[Music Addict]'s diary

1032898  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-06-01
Written: (5869 days ago)

Here is the begining to our apartments Constitution....we obviously need help..........

Constitution of THE APARTMENT

1. "Residents" have the power to make all final desicions in THE APARTMENT; as well as veto any "Crew Members" choices.

2. All decisions must be agreed upon by ALL "Residents" as well as be written down by the Sribe, if need be, before they come into effect.

3. "Residents" must convine to create/edit "Rules" to this document, add/remove "Crew Members" or "Residents",
along with any and all major desicions pertaining to THE APARTMENT or the livelyhood of "Residents" and "Crew Members".

4. Noted "Crew Members" can make temporary desicions that are needed when there are no residents around to make it. The "Crew Member(s)" that make the desicion have full responisbility for the consequences that ensue from their choice(s). These desicions can be vetoed at any time by any "Resident".

5. Under any circumstances, Anthony Loja and Cory harvey (Paying the most rent) have final say in terms of this document and THE APARTMENT in general. Even over other "Residents"

6. This Constitution is a living document and is viable to change at any time, under the watch and power of the "Residents".

7. A list of "Residents" and their duties within and pertaining to THE APARTMENT, along with those of "Crew Members", will be posted on another document. This other document, titled "Roster", is also a living document and can be changed at anytime through the watch and power of the "Residents".

8. Only "Residents" have the power to give someone a title. A "Crew Member" with a title may suggest possible canidate(s) for an open title slot.

9. The only people who may hold a title are "Residents" and "Crew Members". "Fringe Members" are not capable of holding any title besides that of "Initiate"; which still must be given by the "Residents"

10. "Crew Members" and "Residents" must up hold their title and duties. If they disconitue their duties they can be removed from their title and post through the watch and power of the "Residents".

1. THE APARTMENT- the place of living where these rules are believed in and are enforced.

2. "Resident"- A person who lives in THE APARTMENT and is somehow putting in effort/monetary value to THE APARTMENT or the livelyhoods of all other "Residents". ie. If your not giving to the rest of us you get nothing from us. YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE!

3. "Crew Member"- A person who gives time/energy or anything else who doesn't live in THE APARTMENT. A "Crew Member" usually will have duties and other such things.

4. "Fringe Member"- A person who doesn't add to THE APARTMENT in any consitant, or worthwhile, way. If they are givin any Title, unless it is a joke or an "Initiate Title".

5. "Initiate Title"- Someone who wants a try at a title can take it via diplomatic force. Or they can request to become an "Initaite" of the Title and work up the ranks by proving themselves. An "Initiate" has only the power to run basic errands for the "Crew Member" (if one) with the Title. Meanwhile if the Title holder whom the "Initiate" is under is a "Resident" they can do anything that all the "Residents" feel the "Initiate" can do.

5. "rules"- A governing statement that will be enfored by "Residents" and "Crew Members" as well as be respected by visitors to THE APARTMENT. A "Rule" is anything within the Constitution, Roster or anything that the "residents" post somehow. "Rules" must be clear and easily understood.

And finally Our Crew Roster. Which needs to be updated.


*=This title can be owned by multiple people

NOTE:Any "Resident" can hand off a title temporarily (Agreed upon time by the "Residents") to a, trusted, "Crew Member" whom the "Residents" approve capable. It is then, if something goes wrong, both the "Resident"'s and the trusted "Crew Member"'s responibility. The "Resident" for bad leadership. The "Crew Member" for incompitence. If things go above par both will be praised. The "Resident" for good leadership and management. The "Crew Member" for competence (Possible re-crowning of Title).

