[Adaria_Moonlight]'s diary

1019301  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-03-21
Written: (6034 days ago)
Next in thread: 1019413

Had a really screwy dream just before I woke up about trying to move a treadmill on a city bus, and losing my laptop in the process... It almost surprises me how much that dream upset me.

Speaking of my laptop, I think it may have a virus.. I've been using less than ideal virus protections software for about a year now, so it really shouldn't be all that surprising.. It's one of those things I need to get corrected as soon as possible. Damn school for keeping me so busy any how.. And the fact that there's no Best Buy in Kelowna, and I won't have time to leave my comp with them to be serviced before I leave. *sighs and grumbles*

1019218  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-03-20
Written: (6035 days ago)

I'm sad to discover that the non-live version of Dave Matthew's song "Crush" is missing at least two verses.. And good ones at that! I like the overall sound of it better than the live version though..

1019194  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-03-20
Written: (6035 days ago)
Next in thread: 1019196, 1019268

Well, that's it, I'm basically done. 

I was right and I didn't pass my reception practical exam.. by a lousy 2 marks *laughs* But it's all good and I just have to do up a short essay about vaccine policy and why it's important and stuff. I guess in my scatter brained rush at the end, I printed up the vaccine certificate for the vet to sigh, but didn't indicate which vaccines I gave the animal! Woops. Oh well. I'm just glad I don't have to repeat the exam, because that would mean flying back to Edmonton for one bloody day in May, and that would be very inconvenient. 

And the card marker was busted, so they couldn't mark our comprehensive exams, so no one had to re-write *grins*

I celebrated by buying a new pair of jeans to replace the two I've had to retire this month because they were just too worn out, and a new CD *grins*

But now I have a whole lot of packing to do to get ready to move on Saturday, and all I feel like is a nap.. *chuckles* Ah well, not like I have to get up early, so I may just give in to that urge and stay up a little later. I'm going to miss Ann and Ash the most, but they both promise they will stay in touch.

Now I just have to do well and impress my clinic during my practicum.. I don't think that will be too too hard. I've never done anything -but- at the clinics I've worked at to date. I guess the expectations are a little higher this time, but I think I'm up to it.

The other challenge of Kelowna will be crawling out of my comfort zone, and getting out there and -meeting- people. That's going to be the really hard part, I think.

Well, here goes nothing!

1018915  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-03-19
Written: (6036 days ago)
Next in thread: 1018926, 1018962

Funniest thing.. I suddenly feel way better about my small animal nutrition final exam today.. I was just going over my midterm in that subject, checking what I had gotten wrong, and realized that on the little sheet we get of our mc answers, it didn't show an answer for me on the last 5, but I had answers circled in my test page.. So bugger it all, I must have forgotten to transfer my answers to the scantron card when I was writing! But, that means that instead of 73% on the mc, I should have had 90%. Big difference. *chuckles* Oh well, not that can be done now. Good to know though. Guess I should have looked at it a little closer when Dr.Parks handed these back. I might have been able to do something about it then..

1018626  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-03-18
Written: (6037 days ago)
Next in thread: 1018695

My brain feels like goo

1018369  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-03-17
Written: (6038 days ago)
Next in thread: 1018551

Just wanted to share some gorgeous rainbow shots with anyone who's interested


1018359  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-03-17
Written: (6038 days ago)
Next in thread: 1018361, 1018387

You know, a part of me is kinda sad that this is all basically going to be over in 4 short days. 

When I first applied to the program, 2 years sounded like an eternity. The thought that I wouldn't be done school till I was 25 actually bothered me. But these two years have flown by at an extraordinary rate. 

I don't think it's the schooling it self I'm going to miss. Gods know I won't miss the long hours of studying when I would rather be doing just about anything else.. But at the same time, some of my classes were a lot of fun. Especially the large animal portion with Brad and Erin.

I guess, when you think about it, it's not really surprising that what I'm going to miss is the people. Not all of them of course, but that's only to be expected. But even the ones that I wasn't personally that close with were still a part of pretty much every day for the last two years.

I know that, with the exception of at grad in June, I will never talk to most of these people again. Nor, I guess, really think about them all that much. There's .. I would say 4 people that I hope I don't lose touch with. One, I can pretty much guarantee I wont, but the other 3 I'm not so sure about.

This is why I didn't want to go away to school. You make some really good friends, then you leave. Not that it would have made much difference now, since I'm moving to Kelowna any how, but still.. It just seems to be the trend of the last 12 years of my life. *shrugs* Oh well.

I should do the things I'm actually -supposed- to be doing now, like eating breakfast and doing some last minute cramming for radiology.

Wish me luck on all my exams folks, because I'm not doing near the amount of studying I should be.


