[Music Addict]'s diary

1055822  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-11-21
Written: (5686 days ago)

Escapism from little kids.

When'​​s the next time you will see the perso​n who absol​utely​ takes​ your breath away?​​

Think​ back to March​,​​ how was your love life then?​​
In march? Non-existent

What are you liste​ning to?
A pair of twin crying for food, a two year old asking me if he can put a glass of water in the microwave because he wants it hot and a seven year old talking about how she is going to make her taco for dinner. OH! You mean music? Brandie Carlyle's "Silver Cloud".

Do you have a bad tempe​r?​​
no not really.

Do you like anyon​e?​​
Damn straight.

when is the next time you will kiss someone?
Tomorrow! Maybe tonight if my niece or sister wants a kiss goodnight.

Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
Yeah but most people say how weird they look.

Do you like to go on walks?
I love wandering around.

Hows your heart?
Its skips beats a lot recently. Both metaphorically and physically.

Do you hate the last perso​n you kisse​d?​​​
Excuse me? I think your logic needs a tune up.

Last night​ you felt:​​​
Yesterday? Pretty good. A little worried and annoyed before I went to sleep.

Has anyone told you they love you today?
Yes. I hear it everyday.

what did you have for dinner?
Creole Tacos!

How often​ do you hold back from sayin​g what you are think​ing?​​​
Again, your logic is flawed and needs to be beat with a sledge hammer.

What are you going to do after this?
Watch a movie, write some more and hopefully go off to the apartment rather than take care of kids again.

1054937  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-11-14
Written: (5693 days ago)

The Greatest Work

No giants shoulders to stand on
No "for a better world"
No riches from a New World
Fights will be had
Embraces will be shared
Tears will be shed
Smiles will shine
Hearts ma be broken
Souls will soar
And so much more
we will grow
we will glitter like gold
We will soar
No giants shoulders
For none alive has truly attained
No "for a better world"
For nothing happens to the world
No riches from a New World
For there is nothing material within
This is truly Bohemian
This work
And is only accomplished by the greatest
And I
                     ~Patrick Commins~

1054918  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-11-14
Written: (5693 days ago)

I don't know what to think of this.....Go to google and search for manbeef.com

No its not a porn.

1053943  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-11-07
Written: (5700 days ago)

This has been on my mind too long to not write about. This is going to be REALLY angsty. Like kill yourself angsty, I apologize.



As innocence suggests
My perceptions might have been twisted
But where did you go wrong
You stood taller than everyone
Blue glasses and red fedora
Held high above the crowd
Your smile and laughter
Brought hope to those who could hear
People didn't follow you
They put worlds upon your shoulders
Making you all the boulder
Your wizened riddles taught me my trades
Now they seem like useless spades
People said you had the touch
I would do anything to give you the push
My mentor
My friend
My brother
Now with your almost 400 pounds of depressive fat
Your sweats and oily looks
I've turned to books
No more is that gallant weight under my spirit
That hearty laughter ringin' in my ears
Those riddles grinding my gears
Just 400 pounds, sweats and beers
You used to be sweet strong and stylish
Like a bold freight
As you walk down the latter you built for yourself
That I followed you up
The worlds fall and roll like marbles
And I'm left building alone
No more is there a team
My question is not where
But why
                         ~Patrick Commins~

1052900  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-10-31
Written: (5707 days ago)

Thought this was interesting. Found it in [The Penguin Who Could Fly]'s diary. It was a religion matching quiz. Interesting results if you know me.

1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
2. Liberal Quakers (86%)
3. Neo-Pagan (84%)
4. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (82%)
5. Secular Humanism (82%)
6. New Age (76%)
7. Scientology (72%)
8. New Thought (71%)
9. Reform Judaism (70%)
10. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (59%)
11. Mahayana Buddhism (57%)
12. Taoism (55%)
13. Nontheist (50%)
14. Theravada Buddhism (48%)
15. Orthodox Quaker (46%)
16. Sikhism (46%)
17. Baha'i Faith (43%)
18. Hinduism (39%)
19. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (36%)
20. Orthodox Judaism (30%)
21. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (27%)
22. Eastern Orthodox (24%)
23. Islam (24%)
24. Jainism (24%)
25. Roman Catholic (24%)
26. Seventh Day Adventist (23%)
27. Jehovah's Witness (9%)

1052091  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-10-26
Written: (5712 days ago)

Something to d while Corey plays WoW.....

