[Sesil]'s diary

886570  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-12-13
Written: (6380 days ago)

This week is ok, we break up this friday can't wait! I've got to the hospital tommrow to have a blood test for the very 2nd time. Cant wait!
Also I can't till Xmas, becuase for some reason I'm so excited lol
Well got to go

882305  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-12-03
Written: (6390 days ago)

Smart and Silly day was awsome. I had lots of fun. Everyone commented me on what I was wearing and no-one turned and said it looked horrible. Although when i walked into the 6th form room I kinda lost my balance and nearly fell but luckly I did'nt fall on my ass, it would've been amusing for eveyone. Lol. I went to work yesterday 9-6 my boss is a total DICK I wish my assistant manager was back but she's busy.
Well got to go
byeeeeeeeeeeee XxX

878542  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-11-24
Written: (6399 days ago)

Went to work today, just me and my assistant manager at the end. Got paid, I did'nt get much only £71.75 but I'm going to save that :D When I finished work today I accidently called my Rileys house instead of my house number becuase I was'nt concertrating oops lol I somehow have forgoten my house number how embarassing *blushes* lol. It's smart and silly day a week today can't wait really *yawns* I'm working tommorow and sunday so lots and lots of money. This week has'nt been bad although it has been raining AND yesterday both of my umbrellas broke becuase of the bloody wind, I was not happy :(. Oh and my brother knows how to find out peoples passwords on hotmail so people who I have added beware as he will try and find out your password
anyway got to go byeeeeeeee XxX

876248  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-11-18
Written: (6405 days ago)

Went to work today, it was ok not bad busy but not bad. I walked there and by the time I got to work my hand were numb as anything and I could hardly do anything. I worked from 9AM-2PM so it was'nt bad. I'm home now, nice and warm and I'm sat by the heater to keep me warm. Luckly I've hardly got any homework to do so I'm all good :P. I'm tierd though. Yesterday me and my best mate Riley went to our home town, well technically it's Riley's but I was born there (Cheltenham) and wanted to look for a fancydress costume except we have to go back on Tuesday (I think) to look at them! I only have a week 2 week yesterday until the 6th form smart and silly day (can't wait). Also in Cheltenham it started to rain and this was an accident but I took my umbrella with me and it was broken but it still worked but it kept on poking Riley in the head lol. It was really funny. I could'nt stop laughing niether could Riley *sighs* well I really enjoyed my self, especially the umbrella poking Riley in the head lol, I'm never going to forget that.
Well got to go,

873331  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-11-10
Written: (6413 days ago)

Woooooooooooooooo. Now where shall I start?? well I've started by job on Monday and went to work on Thursday, and today and I will also be going in tommorow (Satuarday)too. Lots and Lots of money coming my way lol. Schools been good, done my coruse work and have been chilling and so on.
Well got to go,

871138  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-11-04
Written: (6419 days ago)

It's not been a bad week until yesterday (Friday) I put my lenses on and I kinda liked fucked up my eyes!!!!! especially my right eye, it was properly blood shotted and I was in alot of pain, and on top my eyes kept on closing automatically so it was hard to keep my eyes open. Also I had an interview and I've got a job too :P hurray!!!. Anyway as I was saying. I woke up this morning and yet my eyes was halfish better but it kept on closing again and again and I foind it hard to actually look at somthing bright as my eyes have now become a bit sensative towards sunlight or anything bright but I can still see alright (thank goodness) I've now thrown my lenses away and now I'm going to get some new ones but monthly ones intsead. My eyes are still doing it now, there still a bit sensative to some think bright, even if I look at my monitor my eyes start to close :S but I'll live. Also squishy (chris) left has left 6th form, I miss him already and Travel and Toursim is going to be boring with out him and I have to put up with IT!!! you know who you are lol :P
I didnt go out due to my eyes but I stayed at home and i watched the "Excorsit The Begining" then my work place called me and wanting to know if I would come in for a few hours but I said no due to my eye. And yes I am talking about my too much but it's really hard to keep my eyes open but there a bit better now. So I'm going to head off now

866558  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-10-23
Written: (6431 days ago)


Wow, got a week off school, this so sucks! *yawns* + i have to read 75 pages of on ICT so boring *sighs*. i havnt been up to much other than watching my Jdramas (Japanese Drama) oh and today, i went off and raided the cupbored and i saw some chocolate muffins and took one and its was telling me not to eat it, but i didnt listen to it properly, i thought it said 'eat me eat me' lol so you know what happend next dont ya.
well got to go, must go and annoy my best friend Riley!!
he he

858473  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-10-01
Written: (6453 days ago)


Wooooo! what a week. Itfs not been a bad week really, although I think I got an infection my eyes proberly from wearing the contacts to much but itfs sorted now, its better. I went out yesterday and bought my self a tank top shirt to wear this Tuesday as its open day and me and Riley have volunteered to show these year 6th parents round school. I just hope it doesnft decided to rain, Ifm wearing my sister NEW YORK shoes and the last thing I would want to do is get them wet and dirty, but to keep on the safe side Ifm going to take my VANS in and wear then round school.

Although there just one thing that did piss me off quite badly and that is WHY THE FUCK IS EVERYONE BEING SO SUCKING NOSY!!!! I donft fucking understand itfs got nothing to do with them and there like EHY or
EHATS HAPPEND? Or TELL US just fuck off, Ifm not going to tell you ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH *sighs*

Oh this week I went job hunting managed to only find out that there was only 2 going so Ifve got an application form and all I need to do is send it off maybe tomorrow. I hope I do get an interview and the job even if itfs just once week I will me happy to work and earn some money for once.