1018205  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-03-16
Written: (6039 days ago)
Next in thread: 1018230, 1018352

I took the photographs and what not down off my wall today, in preparation for the move. The walls look so empty and lonely now..

1017969  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-03-15
Written: (6040 days ago)

Aargh! I'm trying to empty out the cupboards and the freezer and what not in getting ready for the move(s) next weekend, so I don't have to move food, but the unfortunate result is that there's bloody well nothing good to eat around here! Especially by way of breakfast food. Have to go out any way to get a couple of month's worth on my prescriptions to hold me until I can find a new Dr. to get them from in Kelowna, and it's going to be so hard to fight the temptation to buy yummy junk..

And Gods Damn it! It looks like winter out there again..

1017890  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-03-14
Written: (6041 days ago)

I seriously do not feel like studying. I think I'll pack. At least that way I'm still being productive..

1017686  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-03-13
Written: (6042 days ago)

So, I've decided to wait till I'm in Kelowna to adopt a dog, just because it'll be less stressful form me -and- the dog that way. But.. *chuckles* that doesn't stop me from looking now.. 

These are the 4 that I would like to go meet when I get to kelowna if they're still there.





The last two are the two I'm most interested in. Of course, I definitely need to meet them to see if their personality is a match for me, but yes, I'm interested.

1017247  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-03-11
Written: (6043 days ago)
Next in thread: 1017252, 1017304

Well, so. My Practical exam today went -way- better than I expected, and Yay! It was my last one! I still ran out of time, which I totally expected to, but I got -almost- everything done. Everything went crazy smooth for the most part, I even got blood on my first poke. The only thing that really went -wrong-, per say, was my urinalysis. It was the stupidest urinalysis ever! It was like, "Hmm, nothing, nothing, nothing, squamous epithelial cell, nothing nothing, little bit of bacteria, nothing nothing and something I've NEVER seen before, more nothing nothing nothing nothing, and something Else I'd NEVER seen before.." So yeah, I didn't finish filling out my requisition for that, because I hadn't figured out what I was going to call the crazy weird shit I'd never seen before.. And then I did my blood and ran out of time to go back.. *sigh* Oh well. I still got almost everything done and think I got a pretty decent mark. Even stuff that I usually have to do over again went right on the first try. Awesomeness. Yuppers. Angi's in a pretty good mood right now. 

'Sept now I have to get to studying, because while I may be done all my practicals, I've still got 5 written finals to worry about.


1016522  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-03-08
Written: (6047 days ago)
Next in thread: 1016584

Despite my protestations to the contrary, I fear that, to a large degree, I have become citified. (is slightly surprised to discover that's actually a word...) When weighing the pros and cons on the idea of remaining in Kelowna for longer than just my 5 week practicum, the biggest con's that come to mind are that it lacks certain big city amenities that I have become accustom to. Unfortunately, most of these "amenities" are also certain stores, namely..

a.) Kelowna has no BestBuy Electronics -- this is where all my major electronic purchases have been made, (digital camera, laptop, and MP3 player) and thusly -also- where I would take any of these said devices should anything malfunction with them (I purchased extra service plans on all of them since I have such rotten luck with electronics) So if anything were to happen to these devices, I would have to actually -send them away- to have them looked at. This is decidedly inconvenient. I also have $200 worth of gift cards from there that I got for christmas that was to go towards my new camera, and I don't know when I'm going to have the opportunity to use them..

b.) Kelowna lacks anything resembling a decent music store, which would mean all my music purchases would have to be made on line. A bit of a pain, but not as much as the first one.

c.) There is no MEC (Mountain Equipment Coop) in Kelowna. This is not -really- that bad a thing, because it would probably end up saving me money.. *chuckles* MEC is more of a habit than a need. I love shopping there, and I purchase a fair amount of my summer clothes there. I -can- live without one, but I love having one available.

d.) I'm really not sure how effective Kelowna's public transit system is, and I'll be reliant on it until such time as I get my license and can afford to purchase a vehicle.

So yes *chuckles* I've become quite used to having certain aspects of the "big city" available to me. I guess I'll cope. There are certainly a great number of pros to the location, hiking and paddling high on the list. We'll see how it evens out, eh?

1016390  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-03-07
Written: (6047 days ago)

Didn't take the dog, and I seem to have come down with Ann's daughter's cold. Shaping up to be a grand weekend.