001: Lied: Yes
002: Run away: I'm a Gyspy
003: Broken a bone: Yes, my forearm/wrist
004: Failed a class: OHHHH YEAH!
005: Dyed your hair: Yep: Midnight Purple, and Black with Red Streaks
006: Gotten in a car accident: Yes
007. Been out of the country: Yes
008. Met a famous person: My father
009. Driven illegally: No
010. Thrown a temper tantrum: Yes, who hasn't, its called being 2
011. Been suspended: Yes
012. Been expelled: No
013. Given the finger: Nope I have all ten
014. Been in jail: No
015. Overcharged your credit card: No
016. Made out with someone?: Yes
017. Set a body part on fire, for the fun of it?: No, I have common sense
018. Planned your life around the internet?: Planned? No
019. Gone in public wearing underwear?: I don't leave the house without it
020. Swallowed a penny?: No
021. Seen a ghost?: Whats a ghost?
022. Ate dirt?: No
023 Sucked a bug up your nose?: No
024: Got caught stealing?: Yep, cost me $246
025: Been toilet papering?: Totally!
026: Mooned someone?: No
027:. Been so drunk you passed out?: Yeah
028: Gone out in your pajamas?: No, towel yes.
029: Missed school because it was raining?: No, I live in Seattle, thats not an excuse!
030. Kept a secret from someone?: Yes
031. Wanted to hook up with a friend?: Not the greatest idea I've had
032. Sprained/broken/fractured a bone or gotten stitches?: Look up Question 3
032: Almost died: No
033:. Given anyone a bath: Yes
034:. Bungee jumped: No
035:. Broken the law: Yes! FUCK the Police!
036:. Made yourself throw-up: No
037:. Gone skinny-dipping?: No
038:. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: No
039:. How many messenger buddies do you have?: None, I don't use messengers
040:. Do your friends think your dumb?: Damn Straight
041:. Do you have a crush?: More so
042:. Do they know?: Yeah if not the would take some explanation
043: Name one thing that you would give up for them: ?
044: Do you believe in love: Yes, more so than anyone believes
045:. Do you believe in love at first sight: I believe in LUST at first sight, love takes time and work.
046: Are you too shy to ask someone out: No
047: Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?: Myself and the person/people I care about most.
048: Have you ever actually truly honestly been in love before: Every human being has
049. Do you regret loving them?: No learned a lot

1051201  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-10-21
Written: (5717 days ago)
Next in thread: 1052024

Alright time for another entertaining Craigslist posting. Yes this is real. This one was advertised in the Sanfransico Bay area.