Ifm hungry now! And Ifm still waiting to munch on some roast which I have been waiting for the past 2hours!!!!! *sighs* never mind

Anyway got to go

854891  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-09-20
Written: (6464 days ago)


whoooooooooooooooooooooooo god its good to be back. Being away for 7weeks was hard.

I really enjoyed myself in Pakistan and to be honest I got so attached i didnt really want to leave!!! but one day I will go back and stay there for months or so. Not much really happend, although the wedding was amazing and it was awsome I really enjoyed my self and had lots of fun with my cousins and all.

I'm not a big fan of dancing in front of everyone as I'm a very shy person to dance (unless on my own) but for some reason I dont really know what came over me but I started to dance for the first time in front of everyone and the camera man zoomed in on me while I was dancing lol :P I didnt even get embbarassed or shy but I guess that this was my brothers wedding so I must of been dead happy.

There were lots of picture taken and I'm tring to get them on different sites but it's not letting me place them on there, but if I try my hardest then I will be sure to get them up on Elftown

Well must go

850844  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-09-09
Written: (6475 days ago)

well yeah im back, big deal, the wedding was good and ive got pics too

823349  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-07-12
Written: (6534 days ago)
Next in thread: 824366

Well this is it, I'm off for the 2 whole months. I will be back on either the 8 or 9th September'2006'
I will miss everyone and I'm sure they will miss me too. I'll be back before they know it, lol.
So take care everyone and if I'm lucky, i will try my best to get on computer while I am there.
Speak to you all soon,
Lots of Love,

P.S. Leave Me a Message If You Love Me or If You Want To Talk To Me. When I Come Back On I Will Get Back To You!!!!! ^^

822650  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-07-11
Written: (6535 days ago)

well 1 more day left and thats it, im going for 2 whole months!!!! its my dads birthday today but i forgot until yesterday and bought my dads birthday card this morning, i also bought a sketch book, with pencils and a sharpner because ill proberly will get bored so i can now draw stuff, also, i bought a bolloon thats says congradulations on your wedding day, ooo cant wiat,!!!
well got to go

821938  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-07-10
Written: (6536 days ago)

well 2 more days left and thats it, im off to pakistan for 2 months!!!! i dotn really know if ill will get on elftown or not but i hope i do
got to go

820498  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-07-07
Written: (6539 days ago)

not long now,6days left till i g away for the nest 2 months *raises left eyebrow*. tommrow im off to visit my snobby cousins in london and then sunday last minute shopping, and then thats it, thinking of shopping its my dads birthday on tuesday :S forgotten his birthday through so much tension but once im in Pakistan i should enjoy myself as i will never will ever 2months off in my life. I dyed my hair today this time its wierd as its gone dark gingery red colour :S but i guess its ok but when imm in Pakistan im worried that the sun is going to change the colour to a blonde colour lol. *sighs* anyway ill try and put more in my diary later on in the week until i got so

818000  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-07-01
Written: (6545 days ago)

cant beliove it ENGLAND lost omgoodness but they played well, but the fucking portugals arghhhh im not a happy bunny they fucking cheaters

815567  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-06-28
Written: (6548 days ago)


well what can i say.....ive finally finishd school hurray :D!!! i digned off along with sarah and holly. and i had to make the effort to get out of bed this morning becuase i had to go in the morning and it sucks because im soooooooo tierd but anyway got to go byeeeeeeeeeee

813519  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-06-24
Written: (6552 days ago)

well it was a really good day. i went out with my parents to do shopping for me to take with me to Pakistan and my mum bought me 2 lush England Tops from NewLook, then in Debanhams i bought and England Hat, and also from there i bought really lush earings which was on sale, and facial powder because the other day i had about half of it left and some how it fell on the floor all of it was gone i was really suprised so i bought a brand new one to day :P
well got to go
bye XxX

810104  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-06-18
Written: (6558 days ago)

omgoodness, i totally forgot about fathers day :S, i remebered last week because my mum was talking about it and said ill make dad one but some how i forgot lol nevermind, its his birthday next month.
well its confirmed that im going to Pakistan next month and i might be there for more than a month :S but atleast ill get some shopping done lol.

i saw my parents going through our cabinet today and i saw that i had my old school reports from verious schools from when i was young. lol i looked at my reports and most of them did say that ive been distracted many times in school and the best ever year ive at had school was year 9 because thats hwere i met by 2 best mates in the world sarah and holly. now schools finished im going to keep everything because it will be a really good remeberance when im older, it will be a brilliant laugh lol.

couple of days ago, i recived my school photos which i (my dad actually bought it)bought ages ago, i liked the photo at first but i look like a FREAK !!! lol i really do, i dont think im that good looking or not but i dont really care well got to go and check on the pizza before it BURNS!!!

808640  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-06-15
Written: (6561 days ago)

omgoodness, ive finally hvae fished off my whole of my GCSE!!! im so happy :D, i dont really lknow what to do now,so you know.....
well better get going

807655  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-06-13
Written: (6563 days ago)

ah man i broke my glasses on friday, well just 30minutes before i was goign to leave to go to sachool!!! well i wouldnt say i broke it but the spring broke or something, so i went on sunday into town and some how its not going to be fixed!! :S nevermind, on top of that my dad will not let me have contacts either but i dont care ill probelry will get some, well just maybe coloured ones for my bros wedding! he he, well got to go

806580  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-06-11
Written: (6565 days ago)

this soooooooooooo sucks, i was in history for my last exam of the week, i didnt even finish, well i sort of did, but i finished everything except the very last source which was D, and i only had 5minutes left *sighs* man this sooo sucks well never mind, if i do get a crappy garde then im not botherd by it
must go

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