1016260  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-03-07
Written: (6048 days ago)

Well, it was definitely a good day. Today was my second and last calving shift. The weather was nicer than last week, and I didn't go so hardcore on the mucking, so I probably won't hurt as bad tomorrow *fingers crossed* We didn't have any crazy aggressive mom's, thank goodness. Three pulls and I think 5 natural births. Only bad thing that happened was that Ann managed to leave the bag with our lunch sitting on the sidewalk in front of her house when we left in the morning, so I had to mooch off everyone else *chuckles* I was somewhat grumpy with her. It was still there when we got back though. Someone had moved it from the sidewalk to the front step. So we ate it for dinner *grins*

And, in other news... Got a call while I was out at the ranch, on Dr.Blair's cell phone, from our radiology instructor, Sandi. She thinks that yesterday's radiology dog would be an absolute -perfect- match with me. So.... I'm going to meet her tomorrow morning. Sandi got the pound to wait on sending her to the SPCA, and she brought the dog back to the school so I can meet her there. If I decide to take her, Sandi says she can be spayed at NAIT (so it'll cost me $25 instead of around $300, which is -totally- awesome. AND, she says that she will foster the dog for me at her place for the last couple of weeks of school, which will be easier on Ann, and mean I won't have to buy an insulated dog house, like I thought I would have to for Sam.

So, I meet her first thing tomorrow, and we'll see how things go. I'm bringing my camera, so if I'm taking her, I'll post a pic of her in her when I update. 

1015358  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-03-02
Written: (6053 days ago)
Next in thread: 1015383, 1015388, 1015473, 1015499

Final puppy update

I will not be adopting that dog after all, it seems. I did end up going down to the SPCA this afternoon. In fact, I just go home. The dog I had been waiting for for the last 20 or so days was not there. So I have no idea what happened to him. I have to assume that one of the staff at the SPCA decided he was the dog for them, and that he has a good home now, even if it's not with me. I have to admit that I'm more than a little sad right now.

1015307  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-03-01
Written: (6054 days ago)

Puppy update # 6

FRUSTRATION!! It looks like the dog I was talking to the girl at the SPCA about yesterday is -not- in fact my Sam dog. It's a lab cross, not even an Australian Shepherd cross! Aargh! So now I'm trying to get -back- in touch with the admissions desk and trying to get this straightened out... *sigh* I don't know what to do!!

1015177  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-02-29
Written: (6054 days ago)
Next in thread: 1015179, 1015229

Puppy update #5

Yay! I called the SPCA today during one of my class breaks, and Sam had his surgery (to neuter him) today, and if the incision looks good, he should be up on the adoptables page tomorrow! I'm super crazy excited. Wish me luck!

1014978  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-02-29
Written: (6055 days ago)

Well, had a good day out calving. Got to see a couple of fulls, which was nice, since last year I didn't even get to see any natural births, all the babies were there when we would come back from somewhere..

Worked -really- hard today. Basically spent the day mucking stalls again. I forgot how hard of work it is. I'm going to be hurting pretty bad tomorrow, I think.. On the drive home I was trying to decide what's going to hurt the most tomorrow (because I hurt in a lot of places) but I think I've settled on my lower back. So I'm going to fall asleep on my heating pad tonight and hopefully that will help.

Was totally worth it though. Can't wait to go again next thursday.

1014596  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-02-27
Written: (6057 days ago)
Next in thread: 1014646, 1014669

So, in the process of trying to get organized for the move to Kelowna in less than a month, when I went to pay my phone bill today (which was less than $100 this time! Yay me! Darn expensive international texts any how... *chuckles*) and thought I would inquire what will be involved in getting my number changed when I move. Yeah, so... *sigh* As it turns out, I'm going to have to switch service providers, because the provider I'm currently with doesn't have a local service area in Kelowna. Pain in the ass!! Thank goodness I chose to go month to month, rather than sign a contract (which I'll probably have to do now...) So now added to my ever growing list of things I need to accomplish in the next... 23 days is shopping for a new provider that's going to give me a decent deal. Hmm, well, on the plus side, maybe I'll be able to get a better $$ on international text messages.. *grins* Gotta find the bright side in everything, right?

1014219  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-02-25
Written: (6059 days ago)

Everything feels very complicated, all of a sudden. I've been looking this morning at what all I need to accomplish in the next month.. It -just- occurred to me that I have a whole bunch of paperwork to do, more than I would have if I wasn't moving to BC instead of staying in Alberta. 

Only three weeks till I write final exams, and practical exams start next week. I have to figure out what goes where in regards to packing and the moves.. (what goes to Calgary and what comes with me to Kelowna) Which also would have been a whole lot easier if I was just going to BC for my practicum and then coming back to Calgary. I have to find -time- to pack, and study for finals at the same time. And I have to some how contrive to keep my space presentable while doing this because my land lord is in the process of selling the condo. I currently have no idea how I'm going to manage all of this.

Still no idea what's going on with Sam, he hasn't come up for adoption yet. I think I may try calling the admissions desk and make sure he's actually still with them... Who knows, maybe they put him up as a stray and his owners came and got him. I have no idea. It hasn't -really- been that long since he was admitted, but I'm just anxious, so it feels like longer.. *sigh*

 The logged in version 

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