bag of butt plugs and/or mannequins parts

Date: 2008-09-17, 6:09PM PDT

~~~~Mannequins have been picked up all we have now is the bag of butt plugs~~~~

Yeah that's right you hear me right, a bag of butt plugs and/or mannequins parts, the mannequins from a store have been disassembled and are laying all over the place, can you come and grab these ladies? We are tired of them all laying around doing nothing when we are all busting are asses all day.

. . . and the bag of butt plugs, yes there is a bag, it's a large safeway or something brown paper bag, and it is filled to the brim with silicone(?) butt plugs, I would not actually recommend using them for their intended purpose as they have been sitting there for I don't know how long. They haven't been used and they are still in their plastic bags. They are an assortment of sizes and colors so if you are trying to do some crazy art piece or stick them to a friends car, or make a Halloween costume I would say get your ass down here and get these butt plugs off our hands! I mean c'mon a free bag O' butt plugs!!!

Maybe you could combine the mannequins and butt plugs to give to a friend for their birthday, anyways just come get them, we don't want our trash men to think we are freaks.

Store Hours noon-7 come by anytime tonight or tomorrow.

Have a beautiful day!

My question. What in the hell kind of store is this? And What in the hell is going on with their patrons!?

I have to add to this! Here is another one from the Detroit Metro area.

Tina, The Telemarketer Who Called Me Last Night - m4w

Date: 2008-09-17, 1:52PM EDT

Dear Tina,

When you called me so unexpectedly at 6:00 last night, I was expecting a call from my sister and brother-in-law . I tried to explain to you that there were steaks on the grill and I had guests coming for dinner, so I really wasn't in a position to talk to you about a time-share in Vegas. You persisted. I am not the rude type, so I continued to indulge you rather than hanging up the telephone in your ear. I figure that probably happens quite often and you were only doing your job. However, I think we had a real misunderstanding and I'd like to set the record straight here.

When I asked you what you were wearing you became very defensive. I am in sales myself and I am required to wear a suit and tie to work every, single day. I simply wanted to make sure you were prepared to make a good first impression.

When I asked you what type of panties you were wearing it was because I wanted to make sure I was dealing with a "normal" person and not a pervert.

Asking you if you were masturbating when you spoke with customers was my way of checking your professionalism.

When you started making claims of sexual harassment, I was flabbergasted. There was really no need to call me names. I was also appalled that you had the audacity to hang up on me! Need I remind you that YOU called me? The least you could have done is to have been grateful that I took the time to speak to you in spite of the fact my steaks were burning.

As for the Vegas time-shares, I am very interested. How about you come over to my place, bring a couple of steaks to grill (as you kind of owe me a few steaks anyway), and we can talk more

Last but not least. This one is from the Houston area.

Light house cleaning needed

Date: 2008-09-23, 4:28PM CDT

Need some light house cleaning. I'm pretty busy and not able to clean my apartment so I need someone to do some light work once a week or so. Here are some pictures to give a general idea.

I have one thing to say of this apartment. If ANYONE on ET takes care of there living space like this. Get away fom me!

1049684  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-10-12
Written: (5726 days ago)

If you want to keep up with the Devil Ducks and the sketch comedy we are making look here.


1047968  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-10-02
Written: (5736 days ago)

Two funny bits I found on "The Best of Craigslist" Section on Craigslist.com. These are actual posts on craigslist.com.

I work at Tullys, you work at Starbucks, it could never work

We're from two different worlds, you and I. I work at Tullys, you work at Starbucks. It could never work out. Our lives are just too different. You guys make 'frappacinos', we make 'spins'. Your coffee is dark italian roast, while ours is a medium dark city roast. You guys have the whole green thing going. We're apples and oranges babe, oil and water. But, I admit, when I see you pulling shots from your La Marzocco, I think for a moment, maybe, just maybe, it could work. Then I realize I'm a fool. What brand of double tall non-fat hazelnut latte extra hot no foam would our children drink? No, it's better that we stay within our seperate worlds. I'll date nice Tullys girls, you'll find a great Starbucks guy, we'll both be happier this way. Let's save ourselves the heartache.

Dear Mom, Things You Never Knew

mom, i told myself that when i was old enough to not be afraid of your reaction, i'd tell you all the shitty things i did as a child and teenager (even if thy are inconsequential now). i always felt really bad about lying about certain things and i want to come clean. so here's ten things you never would have found out, and probably would never want to know.