-----To facilitate the traffic and use of Alchohalic substances through THE APARTMENT. Also is incharge of cleaning, atleast mostly, the mess of any alchohalic occurence, with help from the Maid. Is to organize beer runs. The Barkeep should somehow be compensated for any Alchohal the Barkeep buys, the Barkeep should never have to pay fully; unless it is the Barkeeps idea and the Barkeep is the only one involved. In any form of police related issue the Barkeep should be present,
if not running the show.
------------------"Net God"
-----To watch, Keep track of and repair the internet problems. Any computer bullshit, ecspecially internet realated ones. In short, if there is a tech related problem within THE APARTMENT it is the Net God's responibility to deal with. Any costs will be split between the problems owner and the Net God, if not just the problem owner. The Net God should never pay fully, unless dictated by the Net God.
-----The Chefs job is to cook any and all MEALS within THE APARTMENT. The Chef is NOT responsible for snacks and other random food items. All chefs convine on a decided day and plan out the weeks meal plan, the Chefs shouldn't have to cook more than dinner and bulk 'staying food' for the week ahead. The Chefs and the Maid plan out groceries for the week on the same decided day. The chefs and maid should split the costs of eating on most occasions.

-----To facilitate the traffic of cannabis sativa, E, shrooms, or anyother mind altering substance through THE APARTMENT. Also responisble for the cleaning & maintenence of all & any drug related equipment that may be present. Is to clean up after any drug related incident, with help from the Maid. Must OK all drugs within the house before use. In any form of police related issue the Apothocary should be present, if not the one incharge.
--------------------"Father Time"
-----Keeps track of due dates, bills and anyother important date/time asked to record. Is not to do much more than remind "Residents" and "Crew Members" that something is comming up. Ecspecially the day of. If there is a problem with memory; if it isn't in Father Times books, it wasn't important enough for "Resident(s)" or "Crew Member(S)" to remind Father Time to record it in the first place.

-----To write down all important information. The Scribe is the only one who can change this document, the Constitution,
or anyother document that the Scribe or the "Residents" deem to be writen. Is responisble to keep any and all documents in order and clear to all who needs to read them. Is also responsible for mail comming in and out of THE APARTMENT.
-----The Maids main responibility to keep the main areas within THE APARTMENT clean and looking presentable, to the standards of the "Residents". The Maid is NOT responsible for cleaning the "residents" rooms unless otherwise negotiated. The maids other duty is to keep all "residents" with clean clothes, towels and the like. As well as organize shopping lists, shop for groceries, and organize meals with the "Chefs". Lastly, most things on a teens 'chores' list is the Maids responability.
-----The Chefs job is to cook any and all MEALS within THE APARTMENT. The Chef is NOT responsible for snacks and other random food items. All chefs convine on a decided day and plan out the weeks meal plan, the Chefs shouldn't have to cook more than dinner and bulk 'staying food' for the week ahead. The Chefs and the Maid plan out groceries for the week on the same decided day. The chefs and maid should split the costs of eating on most occasions.


-----To be an Entertainer one must have some form of entertaining skill/characteristic that the "Residents" find interesting. An Entertainers duty is to entertain anyone in THE APARTMENT if they can. If there is to be a gathering/party at THE APARTMENT the Entertainer may be asked to use their skill at the gathering/party. If they choose to do so they should be equally compansated, unless otherwise noted by the Entertainer.
--------------------"Apothocary Initiate"
-----The duties of the Initiate Apothocary is to help the Apothocary in anyway the Apothocary needs.

1029793  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-05-17
Written: (5884 days ago)
Next in thread: 1029937


Drugs galore
People adore
Pills a'gore
People grow
People ruin
People die
Some lost to fame
Some not to vain
Speed and greed
Smoke and choke
Coke and croak
~Patrick Commins~
1028056  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-05-08
Written: (5893 days ago)

I have decided to post my poetry and random thought up in this diary thing. All the diary is is a damn blog anyway.
I may even post my apartments Constitution here. I'm way to into and inspired by that thing.

Lookin' Round (May change title)
As the worlds spin
Twirlin' in their orbits
Wirlin' round their balls of gas
Swirlin' in their elequent dance
Lit only by strobe lights
We go amongst our fights

Blowing each other way
Each and every day
Leaders on giants shoulders
Like crushing flowers
Stealing candy from babies
Just to feed it to Hades

We go amongst our fights
Our day lit with bomb flare
Enough for Ghangis to have a scare
Up and down our planes soar
Much like the price of a whore
Enough to make the brothers cry to the core

Survival is loosing its lights

All of this and I'm still asked of God
Sodom and Gamorah
His cities of sins and ash
Are our cities of grins and cash
'Nough said
~Patrick N. Commins~

 The logged in version 

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