..Atleast I know why now..
He just stopped loving me...
In three days he made the decision that makes the past four months of dating worthless...
Just like me...
Three days ruined a year and a half of work and commitment and pain..
I feel used...
And broken..
Like there just isn't any escaping it...
Things will never be the same for me..
He'll move on...and I'll just have to cope..
I'll have to sit here and watch him be happy with someone else...
Because he just doesn't see me as anything more than a friend anymore..
I wasn't even worth a hint or a clue...He just dumped me....without warning...
He killed me...
He killed me with his kindness the bastard...
He didn't want to hurt me yet it's all he did...
Which means that I'll be pouring myself into my summer art projects, my music, and preparing for next school year...
Beacuase it's all that I have left...
well....it says that my diary is sad and empty so i decided to fill it up with this random little entry