1. when i was three and i got tired of waiting for you to be ready to go to the circus. i put the car in neutral and rolled down the driveway through the garage door. for the longest time, i swore that i was traumatized by the event, even going so far as refusing to be left in a car alone until i was 12. in all honesty, it was the most exciting ride of my life and my first clear memory. and you know my affinity for birch beer comes from that day... when you went over to the neighbor's house with me because they saw me crash into the garage. they gave me birch beer and i've loved it ever since.

2. i was pretty young and had just learned about calling and harassing the operator. i called maybe 10 times in a row, whispered "fuck you" and hung up. when they finally got fed up and called back, saying a young girl had been calling and saying bad things, i convinced you it was your son and you grounded him for a week. it was me.

3. i think i was about 10 or so and i found $54 dollars on the floor in the closet. i thought it had probably been there for a while so i picked it up and stuffed it in my pocket without saying a word. later that evening when you asked me if i'd seen money on the floor anywhere, i was lying when i said no. that money kept me in candy for weeks. yummmmm.

4. for several years in high school my friends and i would skip school and come to our house. you always took lunch at the same time, so we would go out to the back yard and hang out in the room under the garage and bake for an hour. i cannot tell you how many times we did this. sometimes the dog would be out on the run and be trying so hard, yapping away to let you know we were in there, but you never picked up on it.

5. you know that guy i dated that you begged me repeatedly never to see again? well one night when you slept at your boyfriends, he stayed the night. my brother swore not to tell you and then told nana. i convinced both you and nana that he was lying, when in fact, i was lying. being the golden child sure had its advantages.

6. you know that time i called and left a message saying that a friend of mine needed me and i had to spend the night at her place so i wouldn't be home? well, that morning i buried my school books in the back of my closet and packed some clothes. i went to the train station and caught an amtrak to boston to meet a guy i had met on the internet. in reality, i stayed at a cheap hotel with a guy who very well may have meant to do me harm. thankfully, i turned out OK. man, i should have been an actress i played that one so well. you even wrote me an absence note for school.

7. you know that guy that i said i met in the mall while he was visiting nyc with some of his navy buddies and he stayed at our house for two nights? i didn't meet him in the mall, i met him online. he was a really nice guy though, unlike the creep visiting boston.

8. remember when i was 17 and flew to seattle to meet all those people off the internet that i said were just friends? they weren't. we had a big, week-long orgy and it was great! just kidding. most of them were (and still are) pretty good friends. except for the guy i stayed with for the week, i thought i was in love with him but i really just wanted a fantasy to believe in. good thing i figured that out BEFORE i ran away.

9. and california... oh my god. you have no clue. you're first big "mommy" act ever was to give me a copy of your platinum card when i went out there for a year of school. this was to be used for food, electricity, books, rent, and transportation. food = going to the close-out grocery store and buying ridiculous amounts of alcohol and cigarettes. i lived off cheap frozen pizzas, hot pockets, and taquitos in order to keep costs down and avoid suspicion. and you bought a lot of books. for classes i didn't take. you know the old gas card scam? used sparingly it works wonders at the college bookstore. i feel really, really shitty about this because for all practical purposes i was definitely old enough to know better, even if i was pretty desperate for cash.

10. you were so dead set against me moving out after i got a job. i lied to you about how much my rent was so that i wouldn't have to listen to you bitch about how much money i could save if i stayed home.

Mom, you're awesome. I know we've had our differences (huge at times) but really, your the only mom I've got and you did your best raising two kids on your own. I didn't always make that easy for you, and lacked the insight to see how hard you tried every day to do the best you could for us, while still living your own life. I love you. And if I had it to do all over again, I wouldn't change a damn thing. OK except maybe the book scam... that's just so fucking low.

1047607  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-09-29
Written: (5738 days ago)

I'm bored in Business Tech...therefore I do quizes....

Recipie for me=
3 parts Delight
2 parts Warmth
1 part Intellect

Splash of Prosperity

Finish off with an olive
I am 20% Shy

You aren't shy at all, in fact, you're quite outgoing.
You are comfortable in almost any social situation, no matter how awkward or difficult it may be.
You can make conversation easily, and you know how to focus on other people.
If anything, you're the type of person who can put someone shy at ease.
I am a Natural Flirt

Believe it or not, you're a really effective flirt.
And you're so good, you hardly notice that you're flirting.
Your attitude and confidence make you a natural flirt.
And the fact that you don't know it is just that more attractive!
Apperently I Make a Great First Impression

You can handle almost any social situation with grace, even the tricky ones.
