i feel like SHIT. like, u know, S-H-I-T. i'm going to go and just throw up until i'm blue god!!!!
love alwayz,
I'm am so seriously pissed off. i'm at the library right now and i just realized that if i dont stop dumping every guy that i go out with after three months, then when i'm older, i'll die alone, unwanted, and unloved and how bridget jones puts it, "found, half eaten by dogs three weeks later". god i seriously need to get serious about boys cuz they arent all actually that bad now that i think about it....i guess..
God i'm so freaking pissed. This girl is all like, "Velvet, ur my bestfriend" and the next thing u know she says all this crap about me behind my back. i mean, she said that i was a lesbian and that i tried to rape her when i went to her house and spent the night (NOT true, i'm totally straight) and then she said that some other girl was a lesbian and that i dont like her because she isnt a lesbian. well actually none of it is true and thats the part that really pisses me off. and the fact that shes acting like nothing happened. she acts like i'm her bestfriend. actually she doesnt even know that i know because the person that she told goes to a different school so she doesnt even think that she knows me but i do i've known that girl for two years. god i'm so pissed. nothing can help me. no one can help me. only my bestest friend inky can help me and he's far away....i wish that i could talk 2 him rite now but he goes to a totally different school. at least i have his bracelet with me rite now so that i can remember him. its the one livestrong that says music=life lolz so hott
luv alwayz,
OMG i hurt my neck so bad on my friend's trampoleen on saturday!!! i mean, my neck snapped back all the way and forward all the way and it didnt hurt till sunday and then i was at the ER from 9 PM to 2 AM and i'm in this stupid neck thingy (the ones people wear after a car accident) and i'm on really strong medication. ARGH
Oh and btw, how do i change where i live on this? cuz i accidentally put "new mexico" and i dont live there lol HELP
Well today was early release, but it was the same bullshit 101 (u know they said that in a commentary for a mcdonalds comerical in the 70's? we watched it in class one time) but yeah, i just got back from biking with my friend (i sorta made an exuse to go home early though. i wasnt up to going outside with anyone at the time and i'm still not, i'm really tired) and i really wanna play the PS2 but:
1. There's no one to play with
2. i cant set it up