[Nazarath.93]'s diary

958766  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-07-18
Written: (6194 days ago)

Ive been obsessed with Lordi Recently!
I love them!
They are like Gwar playing Kiss music!
Best stage performance at ozzfest (pyrotechnics wise of course, Ozzy was the best!)

Here is one of my favorite songs by them

Would you love a monsterman
Could you understand beauty of the beast

Fire at will - yeah I would kill
Yeah I would freeze all hell over just to get a chill
Yeah I would slay - Yeah I would maim
Yeah I would in thin air and reappear again
Be right in the squares, yeah I would be sincere
Yeah I would lie, Yeah I would lie
Yeah I would be there waking up the dead to get a thrill
I say yeah - I say yeah

Would you love a monsterman
Could you understand beauty of beast
I would do it all for you, would you do it all
Do it all for me

Take your time - you'll be fine
Yeah there is nothing wrong with this
you ain't committing crime
You don't know why we passed you by
You search for something never found
Along these lines
Someday you may turn aruond and terrify
You can't deny - You crucify
Would you get down in the gutter
Swallowing your pride
I say yeah - I say yeah


All that you get is much less
you deserve
Leaving for now
Someday I may return

958579  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-07-17
Written: (6195 days ago)
Next in thread: 958628

Not sore anymore
And I dont have work all this week ^^ yay

Just a few nights ago my mom was watching this documentary on Satanism on the History Channel. I normally dont watch TV with my mom but that was a really cool documentary.
Afterward we got to talking and she wondered how I knew so much about satanism. I told her I studied it.
Later she asked me if I still believed and worshipped god.
Im tired of lying to her about it
So I told her
Yup my mom now knows I am a satanist and have been for along time.

Best part is: Shes fine with it
yup shes not mad or anything.
She knows its a harmless religion and shes glad I dont do human sacrafices etc. So she is perfectly fine with it ^^

958107  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-07-15
Written: (6197 days ago)
Next in thread: 958161

Went to ozzfest...again
But this time I moshed more
there were more people
and I went front center of the pit and I was so close to the stage I had to look up to see ozzy!
Fucking best concert ever!!

also: Me and [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata] and some other people went around holding up signs that said "free hugs". Yup we were trying to spread the love at ozzfest, one metal head to the next ^^ Our love spreading got so popular, the ozzfest stage manager wanted us to be on the website!
Yup we got recorded and now were gonna be on the fucking website! And after alot of hugs it turns out alot of female metalheads wanted to show us their tits...how could that have been any better?!
anyway im still sore, even more than before but it was all worth it.

957750  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-07-14
Written: (6198 days ago)

I went to ozzfest
I saw Lordi, Behemoth, Nile, Lamb of God, Cthonic, Three inches of blood, static X, Hatebreed, and most importantly OZZY
I shook Ozzy's hand

head hurts
neck hurts
back hurts
cant talk
cant move

going to see them AGAIN tommorrow
all over again

yup...10 more hours of pure fucking mosh pitting ^^
Im gonna die!
with a smile
at an ozzy concert ^^

954900  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-07-04
Written: (6208 days ago)

I am in the best mood ^^
My friends have all been getting their report cards, and most of them are getting grounded off their asses ><
ANYWAYS, I knew mine was coming in the mail today so.... Ive been worried all day. but just about 6 mins ago I stole the mailbox key from my mom's room, and walked down the street, and burned it! hahahahah
I thought I had 3 F's, but I only had one. So I wouldnt have been in to much trouble, but its better this way ^^

954873  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-07-04
Written: (6208 days ago)

GO here now...


most pointless wiki ever

if you dont I will mangle you with a shoehorn

im just saying...

954290  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-07-02
Written: (6210 days ago)

ok while im working on the rest of the Rp you are allowed to veiw the storyline. Its rather long and imaginative so You may want to read it

The Storyline of Terra Veneficus B.C.C

954260  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-07-02
Written: (6210 days ago)

Ok ive decided to make a new rp
But I changed the name...well just added another C at the end. So here it is

Terra Veneficus B.C.C

953659  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-29
Written: (6213 days ago)

For all you who wish to disprove the bible, here is the greatest evidence ^^
Pair it with my wikis and see if you still believe the bible now!