Strangers often find you charming and interesting. You are often remembered fondly.
Even if you're not naturally outgoing, you can make conversation with anyone if you need to.

Whether you were born this way or had to work to get here, you are definitely charismatic.
You're popular and well liked. People definitely look forward to being around you.
Your social connections bring you a full and rich life. You understand how important it is to make a lasting impression.
And Lastly I'm an Athiest

God? No thanks. You're not buying into any religion.
They're all bunk to you. You rather focus on what you know is true.
You may be a passive non-believer or a rabid atheist activist.
But one thing is for sure... no one's going to make you go to church!

Well there you go the boredom of my mind in the middle of Tech and nothing to do but use a computer....I hate these little quiz things, they are inaccruate, based off of a chaos generater I think, and five to ten questions can't sum up even the most basic human ideal, function, or belief

1047000  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-09-25
Written: (5743 days ago)

I seem to be posting quite a bit tonight. Eh. These are some songs my father and I are working on do to us wanting to play together. Some are songs he wrote back in the day and I am helping him work them out while others are ones we are co-writting. They are all Irish tunes with a bit of rock, jazz/blues, and with my influences of regge, punk, funk, and poetic rhyme. Also a whole lot of Blarney! Also want to get my song writting back up and going again so tell me what you think.

It's The Devil In Me (Imagine a carnival-like droning from the accordian and no other instruments with this song)

O help me I think I'm falling
My head is still a burnin' and I'm goin'
Round and round again                (Chorus)
O help me I think I just fell in_to_Hell_again
Now I know for sure thats its the devil in a me


Well I had this offal dream
I couldn't even scream
I was too drunk to walk
I couldn't even talk
I could see stars that night
Must have been in a fight
If I could only see
It's the devil in me

I heard this knock at the door
Couldn't get up off the floor
There must be someone there
But sure I really don't care
Maybe they will go away
I'll start a brand new day
Thats what we all have said
It's the devil in me


I'm going up and then comin' back down again
Moving round and round
Can't you see that I've found
Another sound and town
I feel really fine, twice more around
And I'm homeward bound

I still have those massive scars
From drinking in sleezy bars
I can still see those offal stars
The night I went to planet Mars
while driving some fancy cars
We thought were really ours
Know I now for sure it's
The devil in me

***This song is both a description of the life of an alchohalic musician as well as what life is like as a musician in general. Also it is my da's trophy for defeating his alchohalism. This is a final master peice and I don't care what people think Da and I did a fucking amazing job.
I'm Running Away (This is more of a fast paced fun song. Imagine a little kids nursery beat with a little guitar stumming)

I'm running away and never comming back again
I don't care if you never try to find me a      (Chorus)
I'm running away and never comming back again
I don't care if you never come and look for me!

(Music starts playing)

Intruduction: (Using a little kids voice)
  I don't like my school and everbody hates me. There's big fat Freddy and Little Jimmy. Homework to do every night and I get big F's from my teacher. I can't take it anymore! I think I'm gonna run away and never go to school!


I have found a nice wee place and it's so warm and cheerful here
There's animals and clowns and thrills and people people riding elephants
Sure you can't see me I'm so happy playing away in this big tent
I sell my popcorn to the crowd and I'm never comming home!


I am living in a bus with lots of little monkey friends
There's me and Gus and Franky's tusks and Babba chasing both of us
We do our tricks and fetch some sticks its so great I just can't wait
To do it all again and I'm never comming home!


Here I am in a diffrent town with crowds of people running around
Our costume room has flying baloons were all such fools
There is no school I only wish that you could save me
Running away just doesn't pay I never want to roam again
I really don't want to stay

(Hold)"O Mammy I want to come home!"

***This was written one day while Da and I were thinking and talking about the sense of home and no matter how badly you want to leave, or how far you go. You will always want to come home. I thought explaining this from a little boys perspective would make it a good fun song let alone make the point well because everyone at one point or another when they were little wanted to run away.
Puttin' On The Squeeeeeze (A party song with strong accordian background and a good didly guitar) Anytime it says 'me' you can change it out for 'it' or 'her' anytime, except in the chorus.

Come on and SQUEEEEZZE me
She say to me again and again and again
Please hold me nice and tight
I need to feel those fingers
Up and down from left to right
Come on now and SQUEEEEZZE me         (Chorus)
She says until the morning light
Please hold me nice and tight
Were gonna keep playing this thing all night
Until we get it right!

You can sqeeze me in the ally
""  ""  ""  "" "" "" park
