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-05-31
Written: (6245 days ago)
Next in thread: 944104

my computer is a cunt!!!

944031  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-05-31
Written: (6245 days ago)

my computer is a cunt!!!

943370  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-05-29
Written: (6247 days ago)
Next in thread: 943448, 943591, 943603


and decided to come up with 50 ways to torture a person. ^^ im very proud of myself. Anyway read all the way to the bottom and please, dont do any of these!!

1. Stab person in gap of ribcage with a rather small knife, this will cause them to slowly die
over many hours, while still in pain.

2. Inject them with finely ground glass in a sensitive area (such as genitals)

3. Cut their fingers off, then take car lighter and burn wounds closed to stop bleeding

4. Take a lighter and burn their finger/toenails off.

5. Wrap a rope around their neck holding both ends of it, pull on both ends so the rope rubs
back and forth really fast causing really bad rope burn. Can be used anywhere on body.

5. Tie all their hair to a truck and hold them in place, then floor the truck.

6. Give them papercuts in all their finger/ toe webs, and in their lip webs.

7. Take a sirated knife and make many small cuts all over body

8. Salt Any wound you may have caused in method 7

9. Put lemon/ orange juice in wounds caused in method 7

10. Take a lighter and burn any wounds caused shut.

11. Hang person from ceiling by their thumbs/ fingers/ toes

12. Sand off their nipples with a portable belt sander.

13. (Males only) Shove thin, hard rod of glass up urethra. Bend penis until the glass snaps.
(optional: Fill glass with small spikes or shards, salt works to)

14. (females only) Tie 8 ropes to pullies, 4 on one side of room, 4 on the other. Attach hooks
to ropes, peirce hooks through vagina and start streching!

15. Weld their eyes shut with an acetlyne welder.

16. Sew any bodily opening shut.

17. Shove burning peice of metal up nose without actually touching flesh.

18. Drip battery acid on tounge.

19. Break teeth out with chisel and hammer.

20. Chainsaw their eyelashes off (not really painful, unless they move, but will scare nonetheless)

21. remove their eyelids and place fan in front of eyes

22. Repeat 21 but place sand behind fan.

23. Sew lips together and tug on thread, pull lips as far as they can go, or until they rip.

24. Shove portable belt sander up anus and turn on...watch the fun.

25. Hammer+Nails+Achilles Tendon...do the math

26. Shove thumb tacks on every possible centimeter of their body.

27. Cut off eyelids and place cans of gasoline near eyes.

28. Cut off limbs and force feed them to victim.

29. Place heavy rocks on victims face, hands, and feet...really heavy rocks.

30. Peirce nipples with hooks, place hook in a drill. Spin drill. (think tittie twister from hell)

31. Make victim vomit uncontrollably, place gag in mouth

32. throw Victim in pit of used heroin needles.

33. Place super vacuum over eyes, cut off eyelids and turn on vacuum.

34. Cut off various peices of skin, in jigsaw shaped peices. Tan them into leather and sew them
into victim.

35. Trap person in in car and put on Kenny G./ Barry Manalow.

36. Clamp Genitals

38. Have fun with a staple/ nail gun.

39. drill screws into finger/ toe nails

40. Rip out intestines trough Vagina (if male, give them a vagina!) shove up ass, pull out
through mouth and hang them with it.

41. Place loaded gun barrels touching ears (but not pointed at ears) fire rapily. Let
Noise take its toll

42. Clamp nose and twist clamp until nose snaps.

43. Taser them!

44. Place their head against hard surface, wrap hard leather belt around their head then lock the belt tight and twist
the belt until they start to scream really really loudly, just before you crack their skull stop and let them starve to death

45. Place assorted tacks inside their palate (roof of their mouth)

46. Super glue their mouth shut.

47. Sew lead trench coat into their flesh and make them walk up hills

48. Tip motorcycle on its back while accelerating so wheels move quickly. Place victims tounge on moving wheel. Then do the
same with their back.

49. Tie victim to bed by hands and feet then jump on their stomach.

50. BEST ONE FOR LAST!!! Place victim in a roof completly covered in tin foil, cover all openings an doors with tin foil.
Modify several microwaves so they can operate with their doors open. Tie victim to chair in middle of the room with plastic
wrap so they cannot move. Then leave room and turn microwaves on ^^ watch the fun when the microwaves are done. Then take
victim to a desolate place (middle of desert is perfect) and leave them there to die. God those microwaves would seriously
fuck them up!

937871  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-05-08
Written: (6267 days ago)
Next in thread: 938291

Yet another sick day and Ive spent a few hours playing Pokemon Diamond...God im such a dork XD So what the games for Pokemon kick ass, even though the series and concept are really childish and stupid :P the games are still fun as hell and offer hours of entertainment, Damn you wes and Jason for playing it around me and getting me hooked ...again...

But anyways, Ive noticed there are many people in this world who see fit to write down 3 page long essays explaining how pokemon influences satanism....._. Im a little insulted here. Its understandable to bitch about satanism when your a christian, but bitching about pokemon?!
How does Pikachu=Evil?!
Fucking dumbasses
I swear people have their christian asses so tightened im surprised they can walk anymore.
I also read that the PokeRap song at the end of old pokemon episodes says "I love satan" over and over again when played backwards...Well I listened to it backwards...alot. And I didnt hear anything about satan.
More conspiracy theories from the christians who depend on God to hold their hand when they use the bathroom...

So the Christians say "Pokemon is evil"
I say


want proof?
Look at the pokemon named "combee" and seriously tell me that thing represents a demon from hell!
937689  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-05-08
Written: (6268 days ago)
Next in thread: 938295

Ive come to 2 realizations today...

Realization #1
Abe lincoln was the first president to have a beard...he was also the only one to have a beard and no mustache...

Realization #2
As many of you know I am a real comic nerd, especially super heroes (spider man and batman are my favorites). But I realized that in almost every super hero movie, or series, the super hero saves a baby from a burning building....ok think about it. Most of the time the mom is outside the building screaming "MY BABY, MY BABY!"
Well how often do moms leave infants inside a burning buiding and run out themselves?! I swear If I was ever a super hero saving a baby from a burning building, I would just throw the mom in...then save the baby.

God I notice the weirdest stuff.

 The logged in version 

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