953500  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-29
Written: (6213 days ago)
Next in thread: 953501

Wow people must thrive on stupidity
I swear some people get so paranoid about satan its almost insulting


"Look carefully at the two images. The one on the left is the Satanic Symbol "Baphomet" or the goats head. It can be found on the cover of the "Satanic Bible". Now look at the one on the right. Looking at the center of the star, and the two vertical "wings" you will find your old buddy "Yoda" staring you right in the face. How many young people and adults have had that image subliminally planted in their heads is beyond estimation. Going to the movies? Think again!!


(Quote taken from some over zealous religions theist rant)

....*owl noise*
Ill let you come to your conclusions about that...

953489  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-29
Written: (6213 days ago)

Ok if I ever have kids, Im playing this song for them when they are infants! XD
Not really, ill let them make their own descisions. But this has got to be the funniest song ever!


953463  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-29
Written: (6213 days ago)

Ok...good news and bad news

Good news:
Computer is running like new. My comp is at full speed and its all better ^^ I know have a full working computer with no problems ^^

Bad news:
The reason its like that is because my computer stopped working at all. I called tech support, the only option that worked was a full destructive system restore. Which means...I now have no music, documents, programs, anything that I installed or made on my computer.

Semi good news:
[Erishkigal] has most of my stuff on her computer ^^ so I can get alot back.

953332  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-06-28
Written: (6214 days ago)

Im might make a new rp soon
keyword there is: MIGHT

Anyways if I do it will be called:
terra veneficus BC

Check back for any further diary entries.

952547  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-06-27
Written: (6215 days ago)
Next in thread: 952690


In memory: Nazarath's nails

I cant type, I cant scratch, my fingers look fat, and I feel like shit...

952450  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-06-27
Written: (6215 days ago)
Next in thread: 952461, 952477

In other news I got a job. I will be working at a convinience store as a stocker/ janitor for $8.00 an hour. I will be working 5 hour days (4 to 9) unless fridays or weekends to which I will be working 6 to 7 hour days (4 to 11). So Obviously I wont have time for ET during those hours so dont expect to see me.
Also I will be working about 5-6 days a week. Sooooo people who are madly in love with me and cant live without me, will have to for certain periods of time.
Ill be making about 700-800 a month, ^^ that makes nazarath a very happy nazarath ^^

952445  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-06-27
Written: (6215 days ago)

I have IMVU now. Please add me
My name is LordNazarath.
add me...
and talk to me...
or else.

952444  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-06-27
Written: (6215 days ago)
Next in thread: 952452

Todays scary fact

"nothing in the world is scarier than Vincent Price"

951267  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-06-23
Written: (6219 days ago)
Next in thread: 951287

Epic and date movie are the stupidest movies ever made...

950922  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-22
Written: (6220 days ago)
Next in thread: 951286

Todays scary fact:

"97 pound women with tits so large they should be in a walker usually have no problem killing thousands of Zombies."

950820  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-22
Written: (6220 days ago)

I think satanism needs to be a little more esoteric. To many mall goths now use the whole "Well its not satan worship" line to their parents in a fit of teen angst. It almost makes me ashamed to dress the way I do, and actually be a satanist because of all the damned mall goth/ emo people. But I am proud to honestly say that:
-The way I dress is part of my personal aesthetic
-Whenever my parents bring it up in a cride way I just say "Ok go ahead and think that"
-Ive never used the satanism line to anger anyone, because everyone in my family doesnt know. (Proving that my religion is not just a cause for teen rebellion)
-And I cant remember the last time I was depressed or sad...I get frustrated alot, but thats because my computer sucks.
-And I never go into Hot topic...I have before to buy boots, but thats it.

yup im the lord and master...now give me peanut butter!

950790  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-22
Written: (6220 days ago)
Next in thread: 950799, 950888

yesterday was my last day of school ^^ feels great to be free!
Anyways, I told people I would dress up like a girl, and I did! Yes I went to school in a corset, skirt, fishnets, and stripper heels. I also tweezed my eyebrows and dyed my hair all black.
This one dude was checking me out because I was walking holding hands with [Erishkigal], he didnt know I was a guy...oh how funny.
Anyways that was the most uncomfortable experience of my life...never doing that again! the eyebrows, heels and corset all hurt like hell, and I kept sitting like a guy ><

anyways afterward I went home (second I did I changed, that was the greatest feeling on earth) then around 7 me and 8 friends went to the olive garden and spent $183.00. Yup that was a great day...^^

*just for the record the heels I wore were about 6 inches tall.

 The logged in version 

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