""  ""  ""  "" "" "" morning time
Or squeeze me after dark
You can take her to the beach
In her fancy leather case
Can damn near squeeze her keys
In any party place

Some nights she's very heavy
And some nights she's rather light
Some nights I can't even find the thing
She's the story of my life!
But when we're together now
On goes the lights
I push and pull
And scream and shout
Then everythings alright


So welcome to Heaven here's your harp
And a nice guitar for you
But welcome to Hell
Fight your accordian
It will make you turn black and blue
It grabs you around the throat
Then it beats your back too
It feels so good when you git it on
It wants to be next to you

It pinches me in the legs
And it has ruined all my good clothes
It disturbs the neighbors
And the cat and wakes the dead lord knows
I have this fear that it will go in and never come out again
It makes me laugh and it makes me cry
It's my ACCORDIAN!!!!!!

There's buttons here and buttons there
Buttons everywhere
What are they for I wonder
But nobody knows for sure
For me I honestly believe
That himself the Devil put them there
Just to confuse the hell out of me
It enought to make you swear!

1 again + Chorus that fades

***This is my first try at writting a song in a long time. Its to honor my fathers accordian that he has had since he was sixteen. Based off of all the stories he has told me about the crazy times they have had together I tried to write about what it is to play one, loving so much it makes your heart explode when you play it right to when you want to crush the damned thing.

1046994  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-09-25
Written: (5743 days ago)

This poem is a work in progress, which is why it is up here rather than in my house. Would love feedback.

The world seems maximizing
The people prophacizing
Wars pulverizing
Darkness emasculating
With their power
And hungerious greed
Are terrifingly feminizing
I find this all mesmerizing

1046970  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-09-25
Written: (5743 days ago)

A passage from one of Salman Rushdie's books. Read it and really think about it. He is one of the most inciteful people on the planet. It will blow your mind if you understand it.

"For a long time I have believed...in a fourth function of Outsidedness - that in every generation there are a few souls, call them lucky or cursed, who are simply born not to belong, who come into the world semi-detached if you like, without strong affiliation with family or location or nation or race; that there may even be millions, billions of such souls as many non-belongers as belongers perhaps, that; in sum, the phenomenon may be as "natural" a manifestation of human nature as its opposite, but one that has been mostly frustrated, throughout human history, by lack of opportunity. And not only by that; for those who value stability, who fear transience, uncertainty, change, have erected a powerful system of stigmas and taboos against rootlessness; that disruptive, anti-social force, so that we mostly conform, we pretend to be motivated by loyalties and solidarities we do not really feel, we hide our secret identities beneath the false skins of those identities which bear the belongers' seal of approval. But the truth leaks out in our dreams; alone in our beds (because we are all alone at night, even if we do not sleep by ourselves), we soar, we fly, we flee. And in the waking dreams our societies permit, in our myths, our arts, our songs, we celebrate the non-belongers, the different ones, the outlaws, the freaks."

                   ~~~Salman Rushdie~~~

Think about it!

1045039  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-09-11
Written: (5757 days ago)

I saw this thing on "Best of Craigslist" it is a REAL craigslist posting...its fucking hilarious!!!

Instructions: Please answer the questions below as directed in each section. You will be marked for grammar, spelling, cleverness, creativity and boob-size. Please keep in mind that while this is not an application for a job, your performance on this test will be a reflection of your ability to achieve certain positions once out in the real world. When the clock strikes the hour, you may begin. You have sixty minutes to complete the test.

Section One: Multiple Choice (Answer All, 5 points)

When submitting answers via email, please copy and paste the question and then your answer selection beside it.

Q1. Six months into our relationship, I go away to a tropical location with my family for a week over Christmas. This vacation was planned as a family event two years prior to meeting you. This is:
a) A great opportunity to get some things done without me around.
b) A great opportunity to attempt to sleep with my college roommate and/or my boss.
c) A sign that you are probably just a casual thing that I could toss aside at any given moment despite the fact I bought you probably the most thoughtful gift you've ever received and written you a letter for every day that I'll be gone, inciting you to 'Go on the Defensive.'
d) Occasion to have a sexy dinner at home the night before I leave, and a mini 'welcome home' party when I get back that’s guest list is just you, me, a bottle of wine and a pack of condoms.

