Well this is it, I'm off for the 2 whole months. I will be back on either the 8 or 9th September'2006
I will miss everyone and I'm sure they will miss me too. I'll be back before they know it, lol.
So take care everyone and if I'm lucky, i will try my best to get on computer while I am there.
Speak to you all soon,
Lots of Love,
P.S. Leave Me a Message If You Love Me or If You Want To Talk To Me. When I Come Back On I Will Get Back To You!!!!! ^^
well 1 more day left and thats it, im going for 2 whole months!!!! its my dads birthday today but i forgot until yesterday and bought my dads birthday card this morning, i also bought a sketch book, with pencils and a sharpner because ill proberly will get bored so i can now draw stuff, also, i bought a bolloon thats says congradulation
well got to go
well 2 more days left and thats it, im off to pakistan for 2 months!!!! i dotn really know if ill will get on elftown or not but i hope i do
got to go
not long now,6days left till i g away for the nest 2 months *raises left eyebrow*. tommrow im off to visit my snobby cousins in london and then sunday last minute shopping, and then thats it, thinking of shopping its my dads birthday on tuesday :S forgotten his birthday through so much tension but once im in Pakistan i should enjoy myself as i will never will ever 2months off in my life. I dyed my hair today this time its wierd as its gone dark gingery red colour :S but i guess its ok but when imm in Pakistan im worried that the sun is going to change the colour to a blonde colour lol. *sighs* anyway ill try and put more in my diary later on in the week until i got so
cant beliove it ENGLAND lost omgoodness but they played well, but the fucking portugals arghhhh im not a happy bunny they fucking cheaters
well what can i say.....ive finally finishd school hurray :D!!! i digned off along with sarah and holly. and i had to make the effort to get out of bed this morning becuase i had to go in the morning and it sucks because im soooooooo tierd but anyway got to go byeeeeeeeeeee
well it was a really good day. i went out with my parents to do shopping for me to take with me to Pakistan and my mum bought me 2 lush England Tops from NewLook, then in Debanhams i bought and England Hat, and also from there i bought really lush earings which was on sale, and facial powder because the other day i had about half of it left and some how it fell on the floor all of it was gone i was really suprised so i bought a brand new one to day :P
well got to go
bye XxX
omgoodness, i totally forgot about fathers day :S, i remebered last week because my mum was talking about it and said ill make dad one but some how i forgot lol nevermind, its his birthday next month.
well its confirmed that im going to Pakistan next month and i might be there for more than a month :S but atleast ill get some shopping done lol.
i saw my parents going through our cabinet today and i saw that i had my old school reports from verious schools from when i was young. lol i looked at my reports and most of them did say that ive been distracted many times in school and the best ever year ive at had school was year 9 because thats hwere i met by 2 best mates in the world sarah and holly. now schools finished im going to keep everything because it will be a really good remeberance when im older, it will be a brilliant laugh lol.
couple of days ago, i recived my school photos which i (my dad actually bought it)bought ages ago, i liked the photo at first but i look like a FREAK !!! lol i really do, i dont think im that good looking or not but i dont really care well got to go and check on the pizza before it BURNS!!!
omgoodness, ive finally hvae fished off my whole of my GCSE!!! im so happy :D, i dont really lknow what to do now,so you know.....
well better get going
ah man i broke my glasses on friday, well just 30minutes before i was goign to leave to go to sachool!!! well i wouldnt say i broke it but the spring broke or something, so i went on sunday into town and some how its not going to be fixed!! :S nevermind, on top of that my dad will not let me have contacts either but i dont care ill probelry will get some, well just maybe coloured ones for my bros wedding! he he, well got to go
this soooooooooooo sucks, i was in history for my last exam of the week, i didnt even finish, well i sort of did, but i finished everything except the very last source which was D, and i only had 5minutes left *sighs* man this sooo sucks well never mind, if i do get a crappy garde then im not botherd by it
must go
had science test today! funny though, i went into the exam hall and turned to my left and i saw sarah lol bless her, it was so funny, and right towards the end (i know its gay) but when the exam finshed sarah was doing somthing lol and kinda dropped the card of which has her name and stuff on it! i saw it fall on the floor and i started to giggle lol lucly non of the teachers saw me, it was so funny, and when the teachers came round picking up the cards i looked on the floor and saw sarahs card there and i started to laugh again, omgoodness, it was soo funny lol, anyway must go
got school tommorow (sighs) got told off today by my dad for not doing any revsion over this halfterm but he was right! ive also got a migranine which sucks! got maths tommrow (sighs again), well i hope i dont panic, anyway must go
Ive finshed school now, yipeeeeeeeeee*
wow wat a week, monday was a rainy then tuesday was also a rainy day, wednesday was a warm day which also meant P.E. outside playing rounders which is an awsome ame, we won it! yipeeeee. anyway the last couple of days has been good, also hot. anway this time next week ill be finishing school to do my GCSE's which is in 2weeks time :S, thengo in for a induction day for 6th form and go back into school for the secound time to sign off. im counting down the days and i cannot wait :P wekll best get going.
argghhh im so bloody pissed off! my bro is so annyoying! im such a week person i can cy at anything, this includes me bro turing off the computer!!! for no apparent reason, i walked off crying and then dugged my nails into me arm, to to get rid of the anger. i walked into the consevetry and then started cry for about 10minutes lol, then got up and ended up punching the wall! my bro is so annoying, he annoys me and calls me names and i dont like it, he thinks he's being funny but he's not and when i tell me parents what he done they just ignoure me and dont bother doing anything about it! well better got
bloody hell, hay fevers started for me, i had water coming out of my eyes and no i was not vrying lol. not long now till my exams 'GCSE' :S lol. ive done some revision and i am hoping to get atleat some good grades! anyway it was a good day and im, hungry at the mo lol. *yawwns* im tierd.im on hotmail and listening to system of a down which are my FAV band ever! *yawwns again* my nails broken so ive got to get that sorted. well best go, incase im boring you lol
Being on Easters holiday is fun, you get to relax and everything, however I’m meant to be doing revision although I cannot be asked my exams only next month I hope I do pass!!
Anyway I’m going to try and get Kierion out of my head because he deserves better! Not a low life like me. He needs to be in love with some his own age, someone who can treat him better and love him this same way as I did, also let me get on with my life. It’s also a good thing that I don’t have credit because it is a sign to show that Kierion is not the right one for me. It’s not the end of the world; I still have my best mates. I hope I don’t end up seeing Kierion at all, I wouldn’t know what to say, although I do fancy this guy who is a year younger than me. His name is Luke; I’ve fancied him since year 9! Lol I’m not crazy about him, oh no, unbelievable anyway better go and sort my self out and then watch Amityville horror :o lol
hiya,im sat in ICT today,first tiomewritting a diary from school. lol Gregs a Prick lol
im so bored, lisa D is funny, and bleeding tears smellz lol
anyway better go or else im done for! lol
P.S. i dropped my phone yesterday it basically slipped out of my hand.
it was a good day until i finaly dropped my mobile phone on CONCRETE!!! its ok now except there is some scratches, but it still works!! lol also it was raining and luckly it didnt fall into the PUDDLE!! lol anyway last week i went too morrisons whihc is 5minutes away from my house although i went in the car because i was coming back from Cheltenham, anyway i went in there for 2 reasons, (1) To buy so moose for my hair to keep it curley (NOT THE ANIMAL MOOSE) and (2) To see Kierion. however he was'nt working that day whiched sucked because i wasted my time going there. also Mouse ( a guy called adam who we call Mouse) shouted my name out and waved to me, so i waved back lol, he is a sweet guy bless him! anyway got to go and make a wiki,