Q2. We've talked every night for eight days (not including the dinner/opera show I took you to on Saturday night that was followed by possibly your worst performance in bed ever, or the Monday night that I came over and we spent the evening making Rachel Ray recipes and watching Heroes followed by the best oral sex I've ever given you), with conversation time averaging about an hour per night. On a Thursday night, when on a deadline, I express a need to get off the phone so I can finish some work and go to bed at a reasonable hour. You:
a) Express your feelings of devotion in three words or less, then and quickly say goodbye after confirming plans for tomorrow night are still on.
b) Say goodbye, but then immediately begin talking about something that we hadn't discussed as thoroughly as is scientifically, legally or religiously possible two nights prior.
c) Take that as a sign that I'm abandoning you, and begin to point out that because of it I have commitment issues, that you're clearly not my priority, and then cry.
d) Say goodbye, but manage to do it with such menace and venom that I stay on the phone for another three silence filled hours, broken only by fits of gentle weeping and suicide threats.

Q3. I'm throwing change at your cleavage, which is readily on display in that loose fitting tank top you wear around my place on Sundays after brunch. Do you:
a) Wing the largest of the coins at my head, with an evil glare and then refuse to speak to me for the rest of the day.
b) Encourage my behavior, and allow me to purchase Afternoon Delights from you at discount prices.
c) Cry.
d) Cry and pick a fight with me, taking my actions as a total lack of respect for you and then begin to point out that because of it I have commitment issues, that you're clearly not my priority, and then cry some more.

Q4. We're having a fight. You:
a) Throw me out of your apartment, then thirty minutes later send 17 texts and attempt to call 13 times in the space of six minutes.
b) Give me space when the discussion gets too heated for rational thought, and redress your complaints in a calm manner when we've both had a chance to cool down.
c) Flip me the bird.
d) Wail on my junk.
e) both c and d
f) realize that the fight is about nothing, and begin creating fictional problems and make wild accusations about my obsession with material goods and having a wandering eye.
g) f, then d, then c.

Q5. I play [video games OR tabletop gaming OR fantasy football]. You:
a) Want to join in, because it looks like hella fun.
b) Leave me to it, in the hopes that I'll leave you a few things to participate in on your own.
c) Attempt to get me to quit, and use tactics like nagging, vandalism and emotional sabotage as an effective campaign against what you call my 'nerdy addiction.'
d) c, but also include deriding me to your friends.

Section Two: True or False (Answer All, 10 points)

When submitting answers via email, please copy and paste the question and then your answer selection beside it.

Q1. Rationale and Reason are the same thing.

Q2. A cheerleader AND/OR schoolgirl outfit is a wardrobe must.

Q3. Talking in your 'cute voice' just before you put my balls in my mouth is sexy.

Q4. Learning body language and communication cues is important.

Q5. 'Anchorman' and 'Superbad' are hilarious movies.

Q6. "But it's cute when I do it" should be a legally viable defense.

Q7. Chest hair is gross.

Q8. Bono is probably the most important political figure of our generation.

Q9. Sex is an important part of a relationship, and should be had frequently, often, whenever possible - within moderation, of course.

Q10. A relationship is metaphorically a two way street. So is your butt.

Section Three: Short Essay. (Answer ONE, 5 points)

Please select one of the following questions and answer it as fully as time will allow. Please try and be as descriptive as possible, and where applicable, come up with at least TWO convincing arguments to support your case. Arguments must be backed up with cited evidence, not anecdotal perspective.

Q1. If I was a crime-fighting vigilante by night, what efforts would you make to support my cause about the rising threat of evil in this city?

Q2. Please come up with a convincing game-plan for having me come shopping with you, keeping in mind my retail oriented attention span is about twelve minutes, and I am prone to wandering after flashing lights and shiny things.

Q3. Please argue why you are (do) or are not (do not): 'Down to Earth', 'Have a sense of humor' and 'Laid back'. Bonus if you can include evidence to confirm that you truly do avoid 'head games.'

Please submit answers via the email link provided. Please also keep a copy of this test and your answers to submit to future suitors for reference. Remember to ensure your name, number and bra size are clearly written at the top of your paper, and don't forget to attach a photo (3/4 length or full).

1039828  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-08-04
Written: (5795 days ago)


Step close
Step away
Step close
Step away
Triple one
Triple two
this waltz we do
Circles and circles
Step close
Feel the heat
Step away
Feel the wilt
Step close
Step away
Triple one
Triple two
Spinin' and wirlin'
Like we do
Around the floor
More and more
less and less
Then found
Crushed toes
Hightened spirits
Exausted bodies
As the music dies down
To the last slow song
Everyone looks aross the floor
and all I know
Is I love you

1038651  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-07-25
Written: (5805 days ago)

Fluttering Light
I'm burnt out
Tainted by self abuse
I've meandered the streets
I've seen it all
Victimizations of all sorts
I've spent every moment
Making life better for others
Then one night
On a screen
I see a caretaker
Who has been through it
Lost that innocence
That I gave away for a thrill
Knows life for the giving
This little fluttering light
Small and blinding
Has made me see
See what I'm made of
What I will be
What I desire
Driven again
A fluttering light is all it took
A Firefly is all it is
I have found Humane Perfection
I will chase this Firefly
all night and day
Just to be reborn
And again
And again....
                     ~Patrick Nicholas "Simba" Commins

1038045  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-07-20
Written: (5810 days ago)
Next in thread: 1038587, 1057249

Exomatic Insomnia

With a single choice
Microscopic pins
An entire galaxy can change
With a single choice
Macroscopic bugs
A persons world can change
Under unexplained reasons
We humans have a gift
A special uniqueness
The ability of awareness
Awareness of the power of choice
More so
We control the awareness
And yet
Even though we all have this gift
Most wander the world
In a dream
Of stolid insomnia
               ~Patrick N. Commins

1035229  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-06-12
Written: (5848 days ago)

Well here I am, once again, watching the sunrise and set. Watching the cars drive by to work, then watching them come back. Sitting as the songs on birds die away, along with the rest of the existance of sound, leaving me alone till the day begins again. Most people don't wakingly exist during the hours of my waking dreams. I wish more people understood what this was like.

1034262  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-06-07
Written: (5853 days ago)

I'm moveing all of my poetry that was in my house to here....to save space I think is the reason.

Killer In The Night

She came at night riding the wind's red kite
Like a wisp of black smoke
She came at night,
They screamed
She cut
They died
And all before twilight's bright light
They all assumed the baby died as well
They cleaned the mess,
Sold the house,
And all was soon forgot among many other thoughts
Every now and then
A shadow would appear
Kimono fluttering to the side
A strangled cry, hushed with a finger
A rich laugh carried though out the twilight
They tried to wach the figure
Always to far gone
The sun would soon go down
The shadow disappears
And they'd be left with it's moking laugh,
Ringing in their ears
         ~Patrick Commins~

The Demons of Hate
The Demons of Hate fester in Hell and Our world
They make things worse for all who precieve them
They brood and try to get Us to comit genocidel acts
War, to cause death and destrution here
Jealosy, to cause constant and reacurring sorrow here
Money, to create a median for everything within Their power

All out of spite for Our choices given
By the One whose agendas affect Us all
For Him, it is a crusade against evil
For Them, it is a fight for freedom and rights
In his eyes They rebeled and tried to over thow Him
In Theirs, They thought He was being unfair and tried to make a point

He cast them out as punishment
They came back for a second try
He tried to rid Himself of Them completely
They hid here, within Us
People like you and me
He wishes to harm Them
People like you and me

All They want is the ability to speak Their minds
He gave it to Us, and We sander His name with it
We waste the gift They weren't given
And that is why I sympathize with...
The Demons of Hate....
                 ~Patrick Commins~

Hollowed Ground?

I’ve wandered this world wide
Staring at the country side
I’ve seen plots been set,
To build on
Foundations laid,
To live in
And a cross,
To worship to
It’s a great cause to follow,
But is it truly worth following?
Just look.
How did they get the money?
Everything in this world costs money
Even a place to kneel and pray
The church gives pardons to forgive your sins
If you have enough sin to pay for it
If you want a free one you must crawl to their feet
Just to get one mistake forgiven
The pastors “pray” with the nuns
The nunneries have lost their reason
And so, the “plots” are plotted
Buildings built for the “blessings”
The foundations of a hierarchy are born
The crosses erected to challenge the test of time itself
Hundreds of people worship every day
But tell me,
Is this truly hollowed ground?
      ~Patrick Commins~

A True Friend

A friend is with you,
To be your council when in need
A friend is beside you,
To back up your causes and beliefs
A friend is in front of you,
To take a blow for you
These are what make a friend and companion
They don’t compare to what a true friend does
A true friend is with you,
To be your council when in need or not
A true friend is beside you,
To back up your causes and beliefs and keeps you going
A true friend is in front of you,
To take a blow for you and fight for you
A true friend is behind you,
To take a knife in the back for you
And most importantly,
A true friend is against you,
To tell you when your wrong
And so,
That is what sets a true friend apart,
From the rift-raft-people you will meet during your life
And the people you should keep at your side,
For the rest of your days…
Don’t lose them; there are only a few in the world.
~Patrick Commins~
1034259  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-06-07
Written: (5853 days ago)


Your life was too short bro, hope your new life is as giving, promising, and inspiring as the one I'm still in. Can't wait to catch up with you my homie!
 The logged in version 

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